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4. Tell a story

{Living room}
Now Davin is in the living room with his younger siblings, except for Darka and Melvin.
"Sis, what happened to you? Why did you come home so battered?" asked Adnan while treating Davin
"Brother was blocked by some thugs on the street. They banged on my sister's car window. Yes, I did. Brother came out and tried to talk to them nicely. Eeh .. they immediately attacked Brother," replied Davin
"Sis Davin! Are you sure you're okay? Let's just go to the hospital, okay!" exclaims Ivan
"Brother is really okay, Ivan. You don't need to worry, okay. You can safely arrive at this house, it's because of Darren. Your favorite brother," said Davin
"So Davin's brother met Darren?" ask andra
"Yes. When you were fighting the five thugs and you were hit and kicked several times, you saw Darren standing leaning on his luxury car. Darren just stood there while watching Brother who was fighting with the five thugs without any intention a little bit to help Big Brother." Davin told about his younger brother who initially didn't want to help him with tears running down his cheeks. "At that time, you thought. How big is Darren's hatred for you, so Darren doesn't want to and doesn't care about you. And let your brother get battered in the hands of the five thugs. Darren stays in his position and continues to be a spectator," Davin whispered.
"Then what happened so that Big Brother could go home safely with the police?" ask Dzaky
"When Big Brother was really tired. When Big Brother was completely defeated and didn't have the strength anymore. Brother's whole body really hurt. One of the thugs pulled out a knife to kill Big Brother, suddenly the thug screamed and the knife in his hand fell off and fell on the ground."
"Don't tell me that...?" Adnan's speech stopped
"Yes, Adnan. It was Darren who did it. Darren threw stones at the thug's hand. And his throw was right on target," Davin said with a smile as he imagined how his younger brother would deal with the thugs.
"Tell us Sis Davin. How did Sis Darren fight those thugs?" asked Adrian cheerfully
David smiled at his sister's question. "What is clear is that your brother is very good at fighting those thugs, Adrian." Davin praises his bunny sister
"Don't tell me that Darren did strange things or things that made his enemies more upset and emotional," said Andra, who knew his sister's character.
"As you know, how is your sister's character, Andra. You already know how Darren deals with his enemies. In times of crisis, your brother still thinks about the fate of his luxury car. Darren doesn't want his car to be scratched, "said David
Andra, Dzaky, Adnan and their five younger siblings smiled and shook their heads at Davin's story.
"And Darren has also contacted the police. When the police arrived, Darren immediately left," said Davin
"That's a sign that Darren doesn't really hate us, Davin!" exclaimed Nathan
"If Sis Darren really hates us, maybe at that time Sis Darren won't want to help Sis Davin and prefers to leave Sis Davin," said Mathew.
"Eemm! You're right. Darren you guys don't really hate us. Right now, only his ego is bigger than his affection for us," said Adnan.
"Our task now is to defeat his ego with our love, our care and our care. We must be able to win his heart back," said Dzaky
"That's right, Sis Dzaky. We agree," answered Adrian and his five younger siblings
Davin, Andra, Dzaky and Adnan smiled happily at the words of their five younger siblings.
It was already eight o'clock in the evening. And they all have done their night ritual of having dinner together. The moment before they entered their respective rooms. They took the time to gather in the living room. Including Darka and Melvin.
At first they didn't want to, but because their family members begged them both they were finally forced to join.
"Now tell Papa, Davin. What happened to you?"
"I was ambushed by five thugs whose bodies were quite big. At first I didn't really care about them. But after a while the thugs kept hitting my car window. I couldn't help but get out of the car. I talked to them okay, it turns out they attacked me right away."
"Then what happened next dear?" Ask Agneta
"I managed to beat two of the five thugs until they were unconscious. The remaining three people and it turned out that these three were so strong and plus my body was already in pain. I was repeatedly hit and kicked," replied Davin
"It's bad. It's your turn to be brave and win. But it's your turn to lose. You're a sissy," Darka sarcastically said.
Davin who heard Darka's sarcasm couldn't say anything. In his heart, Davin confirmed Darka's words. He did win to hurt his own brother.
Erland, who saw his eldest son silent and sad, couldn't bear it. Here he as a father also took part in hurting his youngest son.
"Darka.. Papa mo...." Erland's words were cut off
"Why? Papa doesn't like what I said? Do you want to scold me? Or do you want to slap me, like Papa slaps my favorite sister?"
"Papa ti...." Again Erland's words were cut off
"If Papa dares to scold me and beat me. I assure you that Papa will lose another son. In other words, I will leave this house and release the Smith clan behind my name." Darka spoke with great emphasis
"Dark!" snapped Andra
"Applies to all of you," said Darka again, ignoring the yells from Andra
"Already.. Already! Why are you making such a fuss," interjected Evan, the husband of Erland's younger sister. "Davin. Continue your story."
