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UNDERGROUND: Deck of Cards

UNDERGROUND: Deck of Cards


DOC 01

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events, and everything that concerns a living and non-living thing on Earth are all a product of the Author's wild imagination. Any resemblance to an actual person, living and dead is purely coincidental.
Warning: Any typos, grammatical errors, or any kinds of errors you may encounter in this book are off of your concern as I am writing not to please everyone but to share my wild and different ideas to create something you can relate to as well as to help others to find peace and healing while reading the story.
Beware of the contents of this book as there will be some offensive words and actions that are needed in the story such as violence, verbal and non-verbal sensitive parts. You may and may not proceed to the next chapter if you feel offended at some point or anything related to it.
I am busy preparing some documents to be passed to our HeadMistress when the door of my office burst open.
"Aqua! They're here!" Clove shouts the words that cause me to freeze for a moment.
They're here? Then that means, he's here!
"Aqua!" I get back to my senses when Clove shakes my shoulders nonstop which makes me feel dizzy. I lift my hands to stop her before I will lose consciousness and fall to the floor.
"Clove, stop it! I'm dizzy!" I stop her using my calm posture and voice. She's hysterical already and I don't know how to calm her.
"I'm sorry, I was just excited to see them! It's been a hell week for me, you know," I laugh at her with poise.
I look at her, brows moving up and down to tease her.
"Just say that you miss Uno Laviente, Clove. Stop tagging me along, okay?" Her mouth opens as if she finds what I said ridiculous.
"The hell?! So you're saying names now, huh? Should I say his name as well? Hmm, should I inform Vo-," before she can say his name, I cover her mouth using my right hand as I hold her shoulder using the latter.
"Shut up!" I look at her with my threatening gaze. She laughs before shaking her head. She heads towards the sofa on the left side of my office, just in front of my office table as she takes her seat gracefully. Acting like a queen when she's not.
"Aqua Laverda is crushing on one of the Morozov twins! What a great article, right?"
My eyes widen at what I hear from her. Not that long when I reach my pen holder and throw it at her. She easily catches it with her left hand and throws it back to me which I easily get using my right hand.
"I told you to shut up, didn't I?" I ask her, giving her death glares but she just laughs at me.
I feel like my blood travels from my feet towards my cheeks as I can feel how hot my cheeks are. I bet I look like a tomato right now. She just can't stop teasing me for having a crush on one of the Morozov twins.
"See? So stop teasing me, Aqua. You'll just get it back, more than what I get from you, okay?" I playfully roll my eyes at her as I continue fixing the papers I'll submit to the HeadMistress.
"Just get out, Clove. You're not helping. I still have a lot of work to do. I'll meet you at the school cafeteria. Laters?" I ask her while I put the papers on my left arm.
"Okay. Laters, Aqua!"
We both leave the office of the Councils as we part ways. She, towards the school cafeteria and I towards the HeadMistress Office.
"Aqua! You're here!" The HeadMistress' secretary, Rose greets me after opening the door.
"Hi, Ms. Rose! I'll just give these to HeadMistress Vera. Can I come in?" I ask while holding the knob using my right hand as the papers are on my left arm.
She smiles sweetly at me as she gestures for me to come in.
"Yes, Of course, Ms. President. Come in! The HeadMistress is inside, you can go," I look at her and smile as I curtly nod my head.
"Thank you, Ms. Rose," I give her a last nod before walking towards the office door of the HeadMistress on the left part of the room.
"HeadMistress?" I ask with my small voice when I can't find her inside her office.
I close the door behind me as I remain standing in my place. I look around the office and I can say that it's like the typical offices that you can see in the movies.
A large sofa on the left side in my point of view at the center of the room. A mini-center table in the middle and a single sofa on its right. A bookshelf on the right side, in line with the HeadMistress office table. On the left side is a cabinet attached to the wall which contains several certificates and medals that I supposed were all past rewards for the school in the past years.
A glass wall beside the cabinet. I can see from here the Soccer field and the three buildings at the back part of it.
HeadMistress' Office is in the Main building. That's where I am right now and I am wondering where's the HeadMistress when Ms. Rose told me she's here inside?
From looking at the field, my head moves towards the right when I hear a door opening. My eyes lit up in relief when HeadMistress Vera comes out from it.
