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|Chapter 01: I'm Fine|
"Here's your order, Ma'am," I withdrew my gaze from the glass window on my right when a girl crew laid my order on my table.
"Thank you," I smiled at her and grabbed my americano near me but I didn't have the feeling to drink it as my mind flew to nowhere.
I have had a lot on my mind recently and I didn't know what to do first because all of them need a lot of time to think. Just now, I took a break and decided to drink some coffee to wake up my mind but to no avail.
It only made me think of it all.
I let out a sigh and finally took a sip on my drink while looking at the entrance and watching people enter as the chime made a sound every time someone walked in.
I leaned my back on my chair, my left hand carrying my drink as my right arm crossed over my chest. I was still looking at the door when a group of people entered the shop.
They were a group of three guys and two girls. The most popular students around the Campus.
"Look for a table, guys!" The red-haired girl shouted as she pushed her friends.
That was Nixxa Jordan. She was with her best friend, Zeus Cordova at the counter. Probably taking their orders. I unconsciously fixed myself when the other three came across the empty table just in front of me. I pretended to be drinking my americano so that I couldn't see their eyes.
I probably looked like a stupid kitten, trying to escape a dangerous path.
Come on! I don't want to involve myself with powerful students like them.
The one with a jet-black hair guy who was walking beside the short-haired girl, his arms draping on her shoulders were cousins.
The famous Antonov Cousins. Hover Dmitrii and Hazen Sath Antonov.
I gulped down my coffee before looking at the last guy who took a seat at one of the chairs at their table.
Zaraze Vour Villadeza. My freaking crush for years.
Of course, that's a lifetime secret!
Because of the sudden pressure inside me, I didn't notice that I was sipping on my drink too much. I think I had damaged my throat already. I cough. Real hard.
Imagine my embarrassment!
Before they could even look in my direction, I hurriedly grabbed my sling bag from the table and left my seat.
I really tried to stop my coughing while walking past them to go to the comfort room. I didn't have a choice but to walk past them because it was the only way to the comfort room.
I could already feel my throat itching to release some air. I tightly closed my eyes and didn't look back to know their reaction.
That's a total epic reaction! Dang!
As soon as I entered one of the cubicles inside, I coughed like there was no tomorrow. I even teared up because it freaking hurts like hell!
"Why do I have to embarrass myself in front of them?" I whispered silently, muttering a curse to myself.
I hope it was not a turn-off for him.
Oh, gosh!
I fixed myself in front of the mirror when I was done contemplating what I did. I washed my face, particularly my eyes. After washing it up, I dried it using tissues.
I looked at my reflection.
My brownish long hair cascaded down until my waistline. I have a small face that complimented my not-so-high-pointed nose, a deep set of jet-black eyes, thick eyebrows which arched perfectly, and thin lips. I also have a high cheekbone and a not-so- sharp jawline.
All in all, I look like a soft-fierce-looking doll.
I did a breathing exercise before wearing my favorite white cap with chains around it. I was only wearing a white loose shirt, tucked in on my black tattered jeans, and a black converse to top up my outfit for today.
It's Friday and we don't need to wear our uniforms. That was why I'm in my usual comfy outfit.
I blinked my eyes twice when my phone vibrated. I creased my forehead and take it from the back of my pocket.
|Foren calling. . .|
I greeted her before taking my things and making my way out of the comfort room. It was a relief that she called because I had a reason to leave the coffee shop without getting back to my table. I already paid for my drink earlier and I was glad I did.
Gosh! Remembering what happened right there? It was just, I couldn't even say it.
"Where are you?" she asked while I was walking in the corridor. I could already see the counter from here which caused me to fasten my movement.
"I'm at a coffee shop near- oh! I'm sorry, are you okay?"
It was when I realized my world stopped moving.
My eyes met a cold yet tantalizing green pair of eyes. I didn't even notice whom I passed by because all I was planning was to leave the shop as soon as possible. That was why bumping into him, never did I imagine that could happen in my life.
I mean, you know how it felt like to bump into your crush around the campus.
"Kad! Are you there?"
"Are you okay?" I nearly wanted to smack the back of my head when my voice turned sweet all of a sudden.
The heck!
"I'm fine. Are you?" His deep voice always got me. Like all the time. I love listening to his voice because somehow at some point, it was making my mind at peace for a while.
"Oh . . . yeah, I'm fine,"
"I'm glad. Excuse me," it seemed like I couldn't stop blinking my eyes because it was just so surreal.
I couldn't believe it!
"Foren, I'm going to die," I unconsciously told her before biting my lower lips to stop myself from grinning from ear to ear.
"What? Yah! Where are you?" I let out a laugh and left the shop, slightly swaying my body as I walked.
"I'm in my dreams~,"
"The hell!" I couldn't help but laugh at her.
"Just meet me in the school library, Foren. I'm still in the clouds," I told her as I hopped in my car in the parking lot.
"You're crazy," that was all she blurted out before ending the call.
I drove my car until I parked it in the school parking lot before making my way into the School Library at the back of our building.
Psych Building.
'I'm fine. . . ,"
I couldn't help but let out a big smile while walking. I think it would be on my mind for days.
I would remember what you said, Zaraze!

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  • avatar

    it's Vary amazing


  • avatar
    Farid Adzal



  • avatar
    Jaymar Hinumla

    thank you


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