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DOC 03

I woke up at exactly five in the afternoon. It was already starting to get dark outside which was why I decided to go back into the dorm.
I can't find Clo inside the clinic so I assume that she's in her dorm now. It's not a problem for me. She also needs to rest after what happened this morning. I know she's quite stressed and worried about me and I want her to have a rest from that.
I walk through the corridors. The school clinic is located on the right side of the school library. There are two libraries; one for the college department and one located in the Main Building.
I walk with some students who have night shift classes. Though they are walking to attend their classes while I'm walking my way into my dorm.
Dorm buildings are located outside of the school premises but it's just in front of the school. I walked past the fountain before I reached the huge golden gate of LA CARDE ACADEMY.
I'm silently appreciating the night view of the place I am walking to which is the pathway towards the LA CARDE DORM BUILDING. It is just a one-straight way path. It has pine trees piled on each side. Honestly, it'll look perfect if it snows but it's still Spring Season.
"Ms. President!" I stop in my tracks when I hear a voice behind me.
I reluctantly face the woman who calls me because of the thought, 'what if she's calling me only to be shot by an arrow?' Of course, I am oblivious to my surroundings. I am still not safe right now, considering that someone tried to harm me. Even if I think that it was an accident, there's still that doubt of mine at the back of my mind.
"Oh, hey!" I sigh in relief when I recognized her as one of the girls in the clinic earlier. The girl who has side bangs.
"You're going home?" She asks while I am looking at her, watching rather.
"I'm Naraka by the way," she lends her right arm, asking for a handshake. I smile at her and accept her hand.
"Aqua," she nods her head while we continue walking towards the dorm building.
LA CARDE DORMS has five buildings.
Kings' Dorm.
Queens' Dorm.
Aces' Dorm.
Jacks' Dorm.
Cards' Dorm.
All the dorms contain students in that classes. Naraka here is a Jack student so she lives under The Jacks' Dorm while I'm one of the Card students so I live under Cards' Dorm.
"Where's your friend?" She asks after a moment of silence. Well, she can't talk for that long because I am not used to socializing with other people.
Contradicting who I am in school, if I am not surrounded by many, I am the silent type of person. Of course, to become a reliable Council President, I need to socialize. I can if there's a crowd around me but in cases like this? I bet, no one can take my silence.
"She's in her dorm. I told her to," I explain. I don't care if I sound defensive. I just don't want to prolong our conversation.
She's still a member of Jacks and I am only the Student Council President. There's that invisible line between us, alright.
"Don't you want my suggestion? A reconsideration, perhaps?" Naraka then again asks me when didn't add more words to that.
"Uhm, I think I made myself clear earlier. But if the situation gets worst, maybe I can," I voice out and look at her.
A smile forms on her lips but she's looking ahead of us that's why I just take back my sight in front of the way to the dorms.
"Okay, then! I'll walk you to your building. Just let me," I curtly nod to her and let her walk with me.
If they accepted my decision, then maybe I can just reconsider this one. Letting her go with me to assure her worries that I'll be fine.
Entering the gate, a fountain will greet you at the center of the whole place. Cards' Dorm is located on the left side just after walking in by the gate. 1st to 5th floors for girls and the rest up to 10th floor are for boys. Next to it is the building for Jacks.
"Thank you, Naraka. See you in the school," I smile at her to acknowledge her thoughtfulness.
"See you, Ms. President!" She waves at me before she heads to the next building. Jacks' dorm.
I look at the building just in front of our building. The dorm for the Aces.
Each of the Kings', Queens', Aces', and Jacks' dorms contains only four students. As per their classes? They are in one Class, which is the Class for DECK OF CARDS students.
So, I don't know the style of their dorms but I think I need to go inside now, right? I can already feel the cold breeze of the air around me.
I lift my head to see Clove in her pj's sitting on the couch in the living room after I enter our dorm room.
"Have you eaten?" I ask her while taking off my shoes and putting them on the shoe rack behind the door.
"Nope! I waited for you, let's eat?" I nod my head and walk toward the kitchen.
"What did you cook?" I ask while washing my hands at the sink.
"Just the usual. Scrambled eggs," I take a deep breath and wipe my hands with a clean towel.
"When will you learn?" I sarcastically ask her before taking a seat in front of her. I roll my eyes when she's already munching her food. She didn't even wait for me. What a friend, yea?
"Well, soon!" How many times do I need to roll my eyes at her ridiculous answers?
She's just- I don't know if she's even normal. Kidding aside, I decide to eat my dinner in peace. After eating, I wash the dishes and take a half bath after.
"Hey, Mom! How are you?" I ask my Mom over the line when she called after I was done with my half bath.
I fidget my fingers while staring at the ceiling of my room. I bet she'll rain me nonstop rants and questions as to what happened earlier. She's just that. Overreacting sometimes.
"I'm the one who should ask you that one. How are you? Did they already know who was the culprit?" She asks.
See? She didn't even ask me if I'm okay, oh well she did. Not exactly the words though.
I sigh and roll in my bed until I am facing the soft mattress of it.
"I'm doing fine, Mom. About the incident, don't worry they are already investigating it. And, ah- HeadMistress Vera suggested something, Mom. I don't know what to do so I refused," I inform her about what happened in the clinic after the Cafeteria incident.
Maybe she can help me with that. Actually, I was really hesitant to agree earlier but then I thought, I should stay in my dorm. In that way, I wouldn't drag someone into my business. If that's the case.
"What do you mean by suggested, Cenna?"
"Mom! It's Aqua okay?"
"Cenna's your name too!"
"But I prefer Aqua!" I hear her sigh before she casually diverts our topic.
"Tsk. Can you elaborate on that suggestion you were saying, young lady?"
See? She's calling me names after and after another. I have a name. Too many that she casually changes one at a time.
"Actually, the idea was from a Jack student-,"
"Jack?!" I close my eyes shut when she shouts the hell out. Really? My Mom should know how to act in class, kidding.
"Yea. She suggested that I should transfer to their dorms as well as to their classes! Imagine my shock, Mom. I mean, they are JACK students!"
I know I sound ridiculous now but the mere idea that I'll temporarily live with them, high-profiled students? Maybe you'll find my corpse when the morning comes because I forgot to breathe.
"Hmm," silence rules the space between us. She seems to think about the sole idea I passed to her.
"You already refused, right?" After a moment of silence, she asks.
I nod my head twice even if she can't see me.
"Yea, I already did,"
"You made the right choice," my brows instantly raise after hearing her say that. What does she mean by that?
"What? Why?" I ask out of pure curiosity.
"They will not be able to suspect you from anything. You did the right thing, dear...,"
I was left with nothing but full of questions flooding inside my head.
What does she mean?
I unconsciously glance at my window to my left and as soon as the moonlight hits my vision, reality kicks in.
Yea, right. How could I forget about that? Tsk. Mom is really something.
She's a great manipulator after all.

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  • avatar

    nice story,I'm looking for this story


  • avatar
    Veah Lerum



  • avatar

    nice 👍


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