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Luv Alert

Luv Alert


Chapter 1

Hazel wiped the sweat from her brow and sighed heavily. "Whoa, that was quite a workout."
The narrow alley had been a brutal climb, but as she reached the top, her efforts were rewarded with a breathtaking view. Before her stood a magnificent mansion, its grand facade gleaming in the afternoon sun. A sign in elegant script read "Luv House." Hazel nodded to herself, reassured that she had finally arrived at the right place.
"But why would they build a house on top of a hill?" she muttered, her voice tinged with frustration. "Let me catch my breath first."
She glanced down at the large suitcase by her side and sighed again, this time with a mix of relief and exhaustion. Stretching her arms above her head to ease the tension in her muscles, she suddenly felt the suitcase slip from her grip.
"O-O-Oh no!!" she yelped, watching in horror as the suitcase tumbled away from her.
It picked up speed, bouncing and clattering noisily down the steep alley. Hazel's heart raced as she chased after it, her mind flooded with worry.
"Oh no, please don't do this to me!" she cried out. "Do I have to go all the way down to fetch it? And what if it hits and hurts someone when it rolls?"
Her pulse quickened as she ran, eyes fixed on the errant suitcase. The picturesque mansion and her moment of triumph were forgotten, replaced by the urgent need to prevent a potential disaster. she quickly step forward to catch her suitcase. But right at that moment—
"Whoa, I got it. Are you all right?" A hand reaches out and catches the suitcase just before it crashes to the ground. The suitcase obediently gets dragged up by this tall, broad-shouldered man.
"Seems like the handle's broken... You'll have to get it fixed. Are you okay?" he asks, concern etched on his face.
"Uh, yes... I'm fine. Thank you," she stammer, still processing his sudden appearance and swift assistance.
The man is carrying a large suitcase of his own. If he's carrying a suitcase, that means...
"Are you a resident as well?" she ask, curiosity piqued.
"Ah, yes. Nice to meet you, I'm Aiden," he replies with a friendly smile.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Hazel. Are you okay?" hazel inquire, glancing at his heavy luggage, wondering if he might need help too.
"Huh? Me?" He chuckles softly, the sound warm and reassuring. "Yeah, I'm good. Thanks for asking."
Hazel felt the weight of the suitcase in her hand and expressed her concern, "That suitcase is a bit heavy. I hope you didn't get hurt while catching it."
Aiden, with a confident smile, reassured her, "Oh, you were worrying about me. Nah, I'm fine. I got this."
Observing Aiden's demeanor, Hazel remarked, "He sure is bubbly."
In the living room, Aiden's curiosity piqued as he noticed, "Huh? I guess everyone's already here."
Upon opening the door, a chorus of voices greeted him, indicating a gathering larger than expected.
Concerned about their punctuality, Hazel inquired, "Are we late?"
Aiden greeted the room cheerfully, "Hello!"
An unidentified voice welcomed them, "Hi! Did you two come together? We just arrived as well. Please take a seat."
Hazel's astonishment was palpable as she entered the room, whispering, "Wow... What on earth..."
The sight before her was breathtaking. Each person in the room exuded a unique charm and presence. Hazel's initial confidence wavered as she took in the stunning individuals around her. Sol, tall, slender, and stylish, exuded elegance. Asher, with a quiet demeanor yet undeniable cuteness, caught her attention. Lina, the epitome of loveliness, radiated warmth. Glen, calm, gentle, and impeccably neat, stood out in the room. And there were Aiden and herself, completing the group of six residents of Luv now gathered together.
The rules of the Luv House were laid out clearly:
1. You must return to the Luv House every night.
2. On the first day, you cannot reveal your age or occupation.
3. You can date anyone, but you can only confess love to one person on the last day.
4. You can dine with one person in private every day.
5. You can send a nightly anonymous text message to one person of interest.
6. Personal contact information is prohibited from being shared among residents.
With these six rules in place, the six individuals from diverse backgrounds embarked on a unique living arrangement, bound by the shared experience of cohabiting in the Luv House for a month.
