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Chapter 6

"It was great. Thanks to you. It's nothing to be thankful about. You think? I'm still grateful. I was able to get some rest right after work," Glen expressed his gratitude, his appreciation evident in his words.
"It's really nothing..." Hazel responded modestly, downplaying her role in helping Glen.
"Still," Glen insisted, acknowledging the impact of Hazel's support.
"Okay. You're very welcome," Hazel replied graciously, accepting Glen's thanks.
"Yea. Thanks," Glen expressed his gratitude once more, a warm smile on his face.
"Oh! Courtney, let me help you!" Hazel noticed Courtney tidying up a corner of the living room while the others prepared the table in the kitchen.
"I'll help you, no need to do things alone," Hazel offered, extending a helping hand.
"There's nothing much to do here. I didn't do anything since getting back," Courtney explained, her demeanor humble.
"We can get over it and join the rest! We can get to know more about each other, too," Hazel suggested, encouraging a sense of camaraderie.
"Oh, yes... you're right," Courtney agreed, open to the idea of joining the group.
"Shall we move this here?" Hazel proposed, initiating a collaborative effort with Courtney.
"Yea, let's do that," Courtney agreed, as they began to work together.
"Let me help," Glen offered, joining in to assist.
"Ah, thank you," Courtney responded, her cheeks flushing with a shy blush as she interacted with Glen, the subtle dynamics of their interaction not escaping Hazel's notice.
Lina's playful suggestion of playing the 'Touch My Body' game elicited a mix of reactions from the group.
"Jeez... go easy, girl," Sol chuckled, anticipating the playful yet daring nature of the game.
"I don't know these kinds of games," Glen admitted, his uncertainty showing.
"It's just how it's called. Just do what the person next to you asks," Hazel explained, simplifying the rules for Glen.
As the group delved into the game, fueled by the effects of alcohol, the atmosphere became more lighthearted and adventurous.
"You have to drink if you don't want to!" Aiden declared, taking the lead in introducing a series of drinking games.
"I don't think I can do it," Glen expressed his hesitation, unsure about participating.
"Then you can drink," Asher suggested, offering an alternative for Glen.
"Asher, even you..." Glen's protest was met with amusement from the group.
The game progressed, leading to the group playing 'Touch My Body', a game that raised some eyebrows and piqued curiosity.
"I can't back away from this now. We at least have to set a boundary. How far are we allowed to go?" Hazel inquired, seeking clarity on the limits of the game.
"We can set our own boundaries, as to not go too far. We're grown enough," Aiden reassured, his confidence shining through.
"You seem very confident about this," Hazel remarked, intrigued by Aiden's demeanor.
"I'll show you some of my skills. You'd be surprised," Aiden teased, adding an element of mystery to the game.
"Well, I can't wait," Hazel replied, her curiosity piqued by Aiden's playful challenge.
The group began the game with a mix of anticipation and laughter, setting boundaries to ensure that the interactions remained fun and respectful. As they engaged in various tasks like holding hands, staring into each other's eyes, and sharing a hug, the game brought moments of closeness and camaraderie, adding a touch of excitement to their evening.
Lina's suggestion to change seats added a new dynamic to the game, with the boys taking the opportunity to mix things up.
"Oh, I'm next to you this time," Aiden remarked, his proximity to Hazel sparking a mix of emotions within her.
As the game progressed, the group enjoyed the playful interactions and the changing dynamics brought about by changing seats and taking shots. The clock struck 11 o'clock, signaling the nearing end of the evening's festivities.
"I'll just drink," Glen decided, opting for a shot as the game continued.
Lina, seated next to Glen, appeared subdued, her mood contrasting with the lively atmosphere.
"...Next one? Hazel has to put her forehead on the person next to  her and stay for 20 seconds!" Lina announced, introducing the next challenge.
"That's too long.... wait -" Hazel hesitated, her mind racing with thoughts as she contemplated the task ahead.
