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Chapter Two

We got inside the house and she lead me to the kitchen. I sat down at the table while she goes into to the refrigerator to get a glass of Juice for me.
She gave it to me …I smiled and thanked her after I collected it.
“The girls will bring the food over to you in a jiffy”. The middle aged woman said to me as she sat across me and smiled.
Whilst in the main time, just to kill the boredom. I and the woman talked at length…She mentioned her loved ones and her son.
“This is my Son’s house. He lives alone”. She said to me.
I was shocked. And decided to ask, “How old is your Son Ma’am?”. I asked feeling weird for me asking that..
“He’s about…..” she was interrupted by a male husky voice that echoed around the house.
Then, a tall handsome hot male figure came into view from behind the wall.
I was like wow… he’s so cute ;)
“Who is she Mom?” the male voice asked.
“She’s your next door neighbor that just moved in today.
I saw her taking a stroll, so I decided to invite her over to the house to have a meal”. The middle aged woman explained in smiles.
I decided to introduce myself to him to break the awkward moment already..
“Hello, my name is Nina. I’m sorry to….-“.
“Mother, I don’t freaking like strangers in my house and I have told you this severally”. He interrupted me rudely.
“She didn’t have my permission before coming in.” he said to his Mother and then turned to me and said, ”Get out of my property miss”. He said rudely.
His arms were crossed and he has an angry looking face on him.
I was getting pissed off of the situation already but I had to endure it for a while.. He so gonna have me to contend with.
“Uhmm….I’m sorry Si….r for coming in your property without your permission”. I said as I stressed to word Sir for him to hear that.
And I turned over to his mom,” Thank you Ma’am for letting me come over for a little chat and refreshment”, I said with a smile and grabbed my mobile phone heading out of the rude guy’s property.
As I was walking pass the rude guy, I stared at in disgust and tusked.
And him noticing that tripped me in the process.
“Gosh, this guy is just a rude animal”..
I noticed that his Mom was not happy about her Son’s behavior. She just headed to the kitchen instead.
I noticed her leaving, then I turned back to the rude guy direction and kicked him in between his legs.
“Fuck”. He cursed while rubbing his ****.
He glared at me in shock and yelled at me.
“Hey, what the fuck”..
I heard him yell.
And I ignored him totally not without him a Fuck you symbol..
I don’t take Shit from anybody..
Who the hell does he think he is anyways..I asked no one in question.
As I left the premises feeling proud of myself.
It’s been a week now since I last saw that rude guy.. and it wasn’t as if I wanted to see him though.
Oh gosh, Nina what are you thinking lately..? I asked myself.
I think I need to go get myself a job to keep myself busy and stop thinking about some weird rude being.
Ahh….yes, that reminds me..I think I got an email of my resumeé today.
Shit, I totally forgot about that.. I need to head out to the working place right away.
I went out for a work and went towards the bus stop. I waited for about an hour and still there isn’t busy around going my way..maybe because I arrived late at the bus stop.
“What the heck is taking the buses so long to arrive here and pick me up huh” I groaned.
I decided at the end to call for a cab.
“Oh... Stupid jackass brain…Why, the hell did I not think of that..?” I asked myself as I dialed the digital to call a taxi.
As I was about to call for a taxi, a black flashing Benz stopped in front of me.
The window of the vehicle started winding down and his face came into view. I looked closely to reduce all doubt and truly it was the male. My next door neighbor. That freaking rude asshole.
I rolled my eyes immediately he came into view to my realization.
“Get in Miss, I will take you to your destination”. He said sounding calm this time.
“huh…I don’t know you or your name either. What makes you think that I will go with you huh..?” I asked him as I folded my arms in question being a little dramatic.
“Geeezzz….Get in and I will tell”. He rolled his eyes in cute manner.
Wow those eyes is killing me already... Gosh Ni…na..
“OK then” I replied coming back from my thought.
I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. I hopped in.
Woah, this car smells nice and tempting.
“Mmm.. your car smells nice”. I said to him as I whiff of the smell.
“You are just a weirdo….you know. Anyways, where are you heading to?” He asked.
“I’m in need of a job”. I replied
“A job”. He repeated and I looked at him and frowned.
“Yah, A Job”. I told him once again.
He smirked at me and said, ”Why would you need a job when you are currently living in a very expensive house in the neighborhood?”. He asked.
I turned to him and argued. “huh…just because I stay in an expensive mansion and neighborhood doesn’t mean I’m a spoilt brat who likes to be lazy and become a sit-at-home girl doing nothing. I need to earn my own money, spend my own income and not always depending on my Mom at all times”. I said as I folded my arms in anger and turned my head over facing the car window.

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  • avatar

    when would book 2 be published


  • avatar
    Alicia Fulo

    I love reading this


  • avatar
    TecsonMary ann

    it's a very very amazing 😻😻 from the start and to the end of the story. I hope have a book 2 because I'm not satisfied what is the happening in the story or what should do of Nina to take her back of his child's.


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