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Chapter 5

Sol's curiosity was piqued. "Yea, it must be that. A girl? Or a guy? Who will it be?"
Lina's playful response revealed a hint of anticipation. "I wish it was a guy."
Hazel's agreement added to the playful banter. "Same."
As the group pondered the arrival of a new resident, their imaginations ran wild with possibilities. What would this new addition be like? Would they be a woman or a man? The air was filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation as they continued to chat, speculating about the potential newcomer and the impact they would have on their close-knit group.
Hazel felt a rush of relief as she hurried towards the event venue. The day had been long, and she had feared being late. However, as she approached the entrance, she heard a familiar voice calling out to her.
"Yes! Got here in time," Hazel exclaimed,
"It'd be perfect if someone went inside with me. So it's less embarrassing," she admitted, feeling a twinge of nervousness.
"Hazel? Did you just get here?" Glen asked, surprised and pleased to see his friend.
"Oh? Glen!" she exclaimed as she turned around to face him, a smile spreading across her face.
"I just got here too. That's perfect, we can go in together," Glen said with a warm smile, offering her his arm.
Hazel was struck by Glen's kindness and charm. His words were like a soothing melody, calming her nerves. His presence made her feel at ease, as if she were admiring a beautiful piece of art in a museum. As they walked towards the entrance together, Hazel couldn't help but feel grateful for Glen's company. She wanted to express her thoughts, to tell him how much she appreciated his presence. But for now, she simply enjoyed the moment, savoring the warmth of his friendship.
In the cozy ambiance of the restaurant, Hazel entered with a mix of excitement and curiosity. As she glanced around, she couldn't help but notice the familiar faces of her friends gathered at the table.
"Are we the last ones?" Hazel inquired, a playful grin on her face.
"What took you so long?" Aiden teased, raising an eyebrow in mock concern.
"How are you guys coming in together?" Lina chimed in, her curiosity piqued.
"Hey, too many questions at once! Calm down!" Hazel laughed, trying to deflect the barrage of inquiries.
As they settled into their seats, Hazel and Glen shared a knowing look, finding humor in the situation.
"You're in luck. You came just in time for food," Sol announced, a hint of mischief in his eyes.
"I walk around with good luck attached to me," Hazel quipped, a touch of playfulness in her tone.
"You were also the last to come on the first day," Asher pointed out, a teasing glint in his eyes.
"I just like being fashionably late to the party," Hazel replied with a smirk, unapologetic.
"Ah... I never knew you were so 'fashionable'," Asher retorted, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
"You're just jealous," Hazel shot back, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she bantered with her friends in the warm glow of the restaurant.
Amidst the lively banter and laughter, a voice, unfamiliar yet friendly, cut through the chatter.
"Hi!" the voice greeted, causing everyone to turn their attention to the source of the sound.
"What, is it the new resident? Joining now?" Hazel quipped, her curiosity piqued.
"So here I am. My name is Courtney," the girl introduced herself, her presence adding a new energy to the group.
"Are you... the new resident?" Sol inquired, his eyes assessing the newcomer with interest.
"Yes, I am. Nice to meet you," Courtney replied with a warm smile, exuding a sense of poise and sophistication.
Hazel couldn't help but admire Courtney's impeccable style and demeanor. "How can anyone look so perfect? You talk, just like how you look," she remarked, impressed by Courtney's grace and elegance.
"Sorry...?" Courtney responded, a hint of confusion in her voice.
"I mean, very graceful, elegant..." Hazel clarified, her words filled with admiration.
"Ahahaha. I'm just kind of nervous right now. I'm working as an editor for the fashion magazine, Weekend, and I'm 28 years old," Courtney shared, offering a glimpse into her world.
"「Weekend」 is quite a big fashion magazine," Sol noted, recognizing the publication instantly, her eyes lighting up with interest.
As Sol and Courtney engaged in conversation, their shared passion for fashion evident, the rest of the group watched on, intrigued by their dynamic interaction. The guys couldn't help but steal glances at Courtney, captivated by her presence and the unique connection she shared with Sol.