Despite her initial reservations, Hazel decided to go for it, wrapping Aiden's face with her hands as they leaned in for the challenge. The moment their foreheads touched, a wave of emotions swept over Hazel, leaving her feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.
"It's past 20 seconds, right? That felt like forever," Aiden remarked, his flushed face betraying a hint of the impact of the moment.
As they moved apart, a sense of tension lingered in the air, prompting Sol's observation, "...Why, what's wrong? I've never seen you act like this."
"That was way too close. My heart's beating right now. Weird, huh? Haha..." Aiden's lighthearted response masked the underlying emotions that stirred within him, hinting at a deeper connection that transcended the playful game they had just participated in.
Asher's suggestion to switch to a new game sparked curiosity among the group, prompting a shift in the evening's activities.
"Something else?" Courtney questioned, intrigued by the prospect of a new game.
"We've done this too long. I can think of something else to play," Asher proposed, eager to introduce a fresh challenge.
"Okay, let's do it!" Aiden agreed, his enthusiasm driving the group forward.
As the new game unfolded, Aiden's strategic skills and quick thinking came to the forefront, earning him victories and prompting others to partake in the drinking challenges.
"He seems used to this," Hazel observed, noting Aiden's adeptness at the games.
"Hmm? You've got something to say?" Aiden's playful response caught Hazel off guard, her embarrassment evident as their eyes met.
"I got you. Drink," Aiden directed, leading the game with finesse.
"Hey!" Lina interjected, reacting to Aiden's move.
"You're really good at all these drinking games, Aiden... You don't want to drink or something? You're so into it," Hazel remarked, curious about Aiden's approach.
"No way. I like to drink. I just don't want to get drunk. Just in case," Aiden explained, revealing his cautious approach to drinking.
"Just in case?" Hazel probed, seeking further clarification.
"Yea. But for you, I can lose once. Shall I drink for you?" Aiden offered, his gesture hinting at a sense of camaraderie.
"You don't have to lose for me. I'm good at this. You're just... better," Hazel replied, acknowledging Aiden's skill with a touch of admiration.
As the game continued, Aiden's realization led to a moment of reflection.
"Ah, I should've drank," Aiden mused, prompting Hazel to inquire, "What?" The evening's events had taken an unexpected turn, leaving Hazel with a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts swirling in her mind.
As the evening drew to a close, Aiden's internal struggle became apparent, his face flushing with emotion as he muttered to himself.
"I should have just drank, now I can't even... Ugh, never mind," Aiden's words trailed off, revealing a hint of regret.
"I wanted to hang out with you sober. That's why I didn't drink. I should've," Aiden explained, his voice tinged with a mix of frustration and longing.
"Ah, never mind. I liked it, so it's fine," Aiden concluded, his emotions in turmoil as he tried to make sense of his feelings.
"What are you saying?" Hazel questioned, taken aback by Aiden's sudden outpouring of thoughts.
"I don't know, I'm kind of all over the place," Aiden admitted, his demeanor shifting between vulnerability and contentment.
"It's time now, right? We were drinking for quite some time," Glen interjected, signaling the end of the evening's festivities.
"You're not drunk, are you? You were taking so many shots before," Lina teased, prompting Glen to assure her that he was fine.
"I'm also tipsy. Lina's so good at these games," Courtney chimed in, acknowledging Lina's skill in the games.
"I would've owned them if it wasn't for Aiden," Lina added, giving credit to Aiden's strategic prowess.
As the group began to clean up and prepare to head upstairs, Aiden paused, a thoughtful expression crossing his face.
"Hey, just a minute," Aiden called out, catching Hazel's attention.
"Huh?" Hazel responded, curious about Aiden's sudden request.
"You drank quite a lot, so I have something for you. Take it," Aiden handed Hazel a drink for a hangover, his gesture thoughtful and caring.
"Good night," Aiden bid her farewell, but Hazel hesitated before speaking up.