Lina took the initiative, suggesting, "Shall we unpack our things first? Let's explore the house and prepare dinner together."
Glen, ever the gentleman, offered to help, "Sounds great. Oh, you can give me that. I see you have a lot of luggage."
Gratefully accepting his assistance, Lina teased, "Thank you! But try not to step on my foot again, haha."
Glen chuckled, promising, "Oh no, I would never do that again...!"
Sol, adding humor to the exchange, quipped, "Hahaha, I thought he was trying to break her foot."
Asher, with a deadpan expression, warned, "Yes, watch out. You might get hurt."
Glen, taken aback, retorted, "Even you, Asher...?"
Hazel, sensing the tension, inquired, "Um... did something happen before I came?"
Lina recounted the incident, explaining, "Well, Glen stepped on my foot earlier - really hard!"
Aiden, expressing concern, remarked, "Geez... I guess I have to be careful as well."
Defending himself, Glen insisted, "Oh, it was an accident...! And you know I didn't step that hard...!"
Sol, amused by the situation, commented, "You should've seen that, Aiden and Hazel. It was no joke."
Hazel observed, "I guess a lot of things happened before we came." The dynamics among the residents of Luv House were already proving to be intriguing and unpredictable.
Asher shared, "No... After that, we looked around the rooms, the kitchen... And that's all."
Lina, captivated by the beauty of the house, exclaimed, "By the way, this house is sooo pretty. And it's really big! I was surprised when I first came here."
Aiden, eager to explore further, added, "Oh, I can't wait to look around."
Hazel, feeling a sense of unease, observed the lively interactions around her, "Wait, I know where this is going. Everyone's already smiling, socializing... except for me. Should I have come a little earlier? Everyone is talking about things I don't know. I can't keep up with their conversation... Well, Aiden is already smiling and talking with everyone! What about me? What do I do now?"
Lina, steering the conversation towards the terrace, suggested, "There's a terrace, too. It would be nice to have coffee or brunch together."
Excited by the idea, Hazel expressed her admiration, "A terrace? I really love this house."
Enthusiastically planning, Lina proposed, "We could make toasts and egg scrambles, and eat it out there! It'll be like a picnic! Are you good at cooking, Hazel?"
Grateful for Lina's initiative in leading the conversation, Hazel felt a sense of relief as the group began to bond over shared activities and plans for the day ahead.
Hazel hesitated before admitting, "I... I can't cook that well. How about you, Lina?"
Lina chuckled, "I'm not good at it either. Well, I think you will be good at cooking, Glen."
Glen modestly replied, "Well, it's just average."
Aiden, joining the conversation, teased, "How about us? Do you think Asher and I can't cook, Lina?"
Lina quickly clarified, "Nooo, I didn't mean that!!"
The group's attention turned to Lina, who exuded a sweet and friendly aura that captivated everyone. Hazel couldn't help but admire her, thinking, "Even if I were a guy, I'd fall for her. She's so sweet and friendly."
Aiden, gracefully changing the subject, remarked, "Never mind~ Let's leave it at that. I'm a bad cook."
Lina reassured him, "Ah~ It's not like that!"
Hazel observed the dynamics unfolding, realizing, "And Aiden is amazing, too... He has the best social skills I've ever seen. I can't just stay like this...! These are the people I'll be living with for a month. I better say something! I shouldn't keep myself aloof. How should we prepare dinner?"
Taking the initiative, Hazel inquired, "Did you decide who'll prepare the meal?"
Glen responded, "No, not yet. We just got together. And since it's our first day, why don't we prepare dinner together? What do you say, Hazel?"
Excited to bond over cooking, Hazel agreed, "Sounds great! Let's cook together!" The sense of camaraderie and teamwork among the residents of Luv House began to blossom as they embarked on their first shared task of preparing dinner together.
Hazel suggested, "We can get to know each other more! And we could make a roster tomorrow."
