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Chapter 7

"I'll leave tomorrow morning." I look at Sir Calixto and smiled.
"I hope you enjoyed your stay here."
"Yes, My lady. I will leave again next month, should we go to the festival together?"
"Is it ok for you to leave?"
"Then let's go to the festival!"
"You seem excited."
"Yes, next month will be my first time going to a festival."
"Is that so?" He smiled and read his book again.
"You know you're handsome when smiling."
"And when I'm not?"
"Still handsome, but I prefer when you smile It's like heavens open their gates." I motioned it as he laugh.
"Haha your too honest."
"Should I not? Then don't smile, your smile I don't like it. Too ugly."
"Haha. My lady the tea will get cold."
"Hmp," I ordered again the maids to brew the tea and bring another batch of cake and cookies.
"You'll get fat."
"That's ok, if that happens then no one will marry me."
"I'll marry you." I cough and rolled my eyes at what he said.
"You okay?"
"Yes, I'm fine."
"The tea's really good."
"Yep, this is the best tea in Lacious."
"Alesana Honey, Sir Calixto I will go now to the palace."
"Mama, have a safe trip."
"Madam let me escort you."
"Thank you." We stop at our carriage and my Mama kisses me before getting in.
"Do you want anything? I will tell it to your Papa."
"Haha okay, Goodbye Honey."
"Bye, Mama." after Mama leaves Sir Calixto backs again with his research.
"Lara I will just sleep, wake me when it's already dinner."
"As you wish My Lady, sleep tight."
I opened my eyes and scanned the place.
Why it is dark? I'm afraid of the dark ... Someone, please help me!
That voice. Where are you?
After that it feels like I'm falling to an endless cliff, everything's black there's no light.
"Haa ha." I opened my eyes. I was panting and clutching my chest because of the sudden pain.
"My Lady dinner's ready, do you want to eat here?" I calmed myself.
"No, I will accompany Sir Calixto." After I change my dress I immediately go down.
"Did you sleep well?" I remember again my dream, I nod and smiled at him. After eating dinner we drink tea on the balcony. I feel again the pain in my heart and minutes later the pain is increasing and my eyes widen when I see blood on my hands.
I just coughed blood.
"My Lady!" It's like what happened when I got into the accident, last time I really want to feel pain now I don't like it. Everything's blurry.
Why did this happen to me?
I can't hear at all, all I do is cough and after that, everything turns black.
I was walking into endless darkness. Am I dead? I think I'm lost. While walking I suddenly remember my Papa and Mama.
"Ugh." I opened my eyes and coughed non-stop.
"Good morning, It's nice to see the Princess is already awake."
"Wahh! who are you?" Still sitting on a chair beside my bed with a grin. Another gorgeous man popped out of nowhere. Is he a new character?
"I just saved your life."
"Eh? Why I don't remember anything."
"Hmm really?" he leaned closer, I nod still clueless.
"I just sleep and tell Lara to wake me when dinner's ready."
"That happened last week, so tell me who are you?" I'm sure shock was written o my face.
"I-I'm Alesana." I avoid his gaze.
"No, there's something wrong."
"Then y-you want to know?"
"Yes." His blue eyes are still staring at me.
"I'm-" I stopped when the door opens and revealed my Papa and Mama with Sir Calixto and Clover.
"My Alesana, honey how do you feel?"
"I'm fine Papa, there's no need to worry." He calmed a bit while Mama was hugging me tight, silently crying.
"I'm glad your now okay." after both of my parents let me go the first man I see before I woke up coughing.
"Ahem." I secretly glared at him, hmp.
"Alesana is the one who helps you, the Grand Master of Oreal tower a Great Sorcerer Sir Leix Edmond Siegfred."
Sir Leix has long black hair that extended to his back. He is a tall and slender man. Fair skin and a stern expression. His eyes are bright blue and it's glowing in the dark. And he's wearing a back cloak.
"Thank you? Hehe." and I scratch my head.
"Sir Leix, how's my daughter?"
"She's already fine her mana is now stable, there's just one thing I want to ask the Lady." I hug my Papa when I imagine the man glaring at me at my back.
"Then we will leave now, thank you for helping us."
"Glad to help." Papa and Mama kiss me on my forehead and leave the room. While Sir Calixto and Clover are still standing near my bed.
"Are you sure your ok now?" Sir Calixto asks and I nod.
"We're really worried."
"Thank you for your concern. But Sir Calixto are you perhaps did not return to the academy?"
"I can't just leave after I witness that."
"I'm sorry."
"No, I decide to stay."
"Then gentleman you already ask the Princess if she's fine so if you don't mind will you please now leave?" how rude!!!
"We're now leaving, just shout if this man does any inappropriate things ok?"
"Are you really okay with this man alone?" Clover asks and I glance at the sorcerer. His feet are already tapping the floor and he's glaring at the wall. I see, He was already pissed.
"No need to worry." the both of them pout at what I said, they're now leaving but still openly glaring at Sir Leix.
"So the two barking dogs are now gone, who are you?"
"Will you believe in everything I will say later?"
"Let's see."
"But first why are you asking me that?"
"I just sense it, there's wrong with you."
"Listen. I'm not the real Alesana. I clearly remember everything I'm just a teenager who leaves her house in the middle of the night then suddenly got into an accident and when I opened my eyes I'm already in this body."
"Then?" did he find this boring?
"I tried to go back in my real body, I tried to jump, eat poisonous flowers, drowned myself but I'm still here."
"Did you honestly think that I will believe what you've said? Haha."
"Then don't." I rolled my eyes, he crossed his hands in his chest and grin.
"You're not dreaming, Princess."
"I know but what I've said earlier is true." I can't also tell that where on a novel, where I'm the villainess who will get killed by the Duke and Crown Prince.
"Is that so, I will leave now."
"I didn't know the exact date but the Emperor of another country, Orion Empire will be back from the war. Holding the wrecked flag of Stean, announcing their victory. They will celebrate and the Crown Prince is invited."
"If what you've said didn't happen?"
"Then I'm just joking around, forget what I've said."
"Ok. I will now leave."
"Again thank you for treating me." He slightly bows his head and leaves my room. I really don't remember what happened, and I felt sorry because I made them worry again.
Lara and Mellisa are helping me because I can't still walk without my knees trembling. Sir Calixto is already back at the Academy while Clover is always visiting me.
Like what I've said on Sir Leix, Orion Empire won in the war and they celebrate the Emperor's victory.
Hmm, the war between Orion and Stean if that happened then... What Is written in the book will still happen? It is really a pain in the ass.

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  • avatar
    Princes Bea Sarmiento

    Amazing story


  • avatar
    NicolasKathleen joy

    good story


  • avatar
    Brenmark Daligdig



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