"Hm? What?" Aiden's voice held a note of curiosity as he turned to face Hazel, awaiting her question.
"I have something I want to ask you now. Was it really okay... about not taking the drink instead?" Hazel inquired, her words revealing a hint of uncertainty and curiosity about the evening's events.
Aiden's straightforward response to Hazel's question left her pondering as he bid her goodnight and made his way upstairs, his flushed face lingering in her thoughts.
"...Yea. Yea, it was fine. I don't know for you, but it was for me," Aiden's words echoed in Hazel's mind, his honesty and ease in the conversation leaving her with a sense of intrigue.
"Good night, now," Aiden's murmured farewell lingered in the air as Hazel contemplated the evening's events and the mysteries surrounding Aiden's behavior.
In the guys' room, Aiden's self-assurance and playful banter with Asher and Glen added a touch of humor to the scene.
"...I was such a cool guy today," Aiden remarked, his tone light-hearted as he reflected on the evening's activities.
"Go to sleep, man, if you're drunk," Asher advised, prompting Aiden to clarify, "I'm not. Can't you tell?"
"Yea, you're right. What do you think, Glen?...Dang, You look smashed," Asher remarked, turning to Glen for his opinion.
"Me? I'm-I'm not smashed," Glen insisted, defending his sobriety.
"...We're just getting started with these games, brother. What are we going to do with you?" Aiden teased, adding to the playful banter.
"I'm not drunk. I'll go on the internet and study those games tomorrow," Glen declared, determined to learn from the evening's experiences.
"I'll bring some water. Stay here," Asher offered, showing concern for Glen's well-being.
"This is hilarious. I'll teach you a lot of drinking games tomorrow, Glen!" Aiden joked, his laughter filling the room.
"I'm not drunk... I'm telling you, I'm sober!" Glen reiterated, his determination to prove his sobriety unwavering.
In the girls' room, Courtney and Sol shared a moment of reflection on the evening's events.
"I feel like we're closer now after today," Courtney expressed, acknowledging the bond that had formed among them.
"You didn't seem used to playing these games either. Are you alright?" Sol inquired, showing concern for Courtney's well-being, as they navigated the evening's unexpected turns together.
Courtney's observation about Lina's skill in the games led to a discussion among the group, still in the midst of the evening's alcohol-induced haze.
"I'm usually okay, but Lina was too good," Courtney remarked, acknowledging Lina's prowess in the games.
"Glen was drinking a lot as well. He seemed pretty tipsy?" Lina noted, prompting Hazel's humorous response.
"More than tipsy, he's probably dead right now," Hazel joked, adding to the light-hearted banter.
"Asher wasn't bad at them, either," Courtney added, recognizing Asher's unexpected aptitude in the games.
"That was a surprise," Sol commented, reflecting on the evening's events.
"Ah, you're right! He looks kind of stand off-ish for these games, haha," Lina observed, sharing a laugh with the group.
As the conversation continued, fueled by the effects of alcohol, the group engaged in light-hearted chatter and playful interactions.
"We chat away, still under the influence of alcohol. We play with our phones, just chattering about tiny things," Hazel described the relaxed atmosphere among the group.
"I don't want to go to work tomorrow," Courtney expressed, voicing a common sentiment among them.
"I'm free tomorrow!" Hazel shared, her schedule allowing for a day off.
"You seem to have days off every other day," Sol teased, prompting a playful exchange.
"Hey, don't rub it in," Lina responded, adding to the camaraderie.
"Just send your messages. Better head to bed early for your work!" Hazel suggested, guiding the group towards a restful end to the evening.
As Hazel settled into bed, her thoughts drifted to the events of the day, with one face standing out in her mind.
"I had a lot of fun today, King of Games. Teach me some next time," Hazel wrote in a message to Aiden, expressing her enjoyment of their time together.
"Thanks for the amazing time today. And remember, I have other charms as well," an anonymous message replied, leaving Hazel with a sense of intrigue and anticipation.
