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|Chapter 05: Saved|
"Hi, Chazer! How are you feeling?"
I ask the little cutie boy who just woke up after I did.
His mother, Foren is still sleeping on the couch. I have a hard time calming her down yesterday night and I think it was almost three AM when I heard her snore. She fell asleep then I tried to sleep when I fixed her on the couch.
Now, it's still seven AM. I hardly had sleep though that's why I can feel the heaviness in my head. I didn't let him see that.
"I'm fine, Tita Kad. How's Mom?" He asks as he glances behind me. I sigh and peel off an orange for him to take in.
"She's still fine as ever, Chazer. What happened?"
I give him one piece of orange as I watch him take it. He lets out a deep sigh and looks down at his hands, fidgeting his fingers on his lap.
"Someone bullied me, Tita Kad. He said that I'm not enough for my Dad to stay with us... But! It's okay. I just can't help but take it seriously that's why it triggered my condition,"
I bit my lower lip and mess his hair. I don't know what to say. He's too young to understand things. He's just six yet he has to experience this kind of thing already.
"You know that's not true, right?" I softly ask him and take a seat beside him.
I hug him sideways as I caress his shoulders to calm him. His breathing is slowly becoming fast and I'm worried it'll trigger him again.
"Of course!" His voice can't lie as it shakes upon saying that to me.
Heaving a sigh, I rest my chin on top of his head as I hug him tighter. Giving him the strength to go on even if life's already trying him.
"That's the spirit, little cutie!" I tease him to make him feel at ease.
"I'm a big boy, Tita Kad! I'm not even cute!"
"Oh, is that so? Huh?" He laughs as I tickle him on his bed.
He doesn't wear his mask anymore unlike yesterday. I'm glad. I can breathe now.
"Why are you two so noisy in the morning?!"
Chazer and I stop all of a sudden when a booming voice coming from behind resonates with our hearing senses.
"Your Mom's a dragon again,"
I whisper to Chazer which causes him to giggle loudly. Not minding his Mom acting like a retard old woman in the street.
"You're laughing because?" I hide Chazer on my chest as Foren walks towards us.
"Tsk, Foren can't you wash your face first before facing us? You stink!" I'm holding myself not laughing because her face suddenly becomes red.
Eyes glaring, she rolls it as she looks at me.
"Good Morning baby~," she greets her son before walking inside the bathroom at the side near the couch.
"Morning Mom!" As soon as she closes the door of the bathroom, we both look into each other's eyes.
We laugh in unison which causes Foren to scream inside the bathroom.
"Your Mom really is a dragon. She spits fire whenever she's in rage! Don't make her worried again, okay?"
He curtly nods his head and continues eating the oranges I bought for him yesterday. He still needs to undergo one examination according to his Doctor and he's good to be discharged.
It's not my story to tell but it was when we finished our first year of being a college students. We had a celebration with our batchmates in a bar that I forgot its name. I don't know what happened that time because I was too engrossed watching others having fun around the bar that I didn't notice Foren was already out of my sight.
That was the time I stopped drinking and had myself sober up to look for Foren but hours passed, and she didn't go back. That was why I decided to book a cab to go home. Thought that maybe she had already gone back home.
Morning came and first thing in the morning, I called her phone. Three times after trying to call her, she answered.
I'm too worried I didn't know, someone other than Foren answered my call.
"Yah! Where were you last night?! I've been looking for you!" I was almost screaming because of too much worry when I heard a clearing of the throat on the other line.
It's even as if the person just woke up.
"Who's this?" My mouth fell open as I heard a husky baritone voice instead of a sweet bitchy voice.
"Who the hell are you?! Where's Foren?!"
"Yes! The owner of the phone you're holding!"
I was stressed out after the call that I didn't enjoy eating breakfast in my condo unit. I was too anxious and starting to think of possibilities of what had happened to her last night. She came home, distressed. She seemed like she went lost in the middle of a war and came back looking like a lost kitten in the street.
That's what happened and Ford Chazer came into our life.
"You'll be okay?" With my soft voice, I ask him while stroking his messy soft hair in between my fingers.
"Hm. We'll be okay, Tita Kad. Don't worry too much. I'll do my best not to cause any trouble for you two," my smile grow wider.
He's sweet. I love this kid so much. At his age, I'm glad he's slowly becoming mature even if it contradicts his age.
Well, maturity isn't based on how old a person is. It's on how you think and act according to a certain situation. I'm really happy we thought him how to see things seriously and handle such situations.
It's not always that we have his back. He should learn how to stand alone in the middle of uncertainty. So, if he will encounter such situations unexpectedly, he'll know what to do. Even without us, helping him. Of course, we're still on the side supporting his decisions.
Nowadays, young people just do what they like without even thinking of the possible consequences of their actions. If they'll inflict pain on others or create trouble and that could make their parents go crazy with too much stress.
I'm not saying it's all for the young people out there. Maybe some, yes. We don't know.
"I'm off to go, Chazer. Just kiss your Mom for me. Take care, I love you!"
"Love you too!"
I walk my way out of his room and take the way to the school.
I still have something to do. I decided not to take my morning classes for today and just take my afternoon classes.
I glance at my wristwatch on my right wrist as I wait for a cab to take me to the school. It's already ten AM. Two hours are vacant and I'll be using them to make my pending activities.
Finals are fast approaching and I can't screw it up.
I was startled when I heard a beep from a car on my right. My brows furrow in confusion when the car seems familiar to my eyes.
"What?" I breathlessly ask myself when it dawns on me who owns the car and who stops right in front of me.
The glass window from the passenger's seat slowly goes down as my heart starts to beat wildly inside its cage.
"Get in Ms. Crimson,"
I bit my tongue not to make unnecessary noise like squealing like a pig. Damn.
"Zaraze?" I ask like an idiot.
I can't even look at his eyes. He's wearing the eyeglasses that make him look more attractive to my eyes. He's too bright that my eyes constantly avoid his whenever he tries to.
"Yeah. Get in, it's hot out there~,"
I don't know what's happening but something's telling me not to waste this chance and just go with the flow. I can't think of anything else anymore. Just having him with me after everything that had happened yesterday, I'm so much glad.
"Thank you," I say to him after buckling my seatbelt as he starts to maneuver his car.
"You're welcome,"
Another set of memories with him.

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  • avatar

    it's Vary amazing


  • avatar
    Farid Adzal



  • avatar
    Jaymar Hinumla

    thank you


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