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DOC 06

"Happy Birthday, our princess! Blow your candle now, little Cenna!" My mom was holding my 11th cake with a lighted candle on top of it.
"Done! Thank you, Mom and Dad!"
"You're welcome, little Cenna!"
"We love you!"
"128√e980 too!" They just laughed at what I said. I love them too. So much.
They were the ones who helped me get through everything and to stay positive. Not to shut down everyone when my world seemed to die down. They helped me a lot that I wished, they'll stay with me no matter what.
"Don't I have some visitors Mom?" I asked her before we start eating.
They looked at each other as if I can't see them. Judging by how my Mom's eyes get saddened, I knew there wasn't even one. Just like before after we decided to leave Macedonia and live here in the Philippines.
"I'm sorry, honey. Don't worry, I heard we have a new neighbor. Maybe you can befriend their daughter. She's about your age too," my Dad was assuring me and I smiled because of that.
I'm not complaining, I'm just sad. Appreciating them was the only thing that I can do to give back their thoughtfulness.
"It's okay, Dad, and thank you! I'll do that, let's eat?"
It was three in the afternoon when I decided to go out of our Mansion and roam around the village. There was only one slot left in here and I'm curious who got that slot.
I won't brag but only high-profiled people can only afford one and we're lucky that we were one of them. La Carde Village has been the most expensive village in the country. One of the best services here was that, they prioritize our privacies so, somehow we felt comfortable around the whole place.
I went out by the small gate on the right side. Squinting my eyes, I look up and was greeted by the almost sunset view in front of me. I looked to my right and saw a gray Mansion. Compared to our vintage-like Mansion, theirs looked modern but dark.
I walked towards their gate and pressed the doorbell just beside their gate.
I pressed it like three times already but there's no response.
"Hmm, are they not here?" I asked myself using a sad voice. That's sad. I really want to meet the girl my age my Dad was talking about earlier.
There were kids around my age living in this village but there was one time that I met them accidentally, they looked scary. That's why I never did approach them and stayed in our Mansion.
I stepped back and walked my way to our Mansion. I was about to open our small gate when I heard several footsteps coming near me. I was frightened for a second that was why I hurriedly enter the gate but because of curiosity, I left the small gate open a little bit and peek through.
"They're friends already?" I asked silently when I saw the kids around my age that I said was scary playing with a new face kid. I assumed she was already the daughter of the couple who turned out to be our neighbor.
"Arivona! Are your parents here?" A girl said. I know her.
She was the daughter of the Darragon Couple. Queen Aqui Lascova Darragon. They were with another three kids.
Revo Crest Lascova Darragon. Aqui's twin brother.
Rain Morrigan Deluxxe, their other friend.
Asher Spade Rozza, Revo's best friend.
And that girl, I don't know her, but I heard 'Arivona'. Was that her name?
I was just watching them taken towards each other. They all seemed close. Who was she, anyway? Why can't I do that?
Days after I met them four, I just have this feeling that I want them to be my friends and now witnessing them interacting with that new girl, I felt unfair on my part. I know I shouldn't that was why I was trying to not feel bitterness about that new girl.
I don't know her from the start so why would I judge her?
"Should I approach them?" I was already having a mental breakdown about whether I should or not.
'Why would I even approach them? For what reason?'
That was what prevented me to do so. But on the other side, why did I even ask that nonsense question?
In the end, I did.
That's how we became friends. Arivona Clove then became my best friend as we were neighbors, to begin with. Revo and Aqui Darragon were Clove's cousins from her mother's side. I just knew it after I gained the courage to ask her because as I said, they seemed close to each other.
Asher Spade Rozza on the other hand was aloof to me. I don't know why. I just ignored him or was civil with him whenever the six of us meet up as per Clove's request.
Morrigan Delluxxe. I think we were some kind of civil to each other? Because somehow I can talk to her about things. Oftentimes, we talked about some trivial things aside from books. I was way more okay with her rather than with the Darragon twins and Asher.
I always felt the distance between us the twins for some reason. Clove's seemed to not have a problem with me while the two and Asher? I can't even think of a reason why they felt far from my reach.
Well, maybe it was meant for us to treat each other like strangers. I don't have any problem with that, I was just bothered at some point.
Months passed, Clove and I grew closer than before. Morrigan? I can say, we were kind of friends unlike before.
"Where to?" Clove asked me while we were riding our bicycles. She was in front of me and Morrigan.