As the night enveloped her in a cozy embrace, Hazel's fatigue finally caught up with her.
"I'm... suddenly so sleepy...." Hazel murmured, her eyelids growing heavy as she drifted off into a peaceful slumber, the events of the day lingering in her mind as she succumbed to sleep.
The tantalizing aroma wafting from the kitchen roused Hazel from her slumber, drawing her towards the source of the delicious smell.
"Smells good..." Hazel remarked, her stomach churning with hunger as she followed the scent to the kitchen.
"Are you up? You want to have breakfast together?" Glen greeted her, offering a seat at the table.
"Oh, what? Did you make that?" Hazel inquired, surprised by the breakfast spread before her.
"No, Aiden made it in the morning before leaving. For hangover. Do you want some?" Glen explained, inviting her to partake in the meal.
"Yes! I'll get the rice and spoons. Are you feeling okay?" Hazel responded, eager to enjoy the comforting meal.
"Yes, of course. Come sit," Glen reassured her, as they settled in for breakfast.
As they enjoyed the warm soup, Glen shared about his work schedule and the day ahead.
"I heard from Courtney you have the day off today. I'm jealous," Glen remarked, expressing a hint of envy.
"Yea. Are you going to work today?" Hazel inquired, curious about Glen's profession.
"Yes, I am," Glen confirmed, his dedication to his work evident.
"What does a tailor do? I'm actually pretty unfamiliar about what everyone does," Hazel admitted, prompting Glen to offer an unexpected invitation.
"Hm... It'll be easier to show you than to talk about it. Do you want to come and see?" Glen proposed, surprising Hazel with the hands-on opportunity.
"Huh? Can I?" Hazel's surprise was evident, her curiosity piqued by the invitation.
"Yea, it's fine. I'm working with a friend- and got the permission to bring someone over in advance," Glen explained, extending the invitation to Hazel.
"Oh, then I'd be happy to join you-" Hazel began, only to be interrupted by Lina's enthusiastic voice.
"Me too!" Lina interjected, eager to join the excursion.
"Well, it'll be fun to go together. It's going to be like any other day," Hazel concluded, looking forward to the unexpected adventure that awaited them.
In the heart of the bustling city, nestled between the tall buildings and busy streets, stood Glen's Tailor Shop. The shop exuded an aura of warmth and elegance, drawing in passersby with its inviting charm.
As the door creaked open, Lina stepped inside, her eyes widening in awe at the sight before her. "Wow, is this your designing room? It's so pretty. And tidy," she exclaimed, taking in the organized chaos of fabrics and sketches.
Glen, the master tailor himself, chuckled softly. "We have the resting area open. We didn't have time to clean things up after yesterday, it's a bit messy," he admitted, a hint of sheepishness in his voice.
Hazel, Lina's companion, chimed in with a laugh. "This is messy? You should see my room," she teased, glancing around the room with a playful grin.
The sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow on Glen's face as he offered his guests a drink. "Would you guys like something to drink? I have green tea, coffee, and other things," he offered, gesturing towards a small table set with an array of beverages.
"Coffee for me, please!" Hazel piped up eagerly, while Lina smiled and requested, "I'd like some green tea, Glen."
As the trio settled into the cozy space, a sense of tranquility enveloped them. Lina, ever the helpful soul, offered to assist Glen. "Shall I take this? I'll help you," she offered, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.
Glen shook his head, a fond smile tugging at his lips. "No, you guys are guests. Just take a seat," he insisted, gesturing towards the comfortable chairs arranged in a circle.
"I'm so used to helping that staying still will keep me nervous!" Lina admitted with a nervous laugh, fidgeting slightly in her seat.
Hazel, observing the interaction with amusement, quipped, "Should I be doing the same?"
As Hazel watched Lina flutter around the room, a sense of admiration bloomed in her heart. She reminded her of a little chick, following her mother hen with unwavering loyalty. Her kindness and eagerness to lend a hand were endearing qualities that tugged at her heartstrings.
