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Chapter VII

"Grandma, I heard you are sick?" I yelled from the outside of her room. "I brought you water. Can you come out for a second or open your door for me to enter?" I tried to ask her.
After a few seconds, my grandma opens the door while coughing.
"Here, drink this first," I said as I handed her the glass of water I brought for her. "Why are you all dressed up?" I asked, when I finally realized that she was wearing her work clothes. "You are not going to go to your work with your condition. Just tell them you cannot go there because you are not feeling well." I told her.
"I need to clean their house," Grandma answered. "I am cleaning their–" She was not able to finish her sentence when she coughed again.
"Look, you do not look like one who can go to work today. You can not work today. Where is their house?" I asked. "Can I go instead of you? I can not let you go in that state. You should just rest here." I added.
I do not have any classes today, and I can just do our assignments after that. I can not let my grandma go and clean.
She will get sick more if she goes there and cleans.
Mom would kill me too if I let her. We must be more safe than harming her.
"I can't let you clean their house. You've got tons of schoolwork to do." Grandma said, worrying about my school stuff rather than herself.
"I can just do it later, Grandma. Text them that I will go in your place instead," I replied. "Don't you trust me at all? I can clean like yours! I can make their floor shine like ours! Our family is good at cleaning!" I boasted, making my Grandma laugh.
Although, I never have the talent to clean the house like mom and her. Every parents, when they clean the house, you can not spot any dirt, and it looks like it was properly arranged. Unlike mine, whenever I try to clean my room. It's like I never organized it. Why is that?
"Okay, I will tell them that you will go in my place. Thank you very much, Sunny." Grandma said.
"Small thing, Grandma. Just make sure to treat me when you get your wage." I answered jokingly. "I will take a bath for now, so that I can go there already. The faster I am, the faster I will finish everything." I added.
I run to my room and find something comfortable to wear.
"Jogger pants and an oversized shirt will do, right?–whatever." I said to myself and went to the bathroom to take a bath.
I am just going to clean the house. Comfortable clothes are a must for me to be able to work well and avoid things that will make me work for a long time.
After doing what I needed to do, I headed to my grandma's room to ask for the address. She writes the address on a piece of paper and she also gives her phone to me.
"Take care of yourself." Grandma said. "Make sure to leave the house clean and nice. Be good to them and respect them." She added, reminding me as to what I should do there.
"Of course, Grandma." I replied. "Do not worry too much about me. I will make sure to clean their house properly and I won't leave any dirt either. I won't let you down! Trust me!" I said confidently.
I started to travel to the given address. An hour had passed and I finally reached the house where my Grandma was working.
"Is this the house? Ah no, the address?" I asked the taxi driver.
"Yes, Ma'am." The taxi driver answered.
This house is too big for me.
How can my grandma clean this big house?
This is not an ordinary house. It's so extraordinary. This house is too big for my Grandma!
They even have a big gate before I can finally enter their house.
I clicked the door bell twice. The gate opened itself for me to enter.
"WOAH! Their gate is sooo high-tech! must be a rich aff owner!" I said in amazement and went on.
I entered the house and reached the main door.
It is open as to what my grandma said. She told me that if the door is open, I should just go inside the house like what she usually does.
Grandma explained everything and where I could find things and what they were. Good thing Grandma told me, or else I wouldn't be able to find it in the first place since the HOUSE is too big.
If Grandma never gave me an ups, I wouldn't be able to clean this.
I headed to the storage room where the cleaning tools are kept. I left my bag in the storage room and went straight to the third floor. I will start cleaning from the top to the bottom.
"How can a house be this big?" I asked myself, tying my hair for me to start working. "Our house is only one floor, and it is already hard to clean, and their house is big and even has three floors. They should have asked for many housekeepers instead." I added.
After cleaning for an hour with just the third floor, with rooms on it, I decided to stop for a while and fan myself.
"I should not let my grandma work here again." I said to myself.
They must need three or more people for this house. One person can not do it alone. Why did they not ask for more people? They are rich. They can get more people for this house.
They should not have bought this in the first place if they couldn't afford it, right?
She will get really sick after cleaning this house.
"And why is that?" someone from behind asked.
I quickly turned to see the owner of a voice and saw a young man... no, a handsome young man indeed.
No lying! Handsome is handsome! Sheila's type of man. I should tell her this later when I got home.
