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Synn's POV
"I don't think you have the right to tell me what to and not to do now. Not after you just left last time..." my hands were left hanging midair after I heard an all too familiar voice coming from outside. My body stood frozen in front of the sink, my heart started beating rapidly.
Not again.
Waiting for our turn to film, I excused myself so I can go to the restroom after we learned that there will be two more groups to record their performance before we get to do our own. I was about to wash my hands when I heard the sound of his voice.
Why am I always stuck in this situation where I get to witness these private conversations that they have?
And obviously, she's with her.
"Is that all you can do? Use some random girl to get back at me?" she snickered and I felt my stomach churning.
Boy, she's angry. I can feel her seething right outside.
"What, you've got some overrated Royal baby taking my place?" she spat and I raised my eyebrow at her words.
Wait. Was she talking about me?
My arms eventually rested on the sink, my hands slowly forming to a fist, realization slowly sinking in. The image of her looking at me after Gold's antics earlier came into view.
Yeah, she probably saw the articles last time and Gold doing that to me kind of tick her off.
Why do they have to drag me to all this shit? It's not like I have anything to do with their relationship. Or if they still have one.
"Don't bring her into this,"
I was startled when I heard the stern voice coming from him as if he was annoyed.
Did he just stand up for me? I mean, the Gold that I know?
Then, the sound of fake laughter started echoing inside the restroom. It was menacing and scary. Never once have I thought that I'll hear something unpleasant coming out of her lips.
The image she has, vulnerable, appealing, the mass loves her like she's some princess.
And to think that I thought Gold was being controlling to her the first time I heard their conversation.
"Don't even think I'll be affected by your silly show. She's beautiful but I'll put her face into shame if she's beside me. She's just a nobody," she laughed and I felt my insides burn, my blood starting to crawl straight to my face, my cheeks are starting to heat up.
I'm fuming. My insides were going crazy. I never knew she’s mean like that. For some reason, my hate towards the girl is starting to build up.
"I can leave you anytime I want and not a girl like her can simply replace the mark I left in your life," she added and I don't know if I should be angry for myself or for Gold. She's clearly belittling him.
"Really?" I bit my lower lip when I heard his voice. He sounded even angrier than he was before.
"Hell, thank God I get to see this side of yours," he started. "You may be beautiful but your face doesn't even compare to her. She looks like a living doll, and thankfully with a better personality. And babe, she doesn't need to replace a mark because you never left one. You can't simply mark a Gold Simons. If someone can, I guess it's not you. I'm pretty sure I won't lose my shit just because I don't have you. You're not exactly irreplaceable..." he finished and I was left in awe. I didn't know Gold had it in him.
"Are you crazy? I know you're just using her to get me back!" she hissed but her voice wavered a little and I can't help when a smirk tucked at the corner of my lips.
I didn't hear his response and that made me want to puke.
Is that it? Is that why he's acting like some Robin hood stealing some of my time creating troubles? Just so he can have her back.
And then I heard it, the sound of his laughter. It wasn't sweet and to be honest, it's quite scary.
"You're funny. Don't think too highly of yourself. I'm not a person to use someone for my own sake. I can get you back if I wanted. Simply because I can," he spat breathlessly and I had to do a double.
And again, it was silence but I know something else is going on outside. Even without seeing them, I can feel the pressure and tension.
"Fuck you, Gold! This isn't over! I'll show you how you're not over me and you'll beg down on your knees so I would take you back. And I won't!" she snarled, her voice shaking in anger. Afterward, I heard the sound of her heavy footsteps, her heels clanking along the surface it's painful to hear and I don't know if I should laugh or not.
Right now, she’s the one sounding desperate and for once, I feel so proud of Gold even though I don't like him that much.
With an eerie feeling surrounding before me, I moved to do what I was supposed to be doing earlier before the whole fiasco and slowly went outside.
Thinking that Gold had also left earlier, I was caught off-guard when I saw him leaning against the wall just opposite the door of the girl's restroom.
"Senior..." I muttered uncomfortably, him raising his eyebrows at my direction while his arms crossed over his chest is a little intimidating.
"You really are everywhere huh?" he asked and my cheeks blushed immediately. The situation has become awkward. And it's not like we are in good terms either.
"Sorry," my breath hitch at the sound of his voice, my eyes locking with his and I find it difficult to avoid his gaze.
"Sorry for her words. She doesn't mean any harm. And she's normally isn't like that, " he added and I felt butterflies running wild in my stomach.
Even at this point, he still cares for her. He still cares about how I will see her and how bad I might think of her.
I can't help but feel envy.
"You love her this much?" I asked and I saw something flicker in his eyes. This time, it was he who avoided my gaze.
I'm right.
"Don't put words on my mouth, cupcake. That's not very nice," he hissed and it was like the first time, my stomach flipping after he called me names.
Before I knew it, I was spitting words I didn't know I might regret in the future, " I can help," my hand fidgeted on the hem of my clothes.
Breathe, Synn. Again, it's just him.
He looked at me confused and I let out a sigh.
"I can, I mean, I can help you get her back," I stuttered, confidence slowly eating my system. "I might not look like it but I can be a good wingman, you know," I told him, this time, my voice firmer than before.
If I will do him a favor, we can call it even. Though I'm not confident that I'm doing the right choice.
"I need no wingman. Or woman. I can get a girl on my own, Richards," he smiled, amusement showing on his face.
"But you'll never know! I mean, just try. Try me!" I said a little more confident.
He stared at me for a minute before smirking, "Have you dated before?" he asked and that made me shut my mouth.
"Does it have anything to do with what I am offering?" I answered breathlessly.
"I thought so," He moved forward, his right hand reaching for the locks of hair I didn't notice had fallen out of my ponytail, his hands slowly tucking it in behind my ears.
Good Lord.
Why is time this painfully slow?
When I lifted my gaze, I saw him smirking, enjoying the uncomfortable state I am currently in.
"Your offer... It's tempting but I'll think about it. For now, go back to your members because I'm sure their worried sick for you," he whispered and I felt like my heart is about to burst when again, he moved closer, my eyes immediately closing.
He fucking kissed my forehead, again. Is this his thing?
Eyes still closed, I felt him patting the top of my head gently, the sound of his sweet voice hitting my ears like a goddamn sweet melody,
"I'll see you soon, Synncinati,"
And then he left.
Oh, fucking hell. What am I doing with myself?

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  • avatar
    NesnihanAnnanesnihan Lawan

    good morning


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    Anne Lim Cna



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    Best story


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