I didn't know there was a door just behind the bookshelf. It's stupid for me not to know that for years of being a Council President in the school.
"HeadMistress, good day!" I greet her and slightly bow my head.
She sways her right hand dismissing what I did.
"Good day, Ms. President. How's work?" She asks me while taking her seat.
I walk towards her office table and lend her the papers I've been holding for a while.
"It's okay. Still busy with a lot of papers to process and approved, HeadMistress," I say that while maintaining my good posture.
She lets out a chuckle while taking the papers from me until she puts them in the space beside the piles of papers on her table.
"You're too serious, Ms. President. Just call me, Ms. Vera. Have you been stressing yourself with paper works? Don't, okay? If you need to rest, just rest Ms. President, hmm?" I smile at her sweetly, assuring her that it's okay.
"Not a problem, Ms. Vera, and I love what I am doing," I playfully wink at her and we laugh like we're best of friends. But no, I am just comfortable around her.
She treats me as her child when we're alone and professional when we're with other people. I also respect her. I know how to not cross the line.
"It's the lists of Activities that I approved with my Council Members, Ms. Vera," I inform her.
She flips the pages after another. I hope she'll approve it because I also want the students to enjoy our upcoming School Foundation.
"Hmm. I'll call you tomorrow, Ms. President. You can go," I slightly bow my head before taking my leave.
"I'm going, Ms. Rose,"
"Sure thing, Ms. President!"
I smile while making my way to the school cafeteria. I will walk was through the Soccer field then the building of the Juniors before I'll make it to the Cafeteria.
I love to watch how the leaves dance with the wind, birds chirp as if singing to a song, and the sky full of brightness. This kind of peaceful environment is what I need after some stressful papers works.
"Hi, Ms. Pres!"
"Hello, Ms. Pres!".
"Good morning, Ms. Pres!"
"You're beautiful as the morning sun, Ms. Pres!"
"Hello! Good morning!" I greet them back with my soft smile.
They are Junior students. I am not handling Juniors and Seniors because I only handle College Department. They have their own Student Council Presidents. They just know me.
After walking through the Junior Building, I head towards the Cafeteria not far from my distance.
A Group of students greets my eyes as I enter the Cafeteria. I stop on the side because some students are entering the cafeteria too and I don't want to cause a commotion.
I am looking for Clove for a minute but there are too many students from freshmen to graduating students which are blocking my vision. My brows furrow when I can't find Clove anywhere.
"Where is she?" I silently ask myself while continuing to look for her.
I am too focused on finding Clove that I get startled when students near me shout at me. It's not a shout or scream out of annoyance but a warning.
"Ms. President!"
"Oh, my ghad!"
"Damn, move away Ms. President!"
"What the hell?!"
Suddenly, their voices start to get louder than before. They're already screaming out of fear. They seem to be scared of something.
I don't know.
Why are they screaming?
What is going on?
I am too flabbergasted by their screams that I get to hear nothing. It's as if my senses shut down. The whole place suddenly goes silent.
Deafening silence wraps my senses.
But I can see them still saying something, shouting rather. The problem is, I can't hear them.
Just like a movie, suddenly it becomes slow-motion in my eyes. My sense of hearing comes back and reality rushes into my system. It happens too fast that before I can see the thing that's coming toward me, a pair of arms pull me to the right side as I hear the students scream like the world is already breaking apart.
What happened?
We roll to the floor after the person pulled me to the side. I can feel a soft hand at the back of my head until we stop moving.
The crowd then goes silent for the reason I don't know. What is really happening?
I realize that I am currently on top of someone. As I slowly raise my head to see who's the person that's supporting my head and back, my heart suddenly wants to be out of its cage.
"You're safe, Ms. President,"
I don't know how to react when I recognized who it is. Blinking my eyes can't make me calm in this situation
Just, who in the world?!
It's just Von Alastair freaking Morozov!
My crush!
Note: This is what I'm talking about. I wasn't able to write the book two of Code A because I'm saving it for the last, kidding. It's just that, it's been a long time and I lost track of the plot of it so, I hope you can still understand me. If not, it's okay. Just go on with your life. Hope you had a fine day!😊

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  • avatar

    nice story,I'm looking for this story


  • avatar
    Veah Lerum



  • avatar

    nice 👍


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