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JA woke up when her alarm clock was ringing. She looked at it and it was already 6:30 in the evening. She didn't know she slept for nine hours already. The last thing she remembered was her brother teasing her that she was a kid, a kid who did not allow her boyfriend to kiss her.
She smiled upon thinking how her brother teased her like that.
Yes, she had never been kissed by Ace not even smack. So maybe that's also the reason why their relationship did not last. But it's okay, after all, she had nothing to lose.
"But how does it feel to be kissed? Oh my... Well, if the right man comes along and if I truly love him, maybe I will experience such things".
"Darling, dinner is ready", it was Nanny calling her to come over.
"Yes Nanny, I'm coming.
She fixed herself and went downstairs. She felt she was already starving especially when she smelled the aroma of her favorite pork adobo. She was so sure Nanny cooked it for her knowing that's her favorite.
"It's good you were able to sleep for long hours. How are you now sweetie?", her brother asked while pulling a chair for her.
"I'm fine boo".
"Hmm." Jareed paused a little while after putting some food on his mouth.
"Ace called on the telephone a while ago. I guess he was trying to call you on your cellphone, but he could not reach you. He said he's coming here tonight", he said in a casual tone.
"Are you not mad at him boo?", she asked him, waiting some time for his answer.
"Mad? I even feel more than that sweetie. If it's not wrong to kill someone, then I would perhaps become a murderer", he said intensely giving emphasis to every word he uttered.
She looked at his eyes, and she could see there the rage that was burning inside, ready to burst out anytime. She just remained quiet until they finished the dinner.
JA went to her room to refreshen herself before going to bed. But she suddenly felt like she wanted to be relieved through the healing power of music. So, she decided to go to her music room which was right next to her brother's work studio.
It was a soundproof medium-sized room intended for music. It was made with hard surfaces that include tile, concrete, and hardwood flooring. The room was well-ventilated, well-lighted, and well-painted with neutral colors white and gray.
Guitars and ukulele were hung on the right wall while the keyboard piano was placed against the wall. At the center was a rectangular wood table where the desktop, v8 soundcard, and condenser microphone were placed for recording.
JA was about to start playing the piano when Nanny and her brother came inside, telling her that Ace was waiting for her outside.
"Are you going to talk to him, darling? Are you sure you're ready to face him?", asked Nanny.
"Yes Nanny, so we could have a formal breakup", she responded.
"Make sure you won't cry in front of that jerk, or I'll gonna kill him!", her brother warned her with an intent look, obviously holding back his anger.
She just nodded and went out of the studio. She decided to dress in a more casual way. Just a simple blouse and blue faded jeans. She put on a slight makeup and a thick concealer to cover up her puffy eyes. Then after some time of fixing herself in front of the mirror, she went outside her room and headed to the sala.
Ace was there sitting on a sofa bed while focusing his eyes on the television. He stood up as soon as he saw her approaching.
"Babe, I was calling you since this morning, but you were unattended. And hmm...why did you not tell me about the birthday surprise? The restaurant in charge called me to come over. And I did not really expect you would do something for me", Ace said with his voice mumbling.
JA just looked at him without any expression, she just let him finish whatever he wanted to say.
"I was hanging around with some of my friends yesterday. I'm sure you called me several times and you went to the hospital because the staff told me. I'm sorry but my phone was running out of battery", he muttered.
Still, he received no reaction from her. She just looked at him while he was trying to tell all his lies.
"Babe, I knew you were mad at me. I'm sorry. And I appreciate your efforts in preparing a birthday surprise. Babe, please talk to me.", he said while drawing closer to her trying to hold her hands.
"Ace, enough!", she said intensely.
Knowing that her brother was just around the house and just observing them. She tried to hold back her tears because she doesn't want her brother to become a criminal.
She started clearing her throat.
"Ace let's end this. I saw you and Trixie in a suite. I don't want to elaborate everything you did together", she said with a blank expression.
"I know there's lacking in me, that's why you find someone new. It' s just that I really did not expect that it would be my best friend, of all people".
He was just looking at her in silence. She knew, he was thinking how she found out everything between him and Trixie because he did not know anything about her ability.
JA looked straight into his eyes, trying to read what was on his mind based on her own understanding which means she was not using her ability to read minds.
Ace quickly turned away his gaze, taking a deep sigh.
"Babe, it was just a mistake", he began to talk after a moment. His eyes were getting red as if he was about to cry.
"I'm really sorry, you know how much I love you", he added while tears welled up in his eyes.
The feeling of remorse and shame were manifested on his face.
"I was just..."
