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JA hurriedly went out of her room when she heard the beeping sound signal of her brother's car. She really missed him after five days he was being away from home.
It's past seven in the evening, she had not yet eaten her meal because she was waiting for her brother to arrive from his business trip. She looked out the window, to see if her brother had already gotten out of the car.
She decided to wait for him at the entrance and as soon as he saw her, he smiled at her with his arms wide open for her warm embrace. She ran down and jumped at him with her hands encircled around his neck and her feet coiled around his waist.
"I miss you boo", she said to him.
He smiled and pinched her cheek.
"I miss you more sweetie, no! I miss you so much", he responded winking his eye at her.
They chuckled as they stepped inside.
"Welcome home Jareed", Nanny said while giving him a hug.
"Go and change your clothes, this sister of yours has not taken her meal yet because she's waiting for you", said Nanny.
Jareed looked at his sister and smiled.
"Hmm...you really miss me that much sweetie?"
She just nodded, placing her hand on his waist.
"Just give me 10 minutes okay?", Jareed said sweetly as he went upstairs.
JA was seated on the sofa bed while waiting for her brother. She searched for some job hiring on google, until her eyes landed on a certain private school in Quezon, that is currently looking for a psychological counselor. She suddenly became interested since they preferred a psychology graduate. It was really her dream to do psychological counseling for children because she love kids. And If she'll have to choose, she would rather be with the kids rather than with mature people.
Sounds funny right?
But this is the truth in her.
Jareed went out of his room wearing a white t-shirt and blue denim shorts.
He was undeniably handsome that's why women were head over heels in love with him.
"Why looking at me like that sweetie?", he asked.
He added wearing his cute smile " Do you find me attractive?"
JA did not respond instead giving him a signal for them to go to the dining area.
"How's your business trip boo?", she asked while taking some food in her mouth.
"It's okay, I met plenty of business conglomerates there and I met plenty of beautiful women", he answered stressing out the last word.
JA looked at him seriously, furrowing her brows.
"Hey, what's that look sweetie. I haven't liked a woman yet okay? so chill", he said smiling at her.
She did not respond. She just continued eating.
"Hey, do you think I would enter into a relationship, without telling you? Of course, it has to be approved first by the most beautiful woman in the world, my princess, my sweetie, my only sister, Jannah Arianne", her brother said exaggeratedly.
"Hmmph!", she smirked.
"Boo, I wanted to tell you something very important. But later, when we're done eating," she said trying to change the topic.
Jareed looked at her quite confused. "I guess, that's too important sweetie. You know you're giving me a goosebump.
Jareed was looking at her seriously like he was trying to figure out what she's going to tell him.
Finally, they were done eating. She just told her brother that she would go to his room later after refreshing herself. He just nodded and went upstairs.
She was a little nervous thinking about how her brother would react to what she would say. She took a deep breath and went upstairs to his room.
She knocked on the door.
"Yes, come in"
She felt even more anxious when she went inside his room. Although her brother was pampering her, still she was scared of him when it comes to serious matters. She knew how tough he was in making decisions that's why everybody in the company was afraid of him.
"Yes sweetie, why are you standing there, come and let's talk. I guess you have a very important matter to discuss with me", Jareed said calmly.
JA came closer and sat beside him on his bed. He was reading something, she thought somewhat like a business proposal. She looked at him and said in a soft voice.
"Boo, is it okay, if I would quit working in the company? You knew from the very start that I don't like business. I wanted to teach children", she stuttered while looking into his eyes.
She added, " I wanted to apply as a psychological counselor in Bannister Academy boo, they are looking for a psychology graduate."
JA's brother looked at her with a blank expression. And then continued reading the documents.
She was stunned into silence for a few minutes.
"Boo, please?"
He again looked at her and then said, "So, you want to leave me?"
"Boo, quitting my job in the company doesn't mean I will leave you. I just wanted to do something that makes me happy", her voice quavered.
"Are you sure, that's what you want?", he asked.
"Yes boo, please try to understand", she pleaded.
He looked at her and clasped her hand
"Okay", he responded.
She was not able to hold her emotions after hearing her brother's response. She was flapping her hands, squealing, and jumping up and down like a kid.
Her brother was just looking at her, shaking his head while smiling softly. He messed up her hair.
"You, kid"
"Thank you so much boo".
She gave her brother a tight hug.
Finally, she will be teaching kids. She felt so excited upon thinking that she'll be dealing with children very soon.
She went out of her brother's room, with a happy heart. She felt so delighted that finally, her dream would be coming true.
She prepared her resume and her letter of application, and she sent them to the school's email address. She closed her eyes hoping that the school would accept her.
This gonna be her new life...
Her simple life, out of the business world.
Her alarm clock was ringing, she quickly had a gaze at her wristwatch, and it was already 8:00 o'clock in the morning. She was so sure that her brother already left for work. She stood up and took a shower.
She went downstairs and called her Nanny.
"Yes darling, I'm here in the laundry room", she replied.
She was thinking why her Nanny was the one doing the laundry.
"Why you're the one doing that Nanny?", she asked.
Nanny told her that their laundry servant was not feeling well.
She went back to the kitchen and brewed a cup of coffee and took some slices of bread for her breakfast.
After eating, she went inside her room, she grabbed her cellphone, and read two missed calls from an unknown number. Suddenly, her phone rang. She picked it up and a female voice was talking on the line.
"Hello, is this Miss Jannah Arianne Arcelo?"
"Yes, ma'am"
"This is Mrs. Santos, from Bannister Academy. You are called for a personal interview today at 10:00 o'clock in the morning. Please come ten minutes before the time and look for the HR department."
"Yes ma'am, thank you so much".
After a few minutes of conversation, JA quickly looked for something to wear in her closet. She decided to wear a ¾ dark blue sleeve and black fitted slacks. She put on a slight make-up, a lip tint and face powder. She just let down her over-shoulder length hair but she put a pin for it not to cover her face. For her footwear, she was wearing closed-toe black heels.
After she placed everything in her bag, she went out of her room.
"Are you going to the office darling?", Nanny asked.
"Nope Nanny, I was called for an interview today at Bannister Academy", she replied.
"So, you're already quitting your job at JJ tech?",
"Yes Nanny, I want to teach kids", she responded.
Nanny just smiled at her and wished her goodluck. She kissed Nanny's cheek and bid goodbye.
"Take care darling"
"Thank you Nanny, bye!"
She hurriedly went to the garage and pulled off the car. Well, she was hoping she would not be caught by heavy traffic, and that she could be able to catch the interview.
She arrived at Bannister Academy 30 minutes before the scheduled interview. She hurriedly parked her car and headed towards the Information desk.
She was told that the HR department was on the third floor so, she hurriedly took the elevator.
A woman in her 40's approached her. It was Mrs. Santos, the head of the HR department and the one who called her earlier this morning.
"Miss Jannah Arianne Arcelo?"
"Yes ma'am good morning".
The woman smiled at her and offered her a seat while waiting for her turn.
She looked around and noticed that there were 30 applicants who were waiting at the receiving area.
After few minutes of waiting,
"Miss Jannah, you may now get inside", Mrs Santos said.

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    eh next part papo cause naka satiesfied po mga stories mo


  • avatar
    Lovely Concueno Enot

    thanks for your stories .... your stories is very wondeful...


  • avatar
    Ann Louise Ramos



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