Glen, expressing his nerves about cooking, admitted, "Sounds great! Umm... Actually, I'm nervous because I can't cook well."
In the girls' bedroom, Lina remarked, "This should be our room! It's so nice in here!"
As they entered their designated room, the girls were greeted by an adorable and bright interior that elicited expressions of delight.
Aiden encouraged, "Guys, go and have a look at your room as well."
Glen added, "Right, we'll unpack our stuff, too. Oh, and we need to choose which beds we'll use."
The three guys exited the girls' room, leaving Sol, Hazel and Lina to unpack and settle in. After arranging their belongings and making themselves comfortable, they explored the room further.
Lina exclaimed, "Wow, I love this room." The cozy and inviting atmosphere of their shared space set a positive tone for their living arrangements in the Luv House.
Sol expressed her admiration, "This house is better than what I've expected. I want to live here forever."
Hazel shared her sentiments, "I'll be sad to leave this house."
Grateful for the opportunity to reside in such a lovely house, Sol suggested, "I'm thankful that I get to live in a lovely house like this for a month! Oh, we should choose which bed we're going to use."
Hazel, considering everyone's schedules, proposed, "Anyone goes to work early? You can take the lower bunk. My schedule is flexible, and I don't have to go out that early."
Sol eagerly responded, "Then can I take the lower bunk?"
Lina, excited at the prospect of trying the top bunk, chimed in, "Yes, please. Well, I always wanted to try the top bunk!"
Hazel confirmed, "Well, it's done!" The arrangement of beds in the girls' bedroom was settled amicably, reflecting the harmonious atmosphere among the residents.
In the guys' bedroom, Aiden initiated a discussion, "So, when do you usually go to work?"
Glen, with a flexible schedule, deferred the choice, "I don't have a fixed schedule. Please choose first."
Asher echoed Glen's sentiment, "Actually, me too."
Aiden, appreciating honesty, offered, "Really? Do you want to use the upper bunk then?"
Asher, considering his late-night work commitments, requested, "...Can I use the lower bunk? I sometimes have to go to work late at night."
Aiden accommodated the request graciously, "Great! I like honest people! I don't have to get up that early, so I'll use the upper bunk. You can take the lower bunk, Glen."
Glen expressed his gratitude, "Thank you." The allocation of beds in the guys' bedroom reflected a considerate and cooperative approach among the male residents of Luv House.
Aiden playfully remarked, "Aww, don't smile at me like that. I almost fell in love with you just now."
Asher, steering the conversation back on track, suggested, "...Shall we go now? We need to prepare dinner."
In a light-hearted exchange, Aiden inquired, "Asher, do you like the way I speak?"
Asher, with a hint of sarcasm, retorted, "Do I look like I like it!?"
Listening the camaraderie between the guys, Lina commented, "Looks like the guys are having fun."
Sol added with humor, "Haha, we could've been noisy as well."
Curious about the lively discussion, Hazel proposed, "I'm curious what they're up to. Shall we go over?"
Eager to join the conversation, Lina agreed, "Yes, yes! Let's go!" As they approached the guys' room, the sound of laughter and animated conversation grew louder.
Inside the room, Aiden teased, "Well, I think you're enjoying this."
Asher, incredulous, responded, "What!? No way!"
Glen chimed in, "See, we're having such a great time. We're becoming friends."
Asher, with a touch of disbelief, remarked, "...Do I look like I'm having a great time with this guy?"
The intensity of the discussion caught Hazel off guard as she stood outside the guys' bedroom, listening with wide eyes.
Hazel interjected, "What's going on here? Oh, are you quarrelling?"
Aiden clarified, "No, we were becoming friends."
Asher added, "No. I've never made any friends in this way."
Sol pondered, "Are they getting along well or not?"
Hazel, observing the bond forming, remarked, "You guys look pretty close!"
Aiden concluded with a smile, "Looks like you're really hitting it off." The banter and dynamics among the residents of Luv House showcased the budding friendships and connections forming within the group.