"So what do you do here?" Hazel's voice broke the tranquil air, curiosity sparking in her eyes as she gazed at Glen, the master tailor of the shop.
Glen, with a gentle smile, replied, "I'm the master tailor in this shop. I consult my customers and make clothes out of what they want," his hands gesturing towards the array of fabrics and designs that adorned the room.
"Master? That's so cool. I'm just a robot of my professor. A slave, basically," Lina chimed in, her voice tinged with a hint of self-deprecation.
Hazel, ever the inquisitive one, probed further, "So you don't make clothes for women?"
Glen shook his head, a thoughtful expression crossing his features. "Not for now. I already have a lot of things to work on. I'm getting a lot of inquiries on wedding tuxedos these days," he explained, a glint of pride in his eyes.
Lina's eyes widened in admiration. "That's amazing!" she exclaimed, her gaze shifting from Glen to Hazel with a sense of wonder.
As the conversation flowed, Lina's natural charm and curiosity took the lead, guiding the discussion towards more personal realms. "Your future wife is blessed. You'll be a great husband, making clothes for her and things," she remarked, her words filled with genuine warmth.
Glen's gaze softened, a wistful smile playing on his lips. "Yes, it's one of my dreams. I'd like to tailor something for someone I love someday," he confessed, his eyes reflecting a hint of longing.
Hazel, sensing the shift in the conversation, ventured further, "Then... When do you want to get married?"
Glen's response was tinged with a mix of contemplation and certainty. "I'm at the age to think about marriage now. So... soon is good," he revealed, his voice carrying a sense of quiet determination.
Amidst the exchange, Hazel voiced her concern, "Anyway, is it okay for us to stay here? Don't you have to work?"
Glen reassured them with a smile, "Nah, I have some time. We talked through it. It's fine as long as..."
Before he could finish his sentence, a staff member interrupted, calling out to him. "Glen...? Can I have a minute with you..."
Glen's expression shifted, a brief moment of apology flickering in his eyes. "Ah, yes. I need to leave you for a moment, ladies," he explained, excusing himself with a gentle nod.
Within the confines of Glen's Tailor Shop, where threads of fate intertwined and hearts danced to the rhythm of unexpected encounters, a moment of tranquility was interrupted by the arrival of a troubled staff member. With a furrowed brow, the staff beckoned at Glen, prompting him to leave the office with a puzzled expression etched on his features.
As Glen disappeared behind the door, Lina and Hazel found themselves alone in the serene ambiance of the shop, their conversation taking a more intimate turn.
"It's fun to hang out like this," Lina remarked, her eyes sparkling with genuine joy at the companionship she found in Hazel.
Hazel nodded in agreement, a smile playing on her lips. "Yeah, I'm glad to have come along," she replied, her gaze shifting towards Lina with a sense of camaraderie.
Lina, ever perceptive, sensed the unspoken question lingering in the air. "You are a bit surprised I talk too much, right?" she inquired, her voice tinged with a hint of self-awareness.
Caught off guard by her candidness, Hazel's eyes widened in surprise. Lina, noticing the reaction, continued, "I concentrate hard on something I'm focused on and have to let it out. I just... tend to say my thoughts out loud. So let me know if I'm making any mistakes, okay?"
Hazel couldn't help but chuckle at Lina's endearing honesty. "You're so cute," she remarked, a fond smile gracing her lips.
Lina, basking in the compliment, nodded with a hint of playfulness. "Yes, I am. I'm pretty well known for my cuteness," she quipped, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Hazel, caught off guard by Lina's confidence, found herself at a loss for words. "Ah, yes..." she stammered, a blush creeping up her cheeks.
Lina, undeterred by Hazel's reaction, pressed on with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Hmm? Don't you agree?" she teased, a playful challenge in her tone.
