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Chapter 2

The morning feels so crowded as usual people talk and pass more and more here filled with each other's busyness. There are various hues of life in the middle of the city that are never deserted. Man with all his desires makes the atmosphere of life become more colorful. Laughter sounded unmoved on every corner of the boisterous street as usual.
Today just before I started work, I always ordered a cup of coffee at a café called Marrianmouse near the hospital where I worked. A cup of warm coffee accompanied me on a cold morning. For a moment I looked around the feeling that it was not far from usual behind the calmness that seemed peaceful stored so many secrets.
After getting out of the Café where I bought a cup of coffee when it was already showing at 08.00 exactly where to start work while walking towards my room I was greeted as usual by my colleague who was on duty there he was Toni a disease specialist in his appearance who always looked neat in a blue shirt combined with black pants wearing a lab coat like a doctor in general he headed towards me and invited me to talk.
"Yo! Morning service now?" asked Toni to me.
"Yes. That's what it is like," I said casually.
"You know the new patient in the Dandelion room looks like he's going to have surgery on you're dealing with soon?" asked Toni to me curiously.
"Ah, it doesn't seem to be my part. Excuse me for a minute I have to work," I told Toni.
Without further small talk I went straight to my room and left Toni near the receptionist. Apparently today so many patients are going to have surgery. This is a job that has been held for about 4 years. It is still a beginner when compared to other surgeons. I quickly opened the patient's notes and checked some document files containing a list of patients for me to deal with. When viewed from these documents, there is quite a lot I have to deal with.
Tok tok tok
The sound from the direction of the door
Apparently it was Sister Anne who brought a lot of documents. With a kind smile he came up to me.
"Excuse me, Doc. Here I bring all your patient askep all I have reviewed just waiting for an examination from you. I keep it here well doc, thank you," sister Anne said politely as she placed the documents.
"Yes, please keep it there later I will check," I said to sister Anne.
"Happy dock duty," said sister Anne as she left and closed the door of my room.
"Yes, thank you," I said in a relaxed tone to sister Anne.
2 hours passed did not feel that time was running so fast but all the documents examined had not yet been completed. It seems that this will take a long time because lately a lot of patients who suffer from chronic diseases that are required to undergo surgery inevitably they have to do it for the sake of recovery and of course the life they live.
Teerrrrddd Terrrrrdddd
My phone's ringtone rang as soon as I picked it up.
"Hello? Yes?" he said.
"You don't forget this week our anniversary," he told me.
Apparently the one who called me was my girlfriend Sera. In a soft tone I chatted with him on the phone.
"Of course I haven't forgotten, and also I have booked the place don't worry. I've got to work," I told Sera and then she turned off her phone.
I honestly almost forgot that this week was the anniversary of both of us. Exactly a few minutes I immediately booked a place for our date later. Fortunately, I still had time to book otherwise this would be troublesome. One by one the documents examined began to finish staying a few more documents that within 1 hour would definitely be completed. I just need to be as diligent as ever not to have to complain with this troublesome job is basically my choice.
1 hour passed finally my work checking the patient's askep documents was completed and the time had already indicated the lunch hour. Soon I cleaned up my desk which was far from neat to get ready for the hospital cafeteria. When I headed to the canteen I met my senior he was also a surgeon named Billy. Judging from his appearance he does look okay even though he is said to be old but still youthful looks like he is younger than me. With her glasses that make her look charming to women. It is worth making an idol maybe for the women out there.
"Wow as always, you're working well, listen lately you've been doing brain surgery on a traffic accident patient," Billy said.
"Thank you for the compliment, it's true," I replied to Billy.
"Yes, you are indeed worthy. Keep going like that," Billy told me, patting me on the shoulder.
"Thank you, you also worked well and of course my role model," I said to him again.
With a smile he left me there probably a lot of work he had to do, especially regarding the patient in the Dandelion room he was in charge. After crossing and chatting with seniors I returned to my activity which is lunch here I ordered a healthy menu as usual because I have to maintain a diet with health purposes of course. Toni also apparently stopped by the canteen while eating with my other colleagues we chatted about life in the world of work where we went from ground zero to become familiar with each other.
It didn't feel like this chat took a lot of time and we had to start working again. The work that is still said to be very human is to help people to heal and return to live their lives now and then with the hope and prayer that always accompanies them. Slowly I began to realize what my patients who originally wanted to undergo surgery then changed their minds because of one thing fear of losing.
The clock already shows the time of the change of service I get ready to follow the routine of activities that are always done before we go home. Some time later I left the hospital where I worked to the parking lot to drive my car. I don't think I've returned to my house I opened the door and walked into my house turning on the lights feels so peaceful even though I live alone away from this family does not make me lonely. My tired body lay on the sofa before I finally took a shower.
I checked my phone and there was a message from Sera. He messaged me tomorrow he would come to my house when I replied to his message and of course I was happy. My hard days are replaced by peace. For a moment my eyes began to feel so heavy in the silence of the night the atmosphere was so quiet that the harmony in the full glitter I began to arrange my bed getting ready to go to the dreamland.

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    yesss, finally im very happy


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    Mt bom


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    Zian Carlos



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