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DOC 02

Note: If you can notice, I am using the present tense when it's in the present time and past tenses if I am narrating what happened before the present time. Don't be confused, thank you!
"Are you really okay, Aqua?"
I smile at Clove to assure her that I am fine after what happened.
"How many times do I need to tell you that I am fine?" I ask her while showing her my arms and legs.
"See? I don't have any wounds, so don't worry, Clove. I'm fine," I show her my sweetest smile that I could ever give for her to feel fine.
"That was unexpected. Is there someone you know who will do this?" She asks after a while as she takes a seat on one of the beds inside the clinic where I am.
"I don't have anything in mind, Clo. And for the record, I don't think there's someone who wants to kill me. Maybe it was an accident you know," I shrug my shoulders as I lean my back to the soft pillow behind me.
She crosses her arms over her chest as she gazes at me with threats in her eyes.
"What?" I innocently ask her.
What's her problem? I'm just stating possibilities.
"Hmm, maybe you're right but you're maybe wrong too. Maybe it was really meant for you. You were the target," I look intently into her eyes as I start to analyze what had happened at the Cafeteria earlier.
I couldn't process the idea that I will meet Von Alastair that way. In an unexpected way. I couldn't believe it.
I don't even know what to focus my attention on. If it was what could have happened to me if he hadn't pulled me with him to avoid that arrow or to focus my attention on Alas, alone.
Well, you know how it feels when you get to face your long-time crush, yea?
But in a serious case, I should focus on what just happened now. An arrow was just about to hit me. To kill me. Things then just sank in on my mind. I nearly faced death.
Blinking my eyes, I slowly get myself out of his body and unconsciously bit my lower lip. My hands were trembling for some reason I can't comprehend.
Was this an attempted murder? Or was this only an accident? That I wasn't really the target? That was what I thought after realizing that I was near to being a corpse at that time.
"Aqua! Aqua! Oh, my ghad? Are you okay?!" I was startled to see Clove beside me, hysterically checking my whole body if I got some wounds.
I was just watching her. I don't know. I can't move. Was this a trauma feel like? Like you can't even talk, say anything or feel anything? You just feel empty.
"Answer me, please? Aqua!" My eyes blinked twice before I can hear everything around me.
"What was that?"
"Is that an arrow? That could have killed her!"
"I hope she's okay,"
"This is scary! Who the hell shot that arrow?"
"That someone took advantage of the open windows! Why does it have to be open right now?"
"They're back, girl!"
"Did you see that? Alas saved her! How lucky!"
"Are you stupid? How is that lucky for you? She nearly died, girl!"
"The Queens are back!"
"The Kings, they're here!"
"What am I supposed to do now? Are you seeing what I'm seeing! That's the Aces, OMG!"
"Is Ms. President okay?"
"I hope so,"
"Aqua Laverda! Freaking look at me!" My forehead instantly creased when Clove's voice registered in my ears.
"I can hear you, Clove," I calmly inform her while I look at the groups of students who surrounded the arrow that was about to kill me.
"How can you be calm right now? Are you okay? Huh?" I held her hands firmly as I smiled at her.
"I'm fine,"
I take a deep breath after looking back at what happened. Clove helped me to go to the clinic because as per her, I went shocked earlier. I needed to be checked.
I'm okay, that's what I keep on telling her. But she just can't listen.
"By the way, how was it?" I look at her when I hear her ask something.
"What are you saying, Clo?" I ask her while I move a bit on my bed, trying to face her.
She's already grinning when I already fix myself.
"What's with your face?" I ask when she arcs her brows at me. She's still not answering my questions. She's weirding me out.
"How was it to be on top of your crush?"
"What- freaking hell?!" I gasp in shock. Clo's mouth is really unstoppable, she's really crazy!
"Look at your reaction! Your face is so red!" I reach for the pillow on my back and throw it at her face.
She's still laughing after getting hit on her face. I don't even remember how did she become my friend at all.
I look away but when I realize that she can still see me, I close the curtains that surround my bed and shut her off.
"Get out, Clo. I don't need you here," I say to her while I suit myself over the blanket.
"Oh, my dear Aqua, you-,"
She was cut off on her sentence when we hear footsteps coming near to our place.
"Ms. Lascova, where's Ms. President?" My eyes widen when I hear Ms. Vera's voice. What is she doing here?
I fix myself before opening the curtains that are covering me.
"I'm here, HeadMistress!" I voice out before the face of HeadMistress Vera appears in my sight.
