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|Chapter 06: Wounded|
"I was about to look for you...,"
I didn't hear the next words he says because I was too fluttered with his choice of words.
He will look for me. Yea. Get crazy over that.
"Can I ask a favor?"
"Huh?" I blink my eyes and look at him with confusion in my eyes.
It's as if the dreamy bubbles above my head disappear and push me to reality.
"You were saying?" I ask and bit my tongue.
Fidgeting with my fingers on my lap as I wait for him to repeat what he was saying a while ago. I'm too busy daydreaming that I couldn't hear him. His lips twitch as if he's stopping himself from whatever he's about to do when he sees that I'm looking at him like a kid waiting for an answer.
"Can I ask a favor? We're a bit in need of hands for the preparation for the surprise later and I thought, you can be of help?"
Using my tongue, I use it to push my inside cheeks. I'm really controlling myself not to scream in glee because he's way talking softly like I'm some fragile one who needs to be taken care of. And the idea that he thought of me pushes me to the clouds of delight.
Oh. My. Ghad.
"Uhm, wait. Let me check my schedule for today," I'm thankful I didn't break my voice.
Of course, I know how to play hard to get. Kidding. It's just an excuse though. I have two subjects in the afternoon. 2 hours for the first subject, and another two hours for one of my majors. So that being said, I might have to go help them past four in the afternoon.
I just need to act that I'm not that eager to say yes when he's asking for a favor because come on! This is a first!
"What time is the surprise?" I ask him as I pretend to look for something on my phone.
From my peripheral vision, I see how he glances at me for a second and goes back to the main road in front.
"Probably seven or so? Why? Do you have some stuff to do?" He asks, purely curious.
"Hm, honestly I still have classes until four. So I might be helping you guys past four. Is that okay?"
I disregard my stubborn inner thoughts because in a serious case, I really need to finish my pending activities. I'm already a graduating student so I need to do all of it seriously.
Don't worry baby, I will have all my free time to fantasize about you whenever I can. For now, let me focus on my studies for our future.
"Yes, of course. Thank you," I smile at him before putting my phone back on my backpack on my lap.
"You're welcome," it's not my intention to sound sweet, guys. It's natural for me.
Just believe me, people. Haha.
"It's not that I'm trying to pry but why were you in a hospital?" He really sounded curious. Well, even so, if it's him who's asking, it's okay for me. Always.
"Oh, about that. The brother of my friend just need to be checked on and she needed my comfort, that's why. Though I really hope she's okay now,"
I can't just drop Foren's secret. All they know was, that Chazer is Foren's brother. Not her son. That was her decision and who am I to disagree? I respect her decision even though I want her to be proud of her son.
Not that I'm saying she's not but I feel like it can help them both. For Chazer's emotional and mental support as well as hers.
Maybe someday, she can proudly say that Chazer's her son.
"We're here. You want me to fetch you later? Or Nah?" He asks me after parking his car in the parking lot of the school.
There are only some students walking around the campus. The other students are probably still in their respective classes.
I look at him as I unbuckle the seatbelt.
"You can fetch me in the School Library," I tell him as I fix myself.
"Hm. Okay. See you later?"
I can't help but hide my smile when I heard his words. Sweet.
He lets out a soft laugh before opening the door on his side and me being me, assuming that he'll open the door for me, I waited. I didn't get disappointed as I watch him walk around and go in my direction. As expected, he opens the door on my side.
"I'm going,"
"Go," as I turn my back on him, I smile like a lunatic witch as I vision what he did just a while ago inside my head.
Another saved to memory.
Resting my head on my left palm, I bit the pen that I'm holding using my right hand. Elbows on the table as I try to understand the phrases in my book.
I unconsciously smile and laugh a bit when I remember what happened after walking out of the hospital.
My heart feels warm and light.
"For those who'll submit their projects past on time, one point deducted straight from your grades,"
My eyes widen when my professor's words in one of my majors rang in my head.
Oh, dang!
I almost forget about that one.
What a way to ruin my daydreaming, tsk.
It's been an hour or so after Zaraze and I part ways in the parking lot. I've been trying to finish my activities inside the Library and I'm thankful that I remembered my professor's words or else, I'll really have a low grade. I can't afford to let that happen to me.
I can already feel my head getting heavy because of studying straight for an hour now. Reading and analyzing cost too much energy. It's consuming my will to finish all of it.
Studying sometimes is draining. Even if you're enjoying what you're doing, there will be times that you just want to take a break and chill your brain for using it straight in a week.
|Foren calling...|
I glance at my phone when I feel the vibration of it on the table. I get my eyeglasses off my eyes as I reach for my phone.
"Yes, anything wrong Foren?" I ask her, not minding if she's about to say something.
My head's a bit aching.
"Kad, can you get my report papers on my locker? I need to pass it on before twelve to Professor Smith. You know her right? Can you pass it for me, please?"
I sigh and look blankly at the empty chairs in front of me.
"What? Ah, right. Report papers, yea?" I unconsciously blurt out.
Words, letters, and numbers are all spinning right in front of me. Geez. That's why I don't want to study straight for an hour. I'm like this after doing so.
"Are you alright, Kad?" I was pulled from spacing out when I heard Foren's worried voice.
"Uhm, yes! Of course. I just need to pass it to Prof. Smith, right?" I ask.
"Yes. Thank you, Kad! I love you!"
I roll my eyes as I hear the beep sound meaning she has already hung up the phone call.
Tsk. What a user. Kiddin'.
I sigh and look at the thick books that are open in pages in front of me. On the table.
"Okay, let's do this!"
Maybe I'll continue this before taking my lunch.
I fix my things silently. Other students inside the library are also studying so I minimize the noise I'm creating by fixing the things in my bag.
I let the strap on my right shoulder as I let the other hang in the air. Pick up the books and carry them in my arms.
I leave the library in peace.
While walking down the corridor to the faculty room, my eyes caught something that caused me to be at an abrupt stop.
Zaraze's talking to a girl. An Engineering student, like him.
Shariza Locran. The heiress that is destined to be with Zaraze even before I can get a chance to be with him. How sad.
I perfectly know that girl. She's always linked to Zaraze, how wouldn't I know?
I always say to myself that they're just close. Nothing else. But right now, seeing them talk like some couple you know in the streets, my heart fell to the floor.
With a heavy heart, I look away and proceed to the faculty room without glancing back over to see them. Even if I'm too itchy to watch them talk, I push myself to walk ahead of me.
That's too sore in my eyes.

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  • avatar

    it's Vary amazing


  • avatar
    Farid Adzal



  • avatar
    Jaymar Hinumla

    thank you


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