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Kabanata 1

My class touched its absolute point and I'm now cramming all my inanimate stuff in my bag. I shouldn't be behind for my piano class later or perhaps, on contrary, my mother will surely brawl with me. I bit my lower lip to suppress my wince expression when a sudden flicker of portrayals banged inside my mind.
I settled my books in the bag and after that, I'm all off to go.
I blew my wavy hair laying over my face 'cause I had stooped earlier for amassing my things. I seeped a sigh before ambling outside. I saw some students that still chit-chatting about different issues.
Others who acknowledged my presence greeted me with a smile plastered on their lips. I'm prominent for being Lea Awsman, daughter of the glorious actress in town, my mother. Aside from that, my father was also discerned for his adroitness in business on top.
And me? Nah, I'm just Lea Awsman. Haven't corroborated anything yet. Just unblemished Lea Awsman, president of this prestigious school.
However, I smiled sweetly at them. The usual version of me when I'm at school.
Everyone regarded me as a cloying innocuous girl living in her mother's nor father's aptitude for passion. I'll seize the latter anyway. I have everything, everyone says who notices me as Lea Awsman who's born having a silver spoon in her mouth. My mother had her never-ending career as an arising star in town. While my father has all the wealth I could ever wish for.
It's fair to say that I already have everything. Yes, material things perhaps, but no. I don't have everything that money can buy. That fame can be fulfilled.
I only want two things in my whole existence. Love and freedom. Nothing else matters except for that.
I peeked at my wristwatch. It's quarter to four already. A pucker between my brows was apparent. My family's driver is here by now, the customary time to fetch me. Honestly, he didn't fall flat to pick me up. Thus, I was alarmed that at this hour, he was still not here.
My driver should be here right now! I don't wish for my mother to be boisterous and hurl some unbearable words at me once more. The last time I got late for my piano class, she yelled at me nonstop. She even whirled detrimental words to me and it wasn't startling after all. I'm used to it.
When I did the things that satisfy them, I don't get any praise like the other parents' would do. They would quietly stare at me with their lips sealed, remain emotionless, and leave me hanging for the words that didn't fit my taste to perceive.
Worse thing, when I ever did such a mistake, they'll shout at me using noxious words, exclaiming things like I'm a no use child.
Some people would think that I am lucky enough for having the wealth they've thought it's adequate. That I have everything wrapped around my fingers. No, I don't. This isn't luck. It's somehow a curse that I couldn't even imagine.
I just want a simple life. A family to greet me with a tight embrace ahead and comfort me on my bad days. A parents' love that can give warmth to my arctic heart.
I glance at my watch again. I chewed my bottom lip. It's almost five o'clock and the surroundings are getting dark. I don't get it. Is there any trouble in the house that my driver isn't here yet?
My driver always picks me up because of my mother's demands. Mom said that I should act like a lady in front of everybody. I was forbidden to use a car 'cause it wasn't the right act for a woman like me. She always told me that a man should drive for a woman. Men should drive and women should not. Gender basis, her pretty mouth always blabbers around.
I always do what she told me. Mother knows best they say, but she doesn't act like one to me.
Silly mind. I shouldn't think that way of my mother. She raised me and dressed me up since I was born. She's still my mother after all. That's a fact that I can't deny.
A deep sigh escaped from my mouth.  My phone was dryly dead. One of my classmates used it earlier 'cause they didn't bring any materials for the presentation. And it's natural for me to help, so I gave them my phone to use. My group had my laptop, hence my phone ain't needed. Quick deal and excellent comprehension of the benefits of the two groups was such a nice team, I must say.
Now, where are we? How can I contact my driver now? I don't know how to commute either. Ironic that I haven't experienced that in my entire life. Walking is a no-no. I've tried that already and it became a bold audacity in the eyes of my parents.
They don't want me to walk, not because they're afraid for my safety outside but because of their reputation. Always their reputation before everything else. They don't want the media and people flocking around the gossip that their only child is strolling alone from school. It would be a huge disgrace to their reputation if someone has seen me that day.
Honestly, my parents don't give a care about my welfare. They only give a damn about their currency. Day by day, their penny was increasing more than the usual amount.
Money over family. The smell of rate was thicker than their blood.
I admit I was wounded on that part. My heartache by a sudden thought.
Well, what can I say? That's how my life revolves. Cruel, isn't it?
I was enrolled in this prestigious school for the total show-off of how rich they are. I was enrolled in the piano class not because I have the skill for that, but because of my mother's Amigas. She wants me to fit in her world. I was forced to socialize with her business partners' heirs. That declining about that matter wasn't a choice.
Make friends with them. Those are the words that my mother engraved in my mind. It's hard to pretend that I don't want to, but what choice do I have? In our house, my mother's rules are always up. I obeyed all her commands. I was controlled like a puppet. When she said to bark, I'll bark. I'm a pet in our house and no one knows that.
Well, that's how unlucky I am, eh?

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  • avatar
    Yuunizu Zaneera

    I love your story


  • avatar
    Trons MJ

    your story are very nice


  • avatar
    Jhos Moreno



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