"That's enough Ace, I am not blaming you for anything. It was all my mistakes. You've been good to me for two years. You really have tried everything and for that, I am thankful to you.", JA started to get emotional this time.
But she tried not to cry because her brother was just right there listening, and observing and she knew he was not joking when he warned her not to cry in front of this man or he would become a criminal.
She didn't feel any hatred towards him. Maybe she was just hurt because she did not expect that this would happen.
But that's life. Maybe they were not meant for each other. And she had to accept that no one would ever love her for real. She had been used to it anyway.
"It's okay Ace, we can go on separate ways. Just take good care of Trixie. You may now leave", she said to him roughly as she turned away from him.
"Babe, please...give me one more chance", Ace was trying to reach out her hand. But a strong fist landed on his face, as JA's brother butted in.
"Don't ever come to my sister anymore, you bastard! You're such a big disappointment", her brother chattered angrily.
"Boo, that's enough. It's okay", she said trying to hold her brother's hand to make him calm.
Ace was cupping his face after getting punched by her brother. He remained silent for a while and tried to say something.
"I'm sorry Jareed", he muttered.
"Now leave! I don't want to see your face again!", Jareed yelled.
JA saw her brother's face contorted with rage, his jaw and fist were clenched. And she felt so scared of what else he could possibly do to Ace.
"Ace please leave", she said in a soft voice, hoping that he would understand.
"JA, Jareed, I'm really sorry.", he uttered and then left with his shoulders slumped and his steps were dragged.
She knew he was hurt. But for now, it's too late. She couldn't trust him anymore, so better to go on separate ways.
After a moment of silence, she looked at her brother and she knew, his anger had already subsided. He pulled her a hug and tapped her head.
"Are you okay?", he said with his voice full of worry.
"It's okay to cry sweetie, that's a part of healing and forgiving. I know, you don't keep hatred in your heart, I know you so well".
Those words were so touching that she couldn't hold her tears, and she cried so hard while leaning her head on his shoulder. Jareed just let her cry while his hand caressed her back.
"What about Trixie, did she not call you?", her brother asked.
She wiped her tears and tried to understand what he was trying to say.
She frowned. She did not receive any call or text from her. She was in deep thoughts when the doorbell suddenly rang. Jareed called Nanny to look who was there, only to find out that Trixie was there outside looking for JA.
"Speaking of the devil, the devil is here", Jareed said in a soft voice.
JA told Nanny to let her in.
She was left alone sitting in the sofa bed while waiting for Trixie to get inside. Her brother went to his study room for some work-related matters. He is always a workaholic man, just like their father.
She fixed herself again, while her eyes were set at the entrance door. She saw Nanny entering first, then Trixie. She paused for a while and stood in a distance while her eyes were already wet with tears.
JA felt pain in her heart upon looking at her. Trixie hurriedly went closer to her and hugged her so tight. She was sobbing so loudly like a child.
"I'm sorry JA. I'm really...really...sorry.", she whined even more.
Trixie looked at her with her eyes begging for her forgiveness. She kneeled in front of her, and it really touched JA's heart.
She averted her gaze because she doesn't want to see her shedding tears. After all, she was her best friend.
"Trix, c'mon, you don't have to do this", JA said reaching out her hand to stand.
She let Trixie sit on the sofa bed, "Let's talk".
"Tell me everything Trixie, I will just listen to you", she uttered.
"I'm sorry JA, I fell in love with Ace even before he courted you. I've tried to hide my feelings knowing that he just treated me as a friend. But as years passed, this feeling grew deeper since we are working in the same hospital. Until he was drunk last time because you turned him down about sleeping with him and I took the chance even if I know he loves you", Trixie explained while tears kept flowing from her eyes.
"I did not really mean to hurt you JA, believe me. I'm really sorry. I just love Ace so much that I can't hold it anymore", she mumbled.
JA felt the sincerity of her voice, how sorry she was for getting into their relationship. She knew she was suffering unrequited love, and it was so hurting on the part of a woman. Yes, there may be something that happened to them, but she knew it was not because of love but just a man's erotic satisfaction.
She suddenly got pity on her. She clasped both her hands and pulled her a hug.
"It's okay Trix, I understand", she whispered.
They chatted with each other as if nothing happened. She didn't know how she was able to handle everything and how could she easily forgive Trixie for betraying her.
After some time of having a conversation, they bid goodbye to each other. JA felt like her heart was free from thousands of thorns knowing that she had forgiven the two people who did wrong to her. She felt more relaxed and at peace as she went inside her room.

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    eh next part papo cause naka satiesfied po mga stories mo


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    Lovely Concueno Enot

    thanks for your stories .... your stories is very wondeful...


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    Ann Louise Ramos



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