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Chapter 4

Aiden's laughter, infectious and genuine, filled the space between them, his joy radiating in the crowded marketplace.
"Oh? That looks pretty. I'll bring it here," Aiden's sudden decision prompted a quick response from Hazel.
"No, wait!" Hazel's protest was met with a sheepish grin from Aiden, his eagerness to explore the human world evident in his actions.
The scene unfolded like a dance between two unlikely partners, the werewolf-turned-human navigating the intricacies of human customs with a mix of curiosity and innocence.
"You can only touch them once they're paid for. You can't just touch, eat, or take them," Hazel's guidance was met with a nod of understanding from Aiden.
"If you understood..." Hazel's words trailed off, prompting Aiden to playfully challenge her.
"Then you have to give me a compliment," Aiden's request was met with a mix of surprise and amusement from Hazel, her heart fluttering at the closeness between them.
"Well... Good... good job," Hazel's compliment was accompanied by a gentle ruffle of Aiden's hair, a simple gesture that sparked a wave of warmth between them.
As they gathered their purchases and prepared to head back home, the air around them seemed to shimmer with a newfound connection, their eyes meeting in a moment of shared understanding and unspoken emotions.
"We got everything we need, so let's head back home," Hazel's voice carried a sense of contentment and anticipation, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as they embarked on the journey back, their hearts entwined in a dance of newfound companionship and shared adventures.
In the quiet comfort of their home, Aiden's playful nature shone through, his voice carrying a hint of reluctance as they prepared to end their day.
"Already? I want to play more," Aiden's words held a touch of longing, a desire to prolong the shared moments with Hazel.
"Come on, now," Hazel's voice was gentle yet firm, guiding Aiden towards the next step of their evening.
"Okay, but... am I being rewarded for being good again?" Aiden's question hung in the air, his playful tone masking a hint of anticipation.
"Hm? No, wait..." Hazel's response was met with a determined plea from Aiden.
"You promised!" Aiden's hand enveloped Hazel's, a gesture that sent a wave of warmth through her, grounding her in the present moment.
As they settled into the familiarity of their home, Aiden's words carried a sense of contentment.
"It's good to come home," Aiden's voice was filled with a mix of gratitude and comfort, his gaze fixed on Hazel with a sense of companionship.
"I told you it's inappropriate to be holding hands outside like that," Hazel's reminder was met with a hint of defiance from Aiden.
"I suddenly can't do so many things," Aiden's words were tinged with a hint of playfulness, his eyes searching Hazel's for understanding.
"You didn't listen to me. No reward this time," Hazel's words held a note of firmness, a boundary set in place to maintain a sense of propriety.
"That's not fair!" Aiden's protest was met with a gentle rebuke from Hazel, her resolve unwavering.
"I never told you there was a reward in the first place," Hazel's reminder prompted a moment of reflection from Aiden, his expression shifting to one of remorse.
"I won't do it again. Can you forgive me, just this once?" Aiden's plea was accompanied by a look of vulnerability, his eyes searching Hazel's for a sign of understanding.
"Was he always like this?" Hazel's thoughts wandered, reflecting on the complexity of emotions that Aiden stirred within her.
As she observed Aiden's animated demeanor and the depth of his emotions, Hazel found herself grappling with a whirlwind of feelings, each interaction with him revealing a new layer of complexity and connection.
"I'm learning a lot today... That takes effort to stay collected. A few dialogues can make me so irrational. And Aiden is... someone that can shake me up like this. I'm confused by all these sudden emotions," Hazel's internal monologue echoed the tumultuous journey of self-discovery and emotional awakening that unfolded in the presence of Aiden, a presence that stirred her heart and mind in ways she had never experienced before.
In the quiet sanctuary of their home, Hazel's voice cut through the air, a mix of determination and focus guiding their interactions.
"Let's focus. Onto the next dialogue," Hazel's words carried a sense of purpose, steering their shared journey through the script.
"I let it go this time?" Hazel's question hung in the air, prompting a wave of gratitude from Aiden.
"Really? You're the best!" Aiden's smile, radiant and genuine, lit up the room, his joy infectious as Hazel's heart skipped a beat in response.
"That was the right decision to make. I'll give you a hug for that. Good job, good job," Aiden's praise was met with a warm embrace, his arms enveloping Hazel in a moment of shared appreciation.
"Let's go out again tomorrow, Master," Aiden's suggestion caught Hazel off guard, their proximity adding a layer of embarrassment to the moment.