As the conversation flowed, Glen chimed in, eager to join the discussion.
"Can you guys count me in, too? I work in a similar industry," Glen interjected, adding his perspective to the lively exchange.
Lina, taken aback by the sudden turn of events, watched in surprise, unsure of how to react.
"I'd better join in, too," Hazel decided, not wanting Courtney to feel overwhelmed by the attention.
"Courtney, are you a good cook?" Hazel inquired, curious about Courtney's culinary skills.
"I'm not the best at it, but I like trying things out and creating new recipes," Courtney replied, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm.
"You must be pretty good at it," Glen complimented, impressed by Courtney's adventurous spirit.
"...I guess I'm still the worst when it comes to cooking," Hazel admitted with a self-deprecating smile.
"Not at all! All my creations have gone to fail, so I just stick to the traditional," Courtney shared, her honesty endearing her to the group.
"This girl here needs desperate help with cooking," Asher teased, earning a playful glare from Hazel.
"Asher? Would you please shut up?" Hazel retorted, defending Courtney with a hint of amusement.
"Ahaha. I like trying new things. I've put fruits in ramen noodles and stuff. That didn't go well," Courtney laughed, sharing a humorous anecdote about her culinary experiments.
"Hold up, did I hear that right?" Aiden's voice cut through the chatter, his curiosity piqued.
"I don't do that anymore. Don't worry," Courtney reassured, addressing Aiden's unspoken question.
Despite the initial awkwardness of being in a new environment, Courtney effortlessly blended in with the group. Her friendly demeanor surprised Hazel, who had expected her to be reserved.
"Hey, should I fix my makeup right now? How do I look?" Lina asked, a hint of nervousness in her voice as she sought validation.
"What's wrong?" Hazel inquired, noticing Lina's unease.
"Courtney is so pretty," Lina confessed, her eyes flickering towards Courtney and Glen, who were engaged in conversation.
"Hey, what are you talking about? You're beautiful! I'm the one with the problem. I should get a new haircut or something," Hazel replied, trying to reassure her friend.
"What are YOU talking about? You're fine," Asher interjected, his voice low and hesitant as he offered his opinion.
Hazel was taken aback by Asher's unexpected compliment. "Wow, didn't see that coming. I'm so flattered!" she exclaimed, a hint of surprise in her tone.
"Hey, no need to be sarcastic..." Asher muttered, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
"I wasn't!" Hazel protested, her voice rising slightly as she defended herself.
As the conversation shifted, Courtney complimented Lina, diverting the attention to her nails.
"Lina, I love your nails. Where did you get them done?" Courtney inquired, smoothly transitioning the conversation and showcasing her ability to engage with others.
"Huh? Oh, yea...! Thank you, I went to..." Lina's response trailed off as she engaged in conversation with Courtney, who effortlessly guided the discussion.
"This is so different from when I got here," Hazel reflected, reminiscing about her own struggles with communication when she first arrived.
Sol noticed Lina's uncharacteristic silence and inquired, "Lina isn't usually quiet like this. What's up?"
"Yeah, you're quiet today," Glen added, observing the shift in Lina's demeanor.
"Me? Not at all. I'm just... shy," Lina explained, a hint of self-consciousness in her voice.
"You?" Aiden teased, surprised by Lina's admission.
"I can be shy, too," Lina defended, feeling the need to explain her behavior.
The atmosphere lightened as Courtney engaged with Lina, drawing her out of her shell.
"It's so fun here. Is it always like this?" Courtney remarked, enjoying the lively energy of the group.
"It's going to be even better if you get to know us," Glen replied, a welcoming smile on his face.
"I'm really looking forward to that," Courtney responded, leaning towards Glen, her gesture inadvertently causing Lina's expression to falter.
"This isn't good," Hazel muttered under her breath, sensing the shift in dynamics brought about by Courtney's presence.
Courtney's natural charm and magnetic personality had already begun to alter the dynamics within Luv House, setting the stage for new connections and potential changes in the group dynamic.
