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Chapter 4

The food presented in front of the two of them looked very tempting. It was unexpected that all this would happen. Starting from an accident makes him the talk of people is really extraordinary. So far he does not care about things that are not important and therefore only focus on yourself. Alice grew up in an environment that has some strangeness so that makes herself only focused on what her goal is. Although there are so many problems that make him depressed but all of it does not make him waver in one attack even thousands of times. The longer he lives, the greater the obstacles in front of him. Now it's free time to enjoy a break before finally returning to enjoy studying on campus. Alice and Theresa were in the cafeteria enjoying the food they had ordered earlier. There was no need to wait for a long time finally the order they ordered came before the two of them. A servant delivered it to them.
"Excuse me, this is the food please enjoy," the waiter said kindly to the two of them.
"Wow, this looks so good. What message did you order?" asked Alice to Theresa.
"Meat paste. I have long wanted to eat this."
"Now it's done."
"That's right. hahaha. Eh what are you ordering?"
"Just a vegetable salad."
"Are you vegetarian?"
"Not really. It just happens to be wanting to eat this."
"I thought you were vegetarian."
"That's impossible."
"Oh yes, this weekend how about doing the task elsewhere?"
"Can. Where is it?"
"I will find you later. Don't worry."
The two of them finished their meals in a short time and are now preparing to go to class again. I don't think time is running fast. the two of them came to class to attend the last course today and as soon as the two of them came it turned out that the professor also came. It feels like the luck of going home quickly is getting more and more felt. Alice and Theresa followed the lesson well and it went until the show time to get home from college. When Alice was about to come home from college, she suddenly had to go somewhere because someone had just sent her a text message and quickly separated from Theresa and headed to the place by herself. Arriving at the place in question turned out to be a restaurant in the style of vintage classics. Someone sat on a pre-booked table chair. Alice slowly came to the person. At first he felt tremendous pressure but he tried to look fine. As soon as Alice came the person saw her and then smiled at her as if she were a good person.
"Sit down. You don't have to stand like that."
"Why did you call me yesterday? What do you want?"
"Wow, it's so cruel. You shouldn't have said that Alice Cooper."
"If you have nothing to talk about, I'd better go. Goodbye."
"He is going abroad."
"What do you mean?"
"You didn't hear? I said he would go abroad and leave you forever."
"Then? What did you tell me for?"
"Because he won't be able to tell you. Even more so now that you are no longer an important person. You know why? Please look in the mirror."
"Damn it. You."
"You're going to chase me in a public place? Dare this boy too."
"When you finish talking I will leave."
"That's all I want to say. It wouldn't be exciting anyway if I said on the phone."
"Goodbye Alice. I said to represent him."
After finishing talking to the person not long after Alice left the restaurant. His face covered with anger made him kick the can that was on the road with anger. During this time he had been holding back for this and it turned out to be repeated again today right on the day of his birthday. His life filled with sadness made him feel claustrophobic for a long time and this time the wound began to open again slowly gnawing at his body. Alice walked down the crowded street. He then had to collide with someone else he passed by.
"Ah sorry," Alice said politely.
His face showed deep anger as well as sadness. A moment later he came to a karaoke place and sang a ballad for three hours alone there. It can be seen that the look on his face as if he has just been dumped makes a gray atmosphere envelop him. As soon as he finished singing a few albums he then went somewhere that was nothing but a café bar. There Alice ordered alcohol and then drank it. The bartender who was in front of him felt sorry for his condition and then told him to stop drinking.
"Hey boy, stop it. You could have vomited," the bartender said.
"Let it go. I vomited completely in front of you."
His conversation was getting more and more chaotic because of the influence of alcohol and not only that he began to delirious with a loud noise to make others who were there look at him. Those who were there at the time just looked at him and then allowed himself to continue like that until he fell asleep for a while. Alice is now in her childhood life where she is always crying and again many people are bothering her because of their family relationships. With a sad face he kept crying as soon as the children who played with him scorned him to the point of shrinking him. Deep down he was very hurt and it was bitter as if scalded by acid water. The longer the memory is attached to his head and the more clearly visible. At this time Alice who was asleep then shed tears without realizing it and not long after she woke up with a headache that was still in the café bar precisely in front of the bartender who was mixing alcohol.
"How do you sleep boy? It seems that you are having a bad incident. is it now starting to improve?"
"Ah yes. I forgot that I was drunk. What time is it?"
"It's already 6 o'clock in the afternoon."
"Oh so."
"You fell asleep for three hours."
"What? as long as it is?"
Cafe bar located in the basement is indeed a favorite place to drink no matter the conditions because it is open 24 hours. Usually there are a lot of people here who come. But now it feels lonely. Alice who had woken up then she collected her life and not only that she also went to the toilet. Arriving inside the toilet he spit out all his stomach contents until his voice could be heard all the way outside the toilet. As soon as he felt better to be quiet then look in the mirror and look at his already chaotic face and then wash his face with water in the sink slowly until he is no longer messy.

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    glaiza marieTanayan



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    Diaz, Clyde duztine S.BLENDED-

    maganda yung storya may pa pupulot na aral at ang daming plat twist na gustohan ko siya


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    Otaba Jc



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