"What is clear is that I really lost and was overwhelmed by the three big thugs. Then my eyes saw a person who I really missed these six months. That person is my brother, Darren."
"You met Darren? What was your brother doing? Did your brother help you?" ask Erland
"Not at first," replied Davin
"What do you mean, David?" ask Evan
"When I fought the three thugs, Darren just watched without any intention of helping me," replied Davin
"Hahahahaha .." Carissa, the Aunt laughed out loud, then her eyes glared at Davin's face. "Did you expect that this ignorant child would help you, Davin?
"What do you mean, Auntie?" Davin asked surprised
"Are you pretending you don't know? Don't you want to know?" Carissa asked. "Don't think that Auntie didn't know what you were saying at that time. What do you need to remind me again? All right then," said Carissa. "That's when you said 'Never mind, Pa. Don't worry about what you said, Auntie. Auntie is like that for spoiling an ignorant child too much'."
Davin was surprised when he heard the words from his aunt. He did not expect that his aunt heard his words at that time.
"How's it going, Davin? Did you remember?" Carissa quipped, while Davin couldn't answer Carissa's question. "So it's true. When you were cornered by those three thugs, did you hope that the ignorant child would help you?"
David was silent.
"Answer David Smith!" snapped Carissa
Hearing Carissa's shout, it succeeded in making them all shocked.
"Y-yes, Bi. That's true. At that time I.. I really expected Darren to help me," Davin whispered with tears already flowing.
"Disgusting," Carissa said. "Auntie was really disappointed with your words at that time, Davin. Your words at that time seemed to accuse Aunty of being too partial and pampering Darren. Even though all of that was not true. Auntie never took sides with anyone. Auntie never chose to give love Auntie's love and care for all of Aunt's nieces and nephews. It's just a coincidence, why Aunt is so close to Darren. Because Darren just wants to share his problems with Aunt. Aunt often sees Darren who likes to dream. Even Aunt has caught him three times sobbing. And the third, Aunt dared to ask. When Aunt found out all the problems, Aunt really couldn't bear to see it. Aunt's heart was really broken when she heard all the complaints that came out of her mouth. That's why Aunt was always there for her. And asked him to always tell Aunt and not keep it to himself. This matter was also known to aunt's husband, Evan and also the three aunt's sons. And they sometimes share their time with Darren too. Why didn't I tell you? And how did my husband and my three sons know about it? Because what has been Darren's problem so far, that makes Darren always cry behind your back. It's all because of you. Especially you as his parents!"
When Erland wanted to speak, Carissa cut him off first. Carissa looked at Davin. "Now tell me what happened when you were pushed around by those three thugs and plus your little brother had absolutely no intention of helping you?"
"When I couldn't do anything else and my whole body was in a lot of pain. W-one of the thugs came up to me and he pulled out a knife. And the knife almost stabbed me in the stomach. Butiii....." Davin stopped. Davin cried when he imagined the incident, where he survived with the help of his sister.
"That ignorant child saved your life. Is that right?" Carissa said sarcastically with a sharp look at Jin
"Y-yes, ma'am!" replied David scared
"Tch!! If I were Darren. I refuse to help you, Sis Davin. I will let you die at the hands of those thugs. After all, Darren's name is already bad in your eyes. Even you already think Darren is a criminal and a cruel monster." Darka answered in a curt tone.
Darka was already hurt by her brothers and family members, except for Carissa, Evan and her three cousins.
"Ach, never mind. Why am I lingering here. I'd better go to my room and sleep," said Darka.
Ignoring her family members, Darka left the living room to go to her room on the second floor.
"Aunt agrees with Darka. Auntie also can't understand why a child who is called an ignorant child by someone like you, still wants to help you and save your life. Even though his heart has been hurt by you and your family."
After saying that, Carissa also left the living room to go to her room. And followed by her husband and three sons.
Now left Erland, Agneta, Davin, Andra, Dzaky, Adnan, Gilang and his five younger siblings. They all cried at Darka and Carissa's words. They also cry when they remember their treatment of Darren.
"Darren," thought Erland and Agneta
"Sis Darren," thought Adrian and his four younger siblings
"Darren," thought Davin, Andra, Dzaky, Adnan and Gilang

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    ele gosta de uma mulher mas só que essa mulher não gosta dele Porque essa mulher tenta matar ele todo dia e ele não percebe isso porque ele tá apaixonado por ela e ela começa a gostar dele mesmo sendo assassina dele e ele ainda continua lá gostando dela mas ele disse para ela se ela tentar matar ele ele vai voltar e vai levar ela literalmente para o inferno ela não ficou com medo porque ele tem a mente lá o pai dela é o diabo o nome dele você aceita ou você não aceita se você quiser bem se não


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    Loidena Tumlos

    nice story


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