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บทที่ 3 The Climb

Another two years had past, the longer I stayed there the more I forgot about my homeland, I don't even think I remember what my parents look like.
I had forgotten life out of najire no ha. Well maybe that's for the best, remembering life out of here would only bring me pain.
What's the use of having hope in the land of the hopeless, I have no use for that I'm bound to this place... whether i like it or not.
The assassins said we would be having some kind of test soon
"hm I wonder what it'll be like..... I wonder if it's that test" I say to myself
*flashes back to when I snuck out*
I smirk "I may finally get my chance to perform the arts" my smile widens "awesome".
"Kai!" I see Jay running towards me from a distance.
Jay... its been six years here with him we've kept each other strong he's my best friend and greatest rival, but... part of me feels angry when i see him... it's like I can smell weakness in him... not physically.. but mentally, if the time comes could he do the necessary?
Weakness disgusts me, had i not been born to the weak I wouldn't have had to endure all of this... I wouldn't be so... broken.
That's why if i ever see my father again... i'll personally end his life.
I'll keep gettinng stronger and stronger and and i'll kill the weakness in Jay... so i never have to kill him instead.
I don't remember whether or not I have a brother but I'm pretty sure It would be no different than having a friend like Jay.
So I'll protect him, we will make it through this place and become true assassins so we'll never be weak again survival is key in a world like this and I will survive no matter what.
He came to meet me at the ledge where I was seated "hey kai".
I looked up at him "Yeah?" we speak Japanese a lot and I'm sure it gives some of you headache's so from now on I'll just tell you when we're speaking Japanese like now.
"you ready" Jay shoots me a smile.
"Always am" I stand up.
"Then keep up, cry baby" he jumps off the ledge.
"The fudge did you just say" I chase him behind.
As we descend from the ledge we throw our grappling hooks to slow down our fall.
As we land on the sand beach we begin to do our stretches as we position oyr selves to spar.
"50 sparring matches, 50 ties, personally  I think that's bull" I say to him.
"I completely agree, no more letting you win" Jay says with a cocky smile.
"Big talk from someone with sand in their eyes" I reply.
Jay looks ar me with a confused expression "huh?"
I kick sand in his face and rush him with a butterfly kick.
Jays instincts are sharp so he is quick to block  both the sand and my kick, grabbing me and  slamming me to the ground.
I reverse his grip and use his momentum to throw him over me but he gets up with a defensive roll.
As we stand up and stare eachother  down before rushing at each other with smiles on our faces and hearts set ablaze.
For hours, we go blow for blow adapting to eachothers attack patterns improving with each attack till our bodies start to give out.
We enter a stabd still staring eachother down as we catch our breathes.
"Ready to give up yet?" I panth.
"Me? You're the one that's half dead" Jay replies.
"Come at me then" I smile.
He immediately dashes forward and comes straight at me, I stand firm preparing for him to land a body blow but he switches technique on me.
"you fell for it" he says as he jumps in the air aiming for my head with a kick.
But I block his attack and and aim for his chest pushing him back with my palm.
As he slides through the samd trying to get his footing I stomp on his chest pushing him back to hit a tree.
I jump towards him aiming for his face with a superman punch but he dodges so I end up cracking the tree instead.
With no hesitation Jay punches me in the gut and starts to attack me relentlessly with a barage of blows.
Each of his hits are like a jack hammer, at the age of ten his hits already rival those of any grown up.
I quickly grab both his arms and begin to twist his wrists befor pulling him down to launch him inthe air, causing him to fall into the water.
"Ha! What did you say about letting me win? Can't hear you with all that water in your lungs" I celebrate.
"Jay?.... Jay?" Why isn't he coming up?.
My instincts kick in and I jump in to save him. As my body leaves the groud diving into the water, I see Jay rising from beside me with a mischievous grin on his face.
"Too easy" he says as he puts me in a headlock and dunks me in the water.
5 minutes later we sit on dry land trying to dry ourselves off.
"Sore loser" I break the silence with laughter.
"What? I totally won?" Jay shoves my shoulder.
"Huh? Cause of that cheat move?" I reply .
"It's called assassination dummy" Jay snickers.
"If you retards are done playing ariund, the teachers are assembling all Kohai" a voice says from afar.
"Say that again" I get up to attack the person that spoke but Jay grabs my shoulder.
"Or what?" I see Hijiro staring me down.
"Hmph, just take us to the teachers" I walk past him bumping his shoulder.
