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chapter 2:They both have an erotic night

The cold wind is gently kissing my skin.
Damn!I hate this dress I'm wearing.I don't wanna fix myself because it would catch attention of any men I'd meet.I run, stopped for a while, and run again. Damn this drug's effects.
I'm burning inside, I wanna cool it down.I heard a water splashing. Maybe there's a river nearby.
Luckily I outrun those bastard's chasing after me.
I attended a party with my master.  Someone secretly put drugs in my drink. I regret gulping up that juice.
I should have drunk alcohol. The drug's effect is too much for me. Sweat flowing from my forehead, my breathing isn't normal.
The dosage must be high. I curse whoever planned this. I will gauge out their eyes and feed it to the dogs.
I can clearly hear the water splashing. Its a creek. Maybe it can help submerging myself until my body cools down. I pulled down my dress zip.
I feel dizzy. My vission is blurry. Suddenly, a cold is thing griping my waist. I like it.
It sent chills inside me.
I want more. Damn when did I ever felt this lust?
My conciousness cannot resist this touch.
"Who was this?" I looked up with a blurry vision but I can see those eyes filled with posessiveness, with lustful desire, tenderness and burning passion.
Before I could resist, my lips was sealed with something soft - a kiss.I dont know how to respond. This was like addictive drugs. I wrapped my hands around his neck. I closed my eyes. I want more.
Suddenly, we stoped, he growled and said; "Your mine mate". I couldn't barely heard it. "Give me more". I whisperred to him. "My pleasure"
Then the air was filled with moans.
What a erotic night for both of them?
It was three o'clock in the morning when I woke up. I shooked my head recountimg what happened.
"Oh my gosh! I've had sex with a stranger!" Beside me is a sleeping body.I have no time to look at his face I need to get out of this place before he wakes up. I put my clothes on and run.
Trevor Hamilton.
I strech out my hands expecting to touch someone beside me but no one is there. I open my eyes to see it's still dark but no one is beside me. Who was that woman last night? It coudnt be a dream. It was real. I can still smell her scent.
That was my mate but what is she doing here last night? I was under the influence of drug last night. We werewolves aren't easily intoxicated. That drug must have contained high dosage.Whoever did this to me must be looking for death.
I put my clothes on, looked around the area hoping she's still near. I followed the smell her scent toward the highway. She's gone.
"I will find you even it takes years."
After 7 years
"Mommy! Good morning!" "Breakfast is ready." I smiled holding spoon and fork as I put them beside the plate.
I counted one, two, three, four, five. "Where is sixth?" "I think mom she's still snoring like a piglet",
Moody said, while laughing.The four others smiled and noded in unison.
I went upstairs. "Baby its time to wake up"
"Hmmm Mom I'm still sleepy give me five minutes." "No baby. Wake up or I'll tickle you butt." "Mom I'm awake".
She got up and yawned with her closed eyes. A sweet scene. "Open your eyes,go brush your teeth and wash your face, also your dry saliva".
"Mom I have none." She quickly wiped her mouth.
"Mom please dont tell it to my brothers, they will tease me."Bambi commented.I nooded in response and smiled. Don't worry baby you are beautiful". I rubbed her hair gently and kiss her forehead. I watched her go to the bathroom.
I gave birth to sextuplets. It was a great surprise. A one in a trillion chance. There are four boys and two girls. Cody, Brad and Paul all look alike. Then Bambi who resembles the three. Then Dara who got after my looks. But unlike me, she's so stubborn and headstrong. Then comes Moody who got my eyes and lips, the nose, he probably got it from their father whom I still dont know.
I thought that night would be worse but having them was the best thing.
I have no family.
I don't know who my father is. Me and my mother got separated from each other since I was five years old. I only have my master.
I'm hoping my mother is still alive. But where to find her, I don't know.I don't bother also to find my childrens father. But I know they were longing for it, longing for a father.
I have no interest looking for my mate. Though I'm not really sure of who I am,
I believe I'll find out. For now, I just want to live in peace with my children.
That's my plan. But how can I live in peace?
This day, Cody walked slowly towards me and told me what happened to him.
I was not suprised to know that  he shapeshifted into a wolf. It is a proof that their father is not an ordinary man. He is a werewolf,but it was not ordinary werewolf.I encountered other creatures in every trip. After that night I didnt know what kind of creature my childrens' father is.Is it a vampire, fairy, werewolf, a rogue or a human? Well at least my children have good looks so I can say their must have a good look as well.
One by one they came down and we gathered in the living room and sit on the sofa. "Mom are we a wolf too?" Brad asked." Right mom, when do I shapeshift like cody?" Asked Moody. "Wait wait my lovely children, I don't know. But for Cody, yes he is. Maybe It is too early for you. You are only six."
I thought of what my wolf community might say.They usually shapeshift starting at the age of eighteen and but the youngest to shapeshift in the werewolf is an Lycan.
Lycan is the highest rank for werewolves. They  are bigger than an ordinary werewolf or alpha in a pack,and much stonger. They are respected by all werewolf and other creatures some adored them.
Lycan were known for good looks, body built, leadership and ruthlessness for those who oppose them.
Werewolf's has its largest population  in America.
Vampires are in Atlantic area ,or cold and shadd places where sun's rays is are shaded. Fairies are everywhere, their capital city is Encantadia.
I looked at them and thought, maybe its time for them to know the truth. I know they can understand. "In this world, not only  humans exist. There are other creatures like vampires, werewolf, Cody is the proof, fairies and witches."
"I thought it was only in movie,books and fantacies" Dara said in amazement. "Me too" Paul agreed.
"So cool" Moody said smiling.
"Wow its real." Brad uttered.
"I am really a wolf!." Cody exclaimed.
"Are They are hybrids?" A question popped up in my mind. Hybrid is a combination of different races, humans, vampires and wolves.
I told my kids "Don't ever wish first of what you want to be become,
You must be sure off of what you want before saying it. Cody are you happy of what you choose to become with?" I asked him. He smiled and answered, "Yes mom I'm sure." "Okay then, that was what the Moon Goddess destined for you."
"Mom who is Moon Goddess" Bambi asked as she crossed her arms. "Moon Goddess was the one who created different creatures half human form. She's the god of werewolves,  vampires, fairies who is lives with humans. For now Cody, don't shapeshift. Let's be carefull from humans. They may be scared or you might accidentally hurt them okay."
As the kids went upstairs I grab my phone and called Marcus, one of my suburdinate.
"Marcus get ready."
"Whats up? Where are we going?
Is it a party?"
"Huh! As if I would love to go!" I replied rolling my eyes.
"Prepared the map I  told you to get.
We'll go on a trip next month. I'll contact you soon to prepare and acquire some stuffs and send it to my laboratory. I need to make potion for my kids."
"Potion?Whats the matter, is one of them sick?"he asked with a worried voice.
"No but I'm afraid some of other creatures around might smell their scent". "Okay. Let me know what do you need  Boss." "Boss I must inform you that our boys are just fine but we have one problem. We recieve information that the Middle East wolf Pack  is planning to attack our troops."
"Huh! So they haven't learned  there lessons yet?" I said with a grin. "Alert the troops to be ready. Protect the children from enemy attack, bring them to a safe place. Send a spy to watch the enemies' movements. Alert other troops and the secret force be steady for emergency call.
"Alright Boss." " They won't stop until we're all dead. They want revenge. They blame or troops for the death of five  of their Omega  which our troops denies."

