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6. Remind

Darren is currently in the library. He is completing all his college assignments. He had left a lot of lecture material behind because he had to rest for ten days after he collapsed from exhaustion.
When Darren was focused on typing on his laptop, suddenly someone came to surprise him.
"Wow!" Qenan patted Darren's shoulder.
"Don't bother me with the damn ashes," Darren annoyed.
"Yeah! Why did you smack me?" Darren protested.
"Who made fun of me?"
"Who told you to surprise me too?"
Qin just chuckled. "Hehehe."
"Not finished yet?" Qin asked.
"Not yet," Darren replied.
"Yeah, it's done. Just finish it at home. It's time for lunch, Ren." Qinan said.
"Shit," Darren replied.
"Come on, Ren! Are you going to fall again from exhaustion?" Qenan tried to persuade Darren.
"Soon, Mingyu. It's really bearable," Darren replied.
Qenan without a second thought unplugged the modem attached to Darren's laptop. It succeeded in making Darren scream.
"Qenan!" Darren shouted. While Qinan immediately ran out.
"Yes, Mingyu! Give me the modem back!" Darren shouted and ran after Qenan.
It turned out that Qenan was hiding behind the door. After that, Qenan came out and approached Darren's laptop which was still on the table. Qenan plugged in the modem. After the signal on the laptop turned on, Qenan also saved all of Darren's college assignments which Darren had typed.
"Done! Darren exclaimed who had saved all of Darren's college assignments.
Darren returned to the library and found Qenan fiddling with his laptop. And ended up being hit on the back of Qenan's head.
"Aawww." Qin smirked.
"Got you, Mingtem ringworm." Darren smiled contentedly.
Qinan looked at Darren in horror. Darren also gave his gaze to Qenan.
"What? Want more?"
[Darka and Gilang Class]
It was two o'clock in the afternoon. And all the students and students came out of their respective classes. Indicates that their studies have been completed.
The remaining two Smith brothers, Lian Darka Smith and Gilang Aditya Smith, are still in the classroom. Darka, who was still sitting on the chair, was lost in thought, while her books were still on the table. Darka is thinking about her sister, Darren. Gilang who realized it, immediately approached Darka.
"Darka," Gilang called as he put Darka's books into his bag. Darka glanced briefly, then returned her gaze to the front.
"There's a wha..."
"I miss Darren, Gil! I want Darren to come back home and be with us again."
Gilang sat beside Darka and embraced her. "Our sister will come back to us, Darma! I promise you I will make Darka go back to how she used to be. I will fix everything."
"Yes, we have. We'd better go home now." Gilang and Darka finally left their class.
[Parking area]
When Darka and Gilang arrived at the parking lot. Not far from their eyes. They saw Darren who was joking with his seven friends.
A drop of tear rolled down Darka's handsome face. "Darren," Darka whispered.
Gilang dared to approach Darren, while Darka just stood there, crying.
"Are you going straight home, Ren?" asked Jerry.
"No. I'm going to the ACCENTURE Company first. There's something I want to do there," Darren answered.
"And as for you. If you still have time or you still have energy, you can continue with your duties. But if you are tired, you can go home and rest. I don't want you to get sick."
"Yes! You just manage our lives arbitrarily. While you yourself do not care about your health," protested Jerry.
"One hundred points for you, Jerry!" Darel exclaimed.
"You're absolutely right," said Rehan.
"Bouncing.. Bouncing.." Axel said.
Meanwhile Willy, Dylan and Qenan nodded.
"Obviously I'm paying attention to you. You are all my lackeys and my upik ashes. If you are sick, I can take care of my own three tasks," Darren said smugly.
The seven friends stared intently at Darren. Then seconds later...
They all attack Darren. "Yeah, stop it! You guys want to kill me, huh!" Darren shouted.
They all stopped their action. They were all smiling happily and also excited to see Darren's annoyed face and disheveled hair.
"Damn you all," Darren cursed.
"Hahahahaha." they all laugh.
While Darren was tidying his clothes and his hair was messy because of the actions of his seven friends.
"Yes, yes! Keep laughing," Darren huffed with pursed lips.
"Hahahahaha." they laughed louder.
When Darren wanted to repay his seven friends, suddenly someone called him.
"Darren," Gilang called
Darren fell silent. Darren was startled when he heard a very familiar voice.
Darren was surprised when he was hugged from behind. So are his friends. When Darren wanted to let go of the hug, Gilang had already spoken.
"Leave it like this for a few minutes, Darren!" Gilang spoke right into Darren's ear.