Asher retorted, "No, we're not!"
Sensing the need to move on, Lina redirected the conversation, "By the way, shall we go and prepare dinner now? I'm so hungry!"
Hazel, eager to join in, agreed, "Me too. Let's go!" The laughter and camaraderie among the group helped ease any lingering tension, creating a more relaxed atmosphere reminiscent of a picnic outing.
In the kitchen, the group gathered to discuss dinner plans.
Hazel initiated the conversation, "Then... What shall we cook for dinner?"
Glen suggested, "Let's look at the fridge first." With a sense of anticipation, Glen opened the fridge to reveal a variety of ingredients.
Examining the contents, Glen remarked, "Well, everything's ready. There's meat, eggs... I think there's a lot we can do."
As Hazel approached the refrigerator, an unexpected mishap occurred.
"Ouch!" Hazel exclaimed as Glen accidentally stepped on her foot, prompting a moment of surprise and concern.
Glen, visibly alarmed, apologized, "I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"
Playing along, Hazel teased, "No, I'm not okay..."
Glen, filled with remorse, responded, "Oh, really? I'm so sorry. What to do?"
Revealing her jest, Hazel reassured him, "I was just joking. I'm fine! Why do you look so surprised?"
Relieved by the lighthearted exchange, Glen chuckled, "Ah... My heart sank because I made the same mistake again. Thank goodness you're okay." His genuine concern and subsequent smile left Hazel feeling a flutter in her heart, adding a touch of unexpected warmth to the evening's events.
Sol proposed a menu, "We can make egg rolls, stir-fried meat, and soup. How's that?"
Impressed by Sol's quick menu planning, Lina complimented her, "You must be a good cook. How can you come up with the menu so quickly?"
Sol humbly replied, "I cook often at home. I'm not really good at it, though."
Aiden, eager to assist, offered, "Still, you're so reliable. I'll assist you then!"
With the menu decided, the group began to prepare the meal, but Hazel felt a pang of insecurity about her cooking skills.
"Maybe I should have taken some cooking classes. I lived abroad alone for many years, but I always survived on frozen and instant food. My cooking skill is horrible, let alone edible," Hazel lamented.
Lina took charge of boiling water, with Glen cautioning her, "It's hot, so be careful."
Sol assigned tasks, "Aiden, could you wash these for me?"
Aiden, eager to help, responded, "Yes, give me that. Do you need anything else?"
As Sol and Aiden worked on the main dishes, Hazel felt a desire to contribute.
"Well, but I can certainly do other things!" she declared, looking around for a task to assist with.
Noticing Asher setting the table alone, Hazel realized she needed to pitch in and not appear idle.
"Asher, will you set the table with me?" Hazel offered, prompting Asher to caution her, "Hold on, be careful...!"
Hazel's heart sank as she heard the glass shatter on the kitchen floor.
"Huh? What?" she gasped in disbelief.
The sound of the breaking glass echoed in the room, a stark reminder of her mistake.
"O-Oh no!" Hazel's voice wavered with regret as she surveyed the scattered shards.
"...It's broken..." Hazel muttered, a sense of dread creeping over her.
As she stood amidst the aftermath of her blunder, a wave of self-criticism washed over her.
"I screwed up!" Hazel's inner voice chastised her, painting a vivid picture of her self-image crumbling before her eyes.
A cute and lovely girl, always striving to do her best. A stylish and intelligent presence in the room. Hazel knew she possessed beauty, charm, and wit. Yet, in this moment of chaos and mishap, she feared being branded as the troublemaker, overshadowing all her other qualities.
Asher's voice cut through the tension in the room, commanding Hazel's attention.
"What are you doing? Stop!" Asher's firm tone halted Hazel's instinctive reaction to clean up the broken glass.
In a daze, Hazel extended her hand towards the scattered fragments, but Asher's swift action intercepted her.
"Huh? No, I need to clean up these-," Hazel's words trailed off as Asher's grip on her wrist prevented her from proceeding.