The unexpected boldness of Lina's question elicited a chuckle from Hazel, breaking the tension that lingered between them. In that moment of shared laughter, a sense of ease settled over the two, forging a bond of friendship that transcended mere acquaintanceship.
"I wonder what Glen's up to?" Lina mused, her thoughts drifting towards the master tailor who had captured her curiosity.
Hazel, ever the realist, offered a pragmatic perspective. "You know when you're like, 'I don't have much work today,' and suddenly work comes rushing in? Maybe it's that," she suggested, a knowing smile playing on her lips.
Lina's eyes widened in mock horror. "Ah, don't jinx it..!" she exclaimed, a playful pout forming on her lips.
Just then, Glen reappeared, his expression somber yet determined. "Hey... I have a sudden meeting to attend. There's a café downstairs, do you mind waiting there for a bit? I'll buy you dinner after," he offered, his voice tinged with regret.
As the realization of unexpected events sank in, Glen spoke up with a hint of guilt in his eyes. "I asked you guys to come over, and this came," he explained, his words laced with sincerity.
Hazel, ever the pragmatist, brushed off the situation with a light-hearted remark. "It's not a big deal. I'm expecting an expensive meal for this!" she joked, a playful glint in her eyes.
"Yes, it's fine. Think about the menu, okay?" Glen's voice broke the silence, his words carrying a sense of reassurance as he addressed Hazel's playful warning about picking an expensive meal.
Hazel, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, teased, "I'm warning you. I'll be picking something really expensive!"
Glen's response was laced with sincerity, "Trust me, It's okay. I'll be eating with you," his words tinged with a hint of unexpected warmth.
The unexpected turn in Glen's invitation left Hazel momentarily speechless, her mind reeling with unspoken thoughts. "I'll... think about it downstairs," she managed to reply, her voice tinged with a hint of surprise.
Glen, ever the gracious host, encouraged her, "Think about everything you'd like to eat. I'm going to make sure you have them all," his words filled with a genuine desire to ensure his guests' comfort.
Lina, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, spoke up with a grumpy voice, "I'm here, too," her words a gentle reminder of her presence in the unfolding moment.
As Glen prepared to depart for his meeting, he turned to his guests, "So would you guys wait outside? I'll be quick," he assured them, his gaze lingering on Lina and Hazel.
"Okay! Be back soon, alright?" Lina chimed in, her voice cutting through the quietude with a note of eagerness.
Caught in the whirlwind of unexpected events, Hazel and Lina found themselves alone once more, their thoughts drifting towards the impending dinner and the mysteries that lay ahead.
As they stood in the shop, a moment of silence enveloped them, broken only by Lina's sudden inquiry, "Hey, do you want to grab a cake from downstairs? They all looked good," her voice filled with a sense of curiosity.
Hazel, intrigued by the suggestion, questioned, "Which ones did you see?" her eyes alight with interest.
Lina, with a hint of excitement, listed off the options, "Well, they had cheese, strawberry, chocolate, carrot..." her voice trailing off as she recounted the tantalizing array of cakes.
Hazel couldn't help but tease, "I don't know when you had the chance to look at them all," a playful smile playing on her lips.
Lina's expression shifted, a mix of anticipation and realization dawning on her features. "Oh, I didn't get to see much. I'm so excited for some cakes! Huh? Wait... oh..." her voice trailed off, her attention suddenly drawn to her phone.
Hazel, noticing the change in Lina's demeanor, inquired, "Why, who is it?" her curiosity piqued by the sudden shift in atmosphere.
As Lina's face turned serious, her eyes widening with a mix of surprise and concern, a sense of foreboding settled over the shop, hinting at the unseen forces at play and the whispers of destiny that echoed in the quiet corners of their shared reality.
"It's from school. Ah, what do I do? I think I have to go now... Is it okay for you to be alone?" Lina's voice wavered with a mix of disappointment and urgency as she shared the news with Hazel, her eyes clouded with a sense of regret.
