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Chapter four

~Xander POV~
“Hey Xander get up!”. I could someone tapping me to awake. I grunt and got up and sat on the bed after the tapping persisted.
“For heaven sake what do you want!”. I scream shout in my sleeping voice. I was enjoying my sweet dream before this moron woke me up.
“Oh sorry dear future Alpha! Today is Monday and we got school. Mom says you should be down in two minutes or she will come up.” My younger sister said and went out of my room stamping the door on her way.
I cringed at the sound the door made.
I went down and meet the other pack members who where already seated and having breakfast.
“Good morning everyone!” I said with a big smile on my face as I made my way to my reserved seat and sat down and grabbed my breakfast.
“Morning Xander”. Some of the people on the table echoed while others just smile. Just then mom entered into the dining room and everyone stood up. Yeap that’s is my mom. Luna Kiera. Luna of the Avila Grey Pack. Since dad was away for the annual Alpha’s conference organized by the council of elders who were in-charge of all the activities of the werewolves.
“Morning everyone, you maybe seated”. Mom said and then had her seat before everyone else did. That’s was the rule. The alpha and the Luna of the pack most have their seat first before everyone else. And in the situation where by the Alpha or Luna where not around, the beta gets the respect and it goes on. The grace was said before everyone start to eat.
“Do you guys remember the excuse you all are going to tell the school when they asked why all of you where absent all though last week right? We wouldn’t want all of you giving different reasons that will be very suspicious”. Mom inquired and we all nodded our head.
Last week was Sunday was lunar eclipse. During Lunar eclipse, all werewolves loses their strength and all their abilities making them very week and leaving them them in intense pain. Those in higher rank experience more than the rest. Having an alpha blood in me, my pain was very extreme that I though I was going to die any time it happens. It usually happens about five to six time in a year and sometimes even more than that. The pain usually last three days for the other pack members. But for the alpha’s it last for five days. At that point, I use to wish that I am an omega because they usually experience the least pain and some do don’t even experience any at all. So at that time, they take care of the whole pack. So imagine if a pack use to maltreat their omegas? They are in for doomed during that period.
Mom had earlier called the principal and informed him that the Avila family can not be able to make it school on the first week because our great grandmother have died and we where going to Chile for the burial. Well that was actually not true but the excuse seems to work just fine.
Since our whole pack live together and use thesame surname, the whole town thought we where all a big family living together. And since we couldn’t possibly them them that we are werewolves and a pack, we just went to the flow.
“How are you feeling now Xander?”. Mom asked bring me out of my thoughts.
“Mom am fine really!”. I said when I saw the concerned look on her face. It’s actually her job as a Luna to be concern about the whole pack. Plus am get son.
After lunch, the packs kids who where in high school went and got ready for school. We usually go and come back from school together. We also seat together for lunch on our reserved table in the canteen. We mostly like to seat together. Only a few of us make friends with the humans. Humans are actually a headache. Most of the kids live so wild and reckless. I actually talk to a few not that I keep them as friends. Honestly speaking I don’t even think I have any friend at all. I like to keep to myself and be alone. Call me a loner, I don’t care. I was the actually opposite of my younger sister Alissa who knew almost every one in the school. But I won’t she? She is in the chair leading team. Their assistant captain that’s why. A lot of the girls are always trying to befriend her possibly because of our money or because they think they can get to me through her. Not that I will ever look at any of them. Some of the guys to try to ask her out but stopped every since she started dating Jason one of our pack members. The truth is that they are mates so I can’t say they are dating or married. But who cares, we werewolves when we find our mates just claim them. Most of us only actually do the white wedding stuff because it proper and the right thing to do.
Taking about mates, I was supposed to have find my mate two years ago when I clocked sixteen but am not eighteen but yet to find her. Mom actually told me not to worry, dad found her when he was already twenty four. But I honestly used to pray to find her soon. Life can actually gets very boring. I actually promised myself that I wouldn’t date or have anything to do with any girl except my mate. And I am proud of myself that I was able to keep to my promise so far.
Those of us who were in high school where about twelve in numbers. And since everyone of us could drive, each of us drives his or herself.
We made our way to school and the first class I have is chemistry. Just great. I hate that topic with passion.

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  • avatar
    Syazana Najwa

    nice story


  • avatar

    worth reading 👍


  • avatar
    Belen B Cuadra



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