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Chapter five

Claire POV~
Today is Monday again. I can’t believe a week has already passed. I am gradually getting use to staying here. It isn’t at bad as I thought it will be.
Alright now am so exhausted and sleepy although is morning. I stayed up through out yesterday night. I watched all the season of Emily in Paris. The new Netflix show that people have been bothering me about. And since my parents bedroom is on the first floor while mine is at the second floor, mom was not able to stop me from watching. I just hope that I survive today’s school.
Just like last week, mom dropped me off at the school’s gate and I went in. Everything seems normal and thesame as it was last week. Well everything except for the expensive sports cars that was packed at the ending of the left hand side of the packing space. The cars where about ten or so in numbers and all of them where in different colors. Damn! I wondered who owns them. They looked too expensive for a high school kid to driving. The amusing part is that all the cars bear thesame plate number, “ Avila”. Avila. I tired to remember where I heard the name from but I couldn’t lay a finger. I ended up concluding that the school had important visitors today and that’s explains the cool cars.
I made my way into the school building and meet Ashley waiting for me at the entrance and together we made our way to the class.
We where able to reach our class five minutes before classes commence. Only a few people where already present.
At the middle row of the class, i noticed three new faces there where not present last week. Maybe they are new students I thought before I quickly rethink it. They look to comfortable to be new students because trust me, no matter how you try to blend in as a new student and try not to be noticed, people will still know you are one because it’s completely written all over your face, how you walk and even talk. Crazy I know but that’s the truth.
Two of the students where girls and a boy. To be honest I can’t even decide which one of them is finer than the other. They where all very fine, with glowing skin, clear eyes and a pink lips. They where also wearing on expensive shoes and watches. Damn! They even made the school uniform look so good. Instead sneakers, the girls where putting on high rise high heels booths and that totally kill it making them look like they are dressed for a modeling shoots.
Before I could ask Ashley who they where, the bell rang and the teacher got in. So I made a mental note to ask her during lunch period.
So far the classes have been going on quite well. That’s is if you subtract the time I felt asleep in tomorrow different classes. The aero physic teacher had to make me go to the wash room and wash my face before going back to the class which was a little bit embarrassing.
It’s was lunch time already. Since the first, I have been sitting with Ashley friends at lunch. They where all nice but talk a little bit too much for my liking.
I joined the line and got my lunch and sat quickly eager to ask Ashley who those students where.
Suddenly, the whole cafeteria went quite and I wondered why and it was at that moment that I saw them.
They all twelve in number, five boys and seven girls. All the girls had thesame kind of high heels boots on just like the girls from morning classes. All of them looked so fine. I understand why the whole is staring at them. I can’t help myself but stare too. Wow I never knew people could look so fine. They made their way to a table that looks different from everyone else. I wonder who they are. Every one in the school is rich so for them to have such special treatment, they most be very important. Not until they had their seat before everyone else continued with what they where doing.
“Who are they?”. I ask no one in particular.
“They are the Avila’s”.
“The what?”. I think I have heard the name some where but I can’t remember exactly where.
“The Avila’s. They are one of the most influential families in the world. They have a branch of their empire in almost if not all sectors. Be it medicine, technology, finance. Just name it. They got a company in each field.” Cole explained.
“Omg!! You have to see their house! It’s looks like a presidential villa!”. Jennifer said excitedly.
Becky rolled her eyes at her; “ have you been ever been to the house or what?”.
“Well I pass through there every day. But I wish to enter it one day. The house looks like a fairy tale”. Jennifer said dreamily and everyone at the table laughed and we went back to eating our lunch.
I turn back and looked at them. And lo and behold, the most handsome guy at the table is looking directly at me. He has dark green eyes which was unusual but it made him look hotter. Damn I think I have a crush.
“Who is he?”. I asked Ashley.
“O no! He is a no go zone. That is Alexander Gray Avila. He is the son of the CEO and also the heir to the Avila Empire. Cool I know. All the girls and the gay guys have a crush on him. But he never looked at any of them. In fact he hardly talk to anyone else”. Ashley explained.
And there goes my heart.
I turned and looked at him again and is still looking at me.

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  • avatar
    Syazana Najwa

    nice story


  • avatar

    worth reading 👍


  • avatar
    Belen B Cuadra



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