"Hey, are you okay? I heard what happened," I curtly nod my head and smile at her.
"I'm fine, HeadMistress. I'll just rest here and after that, I'll be in my dorm. Don't worry, Clove's here with me," I say while smiling at her.
Through smiling, I can assure someone that everything's fine. That there's nothing to worry about that's why I smile at everyone in their Student Council as well as their schoolmate.
I secretly flinch when Clove pinches my back. I bit my tongue not to say unnecessary words. This woman!
"You said you don't need me. Are you being sarcastic?"
I want to roll my eyes at Clo but HeadMistress is in front of me. With respect and as the President, I should act professionally and with poise.
That's me being on the Student Council for 2 and a half years.
"I'm sorry for that, HeadMistress. May I ask why are you here?"
Even if I want to stand up and face here, I can't. My legs are weak right now. Maybe an after-effect from the incident a while back. So, I just sat straight on the bed.
Again, Clo pinches my back. What is her problem?!
"Oh, that. A Jack's member suggested that you should transfer to their dorms while they investigate your case. And as per your class, you'll also be transferred. I am saying this to hear your decision if you'll push through with the suggestion or you'll refuse?"
I tilt my head as I process her words. Transfer? Why? Those are just the words that I can think of after hearing her words.
And wait. A Jack's member?
That's when I realized, HeadMistress is not the only one who's here aside from me and Clo.
"Hi! Ms. President!"
My jaw drops to see who they are.
They're students from the Jacks. One of the most powerful students after me. I mean, they are more powerful than me. If ever they are not within the premises of the school, I'll be handling the whole crowd of the College Department.
"Clo, am I seeing real?" I whisper to Clo beside me. She just snickers. I bet she's rolling her eyes now at me.
"I told you. I mean, I tried to warn you, you were not looking at me," I gulp the sudden lump in my throat.
I look at their back if they're only the ones who are here. Before I can even look everywhere, Clo pinches my right arm.
I look at her with an annoyed look, asking what is her problem this time.
"He's not here," I glare at her. She dares to tell me that when everyone's eyes are on us. She just can't stop her mouth from blabbering nonsense things.
"Uh...," I trail off before composing myself.
Why do I feel disappointed? I shake my head with that thought. I should focus on what I am facing right now.
Do I want to be transferred or refused?
I heave a sigh and look at HeadMistress. She smiles at me, assuring me that I can take my time to think about it but I have decided now.
"I'm sorry, HeadMistress but I think, I should refuse your suggestion," I apologetically smile at her, hoping she can accept my decision.
She gives me her warm smile before shaking her head.
"It's okay, I understand. But may I ask why? It's for your protection. What happened to you is a serious case," she explains and I nod in agreement.
"Yes, but HeadMistress. I also think that I should stay in my dorm and that it was an accident,"
"It wasn't!" I shot Clo a death glare when she interjects in between our conversation.
"I hope you understand. Don't worry, I try not to go anywhere for my safety. Besides, I have Clo here with me. She can protect me," I try to explain my side.
And true to what I said, Clo can protect me. She studied Mix Martial Arts when she was 8 years old.
"Where is she when it happened then?" A girl student from the Jacks asks me after saying that. She has brown shoulder-length hair with side bangs and she's wearing piercings on her left ear. Her eyes are also hazel brown.
I hold Clo's hand when she tries to explain her side. I know what she's about to do. Fight this Jack girl until one of them surrenders.
"She can protect me. She's been doing that for the past years," my left eyebrow instantly raises when I realized what I said.
Freaking mouth of mine!
"What do you mean by that, Ms. President?" Another girl asks. Compare to the brown-haired girl earlier, this one has jet-black hair with violet highlights. She has also shoulder-length hair. The difference is she has no side bangs.
"I mean, she has been protecting me way back to our old school. Some bullies went to that extent before," I bit my tongue as I feel Clo's grip on my hand tighten as if she knows what I am saying.
"I think you need to rest now, Ms. Larveda. I'll accept your decision, for now...,"
"Damn those Jacks!"
"Just ignore them, Clo. They're just asking, okay?" I watch how her eyes roll at me. I just laugh at her and lay on the bed.
I'm tired. I need some sleep.

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  • avatar

    nice story,I'm looking for this story


  • avatar
    Veah Lerum



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    nice 👍


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