"Shall we make a toast together? Now that Courtney's here, too," Glen suggested, a glint of excitement in his eyes.
"You seem really excited," Hazel remarked, teasingly noting Glen's animated demeanor.
"Huh? Me?" Glen feigned innocence, trying to downplay his enthusiasm.
"You're talking twice as much as usual. No..?" Hazel observed, a playful smile tugging at her lips.
"This is how I usually talk," Glen defended, a hint of defensiveness in his tone.
"How come I've never seen you do that?" Hazel prodded, enjoying the banter.
"Hey, you're putting me in a weird position!" Glen protested, his facade cracking as he tried to maintain his composure.
"Of course, I'm just kidding. It's so fun to tease you, Glen!" Hazel chuckled, finding amusement in Glen's reactions.
"Come on. Stop it," Glen responded, though a hint of amusement danced in his eyes.
"Your reaction is just the best," Hazel teased, appreciating the lighthearted exchange.
Glen sighed good-naturedly as he refilled Hazel's glass, his actions reflecting his inherent kindness even in the midst of their playful banter.
"Thanks," Hazel expressed her gratitude, raising her glass in acknowledgment.
"Stop roasting me, then," Glen quipped, a smile playing on his lips.
"Aww, look how nice you are. Pouring me water and all," Hazel teased, feigning innocence.
"Hey, did you hear what I just said?" Glen prompted, trying to regain control of the conversation.
"...Hm?" Hazel replied, momentarily distracted.
"Seriously..." Glen sighed, rubbing his flushed face before breaking into laughter.
"Why, what's up?" Hazel inquired, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"I don't know. I guess I don't mind too much if you're having fun. With your jokes," Glen admitted, his laughter mingling with Hazel's in the warm and jovial atmosphere of the gathering.
One moment, Glen was caught off guard by Hazel's jokes, and the next, a wave of sincerity washed over the group.
"This isn't fair," Hazel muttered, a hint of disbelief in her voice as she processed the shifting dynamics.
"Do you guys usually get along this well? I can't help but smile," Courtney remarked, her observation drawing a soft chuckle from Hazel.
Hazel heart almost drops. Courtney's timely words prevent her from blushing, Hazel thought, grateful for the distraction.
"I feel like we'll be friends very soon. I don't feel awkward with you all at," Hazel expressed, a sense of ease settling over her.
"I'm doing my best not to be nervous!" Courtney admitted, her honesty endearing her to the group.
"Are you sure? I really can't tell," Hazel teased, enjoying the playful exchange.
"I guess hard work paid off then. Phew," Courtney replied, a sense of relief evident in her voice.
"I was so awkward at first. I'm sure it was super funny," Hazel reflected on her initial interactions, a hint of self-deprecation in her tone.
"No, you were fine," Glen's quiet voice reassured her, his words carrying a sense of sincerity.
"You did great the first day," Glen added, his words offering a comforting reassurance.
As the group settled into a moment of camaraderie, Aiden proposed a toast to their new resident, Courtney.
"Non-alcohol for the people driving!" Hazel interjected, mindful of everyone's well-being.
With a mixture of excitement, nervousness, and playfulness, the group raised their glasses in unison, exclaiming, "Cheers!" as they welcomed Courtney into their midst with open hearts and shared laughter.
On Main Street, the group gathered to organize transportation, with Sol initiating the discussion.
"We need 2 cars, right?" Sol confirmed, laying out the plan for the evening.
"Glen, get in here! Come with me!" Lina called out, already forming one group.
"Then I'll go with Lina and Hazel. Aiden, you're driving the other car?" Glen clarified, assigning roles for the journey ahead.
"Yeah, I'll drive this one," Aiden confirmed, taking charge of the second vehicle.
With seven people in total, the group decided to split into two cars, with three passengers in one and four in the other. Aiden approached Hazel after speaking to Lina, who held the keys to one of the cars.
"I feel bad," Aiden confessed, his expression troubled.
"For what? Because you couldn't drink?" Hazel questioned, puzzled by Aiden's sudden concern.