"You'll hurt yourself," Asher's concern was evident as he examined Hazel's hand for any signs of injury. Their eyes met in a moment of unexpected intimacy amidst the chaos of the broken glass.
"Are you hurt?" Asher's voice softened, his gaze searching for reassurance in Hazel's response.
In the midst of the commotion, surrounded by new acquaintances and the aftermath of her mistake, Hazel managed to muster a response, her voice slightly trembling with a mix of emotions.
"I-I'm fine..." Her words hung in the air, a fragile thread connecting her vulnerability to Asher's unexpected care and concern.
Asher's protective instinct kicked in as he advised, "Don't pick it up with your hands. Be careful," his voice laced with genuine concern for Hazel's well-being.
Feeling a surge of embarrassment at her initial reaction, Hazel cringed at her own actions. As Asher observed her, she couldn't help but feel a pang of self-consciousness.
"I sounded so stupid just now...!" Hazel's inner monologue echoed her self-criticism as she braced herself for the inevitable judgment.
In a surprising turn of events, Asher retrieved rubber gloves from the sink and donned them, preparing to assist with the cleanup.
"It's my mistake! You don't have to clean them up. I'll do it!" Hazel's pride compelled her to take charge, determined to rectify her error and salvage her reputation.
Fearing the repercussions of being labeled incapable, Hazel reached out and held Asher's arm, pleading, "Trust me. I can do this myself."
Asher's hesitation was palpable as he grappled with Hazel's earnest plea.
"Well, I do trust you, but..." Asher's response wavered, torn between allowing Hazel to take responsibility and his own desire to help.
"Then why are you avoiding my eyes...!" Hazel's question hung in the air, a subtle yet poignant plea for understanding and acceptance in the face of her mistake. The unspoken tension between them crackled with unspoken emotions, leaving both Hazel and Asher grappling with unspoken sentiments in the midst of a seemingly simple cleanup task.
As Hazel grappled with her feelings of embarrassment and self-doubt, she felt like she had plummeted into a pit of anxiety and regret, the weight of her mistake pressing down on her.
In a surprising turn of events, Glen stepped in to offer his assistance, volunteering to fetch the vacuum cleaner to aid in the cleanup.
"I'll bring the vacuum cleaner. I saw it in the living room," Glen's willingness to help only added to Hazel's sense of being a burden, intensifying her feelings of remorse.
“Why did I make this mistake? I feel so sorry for everyone who's trying to make up for my mistake. I shouldn't stay like this. I can't cause any more trouble,” Hazel's internal dialogue reflected her determination to make amends and not be a source of inconvenience to others.
As Glen retrieved the vacuum cleaner, Hazel resolved to take charge of the cleanup, determined to rectify her error.
"I'll mop the floor. Give me that as well- I'll throw that away," Hazel declared, eager to take responsibility and prove her capability.
To her surprise, Asher reassured her, "Don't worry. It's done," his actions speaking volumes about his understanding and support in the face of her mistake.
However, a sudden exclamation of pain from Asher caught everyone's attention, causing a moment of concern and confusion among the group. The unexpected turn of events left Hazel and the others on edge, wondering about the cause of Asher's sudden discomfort.
Hazel's eyes widened with concern as she noticed Asher wincing in pain. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" she asked, her voice filled with worry.
Asher tried to downplay the situation, flashing a reassuring smile. "It's nothing serious, I was just being clumsy. It's fine," he replied, trying to brush off the injury.
But Hazel's sharp eyes caught sight of the blood seeping through Asher's shirt, and her panic escalated. "It's bleeding!!" she exclaimed, her voice rising in alarm.
The commotion drew the attention of the others, and soon Lina and the rest of the group gathered around Asher, concern etched on their faces.
Lina, with her gentle demeanor, spoke up, "Oh no... are you sure you're okay, Asher?"
Asher nodded, trying to reassure them, "Yes, I am. I mean it."