"What? For what?" Hazel's question held a mix of surprise and curiosity, her heart racing with a mix of emotions.
"You can see how good I behave. And give me a reward. What do you think?" Aiden's playful proposal sparked a hint of laughter from Hazel, her cheeks flushing with a mix of amusement and anticipation.
"Ah, okay, okay. Fine," Hazel's reluctant agreement was met with a grin from Aiden, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Hm, okay. You've listened to me, so I'll give you a reward today," Aiden's words held a hint of mystery, prompting a mix of intrigue and uncertainty from Hazel.
"A reward? What reward?" Hazel's curiosity peaked, her mind racing with possibilities.
As they delved into the uncharted territory of the script, Hazel's eyes widened in surprise as she stumbled upon a line that caught her off guard.
"Kisses lightly on the lips." The words on the page sent a jolt of shock through Hazel, her mind reeling with the unexpected turn of events.
"What, what is this...! Why are there such lines for an innocent character?" Hazel's thoughts raced, grappling with the sudden shift in dynamics between their characters.
Aiden's bright smile, paired with his comforting touch on her shoulder, brought a mix of emotions to the surface, stirring a whirlwind of conflicting feelings within Hazel as they navigated the uncharted waters of their shared journey.
In the midst of the unexpected script twist, Hazel's mind raced with a mix of confusion and apprehension.
"Huh, what? Does he really plan to do this?" Hazel's voice wavered, her eyes widening in disbelief as she processed the unfolding scene.
"Wait, what, what do I do?! No, I don't think I should. W-wait!" Hazel's words tumbled out in a rush, her hands moving instinctively to block Aiden's mouth, their eyes meeting in a moment of awkwardness.
"I.... don't think we have to do this! We can just skip over. Of course, I would like to.... not....! Shoot... what am I saying?" Hazel's words stumbled out, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she grappled with the unexpected turn of events.
Aiden's laughter, warm and genuine, filled the space between them, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
"Of course, I wasn't actually gonna do it. Were you excited? A bit?" Aiden's teasing remark prompted a mix of relief and amusement from Hazel.
"No, I wasn't. For what?" Hazel's response was met with a chuckle from Aiden, his playful nature easing the tension in the air.
"Sure. I understand," Aiden's words were met with a grin from Hazel, a sense of camaraderie settling between them.
"But maybe not now. It'd be too early for that. So, let's save it for another time," Aiden's suggestion was met with a mix of surprise and relief from Hazel.
"Ha, what are you saying?" Hazel's laughter mingled with Aiden's, a sense of lightheartedness filling the room.
"Ah, I was too much into my role, I'm tired," Aiden's admission was met with a nod of understanding from Hazel, their shared experience of delving into the script taking a toll on their energy.
"Same, I can't concentrate anymore," Hazel's words echoed Aiden's sentiment, a sense of weariness settling over them.
"I want to take a rest like this," Aiden's request was met with a mix of uncertainty from Hazel, her gaze fixed on him as he leaned his head on her shoulder.
"What..." Hazel's voice trailed off, her heart fluttering as she felt Aiden's soft hair brush against her skin.
"You should go to your room for a nap. Your back will hurt if you sleep here," Hazel's concern was met with a gentle protest from Aiden.
"I like it here better," Aiden's words were filled with warmth, his offer of comfort and companionship drawing Hazel closer in a moment of shared intimacy.
"Isn't it uncomfortable?" Hazel's question hung in the air, a mix of curiosity and vulnerability coloring her words.
"It's fine with me. You can come lean on me if you want, Master!" Aiden's playful invitation sparked a wave of mixed emotions within Hazel, their shared moment of vulnerability and connection weaving a new thread in the tapestry of their evolving relationship.
In the peaceful tranquility of the moment, Hazel's voice cut through the air, a mix of hesitation and warmth in her tone.
"You should stop that!" Hazel's words held a hint of playfulness, a gentle reprimand directed at Aiden as they settled into a comfortable embrace.
"Anyway, let's take a nap like this for a bit. You can lean on me," Aiden's invitation was met with a flutter of emotions in Hazel's heart, the sun setting outside casting a warm glow over their shared space.
His big hand pulled her in, enveloping her in a sense of comfort and companionship. The gentle breeze and the sound of their quiet breaths mingled in the air, creating a moment of serenity and connection that stirred a mix of emotions within Hazel.
In the bustling environment of the Teachers' Room, a student's voice broke through the peaceful reverie, prompting Hazel to shift her focus to the present moment.