"Brother misses you, Darren. I'm sorry Brother. I'm sorry Brother. Don't punish Big Brother like this."
After a few minutes. Darren spoke. "Please let go of your arms, Mr. Gilang! I am really uncomfortable."
Gilang's heart really hurt to hear the narrative from Darren. "Darren," Gilang whispered.
Darren pulled Gilang's hand roughly, then seconds later, Darren pushed Gilang's body hard.
"Don't ever bother me. Don't ever disturb my life. My life is happy now. So get out of my sight, Gilang Smith!" Darren snapped.
"Darren. You know that you are wrong. And perhaps this mistake of your brother is unforgivable."
"Well, you know that. But why are you still begging for forgiveness from me. Have your veins been broken, huh?!" snapped Darren who glared at Gilang.
"Because you're Big Brother's little brother. Because you're Darrendra Smith. You're the youngest son of Erland Faith Smith. And you're part of our family."
"Darren!" shouted his friends when Darren hit Gilang. Memories of what happened six months ago swirled in his mind.
"Papa is really disappointed in you Darren. This is how you treat us your family. What did we do wrong Darren," said Erland.
"You're the one who made me like this!" Darren shouted looking at the faces of his family members, then looked back at his father's face "And Papa! Now Papa is blaming me for my attitude like this. This is all Papa's fault. Don't Papa think I don't know anything Papa is hiding from me. Don't Papa think I don't aware of Papa's attitude towards me all this time!" Darren shouted.
"Darren. Watch your tone. I am your Papa!"
"Why should I keep my tone to you? While you never show your love and care for me!" Darren shouted.
"Don't just put that damn surname in front of my name. For the past six months I haven't used that damn surname. For six months I'm not your brother and I'm not part of you anymore. And I'm not the son of that bastard man !" Darren shouted in Gilang's face.
After saying that, Darren left Gilang and his friends. Instantly his steps stopped, because Darren managed to grab his hand.
"GET OFF! Darren snapped. But Gilang tightened his grip on Darren's hand.
Gilang pulled Darren's hand and made Darren face him. Gilang pulled Darren's collar. "Never insult Papa. After all he is your real Papa, Darren?! You don't deserve to insult him!" snapped Gilan.
Darren grabbed Gilang's hand which was on his collar, then threw it roughly. Then Darren pushed Gilang's body hard. "CUH! Darel spit." After what happened six months ago. That man is no longer my father. That man is my enemy, including you and your brothers. You still remember what I said before I left the Smith household? "
Gilang was surprised by what Darren said. And suddenly Gilang's memory returned six months ago, where his youngest brother left the house.
"Listen to me carefully and don't you ever forget anything. From the second onwards my name is Darren not Darrendra Smith. I will remove the Smith surname in front of my name because I don't want to wear it anymore. When I go out of this house we are no longer no relationship whatsoever. You are not a member of my family and I am not a member of yours. I cut my ties with all of you. So when we meet outside or on the streets pretend we don't know each other. I will not interfere in your life and I also ask you to not interfere with my life." Darren spoke emphatically.
"I will remember all of your treatment today. And I will never forget it until I die. I will make you all regret your attitude and treatment to me. When you find out the truth and find out who the perpetrators of the stabbing against Mr. Darka and Mr. Melvin, then all of you are sorry for hurting me and want to apologize to me. But unfortunately it's too late. When that day comes, I Darren will never forgive you all. From today onwards my heart has been locked tightly. And what is now is my hatred and grudge against you!" cried Darren coldly and curtly.
Darren's body jerked backwards. Tears raced down his handsome face.
"Do you remember now, Mr. Gilang? Now I remind you not to interfere with my life again. Just take care of your family and don't take care of other people," said Darren. And after that Darren was gone.
Darren got on his motorbike and put on his helmet. Then Darren started the engine.
Darren rode his motorbike a little speeding. And the motorbike that Darren was driving was headed in the direction where Darka was standing because the direction to go home was indeed that way. Seconds later Darka immediately stood in front of him and blocked Darren's motorbike.
"Dark!" shouted Gilang.
"Darren!" shouted his friends.

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    Loidena Tumlos

    nice story


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