Lina's brow furrowed as she assessed the situation. "I think you still need medicine for that. It's bleeding and all..." she trailed off, her voice filled with worry for her friend.
Asher attempted to assure his friends, "Guys, I'm fine. So go ahead and-"
But before he could finish his sentence, Glen's sharp eyes caught sight of Asher's discomfort. "Asher, did you hurt yourself?" he interrupted, his voice filled with concern as he returned with a vacuum cleaner in hand.
Sol, always prepared for any situation, chimed in, "I should have something for that..."
Lina, ever the caregiver, took charge of the situation. "I brought a few things with me, like bandages and ointment. I'll go get them," she announced, determined to help her friend in need.
As Lina hurried off to retrieve the supplies, a sense of guilt washed over Hazel. It was her fault that Asher was injured, and she couldn't shake off the feeling of responsibility. Remembering she also had a first aid kit with bandages and ointment, she knew she had to do something.
"Asher, I'll stop the bleeding first," Hazel declared, opening up a new dishcloth and handing it to Asher, hoping to provide some relief.
But Asher, ever the stoic one, shook his head, "No, it's not that bad. I got this," he insisted, trying to downplay the severity of his injury.
Lina took charge, her voice gentle yet firm, "Come with me. Let's go to the room, and I'll put on some ointment for you," she said, leading Asher out of the bustling kitchen. Hazel's guilt weighed heavy on her chest as she watched them leave, feeling responsible for the mishap and not wanting to make things worse.
Aiden, ever the peacemaker, suggested, "Why don't we keep on preparing our food? So that we can all eat together when they're back."
Hazel nodded in agreement, determined to make things right. "Good idea. I'll help," she offered, eager to contribute and redeem herself.
With a renewed sense of focus, Hazel took over Lina's place in the kitchen, determined to create the best dish possible, determined to avoid any more mistakes.
Glen, ever perceptive, spoke up quietly, "Don't worry too much. It wasn't your fault," his words offering a sense of comfort and understanding.
Sol's concerned voice broke through the tension, "Are you okay?"
Asher's reassuring voice followed, "We went to go take a look, but it turns out that it stopped bleeding already."
Lina's return brought relief as she confirmed, "Yeah, Asher's all fine and healthy now. So, should we go back to making dinner?"
As Lina and Asher rejoined the group, the atmosphere lightened. Dinner was ready just in time, and despite the eventful start, it felt like a bonding experience for the group on their first day together.
Aiden's cheerful voice broke the moment, "Asher looks okay now. Let's start eating!"
Asher chuckled, "I was already okay before," his easy demeanor bringing a sense of relief to the group.
With everyone's combined efforts, dinner was finally served at the table. Alongside the main dishes, there were even different pancakes made with leftover vegetables, showcasing the creativity and teamwork of the group.
Glen, always observant, inquired, "Did you make this too, Sol?"
Sol nodded, giving credit where it was due, "Aiden helped me with it. I hope you guys enjoy."
Aiden shrugged modestly, "Thanks for giving me credit. I'm not even sure if I did anything."
Glen turned to Hazel, expressing his gratitude, "You too, Hazel, thanks a lot for your help. Enjoy!"
Hazel blushed at the praise, "Ah, don't mention it... And thank you! This soup is delicious," she complimented, savoring the flavors of the meal.
As the residents of Luv House gathered around the table, the air filled with light conversations and laughter, a sense of camaraderie growing among them. Glen and Lina had prepared the soup, while the rest of the dishes were a collaborative effort between Aiden and Sol. The harmony in the kitchen was evident in the delicious spread before them.
Glen, ever generous, offered a dish to Hazel, "Try this. It's really good."
Hazel's eyes lit up with appreciation, "Thank you so much. I wanted to try this," she said, taking a bite and savoring the flavors.
Glen smiled warmly, "Oh, really? Enjoy!" he replied, pleased to see his friends enjoying the meal they had all worked together to create.
Aiden's playful remark broke the jovial atmosphere, "Wow, Glen, you're taking all the mushroom pancakes!"