"No. Why would you get in that car? I'm the best driver. You should get into mine," Aiden insisted, his tone laced with a hint of urgency.
"Why are you talking like you've been drinking?" Hazel teased, sensing a hidden motive behind Aiden's insistence.
"You actually wanted to get in my car, right?" Aiden pressed, his gaze searching for a response.
Hazel paused, considering Aiden's words. As they prepared to head back home, she couldn't understand the significance of changing cars at that moment.
"Be honest. You had a few drinks, right? Without telling anyone," Hazel probed, trying to unravel Aiden's intentions.
"Just admit it," Aiden urged, his demeanor shifting between seriousness and playfulness.
"Why are you making such a sad face?" Hazel observed, her curiosity piqued by Aiden's unusual behavior.
"I'm going to say what I want, not what you want to hear," Hazel declared, asserting her independence.
"Say it. I'm listening," Aiden encouraged, his eyes locking with hers in a moment of anticipation.
As Aiden awaited her response, Hazel grinned mischievously, ready to speak her mind.
"I want to get in your car next time. I wish I could today as well," Hazel expressed, a hint of sincerity in her voice as she shared her desire with Aiden.
"You're being serious, right?" Aiden questioned, seeking confirmation from Hazel.
“Why would I lie about that?” Hazel retorted, puzzled by Aiden's disbelief.
"That's fine, then. I'm real hyped right now," Aiden responded, his smile bright and genuine, dispelling the earlier somberness.
"What a mood swing," Hazel remarked, noting the sudden shift in Aiden's demeanor.
"It's just a few words from me..." she added, trailing off as Sol called for their departure.
"We should go now," Sol interjected, signaling the need to leave.
"Yea, coming!" Aiden acknowledged, turning to follow Sol's lead.
As Aiden prepared to depart, he glanced back at Hazel, offering a parting remark. "See you at home."
The simple farewell stirred unexpected emotions within Hazel, a mix of sadness and warmth tugging at her heartstrings. The alcohol she had consumed added to the swirl of conflicting feelings as she closed her eyes, seeking a moment of calm.
In the guys' bedroom, the conversation shifted to the evening's events.
"Wow, I thought someone new would join us, but not so soon. It had me surprised," Aiden remarked, reflecting on Courtney's swift integration into their group.
"She seemed like a nice person. Also friendly," Glen added, sharing his impressions of their new acquaintance.
"You think that with everyone, though," Asher teased, highlighting Glen's tendency to see the best in others.
Aiden's playful teasing sparked a lighthearted exchange among the guys.
"Hey, do you already like her?" Aiden prodded, curious about Glen's feelings towards Courtney.
"He's in love," Asher teased, earning a chuckle from the group.
"Stop kidding me, guys..." Glen protested, trying to deflect the attention.
"You're pretty hot-tempered than I thought. Very quick to make up your mind. Are we deciding on whom to go for in order of age...?" Aiden continued the banter, enjoying the playful dynamics.
"Where are you going, Glen? To see Courtney?" Asher teased, prompting Glen's exasperated response.
"I'm going for a glass of water!" Glen declared, feigning nonchalance as he made his exit.
In the girls' bedroom, Sol welcomed Courtney with a warm gesture.
"This is the girls' room, I think you can use the bed over here," Sol offered, showing Courtney to her temporary resting place.
"Wow, the room looks so pretty," Courtney remarked, admiring the cozy atmosphere.
"We were saying the same thing. Soon, you'll like it even more!" Hazel assured her, sharing in Courtney's appreciation for their shared space.
"I'm nervous about sending a text as well. I don't know what to say... Can I ask... Do you girls have someone you like?" Courtney inquired, seeking advice and connection with her new friends.
"We weren't here for long but... yea," Hazel responded, exchanging smiles with the others in the room in acknowledgment.
"Did you have someone you like, Courtney?" Lina asked, curious about Courtney's romantic inclinations.
"I did. Maybe two of them," Courtney admitted, her honesty drawing interest from the group.