"How was it? Did you like it?" the student's inquiry was met with a smile from Hazel, her thumb raised in approval as she handed back the script with her feedback.
"It was really good," Hazel's response was met with a curious observation from the student.
"Are you having a fever?" the student's concern was met with a gentle reassurance from Hazel.
"Hm? No? No," Hazel's words were met with a playful exchange with the student, their interaction laced with a sense of camaraderie and care.
"Your face is super red," the student's observation prompted a blush to creep up on Hazel's cheeks.
"I think it's the heater," Hazel's explanation was met with a chuckle from the student, their shared moment filled with light-hearted banter and  warmth.
"Oh no, you'll freeze to death!" the student's playful remark brought a smile to Hazel's lips, a sense of joy and nostalgia filling her heart.
As she reflected on the memories from the day before, Hazel couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth and affection wash over her. The short rest she had shared with Aiden, the closeness and comfort they had found in each other's presence, had etched itself into her heart as a cherished memory, a moment of vulnerability and connection that she knew she would hold dear for a lifetime.
[Luv House]
Aiden glanced up from his phone as Hazel entered the room, a hopeful glint in his eyes. "Do you have time tonight? I was hoping you'd be back early."
Hazel furrowed her brows in confusion. "Huh? Why?"
Aiden's smile widened. "Let's hang out."
Her heart skipped a beat, anticipation bubbling in her chest. "Just us two?"
Aiden's expression faltered for a moment before he recovered, nodding. "Hm? Everyone else has time."
Hazel's confusion deepened. "....Huh? Did I hear wrong? Everyone else?"
Aiden chuckled softly, reaching for his drink. "Yea, I was talking to Lina. We all just want to get some drinks later tonight."
Disappointment washed over her, a wave of realization crashing down. Ah... she thought he wanted to hang out, just the two of them. Her hopes had soared only to be dashed against the rocks of reality.
Hazel hesitated, her gaze shifting as she searched for the right words. "Well, I would like to, but..."
Aiden's brow furrowed in concern. "Why? Can't you? Are you busy today?"
She sighed softly, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. "I have to check my schedule."
Aiden leaned in, a playful glint in his eyes. "How is your schedule? It's not bad, right? Just say it is."
The corners of her lips twitched as she fought back a smile. He was using that irresistible puppy-dog look again.
"Ugh, I'm actually really busy," she finally admitted, the words falling from her lips.
Silence hung in the air, heavy with unspoken words. Aiden's expression shifted, a shadow of disappointment crossing his features. Hazel couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at his reaction. He resembled a dejected puppy, his eyes pleading for her to change her mind.
"..Are you really that busy today?" Aiden's voice held a hint of hope, a last-ditch effort to salvage their plans.
Unable to contain her amusement any longer, Hazel let out a giggle and shook her head. "I'm joking, I'm not that busy today. I won't be late, so see you in the evening."
Relief flooded Aiden's features, a smile breaking across his face. "Hey, you scared me. That's good then. I'll see you later."
she nod at his smiling face, feeling a sense of camaraderie among them. It seems like today will be a day of getting to know each other better.
Lina, with a determined look, speaks up, "This beer should be enough... We just need something to eat."
Aiden, always the considerate one, asks, "What do you guys want?"
Sol, with a hint of excitement, suggests, "Fried chicken should be okay, right?"
As they gather around, the discussion turns to what to eat with their drinks. It becomes evident that most people are leaning towards having fried chicken...
hazel, with a hint of longing in her voice, adds, "But I'd prefer to have sashimi. I want sashimi. Do you think they'll have it delivered?"
Asher, nodding in agreement, chimes in, "Ah, me too."
Glen, scanning through the menu, remarks, "I don't see them in the booklet. I don't think there's any sushi restaurants near here."
hazel, determined to satisfy her craving, suggests, "So Asher and I want to, what about everyone else? Anyone allergic to it?"
Sol, curious about the sudden change, questions, "I don't think so. But why do you ask?"
hazel, with a confident smile, declares, "I'll just drive over to the supermarket nearby. I'll be quick."
Asher, slightly concerned, asks, "Alone?"
hazel reassures him, "Sure. It won't take long. I know what to get, it's just 10 minutes by car. I'll be back before the fried chicken arrives."
Asher, ever the caring soul, insists, "Let's go together, no need to go alone."
she feel a sense of gratitude as Asher rises from his seat to accompany her on her impromptu outing.
hazel, teasingly remarks, "Together? You really love sashimi, don't you?"