"Have you learned about the abandoned park somewhere around Thorne's residence?" I asked them before paddling on my bike.
They both stopped so I did.
"I haven't heard about that. Was there really an abandoned park?" Morrigan asked the reason why I looked at her and take a deep sigh.
"I also don't know. That was why I asked you two to come with me. Let's discover it together!"
"Why would they abandon a park if it will be a wonderful place for us kids around this village?" Morrigan and I faced clove in front of us who also turned her upper part body, slightly bent towards our direction.
"You heard my reason, Clo. Let's go?"
We started to paddle our way towards the Thorne residence. It was just three blocks away from our Mansion. When I recognized the whole place, I looked for an alley for us to be able to find the abandoned park.
I didn't know from the start that there was really an abandoned park not until I discovered it yesterday. Morri and Clove were not with me at that time that was why I asked them if they know. It turned out, they didn't.
"There!" I exclaimed with enthusiasm and pointed my point forefinger at the left side of the gate of the Thorne households.
"Follow me, girls!" I excitedly paddled my bicycle before slowing down when we entered the narrow path of the alley.
It was after three minutes or so, I was able to notice that we were already near the end of the alley. I can hear the two on my back as I rode my bicycle faster because of too much anticipation not until I unconsciously stopped.
Stepping my feet on the ground caused a noise. I also felt how heat spread on my toes.
"Hey, why did you stop?" I heard Clove ask.
I instantly put my forefinger over my lips as I look at her. Clove managed to reach her bicycle's break but unfortunately, Morri did not that causing her to almost faced the ground.
"I'm sorry!" I immediately uttered as I guiltily looked at Morri who was now wearing her famous death glare. She was scary like those kids I met with them.
"What's your problem?" Void of emotion, she asked me.
I almost took a step back when her gaze turned sharper.
"I- uh...," I trailed off as I looked back in front of me.
"It seems like, we're not the only one who knows this abandoned park," I told them while scratching the back of my neck.
I swear! I didn't know!
"Or should you say, we were the late ones who has no idea about the place?" My eyes lightened up when I realized what Clove just said.
Yes, she was right.
Maybe other people really have an idea about the park and we were just late to discover it.
Uh, did I repeat what she said? Pardon me for that.
"Then why don't you move?"
"On it, captain!" I saluted before paddling my bike. If I don't move now, she'll surely pinch my cheeks all day. That was too painful for me to take!
"Hey, Aqui! Can you pass the ball to me?" I saw Revo at the large space not that far from the swing where Aqui was. The ball was at the right side of her feet. As always, she had her thick book in her hands and her glasses.
"Get it yourself," I heard her say that to her twin, Revo.
He snickered and irritatedly glanced at his best friend, Asher Spade but the latter just laughed at him. Revo didn't have a choice but to get the ball himself.
On the other side of the park where the benches were, three unfamiliar faces came across to my mind.
"Uno?" I heard Clove's voice behind me.
Uno? I asked myself. It was when until I saw her running towards a boy, one of the unfamiliar people to me.
Clove hugged the boy who was wearing a black hoodie, the hood was resting on his back, and broad shorts then black shoes.
"Hey!" His voice was kind of a gentle way as if Clove was a glass that could break into pieces once triggered.
"When did you come home? Why wasn't I informed?!" It was my first time witnessing Clove, acting like that.
"Do you see what I see, Morri?" I asked, unable to think further.
We were still young but I was aware of what they call feelings. Does Clove have a crush on that boy she called, Uno? That was a first!
"Yea. Because as far as I know, I wasn't blind, Aqua," I blinked my eyes twice as I found myself watching her walking towards the three unfamiliar kids, calmly.
That was your Rain Morrigan Deluxxe. Savage.
"She's Tiana Victoria Rozza. Asher's little sister," I was surprised when I looked at Tiana's pair of eyes. It was a pair of dark green orbs.
That was cool! I loved her eyes!
"He's Loco Sniper Laviente, Uno's brother. Meet my best friend! Aqua Laverda. Isn't she cute?"
I looked at Loco. He has eyeglasses on with a white cup neatly placed on his head. His eyes were a bit sharp at first glance but when you stare at them longer, it was a bit chilling.
He's cold. Like Morrigan.
I glared at Clo after hearing what she said. I wasn't cute from the beginning. I was more pretty than ever!
That was the day I knew my life will never be back the same way it was since I was born on Earth.
Because I met friends.
Note: (×××) Areas with this sign means flashbacks. Thank you, enjoy!
- Cie

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    nice story,I'm looking for this story


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    Veah Lerum



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    nice 👍


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