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    this is so elegant and then we have to get together soon period of time to get or something like that for a while now I have to get together with you 😜😜❤️❤️ you want to do you mean by jroa you po ba ba ba Yung Bleu de Chanel west mo na na song I send you the link when I get or experience and determination above all thank goodness it was a great day today love 😘💕 you po Ako ih so sikat I love you too baby do mo mAh Ang Dami mga teh sol text mo daw Yung gravy with chicken 🐔 I send you the ady


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    wow , im so like this novel , im so love , this good for our want to read this novel


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    500hhegkehejehejehehejwwgwkhwjwhesiiwheishswhwowuwiwheihdidjdidhddiuddiudjddidhs9hsushsishsduhseihddudhijeuehieyeuehdieeudjdiyd8dheieyeiww7wjisjsusjdisdueukyyfufufufyfystdyfyydtdtfyfugutyfyfugfygyfyfygug7fyffyff6r6rrr6r6r6tt7ttyfyffyfyfyufugguft7t7fyttyfyf6fyfyffuufft7t7ttrhrjewjhshsbshdhsdjdhhdjdjdhdjddjjdjdjdhndhdjdhsnshdjdjdbdjdbdjshdjdhdudhdhdjdjdudjddjdjdjjdhdkdhdudhudjdmdhddjdndjdjddbjdnjdndjdjdjdndjnxjdhwosbdienejjwjdjdjdjjnahsoebseiejoehdisnsisissjusnskwshidndshkshsh3 o que jdidjdjdjdji3


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