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Chapter 6: Wore

Letisha's POV
Days passed Caleix and I were now okay. We came back from the usual us, but still, I couldn't give all my time to him. These past few days we haven't met because of being busy, we just see each other when we came back home. Suddenly my assistant came to my office and she announced that I will be going to another country this week for our company's campaign.
I told her to organize it and I quickly call Mikakeale. I told Mikakeale about the campaign and she know that she would be in charge of the company when I am not around. I know she is 2 months pregnant so I decided to tell Caleix to help Mikakeale on managing the company.
"Wife," Caleix said when I answered his call.
"Yes," I answered.
"Are you done? I am outside the building I will drive you home" he said and I quickly check the time.
"Right! I am almost done just wait for me there" I said.
"Okay I'll wait for you bye love you," he said which make me smile.
"Goodbye, I love you too"I replied before I hang up the call.
I arranged my things immediately and fix myself before stepping out of my office.
When I got out of the company there I saw the car of Caleix waiting for me, finally, reach the car, Caleix came out and kiss me on my cheeks. I also kiss him and he opens the door for me. When we were both inside Caleix started the engine and start driving to our house.
"Ahem, Caleix are you busy this week?" I shyly asked.
"No? why?" he confusedly asks while concentrating on driving.
"Can you help Mikakeale on managing the company?" I completely said.
"Yeah sure. Why not?" he said smiling.
"Cause I am going to another country for our campaign and I let Mikakeale take in charge for the company. I just realized that she is pregnant" I explained.
"Yeah I am very willing to help her and also for my wife," he said which make me happy.
"Thank you I am so thankful that you are my husband" I happily said
"Yeah and you need to give me a child as a reward." he jokingly replied
"We will just go there but for now we need work for those who need us," I said in a calm way
"Yeah" he replied.
After our conversation, we finally arrived home and I feel tired and just wanted to get some rest but I cannot do all those things cause I will still pack my clothes for our flight tomorrow.
When I am packing Caleix was just watching me. He is staring intently like he wouldn't want me to leave the house without him.
"I will be lonely here without you," he said out of nowhere.
"Then I will call you so that you will not be bored or lonely, okay?"I said to make him feel better. I heard gasps and I gave him. small smile.
"Promise?" he asked hoping something.
"Yes if I have time" I answered.
"Okay," he said.
"Now sleep first cause I have so many things to do," I said to him cause his been waiting for me to finish packing and I know that he is tired of working the whole day.
"Okay, don't stay up too long and take some rest after you finish doing some stuff," he said before laying in bed
"Yeah! goodnight" I said and kiss him
"Goodnight wife" he replied and started closing his eyes
I quietly pack my things and it is about midnight when I finish packing. I felt so tired that I easily fell asleep.
"Wife, wake up you need to get ready for your flight." I heard Caleix's voice waking me up so I rub my eyes at the back of my hands before getting up.
"Yeah thanks" I thanked him and gave him a smile
"No problem, I will drive to the airport so get ready now," he said
"Okay" I replied and started to get ready
I immediately got inside the bathroom and take a bath. After taking a bath I quickly change my clothes and decided not to put on some make-up. I just wear simple clothes like a gray plain t-shirt and shorts paired with slippers like sandals.
I grab my bag and run downstairs. Caleix is waiting for me in our living room as I finally reached downstairs. We eat our breakfast prepared by our maids together.
After eating we quickly get inside the car and Caleix starts driving it.
We arrive at the airport at the exact time as stated in the schedule that is given to me by my P.A (personal assistant). She immediately greets me and finally says goodbye to Caleix. We exchange our goodbyes and kisses before I started to step foot onto the plane that would bring me to my destination.
I feel a little lonely when Caleix watches as leave the area but I need to do this so that I enter the gate to our flight with a heavy heart.
I sleep when we are on the plane. My P.A just woke me up when we arrive.
Caleix's POV
I felt so sad when Letisha leave the area so I also get inside the car and started driving toward the company.
While I am in the middle of the road suddenly I received a message so I check the caller's name hoping that it would be Letisha but my best friend's name popped up, and I immediately answer it.
"Hello?" She said when I answered the call.
"Yes," I answered.
"Are you free today?" she asked.
"Ahem, I will be heading to our company cause Mikakeale needs my help," I replied
"But I need you too," she said. Napakunot yung nuo ko sa tinuran niya
"Adelaine please stop. You have your boyfriend to take care of you and I promise to Letisha that, I will be helping her best friend" I explained
"Okay" she replied with a sad tone
"I am so sorry okay maybe next time....hello?"I tried to explain but she ended it quickly
She immediately ended the call and I don't know why but I am heading to her place. I know Mikakeale would be angry but my best friend also needs me.
When I get inside her house I immediately call her name and she came out of her room with a big victorious smile.
"Oh god! thankfully you came" she said while running downstairs
"Yeah! what do you need?" I asked with a bored tone
"I need you," she said with a flirty voice that is why I moved away from her.
"But my company needs me and my wife" I honestly said
"Oh come on just tell me that you are just using your all this time," she said, I stop and look at her
"What did you say?" I asked to confirm what I had just heard.
"I said that you are just using her," Adelaine said that make me mad but I control it thinking that she is still my childhood best friend
"For what?" I asked confused with an angry tone
"Maybe for money cause the last time I check that type of girl is not your ideal girl" Adelaine replied
"But I love her! I didn't use her for anything and all I do is love her" I answered.
"Even if she cannot give you her time?" she asked that made me think of Mikakeale
"Yes cause we knew that we still love each other even if we often see each other that much," I said
"But she cannot give you a happiness" she replied
"Yes! she can't but I am happy when I saw her happy with what she is doing and I am very thankful to be her husband cause she is very different from others even from you," I said thinking of Mikakeale
"Yeah right! As if I care, she's like a grandma, her style is so old that even my grandma would be embarrassed. She enjoys her life and just focuses on her fucking work and you are not included in her happiness cause she can't even give time to you! " she continued
"Don't say that to her. I will forget our friendship if you will not get back what you've said cause the last thing I want to hear is your opinions towards my wife and I don't want someone or even you insulting her in front of me!" I said trying to calm down
"No matter what you said she is like that! You cannot accept the fact that she is a fucking workaholic." she keeps on talking so I turned my back and was about to go out but then she speak again.
"Where are you going?" she asked
"To my company cause I don't want to listen to a useless word coming from a dirty mouth" I answered not thinking she would be hurt because of my remarks
"Yeah right but this dirty mouth give you happiness that night," she said making me stop
"Stop it! Forget it and don't fucking destroy my life" I said and started walking outside leaving that place where I made the biggest mistake of my life.

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  • avatar
    Kyla Haincadto

    I lOvEe the story!!🫶


  • avatar
    Danica Mars Duco-Sambaan

    A interesting storyline that makes readers hooked. I love the twist and turns of the story. Keep updating author. can't wait to get your book completed.


  • avatar
    Kevin Montefalco



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