He looks like someone I know. I just don't remember what he looked like. An artist? Or not? Nevermind.
"Y-you must be the owner of this house." I answered, stuttering.
He quietly approached me with his weird smile.
"D-don't come, stay wherever you are." I told him.
He is creepy! Why is my grandma working with these kinds of people?!
"You smell so nice though." he answered, out of context.
What a pervert! Can I smack this man? Can I take the words back? He is not handsome at all! He is a pervert!
"Stay away, or else I will smack you with this broom I am holding!" I warned. "HELPPPPPPPP!" I yelled.
Instead of moving away after I warned him, he even walked forward to me. I tried to smack him with the broom, but he did not look like he was hurt.
Am I smacking him lightly? Should I aim at his head?
"Pervert!" I added and smacked him again.
"Hey! I am not a pervert! I just want to smell you!" he commented.
"It is just the same though. Why would you smell me in the first place! I do not even know you!" I answered back.
Is he crazy? Why does he want to smell me? I do not even smell nice after cleaning their house! I am full of sweat and everything! How can I smell good in this situation?
"Mavin!" someone shouted again.
"OH! STEVEN!" I said, running behind him. "Help me! That pervert is trying to do something yucky!" I told him.
"I told you that I am not a pervert. I just want to smell you. What is bad about that!" he replied, explaining his side to Steven.
"Mavin, you are a freaking pervert." Steven commented, and that made me nod my head violently.
He is right. Perverts do not know who they are.
"I told you!" I told Mavin that.
"Why is my younger brother siding with a human now? I am your brother, not her." Mavin said, asking Steven now.
I quickly moved away from Steven.
"You... you guys are brothers?" I asked as I slowly moved backwards, away from them.
"We are, isn't it obvious?" Mavin the pervert asked.
That is why I thought he looked like someone I knew. He does not look like an artist, but he looks like my classmate, Steven.
Why did I not think of it? He really looks like Steven. Despite the fact that this Mavin pervert is a much better builder than he is.
Someone I was thinking of a while ago was Steven.
How can they be handsome? Me and my older sister thinks the opposite way, that I am the most beautiful and she is not. She also thinks the opposite way. So, how? Why are they so lucky? What did they do in their past lives?
Are their parents that gorgeous and handsome? How can they pair themselves like this? They should have made more. Don't waste their breed. Go and spread out.
"Ooh! Ooh!"
"What the hell!" Steven yelled. "You are about to fall!" Steven said, mad, almost— no he is really glaring at me now.
Mom! He is scary!
"H-how did you catch me too fast? Y-you were there a while ago." I asked, pointing where he had been standing a while ago.
I went away from him a while ago. How can he catch me that fast? Can he fly? Is he the flash?
"You were over thinking a while ago. You did not see me walking towards you. Idiot." he answered.
"Hey! I am still here!" Mavin commented.
I quickly helped myself and distanced myself from the both of them.
I inhale and exhale for a few seconds. I am calming my mind since I cannot help but to think and think. Why am I over-thinking this? I should try to minimize this habit of mine.
After calming myself down, I looked at them. "Okay!" I started. "Can we talk about this later?" I asked them.
"And why is that?" Mavin the pervert asked.
"You know, I started cleaning this floor an hour ago and I still have two floors left. Would you mind going out of my sight first? I want to finish this as soon as possible. I still have tons of work in our house." I told them, picking up the broom on the floor.
"I am going to wait for you at the sala." Mavin answered, and started to go down stairs.
"You too." I told Steven.
I told him to come down with his brother because I really needed to finish this work today. I won't let my Grandma down. I will make her proud that I can clean better now.
He did not answer back, but he followed right after.
I started to go back clean after that as well.
After 2 hours of cleaning, I am done with the two floors and I just need to finish the last floor. Both Mavin and Steven are waiting in the sala, watching sports.
This is so exhausting. I want to lie in bed and sleep for just an hour.
"Sunny, you can rest for a while." Steven said.
How can he say those words after I said I wanted to rest my mind?
"Your face says everything." he added.
I hide my face with the broom.
I hate how they can read my emotions through my facial expressions. I have been reading the book I borrowed from the library, and it looks like I am learning, but I can't still hide my own emotions.
"You do not have to clean this floor. Just rest now." Steven said.
"No. I can finish this. This is the only floor I need to clean." I replied.
But if he tells me to stop for a while, I will definitely follow him.

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  • avatar
    Juross Mayoral

    Sunny I scared myself for nothing. I can now enter the school without any problem. I should not have get worried first and tried to talk to him


  • avatar
    Everson Amaral Sousa



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