"What type of man do you like?" Sol probed, delving into Courtney's preferences.
"I like... calm people. Someone I can have good conversation with. I saw 2 people like that today," Courtney shared, offering a glimpse into her romantic ideals and the connections she had formed during the evening.
As Courtney finished sharing her preferences, the room fell into a moment of contemplative silence. Sol appeared relieved, while Lina tensed up, her reaction not going unnoticed by Hazel. Calm with good conversation skills... Glen and Asher fit the description perfectly in Hazel's mind. It was time to send a message, and she decided to reach out to Aiden, who had been a source of comfort and light-heartedness throughout the evening.
"I hope your throat's okay from all the talking. Have some tea, and get some good rest," Hazel typed out, sending her message to Aiden.
In response, an anonymous message popped up on her screen. "I would've loved to take you home today," it read, eliciting a surprised reaction from Hazel.
"Another message...!" Hazel exclaimed, her curiosity piqued by the unexpected communication.
As the night wound down, Courtney expressed her fatigue, prompting Sol to offer a reassuring insight. Lina suggested an early bedtime, feeling the effects of the wine they had enjoyed.
"Yes, let's go to sleep earlier today!" Hazel agreed, acknowledging the need for rest after a long day.
The group dispersed to their respective rooms, preparing to settle in for the night. Hazel drifted off to sleep, the events of the day still fresh in her mind.
The next morning, Hazel greeted the day with energy and curiosity, finding Glen, Aiden, and Courtney downstairs in the living room.
"Oh, perfect. Come over here," Aiden called out, prompting Hazel's interest.
"Hm? Why, what's up?" Hazel inquired, approaching the group with a sense of anticipation.
"Courtney's new here and all, so we were wondering if we want to drink something this evening. I was asking if they wanted something to eat with. How about you?" Glen proposed, seeking input for the evening's plans.
"Um... I don't have anything in mind right now. My class finishes early today. I can go get them after," Hazel replied, considering her schedule.
"You think? I could reschedule to get off early today. Maybe we can go together?" Glen suggested, offering to adjust his plans for the evening.
"Ah, I can also..." Courtney began, eager to join in the discussion.
"Hazel, let's go shopping together. I have enough time," Aiden interjected, standing between Hazel and Glen with a grin, his enthusiasm infectious as they discussed the day ahead.
Aiden's suggestion to go grocery shopping together brightened the room, his enthusiasm infectious as he proposed the plan.
"So let's go together. Grocery shopping," Aiden suggested, his face lit up with anticipation. With ample time available, there was no need for Glen to rearrange his work schedule.
"You have solid work schedules. I'll go with Aiden," Hazel decided, opting to join Aiden for the outing.
"You can't just leave the company during work, Glen. I'm a student with loads of time, no need for you to reschedule," Aiden reasoned, acknowledging the flexibility of his own schedule.
"Well... I guess you're right," Glen conceded, accepting Aiden's logic.
"So that's done," Aiden declared, a grin spreading across his face as he glanced at Hazel. She couldn't help but wonder if his excitement was solely about the outing or if there was a deeper meaning behind his enthusiasm.
"So you're coming with me, right? Around 4 pm," Aiden confirmed, finalizing the plans for their excursion.
"Ok, see you then!" Hazel replied, looking forward to the upcoming time spent with Aiden. As she reflected on the arrangement, one thing became clear - she didn't mind spending time with Aiden at all.
Aiden's timely arrival caught Hazel by surprise as she approached the house, his familiar voice bringing a smile to her face.
"Oh, you're early!" Hazel greeted him, pleasantly surprised by his punctuality.
"I had a hunch that you'd be here at this time," Aiden remarked, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
As they stood at the threshold of the house, Hazel suggested, "Shall we go now, then?"
"Yea, let's go," Aiden agreed, ready for their outing.
"Ah, I'll be driving today," Hazel announced, taking the initiative.
"I can do it, I'm the best driver. The car key's inside, right? Let me go get it," Aiden offered, moving to take charge of the situation.