Asher, with a hint of vulnerability in his voice, confesses, "...Yes, I love it. I can't drink without sashimi. Are you happy now?"
With a sigh, Asher walks out of the kitchen, leaving her to catch up with him.
hazel calls out, "Wait for me!"
Hazel can't help but appreciate Asher's caring nature, even when he expresses it in a grumpy manner. she smile as she follow him outside.
Lina, noticing their departure, calls out, "Take care! Ah, hazel, we're out of toast for breakfast..."
Hazel reassure her, "Okay. I'll grab one while I'm at it."
Lina's affectionate words warm her heart, "I love you!"
Realizing it's just Asher and her now, she ponder the idea of inviting Lina along. She always seems to have a list of things to get. Perhaps it would be more fun if they all went together.
Lina's surprised reaction, "Huh?!"
Hazel enthusiastically propose, "All three of us! Together! Let's go!"
Lina, still taken aback, exclaims, "Really? Me too?"
Without waiting for a response, Hazel take her by the hand and lead her towards the door.
Asher, observing the scene, mutters, "...Huh."
He gazes at hazel with a mix of amusement and confusion before joining them on their unexpected journey. Lina's voice echoed through the aisles of the grocery store, breaking the silence that hung between Hazel and Asher.
"You should thank me, Hazel," Lina said with a playful smile.
Hazel grinned in response, her eyes sparkling with gratitude. "Of course. You're the best, Lina!"
As they navigated the store, Hazel couldn't help but feel grateful for Lina's presence. She knew exactly where to find the best deals, like the discounted sashimi they had just scored. Hazel turned to Lina, feeling a surge of appreciation. "I owe you dinner."
Lina chuckled. "For sure. I sacrificed my cozy evening at home for this grocery run, and snagged us this amazing sashimi deal. Remember that!"
Hazel nodded fervently. "Yes, of course! I'll treat you to anything you want. Lina, you're incredible. Right, Asher?"
Asher, who had been unusually quiet, finally spoke up. "Yes, you're right."
As Lina realized she had forgotten to grab bread, she excused herself and disappeared down another aisle, leaving Hazel and Asher alone. A strange tension settled between them, amplifying the awkwardness of their interaction. Hazel couldn't shake the discomfort that lingered in the air.
"I wasn't going to bring this up, but…" Asher's voice trailed off, his words hanging in the space between them. Hazel turned to him, curiosity piqued, as he hesitated before continuing. The words hung heavy in the air, creating a barrier between Hazel and Asher in the grocery store aisle.
"You really... didn't want to come, just with me?" Asher's voice was laced with a hint of uncertainty.
Hazel's heart skipped a beat at the question. "Why...? Because I asked Lina to come with?"
Asher's expression softened, a wave of resignation washing over him. "Ah, never mind. Just... forget what I said."
The unspoken tension between them lingered, the weight of unspoken words filling the space between them. Hazel couldn't shake the feeling that she had inadvertently hurt Asher's feelings by inviting Lina along. Maybe she should have just come with Asher, after all.
"That's not true. It was never about not wanting you here..." Hazel's voice was gentle, an attempt to reassure Asher of her true intentions.
Asher nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Yes, I know. Let's stop talking about this now. It's not really a big deal."
Hazel felt a pang of guilt for causing any discomfort. "I was just worried things would be awkward. But I'm sorry you felt that way..."
As the realization sank in, Hazel knew that some conversations were better had out in the open. She should have communicated with Asher about her concerns before the situation escalated.
"I don't want any misunderstandings. We just met," Hazel spoke softly, hoping to ease the tension that hung between them.
Asher's response was quiet, contemplative. "...That's fine then. I don't mind too much. It's just that we don't know each other that well... I must've gotten in my head."
Hazel offered a reassuring smile. "I know you're not usually like this."
Asher's curiosity piqued. "Like what?"
Hazel chuckled softly. "Sorry. From now on, I'm taking you with me whenever I go shopping!"
Asher's response was unexpected. "No, thanks."
The echoes of the grocery store conversation lingered in Hazel's mind as they returned to the familiar comfort of the living room.
"Why not?" Lina's question still resonated, prompting Hazel to ponder her response. "Why should I?" Hazel's words held a hint of defiance, a silent challenge to the unspoken expectations that hung between them.
As Lina returned with the bread, Hazel exchanged a knowing grin with Asher, who averted his gaze with a tinge of embarrassment. Hazel's heart softened as she realized the impact of their earlier conversation.
