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CHAPTER 7 : A Friend or Enemy

Serenity's P.O.V:
"Aunt, Uncle, I'll go now. Please take care of Sy, again" my farewell before heading out of the house
"Take care!" Aunt said
I was walking slowly, but I heard our neighbors talking about me, again.
They talk so loud and always hinted my current life.
I just ignored them and feel the wind as I walk pass them.
"She's really pathetic. Living a luxurious life before, but now, the opposite. Hahahaha!" the gossiper one said
"If I were you, instead of feeling all the hardships. Why don't you just jump at the rooftop?" the another one said
I stopped when I heard that. I remembered the time when I really tried to jump at the rooftop. I brought my youngest sister with me. I heard nothing when I stood at the edge. But Sy cried. I almost stepped my right foot, but I heard her mourn. She woke me and made me realize that I still have a reason to live. It's just painful that time, both my parents have died in just a day.
If Sy didn't cry that time. She lost another family. And that's because of these kind of people. But I promised Sy that I will never do it again and will stay by her side.
"She can't live that kind of life again" gossiper one said
"She will never get out of this mess and will continue to work while studying" another one said
"They were rich, but her parents didn't leave anything for them. Aren't her parents too bad?" gossiper one said
I can't control myself and walks toward them while clenching my fist.
'If you have nothing right to say then shut your mouth. If you can't shut your mouth then go home. If you can't, then I'll sue you. You are just a crazy gossipers with no achievements. What are your lifes purposes anyway? To talk about deads and other people lives? Then you're the ones deserving to jump at the rooftop!And for your information, you have no idea what will happen. You're not a clairvoyant. You don't own and control everyones destiny. I'll succeed using my own skills and talents. You can't relate to it. Why? because your only skill is to talk about people! You're the ones who are truly pathetic!" I looked at them with angry face and walked away
My heart's beating too fast.
It's my first time to talk to someone like that.
I had no choice, I don't want to hear their voices anymore.
I'm almost near from the university but I saw a large drop of water falling from the sky.
I looked around to see if there's a place that can be a shelter.
The rain's becoming heavier.
Because of being panic. I dropped my books.
I immediately get them and felt that there's no water falling in my hair anymore.
"Whoa, thanks for stopping the rain, Zeus!" I sighed then stood up
"Ouch!" Someone said when I stood up
"Norman?" I was shock to see him
The rain didn't stop. Norman just shared his umbrella with me while getting the remaining books.
And I hurt his nose when I stand up because I didn't know he's here.
"I-I'm sorry, Norman. Are you okay?" I asked while checking his nose.
"I'm okay, let's go together" he said before grabbing the books I am holding
After we entered the university, I dragged him to the infirmary.
"Sit down for a moment, I'll call the nurse" I said while putting down the books of mine he held a while ago.
I looked around the infirmary but the nurse is not here yet.
" I'm really okay, Rin"
"There's a wound in your nose. It needs treatment" I said while getting the first aid
I sat down beside him while cleaning the wounded part first.
He is talkative inside the classroom. But he's the opposite now.
"You don't have to be nervous, I'm not going to eat you" I said with joke tune to break the silence
" Thank you" he smiled
" I should be the one thanking you. If you weren't there, me and my books will be soaked. So, thank you Norman!" I smiled
I put a bandage to his nose. And fix the things I have used.
" Oh, Cha Dong Min?" Norman's shocking face that made me shock,too.
Because of what he said, I also look where he is looking right now.
"Ah.." I sigh
It's really Dong Min.
"A-are you looking for the nurse?" I asked
He didn't answer me and look around instead.
" Rin, I need to buy something in the canteen. I'll go first. I think he's looking for something, you should help him" Norman said
" Are you really okay?" I asked him and he didn't answer,too. He just look to Dong Min, again.
So I look at Dong Min, again.
H-he's staring at me, isn't he?
" I'm really okay now. Thank you, Rin!" he smiled then rub the top part of my hair as if I am a puppy.
I just smirked on what he did and look at him until he's out of my sight.
I looked to Dong Min again, and he's looking for something unknown.
"Are you perhaps looking for something? I can help you" I suggested
"First aid" he answered
"Ah, I used it to treat Norman" I said while getting the first aid again
He came towards me and get the first aid.
"Are you hurt?" I asked
"Why? Will you also gonna treat me? Are you a nurse? You're not. So why do you want to treat everyone?" he asked seriously
What's wrong with him?
"Because he's my friend" I answered
He didn't say anything and went out of the infirmary.
Before going out, he gave me a look that made my blood boil.
" Ha! Did he just leered at me?" I sighed.
I went straight to the classroom after. I'm not yet sitted but I saw something in my desk.
" A drink?" I asked
" Norman did that" Mica whispered
So this is what he bought in the canteen. I touched it and it's..
"Ouch!" I said
"Shh!" Mica whispered
"It's hot!" I remembered what happened earlier. He bought this warm drink for me. Instead of feeling that pain, I smiled because of his thoughtfulness.
Under the drink, there's a note so I read it quietly.
" If you found a code, what will you do?" he asked in the note
What kind of code is he talking about?
I instantly remembered the topic we had with Uncle Dave.
" Mica, who did this?" I asked Mica while showing the cover of the note
" Ah, I'm not sure. I saw Norman putted that bottle. And I saw Ray putted something. I'm not sure"
I became confuse.
Norman and Ray.
The guardian which my uncle Dave said can be one of the two of you.
Ray's P.O.V;
It's lunch time.
Another difficulty.
Difficulty in choosing what to eat.
I saw Serenity and her friend going out of the canteen.
So I followed them.
Serenity entered the comfort room while her friend is waiting outside.
She's using her phone so I came closer and talk to her.
"Hello!" I greeted
She looks at me with confusion.