"No, stay still, I'm doing it today!" Hazel insisted, determined to take the wheel.
"Careful! You'll fall again," Aiden teased, playfully warning her as they bantered back and forth.
Their playful argument continued as they vied to be the first to retrieve the car key.
"Aha! Your Highness will be driving today. Let's go!" Hazel declared triumphantly, grasping the key in her hand with a satisfying rattle.
"Haha, you're cute," Aiden chuckled, his laughter echoing in the air as he looked at Hazel with a warm expression, his happiness evident in his eyes.
As Hazel took the wheel and they embarked on their journey, Aiden couldn't help but express his appreciation for her driving skills.
"It's cool to see you driving for me," Aiden complimented, his words filled with admiration.
"It's nice, right? Admit it, and I might do it again," Hazel teased, enjoying the moment.
"Yes, I love it!" Aiden affirmed, his enthusiasm evident.
"Oops, I'm embarrassed now," Hazel blushed, caught off guard by Aiden's response.
"I mean it," Aiden reassured her, his sincerity shining through.
"You really look like a cute dog when you do that," Hazel remarked, her words causing a moment of confusion for Aiden.
"A dog...? Did... did I do something wrong?" Aiden questioned, unsure of Hazel's comparison.
"A puppy. Puppy! My bad," Hazel clarified, trying to ease the misunderstanding.
"Oh, I thought I made a mistake or something. Or are you trying to cover it up after saying something awful?" Aiden teased, his playful banter adding a light-hearted touch to their conversation.
"We're almost here," Hazel announced, steering the car towards their destination.
"You're a good driver," Aiden complimented, acknowledging Hazel's skill behind the wheel.
"I do like to drive," Hazel admitted, sharing her enjoyment of the experience.
"Like me," Aiden added, drawing a parallel between their shared interest.
"Oh, then do you want to go for go-kart or something next time? That'll be fun," Hazel suggested, proposing a future adventure.
"Go-kart or something?" Aiden repeated, his eyes lighting up with excitement.
"I'd love that. Anything with you I want to," Aiden confessed, his words filled with warmth and sincerity.
"Ugh..." Hazel's thoughts raced as she pondered Aiden's words. Was he enjoying her company, or was it simply the thrill of being out and about? Conflicting emotions swirled in her mind, leaving her with more questions than answers.
In the bustling aisles of the grocery store, Aiden and Hazel navigated their way through the shelves, filling their cart with essentials.
"Didn't you and Asher pick something up a couple of days ago? We ran out of that fast," Aiden recalled, prompting a discussion about their previous shopping trip.
"That was just for the night. And we're 7 people in total, so things go away fast," Hazel explained, highlighting the challenge of keeping supplies stocked for a large group.
"You think? Oh, we need eggs. Hold on," Aiden responded, taking charge of the cart as he headed towards the dairy section.
"Do you do this often?" Hazel inquired, curious about Aiden's grocery shopping habits.
"I know I look like a spoiled kid, but I'm pretty independent," Aiden shared, his playful demeanor contrasting with his sense of self-reliance.
As they continued their shopping, Hazel brought up a past memory from their visit to Luv House.
"Hey, remember the next day we got to Luv House? You asked me if I had time," Hazel reminisced, recalling the moment.
"Ah, yes. I did," Aiden confirmed, his memory jogged by her recollection.
"I thought you were asking me out back then! I was so surprised. Like, we just met, and you were asking me out in public. I thought about that when you asked the same thing today, it was funny," Hazel chuckled, sharing her amusement at the situation.
"I was a bit vague then, I know," Aiden admitted, reflecting on his past actions.
"Of course. It was like Déjà vu this morning. It was hilarious," Hazel remarked, finding humor in the parallel experiences.
"That was it? Why didn't you ask me out for real? I would've said yes. You asked for it. I'm doing it?" Aiden teased, his playful banter continuing.
"I meant, do it to someone you want," Hazel clarified, her words carrying a deeper meaning.