"Next time, just the two of us," Hazel whispered to Asher, a quiet reassurance of her desire to bridge the gap that had formed between them.
Asher's response was a soft, "...No, thanks."
In the warm glow of the living room, Hazel's voice broke the silence. "We're back!"
Aiden's welcoming voice greeted them. "Just in time. The chicken's just arrived. Come take a seat now!"
Lina sought Glen's assistance, asking, "Where should I put this, Glen?"
Glen's reassuring reply came, "Just put it here. Give it to me, I'll take care of it."
As the group settled into their respective seats, Hazel couldn't help but smile at the sight of Lina rushing back to sit next to Glen.
The evening unfolded in the cozy living room, filled with the warmth of shared laughter and camaraderie.
"Now it's time for me to kick back and enjoy the night," Hazel declared, sinking into the comfort of the sofa, ready to unwind after the day's adventures.
Glen's concerned voice broke through the relaxed atmosphere. "You okay? Didn't drink too much?"
Lina's response was light-hearted. "I'm fine so far. How about you?"
Aiden, ever the inquisitive one, chimed in. "You've got some high tolerance. How much do you usually drink?"
Lina's mischievous grin hinted at hidden depths. "It's a secret!" She playfully swirled her wine glass, defying the expectations of being a lightweight.
Aiden turned his attention to Hazel. "How about you? How are you feeling?"
Hazel's response was confident. "I'm good, I can drink some more."
Aiden's concern was evident. "Don't push yourself."
Hazel waved off his worries with a grin. "Don't worry about me, worry about yourself. I can handle my drinks."
A new voice entered the conversation, adding a spark of excitement to the gathering. "We should play some drinking games! Now's the perfect time for it," Sol suggested, her eyes alight with enthusiasm.
Aiden's interest was piqued. "Drinking game? Do you like playing games?"
Sol nudged Aiden playfully, drawing his attention. "I do, but I haven't played one in a long time."
Aiden's eyes lit up with anticipation. "Me neither. But you're right, it'll be fun. I'll reach out to some friends and look up some game ideas on the internet."
Lina's playful remark added a touch of humor to the conversation. "You gotta look that up on the internet?"
As the evening progressed, the atmosphere in the living room grew livelier with the anticipation of drinking games and shared laughter.
Aiden's question sparked a new wave of excitement. "Oh, so you know some already? Hazel, how about you?"
Hazel's response was hesitant. "Huh? I don't know any good ones either. I'll have to look it up as well."
Unexpectedly, the focus of the conversation shifted towards Hazel, drawing Aiden's gaze towards her. Hazel felt a sudden rush of self-awareness as all eyes turned to her.
"I'm thinking too hard. Maybe I'm being too self-absorbed. Ah, whatever, who cares?" Hazel mused, the effects of alcohol clouding her thought
With a sense of determination, Hazel raised her glass, ready to take another sip when a familiar voice interrupted her.
"Why are you trying to drink alone?" Asher's voice cut through the chatter, his concern evident in his tone.
Before Hazel could respond, Asher's glass clinked against hers, a silent gesture of camaraderie. "You keep trying to do everything solo. No drinking alone."
Hazel's surprise was evident in her response. "Oooh...! You're going to forbid me from drinking alone? Since when?"
Asher's reply was simple yet firm. "...Since now."
As Asher downed his drink, Hazel couldn't help but notice the flush on his cheeks. Concerned, she reached out to him. "Hey, Asher... Are you okay? Do you want some water?"
Asher's response was a mix of defensiveness and humor. "Why, what's wrong?"
Hazel pointed out the obvious. "Your face is red."
Asher's grumpy retort only added to the charm of the moment. "I'm just hot."
The warmth of the living room enveloped Hazel and her companions as the evening unfolded with shared laughter and camaraderie.
"It's not hot at all in here," Hazel remarked, teasingly challenging Asher's claim.
"Well, I am!" Asher's grumpy response elicited a soft chuckle from Hazel, finding his demeanor endearing.
Aiden's curiosity interrupted the playful banter. "What are you guys having so much fun about?"
Hazel couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia for the easy camaraderie that had formed between them. "Maybe we were having too much fun together," she mused, as Aiden leaned in with a grin.
"Count me in!" Aiden's eagerness to join in the fun was met with a dismissive response from Asher.
"We weren't talking about much," Asher replied, his tone colder than before. Hazel couldn't help but miss the natural, relaxed smile that had graced his face earlier.
Sol's voice broke through the momentary tension. "Oh, already?"
