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Blinded By Revenge

Blinded By Revenge


Chapter 1

Today was just a normal day and it's Monday, my most unwanted day of the week. Why? simply because yesterday was our family bonding then boom now I have to go to school again and study. I'm an honor student don't worry. I'm just like this always, lazy but still serious in my studies. By the way I'm already a grade 11 student.
"Hello, Miel. You're not early today. It's very unusual." said the guard while I'm getting my ID card to have it scanned in the ID scanner machine so that I can enter the school.
"I'm so lazy as crazy, Allan. I hate Monday." I answered with my furrowed eyebrows that made him chuckle.
"You're so funny. Go to your classroom now. You don't want to be late, right?" He said.
"Yeah." I answered then walk lazily towards the building of my classroom.
While walking, I saw many girls being pretty in their uniform and have their circle of friends. While me, I am all alone. I don't care anyway. I'm happy being alone.
I was peacefully walking when I suddenly heard a loud screaming from my back and it's approaching me.
"Ouch!" I exclaimed when someone bumped at me that made my books fell on the floor. I immediately pick them up and organize them again. "Argh. I don't want to be late." I irritatedly said.
"Sorry." The man who bumped at me said then help me with my things.
I look at my watch and saw that it's already 6:45 in the morning and my class will start at 7:00!
"Argh. Why am I so unfortunate today?" I said and hurriedly stand up.
"Are you alright?" The guy asked then handed me my books. I Look at him and was about to leave but his handsome face and charming style stopped me.
He has a fair skin, small eyes, pointed nose, and a bow shaped lips. I gasped when he licked it then he brushed his hair backward.
"Hey!" He said, raising his voice a little to get my attention.
"Ah. I-I'm sorry. What is it again?" I asked since I wasn't able to understand what he was saying. His looks is just so overwhelming that I lost my mind for a few seconds.
"I said I'm sorry. I have to leave now. They're approaching." He said then he hurriedly ran.
"Hey! Be careful!" I shouted. He did not look back but he raised his hand showing me his thumb as if saying "okay"
I was about to walk again when a girl pushed me that made me lost my balance.
"Get out of our way, ugly nerd! We're losing our chance to take a picture with him." The girl who pushed me said.
"Huh?" I innocently said but no one answered. Instead, they immediately ran towards the place when that man went. I watch them with my furrowed eyebrows until they disappeared from my sight.
I look at my knees since it hurts. I saw that I have a small wound in my right knee. I took my handkerchief and wipe off the small amount of blood in it.
"Ouch!. Arghhh. Why are they chasing that guy? Yeah he's handsome but I don't see any reason for them to act that way." I whispered.
"He's Matthew, a star player of basketball from DIS." A beautiful lady suddenly said. She offered me her hand and helped me get up.
"What else have you heard?" I asked with a little panic.
"Everything." She said which made me shy. She went closer the moment she noticed it. "Hey. It's okay. He's really handsome, I'm attracted by his looks too." She said then she caressed my back.
"If he's from the other school, why is he here in MHIS?" I asked while picking up my books.
"Because of Ahliya. I bet you know her. She's very popular here in our school." She said then she helped me with my things.
"You know him?" I asked in surprise.
"Not exactly since what I know is just a rumor. I heard that he transfered here because of Ahliya." She answered.
"He likes Ahliya?" I asked even if she already told me that.
"Yup and I don't know why Ahliya's acting like he doesn't care about Matthew." She explained then she opened her bag to get something.
"Are you from that school too? You're a tranferee?" I asked since she knows a lot.
"No. Let's just say that I'm a person who loves rumors?" She said then she laughed loudly. "I have heard so many news about them. Like Ahliya likes him too but she's just acting like she's not because she wants to be chased by him so she'll be more popular since Matthew's a heartthrob." She said then she opened the band aid that she took from her bag. She went down then she put the band aid in my wound. "Let's go. We're getting late." She said then pulled my hand. She ran so I have to do it too since she was holding my hand.
"We're here." She announced after reaching my classroom.
"We're classmates?!" I asked again in surprise which made her laugh.
"Of course not. I'm not that smart you know, Im just a pretty girl." She said then she laughed again. "I'm from section B. See you later. Bye!" She said then she walk towards the room beside ours then waved her hand before entering her classroom.
"Are we friends?" I asked myself since the way she act is like we're friends. "Huh? since when---"Ms. Dela Vega, don't you have any plans to enter inside the classroom?" I wasn't able to continue whispering when Mrs. Torres, our first period teacher came.
She was standing in front of me and she's with three boys. I looked at them and was surprised that one of them is the handsome boy I met a while ago.
That man looked at me. He stared at me for seconds, probably remembering where he met me then he suddenly smiled.
He's too handsome and I feel like my cheeks is burning so I just looked away.
"Get inside now." Mrs. Torres said.
"Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry." I said then hurriedly went inside.
I even heard my classmates laugh before I walk towards my chair.
"Good morning, everyone. I am with your new classmates." Mrs. Torres announced that made the whole section noisy. "Silent!" Ma'am Torres said, raising her voice to get our attention. "Boys introduce yourselves." She said. The three man faced in front. The handsome man I met a while ago stepped forward then he begun to introduce himself.
"Good morning everyone. I am Matthew Alistair. Eighteen years old, and a basketball player. Nice to meet you all. I hope we'll have a good relationship this whole school year. Thank you." He said then flashed a big smile which made the girls scream of course except me.
"Quite, girls!" Ma'am Torres ordered which everyone followed. "Next." she ordered then the tall one spoke.
"Hello everyone, I am Marc Angelo. Nice to meet you all." He said, ending his introduction with a smile that made the girls scream again.
"Quiet!" Ma'am Torres said that made the girls stop from screaming. "Okay, continue." she added. So the silent man stepped forward to introduce himself.
"Good morning. I am Carl Andrew." he simply said.
"Bro, that's all?" Matthew said to his friend but he did not get any answer. Carl just looked at him then he looked again in front which made the whole class laugh.
"Okay. Nice to meet you all. Kindly sit at the vacant seats at the back near Ms. Dela Vega.
"Yes, ma'am. " Matthew and Angelo said in chorus then they all went towards the chair near me. There are four chairs here at the back and I was sitting on the right side.
Carl sat on the first chair in the left followed by Angelo then Matthew sat beside me.
Now I can feel my girl classmates glaring at me.
Oh God I just wanna live peacefully.

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  • avatar
    Famat Charlene

    it's so nice


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  • avatar
    Khey Dnd

    thankyou for this story 🥰


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