"Yes, to someone I want," Aiden affirmed, his response hinting at unspoken emotions as they shared a moment of connection amidst the grocery store bustle.
Aiden's bright expression at Hazel's words brought a flush of warmth to her cheeks, a sensation akin to basking in the glow of the sun.
"Oh, these toys," Hazel remarked, pausing near the toy section as they made their way to the cashier.
"Do you like them?" Aiden inquired, his curiosity piqued by her sudden halt.
Hazel let out a laugh, her eyes twinkling as she explained, "Ah, no, it's Asher. He seemed to like these the last time we came. He looks cold... but he can be pretty cute sometimes."
"Why are you complimenting someone else in front of me?" Aiden feigned offense, his playful demeanor momentarily giving way to mock indignation before returning to his usual self.
"I guess it's a good timing to ask. Who are you the most close with, among the guys? I mean, who do you think is cool?" Aiden posed the question, his curiosity genuine.
"You want me to tell you?" Hazel questioned, intrigued by Aiden's inquiry.
"I want to know. Can't I?" Aiden pressed, eager for her response.
"I guess it doesn't really matter... The person I think is the coolest... is you," Hazel confessed, her words laced with sincerity.
"Really? It's me?" Aiden's eyes widened in surprise, his happiness evident in his expression.
"Yes, you, it's you," Hazel affirmed, her words resonating with genuine admiration.
"I'm so stoked right now. You can tell, right? That I'm happy," Aiden beamed, his joy radiating from within.
"I'd love to do something with you," Aiden expressed, his eagerness palpable.
"Let's say we had all the time in the world for ourselves. What would you like to do?" Hazel posed the question, opening the door to endless possibilities and shared moments with Aiden.
Aiden's suggestion of going on a ride to a faraway place sparked a sense of excitement in Hazel, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.
"It's a pity, we don't have much time for ourselves right now..." Hazel lamented, the constraints of their current schedule weighing on her mind.
"So next time when we do. We'll go for a trip, right? Don't forget about it. I'm going to remember," Aiden proposed, his playful tone hinting at future adventures together.
Unable to resist Aiden's infectious enthusiasm, Hazel nodded in agreement, a smile tugging at her lips.
"Everyone must be waiting. Let's go," Aiden suggested, leading the way as they made their way back.
"Okay. Give that to me," Hazel offered to help with the heavy bags, but Aiden insisted on carrying them, showcasing his reliability and thoughtfulness.
"It's not. Let's go," Aiden reassured, his confident stride reflecting his dependable nature.
In the living room, the group welcomed them back with warmth and camaraderie.
"Thanks, guys, for the help," Glen expressed his gratitude, appreciative of their assistance.
"Don't mention it. It was fun," Aiden replied, his cheerful demeanor adding to the positive atmosphere.
"Wow, that's a lot of stuff!" Sol observed, taking in the groceries that Aiden had brought.
"I guess we're getting drunk tonight for sure," Lina joked, anticipating a lively evening ahead.
"Let's prepare the food now, and put the beer in the fridge?" Sol suggested, initiating the next steps for the evening.
"Hey, give it to me, it's heavy," Aiden offered to help with the bags, showcasing his helpful nature once again.
As the group dispersed to prepare for the evening, Hazel couldn't help but notice Aiden's attentiveness towards Sol. While everyone got along well, there were certain dynamics that stood out, and Aiden's courteous behavior towards Sol did not go unnoticed by Hazel.
" I should've gone with you guys" Glen's voice broke through Hazel's thoughts, drawing her attention with a bright smile.
"It's fine, there wasn't a lot to do. How was work?" Hazel inquired, shifting the focus to Glen's day.

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    muito bom muito bom o livro livro da para ler para ganhar moeda pessoal só precisa ler isso daí pronto aí só dá para resgatar os demais aí para pegar todos os livros para atualizar os livros são muito bons mas eu preciso ir depois eu volto aqui


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    Joesryl Jaculina Agunda



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    Marlyn Magsumbol

    It such a nice story! Must read, everyone🫶🥰


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