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|Chapter 03: A Picture|
I feel like I'm in clouds again.
To be able to ride in his car is one of my dreams and it's happening!
I can't help but giggle with that thought in my mind. I couldn't remember when exactly I became crazier when it comes to Zaraze Villadeza.
I mean, we met because of a dare. It's not really our first meeting but I can always see him being admired by many because of their looks and wealth. But for me? I was mesmerized by the time I saw his intense pair of green eyes.
I love green even before and he made me fall for it even more.
They say time becomes shorter when you're happy. So, before this happiness fades inside of me, I better cherish every moment that I'm with him. Even if it's just because he needs someone to guide him on what to buy for their decoration.
At least, he NEEDS me. Right, people? Kiddin'.
"Uhm," I clear my throat while he's busily maneuvering the car.
We're at the main road already and I bet the nearest Mall from the school is where we'll go. Specifically, the Cor D Mall. Business of the Cordova family. One of his friends, Arrow Zeus Cordova.
"What is it?" He asks and looks at me for a second and back to the road.
"What kind of decors do you need?" I ask him, trying my hardest not to scream in glee.
The excitement inside me is continuously urging me to do my best, fully. But I just can't do that.
I still respect myself, okay? Hehe.
"Actually, it's a secret. And since you're going to help me, I'll tell you the reason,"
A simple appreciation coming from him makes my heart flutter even more. I think, I'm already hyperventilating at this point but I hardly stop myself from acting like a lunatic witch.
"We'll be surprising Hover's girlfriend. It's her birthday tomorrow,"
My eyes widen when I hear his, I mean the reason coming from him.
Hover's girlfriend?!
That's new. I didn't know he has a girlfriend. I thought it was Nixxa Jordan. But I guess, they're really just friends. I mean, Nixxa has feelings for Hover and Hover..., what a sad story.
I wonder if Arrow is quite involved in this issue. He's Nixxa's best friend and he knows Nixxa's feelings for Hover. Hover seems not to know anything about it.
So, understand my shock.
"I didn't know he has one already," I unconsciously mumble out causing him to look at me.
I scratch the back of my head as I look outside the window on my side.
Sometimes my mouth is uncontrollable.
"Do you know Calli Vesta?"
Surprised, I look at him. I even have to turn my body, facing his side. How many times do I need to be shocked today?
Do I need to ready myself to be shocked if he'll ask my permission to court me? Kiddin'.
"You mean, the Volleyball Varsity Captain?!" I ask him with my eyes, widen in surprise.
Calli Ra Vesta. The chick Volleyball Captain. Whoa. I didn't expect that. I mean, you know what I mean.
"You're cute," he suddenly drops while I'm still shocked by what I've heard from him.
"Wait, what?" I ask, surprised again.
Dang! I'm really going to save this date as one of the memorable moments in my entire life.
To be complemented by him.
Though, cute? I may disagree with him on that.
"Nothing. We're here. Let's go," I watch him go out of the car as I'm left with nothing but disbelief.
Did I just mishear him?
But I clearly heard him say that I'm cute!
I kind of startled when the door on my side suddenly opens. It seems like I'm seeing things in slow motion.
The way his face suddenly appears in my sight. The way I'm continuously being mesmerized by his tantalizing eyes of his. It looks sharp but when you stare at it, it's gentle. His eyebrows are thick and perfectly arched which made him look like he's someone you wouldn't want to mess up with.
He really has a pointed nose that emphasizes his foreign blood. His reddish lips look so soft down to his sharp jawline.
"You alright?"
The imaginary bubbles around my head suddenly pop out, ruining my moment as it pulls me into reality.
The reality is that I am just one of those people who admire him from afar.
"Oh, yes. I'm sorry," I apologetically smile at him and go out of his car.
I just watch his back while walking as my thoughts really made my eyes open that I'm only this far from him. The distance is too far that my hands can't reach him even if I try my best. The line between is too long for me to chase him.
I sigh and just shake off those thoughts because as I've said, I need to cherish these kinds of moments with him.
Tsk. Why does fate hate me so much?
"Hey, wait up!" I run to catch up with his pace because he has pair of long legs than me.
That's right. Just don't think, Kad. Pretend that there's no line in between.
"I don't know what-,"
I raise my hand in front of him to shush him.
"That's why I came with you, right? Let me," I turn my back on him before he can even react.
Hmm, honestly I don't know what Calli prefers.
Yea, I just act as I know. Crazy? Well, some of you may relate to my situation so just laugh with me.
She's a Captain. She may be the kind of serious or outgoing type of person.
To be honest, I just know her because she and her team always go home with trophies in their hands. They're quite popular but you know where my attention is all the time.
To my Zaraze Villadeza. Kiddin'.
"Is she a serious type of person?" I ask him as I look around the National Book Store.
"Slight," I heard him say behind me.
I nod my head slowly as my eyes gaze at the things in front of me. I look up and read that it's a section for decors. I nod my head when I see that we're in the right section.
"Is it a candlelight dinner date?" I ask him and I almost facepalm when I realize, he doesn't know anything.
I mean, he was just here because he's the only one who's kind of available.
"Nevermind," I add before he can talk.
I'm busy looking for gray and royal blue ribbons and balloons when I hear some shutters from a camera.
I immediately face the person at my back and when I see Zaraze face, I sigh. I thought someone just took a picture of me without my permission.
Well, he's different. He's my crush and I'm willing to be taken a picture if it's from his phone.
"What was that?" I ask him, acting like I'm really just curious.
"Ah, uh...," I tilt my head a bit and furrow my brows.
He looks uneasy. Tsk, freaking Villadeza.
"Uh, Sath asks me to take a picture of the things you chose for the decors. Right," he nods as if he's trying to convince me, more so, convince himself.
I shake my head at the sight of him. He looks cute.
"Okay," I hurriedly turn my back on him and bit my lower lip as a smile formed on my lips.
I want to laugh but I am trying my best not to cause my stomach to hurt a little.
Damn. Freaking Villadeza.
I'm falling harder.
Wish me luck.

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  • avatar

    it's Vary amazing


  • avatar
    Farid Adzal



  • avatar
    Jaymar Hinumla

    thank you


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