" I'm sorry if I didn't introduce myself the last time we talk" I smiled
" What do you want?" She asked
" I thought you're going to ask my name. By the way, my name's Ray Ramos. You?" I raised my hand
" I'm Ailyn. Ailyn Lauron" she said seriously
"Well, I was hoping that you could also raise your hand so we could shake hands"
"We're not close" she said
"That's why I'm introducing myself"
Serenity came out of the comfort room
"Ray? What are you doing here? Do you guys know each other?" Serenity asked that made Ailyn became shock
"You know him?" Ailyn asked her
"Yes, he's a classmate" Serenity answered
"So you know each other?" Serenity added.
"We are getting to know each other" I said that made Ailyn looks at me with angry face
"Ey, you like her, Ray?" Serenity asked that made me smile
" Rin!" Ailyn said
" Oh, aren't going to use the comfort room?" Serenity asked to Ailyn
Ailyn entered the comfort room.
" When did you like her? You know how to choose a right girl" Serenity said
" Can you tell me more about her?"
" Only if she let me" she smiled
" By the way, are you done with the code?" I asked her that made her look confused
" Code? What kind of code?" She asked with confusion
" Our assignment, code or program about the main menu of sequence, selection, and loop structures" I said that gave her a sigh of relief
"Ahh, hahahaha. I do have" she smirked.
Is she thinking of a different kind of a code?
What code?
It's interesting.
Ailyn came out of the comfort room.
And Serenity keeps on laughing.
" Serenity, can you go first?" Ailyn asked Serenity
" Why? Ah. I see. Got it!" Serenity ran far from us
Ailyn looked at me with full of confusion.
" Are you a friend? Or an enemy?" She asked
" What's with that question?" I asked
" It's a simple question yet you can't answer"
" Ah, to Serenity? Of course I am a friend"
" You better make sure" she said before leaving me
I sighed and go back to the canteen.

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  • avatar

    a very interesting novel I've read before i look forward to other novels you released


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    Gleah Mae Cuaresma

    good story


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