Glen chuckled, "Ah no, that's not what I'm doing....!"
Lina joined in, her voice lighthearted, "Let us taste them as well. I want to try some, too!"
Hazel felt herself relaxing in the midst of the lively banter, deciding to indulge a bit. "Well, I guess I'll just take everything myself... since Glen offered," she teased, reaching for a pancake.
Glen, ever gracious, encouraged her, "Yes, take as much as you want," he said, offering her another pancake with a smile.
Sol, admiring the culinary skills of his friends, remarked, "You guys are all so good at cooking."
Glen's chest swelled with pride at the compliment, "I'm honored to hear it from you, Sol," he replied, grateful for the recognition.
As the awkwardness dissipated, the group settled into a comfortable rhythm, enjoying their meal together.
Aiden, ever the planner, brought up a practical matter, "Shall we decide on who's going to clean this up in a bit?"
Lina, always considerate, offered, "I'll do it."
Hazel, feeling a sense of responsibility, interjected, "No, I will! I haven't done much while you guys were preparing dinner."
Lina shook her head, "It's fine, I'll be coming home late tomorrow, so I won't be able to help then."
Aiden, surprised by the news, inquired, "You're coming late tomorrow?" the conversation flowing easily among the group, a sense of camaraderie growing stronger with each passing moment.
Lina revealed, "Yeah, I have something to take care of."
Aiden, ever curious, mused, "Hm, I wonder what. You seem like a student. Do you have homework?"
Lina scoffed playfully, "Oh, please. You're the one who looks like a student."
Asher, joining in the banter, added, "Both of you look like students," his words sparking a playful back-and-forth at the dinner table.
As the conversation bounced like a ping-pong ball, Hazel's sense of guilt crept in. She couldn't bear the thought of Lina shouldering all the responsibilities, especially after cooking the meal.
"Wait a minute...I'll feel bad if I let you do everything alone..." Hazel interjected, her concern evident in her voice.
Lina, understanding Hazel's sentiment, explained, "I'm coming home late tomorrow. I'll feel bad about eating dinner without contributing to the team."
Asher, ever the problem solver, suggested, "How about I join Lina on this today, and Hazel prepares dinner tomorrow?"
The group agreed to the plan, with Lina and Asher nodding in approval, leaving Hazel with no choice but to go along with it.
"Wow... Dinner tomorrow is going to be a sight to see," Hazel remarked, a hint of excitement in her voice at the prospect of taking charge of the meal preparation.
Lina took charge, declaring, "So it's decided? Let's start cleaning up now!"
Sol, ever thoughtful, suggested, "Why don't the rest of us go talk in the living room? It's going to be too crowded for all of us to be here."
After finishing dinner, the group migrated to the living room, leaving Lina and Asher to tackle the cleanup. Aiden, always eager to foster camaraderie, proposed, "In the meanwhile, shall we try breaking the ice?" as the evening unfolded with laughter and shared moments among friends.
Sol pondered, "What can we do?"
Aiden, always brimming with ideas, suggested, "We could play a board game or guess each other's job and age... There's plenty to do," his tone exuding energy and enthusiasm. Aiden's outgoing nature hinted at a popularity that extended beyond the confines of Luv House. His tall stature and casual attire hinted at a fit physique, perhaps hinting at a background in physical education as a student.
Sol hazarded a guess, "I feel like you could be working in the performing arts industry, Aiden."
Hazel, with a playful glint in her eye, interjected, "Nah, he has this really young vibe. Aren't you a student? I think you are."

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    muito bom muito bom o livro livro da para ler para ganhar moeda pessoal só precisa ler isso daí pronto aí só dá para resgatar os demais aí para pegar todos os livros para atualizar os livros são muito bons mas eu preciso ir depois eu volto aqui


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    Joesryl Jaculina Agunda



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    Marlyn Magsumbol

    It such a nice story! Must read, everyone🫶🥰


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