Hazel, surprised by the sudden turn of events, questioned, "School? So suddenly?" her voice tinged with concern for her friend.
"It happens sometimes. Oh, I wanted to stay..." Lina's words trailed off, a hint of sadness coloring her tone as she realized the fleeting nature of their time together.
As Lina's expression crumbled with disappointment, Hazel couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for her friend. The prospect of leaving her alone with Glen weighed heavily on Lina's heart, casting a shadow over their shared moment of camaraderie.
"Ugh, why are they doing this to me?!" Lina's frustration spilled out, her emotions raw and palpable in the quiet space of the shop.
Hazel, ever the empathetic soul, offered a comforting sentiment. "Being a graduate student seems hard," she acknowledged, her voice soft with understanding.
Lina's response was tinged with a hint of regret. "If I could get one chance to go back in time, I'm not going to graduate school. Never..." her words carried a weight of longing and unfulfilled dreams.
Hazel, sensing Lina's turmoil, sought to uplift her spirits. "Hey, still... A graduate student sounds really cool," she offered, her words filled with a genuine attempt to lighten the mood.
Lina, her eyes searching for reassurance, implored, "Do you really think so?" her voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability.
Hazel hesitated, caught off guard by the intensity of Lina's gaze. "Huh?" she stammered, unsure of how to respond.
"Look me in the eyes and say it," Lina challenged, her gaze unwavering, seeking validation in Hazel's words.
Hazel, recognizing the gravity of the moment, relented with a chuckle. "...I take that back," she admitted, a playful glint in her eyes.
Lina, with a mix of resignation and determination, bid her farewells. "Good thinking. Anyway! I have to go, so don't have too much fun! Promise? And thanks for the drink, Glen!" she expressed her gratitude, her voice laced with sincerity.
As Lina's phone continued to ring with urgency, signaling her impending departure, she quickly finished her tea, gathered her belongings, and stood up, ready to face the challenges that awaited her outside the confines of the tailor shop.
"Lina, wait up," Glen's voice cut through the quiet space, halting Lina in her tracks as she prepared to leave.
"Hm? Why?" Lina's voice held a note of curiosity, her eyes searching Glen's face for answers.
"I got this to eat with my staff, take this and have it," Glen's voice was gentle as he presented Lina with a small box of cake from the fridge, a gesture of kindness and gratitude.
"...Thanks a lot!" Lina's gratitude shone in her eyes as she accepted the gift, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
"Yea, enjoy! Thanks for coming today," Glen's words were filled with warmth and appreciation as he bid Lina farewell, his gaze lingering on her retreating figure.
"...Should I just stay? Pretend I didn't see them?" Lina's voice wavered with uncertainty, a hint of longing in her words.
"Hm? Can you do that?" Glen's voice was soft, his eyes reflecting a mix of understanding and concern.
"I want to stay a bit longer..." Lina's voice trailed off, her desire to linger in the comforting embrace of the tailor shop palpable in the air.
"You still have to get things done. You can do that, right?" Glen's gentle words sought to console her, his touch light as he tapped her shoulder in reassurance.
"I will be going now..." Lina's voice held a tinge of resignation, her steps heavy as she made her way towards the door, her heart heavy with unspoken emotions.
Glen, watching her departure with a pang of empathy, couldn't help but feel a sense of regret for the fleeting nature of their time together. "I feel bad for her," he confessed, his voice tinged with a hint of melancholy.
"Same. When's your meeting? Right now?" Hazel's voice broke the silence, her concern for Glen evident in her words.

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    muito bom muito bom o livro livro da para ler para ganhar moeda pessoal só precisa ler isso daí pronto aí só dá para resgatar os demais aí para pegar todos os livros para atualizar os livros são muito bons mas eu preciso ir depois eu volto aqui


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    Joesryl Jaculina Agunda



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    Marlyn Magsumbol

    It such a nice story! Must read, everyone🫶🥰


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