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Chapter 4

"A long long time ago there are two siblings named Archusvan and Michael Drey. Archusvan likes to gamble his Father's money while Michael works hard so someday he might be the one to inherit his father's title.
Then when Archusvan married the count's daughter and his vice worsen. He even hurt his wife while Michael falls in love with a maid and told to his lover that they should keep their love hidden and the maid agreed as she really loves Michael. They see each other secretly, they're okay with that then later on Michael's father finds out. He immediately fired the maid and engaged Michael to the Duke's daughter so the rumors started to circulate so they pushed the marriage as soon as possible to avoid too much rumors.
The maid begged Michael to not marry his Fiancee and just run away. But Michael cannot afford to lose all, fame, money, his family he was so scared so he did marry the Duke's Daughter, and then Michael makes his Lover his mistress. And because she loves Michael so much she accepted it because she was just a mere maid. But the maid got pregnant and Michael's wife got angry to the point that she ordered someone to kill the maid.
But Michael protected his Lover and the baby and his the one who got killed, on his last breathe he ask for forgiveness for being a coward to the pain he inflicted on her. On the other hand, Archusvan's wife goes crazy as they lost their wealth because of his vices and had a huge debt. While the maid lived here in Erden and born a healthy baby boy. Mikael Briele looks like his father and later on Briele's name bloom. Working hard to be on top he received the title of Duke."
"And every Lady in Briele's has these Red Eyes." I point my eyes and wink at him. he nods and smiles. "That's why here in Erden I'm the only one who has this Red like rubies eyes. In another kingdom, you can see the same color of my eyes to others but here in Erden I'm the only one."
“Your eyes it's beautiful, your right they look like Red Rubies.”
“Thank you!”
"Then why does your Emblem is Rose?"
"Oh, that's because Michael uses to give my Grand Grand Grandma a Red Rose. And The house of Briele is one of the most prestigious of the aristocratic households in Erden Empire." he nods and looked around.
"This place is quietly beautiful." I smiled at what he said and hold his hand.
"Let's play, Umh hide and seek? You hide, I will count 1 to 50."
"B-but I'm not good at that, Ahh let's just stay here."
"Hmm okay if you say so, then what should we do now?"
"I don't k-know, I'm sorry." she laugh and held his hand.
"Eh? You know Raven is cute so he should smile so his dimples will show. When you grow up as a fine man the noble ladies will go crazy if you show that smile, I'm sure of it."
"Lady A-Alesana, I... "
"Just call me Alesana."
"Why are you doing this?"
"Huh? Did I do something wrong with you?"
"No, I mean whenever you see me you will wave your hand and smile at me. You only showed kindness to me, it was too good to be true."
"What's wrong with that?"
"In our manor all the maids there hate me, and my father's new wife send me here. They hurt me every night I always had a nightmare because of them."
"I'm sorry I didn't know, it must be so hard for you."
"Can I h-hug you?"
"Eh? Sure." he hugs me and I pat his head. "If you need help you can ask me, as long as I can do it you can count on me."
"Really?" I nod and he smiled at me. "When we reach our adulthood will you marry me?"
"I can't, I'm bound to marry someone else." it's a lie, this kid is he serious?
"That's sad." after that he seems now comfortable with me, days passed so fast and Raven's family came here to our estate.
"I'm sorry for the trouble we caused, Duke and Duchess Briele."
"It's okay, Baroness Coreen."
"Again thank you for taking care of Raven."
"Hmm. Bye." she thanked us again and that's the last time I see Raven again. When I ask my parents if we can visit Raven Papa said that I shouldn't go near Raven again.
They said that Raven is sick, Raven can't control his anger to the point that he hurt their workers, his father, and his stepmother. What he told me that day was all lie. I did think of him as a friend and he didn't hurt me, I hope he was alright.

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  • avatar
    Princes Bea Sarmiento

    Amazing story


  • avatar
    NicolasKathleen joy

    good story


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    Brenmark Daligdig



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