The realization that time had slipped away too quickly settled over the group, prompting Glen to suggest planning for the next day. "We have tomorrow, too. Let's set things up earlier tomorrow."
As they made their way upstairs, the conversation continued in the guys' room.
"I'm still not used to this messaging thing. Is it just me?" Aiden confessed, voicing his struggle with technology.
Glen's reassurance was comforting. "Nah, I'm the same."
In the quiet of the night, their voices filled the room, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences and newfound connections that would shape the days to come.
In the quiet intimacy of the guys' room, the conversations between Asher, Aiden, and Glen took on a new depth, revealing the complexities of their budding friendships.
"Yes, we don't even know each other that well," Asher acknowledged, his words carrying a hint of reservation.
Aiden, ever the affable one, interjected with warmth. "I already like everyone here."
Asher's response was guarded. "...I never said I didn't like them."
Aiden's playful teasing broke through Asher's defenses. "Eh, I don't believe you. Who do you like the most, then?"
Asher's reluctance was palpable. "Why should I tell..."
Aiden persisted, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Just tell me you like me the most, Asher. I understand."
Asher's response was unexpected. "...I like you the least."
Glen, the voice of reason in the room, offered insight into Aiden's easygoing nature. "Aiden just gets along with people really fast. Like Lina."
Aiden redirected the conversation towards Hazel, prompting Asher's thoughtful response. "She's cool."
Aiden's curiosity about Hazel sparked a new thread of conversation. "Did you guys hang out a lot? We had a ride together yesterday, she is cool."
Asher's reply was simple yet revealing. "That's not hard to tell."
"Shall we start sending out the messages? It's time," Glen's voice cut through the chatter, signaling the beginning of a new chapter.
In the cozy girls' room, the air was filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation as the group prepared to send out messages.
Lina's reluctance to end the conversation was palpable. "Ah, I wanted to keep going."
Sol's playful observation sparked a light-hearted exchange. "You can drink a lot, huh?"
Lina's response held a touch of humor. "That's the biggest skill I picked up attending graduate school."
Hazel seized the moment to address a lingering question. "Hey, you were hardly talking near Glen by the way... Do you perhaps..."
Lina's admission caught Hazel by surprise. "I can be shy time to time."
Hazel couldn't help but tease her friend. "Ha, haha... Lina is shy. Right..."
Lina's playful deflection added a touch of amusement to the conversation. "Why don't you trust me, why!"
Hazel redirected the focus back to the task at hand. "Hey, it's time for us to send the messages. Let's do it!"
Lina's playful protest added a light-hearted touch to the moment. "Don't change the subject please..."
Sol's reassurance brought a sense of finality to the decision. "Haha, it is actually time. Let's talk after this."
As the messages were sent out, Hazel's thoughts turned to Aiden. Aiden... has his own assertive, energetic charms. She sometimes feel like he is older than she is. In the hushed atmosphere of the girls' room, the aftermath of sending out messages brought a sense of anticipation and curiosity.
"I had a lot of fun with you today. I'll try looking up some games for us to play!" Hazel's words carried a hint of excitement and anticipation for the days to come. Silence enveloped the room after the messages were sent out, leaving a lingering question in the air. Would there be any replies today? Just then, the sound of an incoming message broke the quietude.
"I regretted not going to the supermarket with you. I'll help out next time, for sure," the anonymous message read.
Hazel's smile spoke volumes as she read the message. "I... got it!" The unexpected message brought a sense of joy and connection in the midst of the evening.
Sol's curiosity was piqued. "You look like you're over the moon! Who did you get it from?"
Hazel's response was light-hearted. "How should I know that?"
As the group continued to chat in the aftermath of the messages, a new notification lit up the screen.
"Tomorrow at 5pm, you are invited to a wine party at the OOO Restaurant," the message announced, hinting at a new event on the horizon.
A new message lit up the screen, sparking curiosity and excitement among the group.
"What is this? A party?" Sol's question hung in the air, fueling speculation about the upcoming event.
Lina's exclamation added to the intrigue. "Oh! It's that thing... Someone new is joining us!"

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    muito bom muito bom o livro livro da para ler para ganhar moeda pessoal só precisa ler isso daí pronto aí só dá para resgatar os demais aí para pegar todos os livros para atualizar os livros são muito bons mas eu preciso ir depois eu volto aqui


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    Joesryl Jaculina Agunda



  • avatar
    Marlyn Magsumbol

    It such a nice story! Must read, everyone🫶🥰


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