I can feel his murderous intent, but I know he wont try anything, we've both been avoiding getting in trouble.
"You'll be going to a different location for your test today."
"I dont see any transports?" One of the other kids says.
"Go to the shore and wear these blindfolds" the teacher gestures to a table full of blind folds.
"The heck? We were literally just at the shore" I say to Jay in english.
"Haha so annoying" he replies.
As we get the shore and put on the blind folds while facing the water we feel the cold breeze against our bodies, the winds are always strongest the closer you get to the ocean.
But we waited for hours and nothing happend no sounds of helicopters or boats,we just stood there.
I was about to say something when one of the Teachers yelled "step off the shore!!"
I could tell we were all confused. They had us stand on here for hours blind folded just so they could tell us to walk into the ocean that has been in front of us? 
Are they insane?. 
"Are you deaf I said step off the shore!" He repeated himself. 
We did as they said even if it made no sense.
Plus we had our backs turned to them and we were blind folded and dumbest time to rebel against assassins.
As we stepped of the shore we were baffled. Our feet weren't wet the surface was dry and hard.
I took another step to make sure I wasn't crazy but the ground wasn't even sandy it was rock hard solid ground, what was going on?
"turn around and take off your blind folds!" A teacher yelled.
  We did as they said but as we took off our blind folds the real shock was revealed. We were on a canyon we ran to the ledge to check the bottom our eyes widened in shock it was no where in sight. 
Yes the island was gone "how is this possible" me and Jay said in English
We turned around at the same time and yelled "Where's the island?!" In Japanese. 
But as we did we saw two teachers dash towards us at crazy speed and stomped our chests and at that moment as I fall down the canyon only one thing goes through my mind "Amazing".
That speed that strength, is that what it means? To be an assassin? What an art truly a sight to behold... Wait a minute I'm about to fall down a mountain "holy sh-" I yell but i'm interrupted by Jay grabbing me and pulling ke up to grab the ledge.
"This test is called the climb , who ever survives and climbs back to the top passes... you have an hour" a teacher says.
Are these psychos on crack?! since when is throwing someone down a canyon a test??
Holy crud that's a long drop, I see all the students dropping like rain. 
I look up to see the teachers stabding above me and Jay.
They step on our fingers causing us to fall to our deaths.
Crud, am I really going to die here? Now? After everything i've done to survive? I haven’t even killed anyone yet, no no no!
Wait that's right, my grappling hook. I check for it but it's nowhere to be found.
I look at Jay and notice his grappling hook was gone too those bastards took them.
We look to the bottom and notice a branch but it had thorns so we couldn't just grab it with our hands.
They may have took our grappling hooks but they didn't take our belts.
Thank God for these uniforms I take off my belt and throw the other end to Jay as we fall the belt gets caught on the branch, i let out a sigh of relief "Just as planned"
Jay smiles at me "we're alive".
"Jay... what's in your hand" I look down.
"Um... a person" he replies.
"Are you stupid? The branch isn't strong enough drop him!" 
"No! Yuki's our classmate, we can't just let him die"
"If you don't drop him WE'LL die!, you should have just let him fall, now his death and ours will be on you shithead!"
"Oh no... the branch, drop him!" I yelled.
I look down and notice its only a two story drop, we jump one story all the time two stories shouldn't be that different... right?
The branch snaps and we fall to the ground I dislocate my leg and injure my elbow but luckily we landed on some dead bodies which softened the blow.
It hurts like hell but I take it like a boss.
 I see Jay and Yuki were also hurt so I decided to pop my arm and leg back into place I feel like screaming but i grit my teeth and keep it in as I tie my leg with my belt and do the same for Jay and Yuki.
Now for the next probmem.... climbing we look around and see dead bodies loitering the place but a lot more people survived than we expected, as I look up there's a girl already climbing to the top ahead of everyone... wow... that's kinda badass.
"Come on losers, wanna lose to a girl?"
As we start to climb our injuries made it unbearable but we weren't going to hive up. I fully plan to stand on the pinaccle of assassins, if I fall now thats all i'll ever be worth.
As we reach the top pur bodies are shaking with exhaustion. "congratulations you passed" a voice says before we pass out from the pain

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  • avatar
    Ashenry Pena



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    Bryan Dizon



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    Leogie Ado

    wow nice


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