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Chapter Six

I got dressed in a pink dress with maroon flowers on it, slipped into some sandals and walked out of the house by six-thirty. A little early, visiting hours started at eight. I couldn’t stay home. I needed to see Comrade, I hoped he had a decent night. Comrade’s crazy story kept playing in my head I nearly bolted out of bed to ransack the place.
I could only believe it if I saw it. It had me thinking what were the heirlooms like? If they were generations old they must be aged and dusty. It still fascinated me. A part of me didn’t want Comrade to tell me it was all just a crazy tale after all.
The nosy side of me wanted to go on the internet and search Heirloom Keepers. Comrade said they blended into myth so there had to be some sort of information on them.
When I got to the hospital I couldn’t see Comrade right away so I went to the cafeteria. There wasn’t a soul in sight.
The more I thought about the heirlooms my family supposedly protected the more I wanted to know the stories behind them. How did we come to protect them? I wished Daddy was here to tell me part of the story. He loved telling me stories when he fixed cars. Maybe he told me a story about the heirlooms before but I didn’t know it. Daddy told me so many wild stories I couldn’t pin one down.
A white and green paper bag appeared in front of me. I looked up and Rebel handed me a black paper cup. I smiled and welcomed the coffee. I hadn’t even had breakfast.
‘I heard about Comrade last night before locking up. I sent you a text but you didn’t respond. Must have been hectic.’
I opened the paper bag to find a cupcake, croissants and doughnuts. ‘I’m sorry I hadn’t really checked my phone.’
‘It’s okay, I figured you’d need breakfast. It’s easy to forget to eat when you’re stressed.’
‘Thank you Rebel.’ I took a bite of the sugary doughnut. ‘I should have called someone to help Comrade take care of the branch. But I forgot, Lexa made me go to the Women’s Society Club. I wish I resisted harder.’
Rebel tied her red hair into a bun. She wore an army green jacket and a long fitted skirt with white sneakers.
‘It was an accident Addie. How did it go at the club?’
‘Oufff, awful. I met Amber and she asked me to be her maid of honor. At least Sharon pretended like I didn’t exist.’
Amber’s eyes nearly popped out of her head. ‘That Amber’s really something, huh?’
I sighed and set my croissant down. I thought about Amber’s proposal a lot and she had a point I shouldn’t let our friendship die. If she and Matthias found love then I should deal with. I was trying to move on too. He should stop coming to visit me then!
‘They fell in love and they’ll be married soon I just have to accept it. My relationship with Amber won’t be the same, but I’ll try to be there for her. She doesn’t have anyone else.’
Rebel's mouth hung open, before she chuckled. ‘Oh no Addie.’
‘What?’ I said half sipping my coffee.
‘You can’t be serious! Can’t you see Amber has you right where she wants you? She’s had it out for your man for a while. Well— your ex-man.’
I set the cup down and stared at her. ‘What are you talking about?’
‘She’s been chasing after him for a while. After you left she was checking up on him twenty-four-seven. Baking him comfort cupcakes up until Matthias left for New York.’
I held my hands up and shook my head. Amber? She barely had a friendship with Matthias when we were dating.
‘We were best friends—’
‘Addie, I have two older sisters that know everyone’s business and a bakery that happens to be a gossip hub. Amber’s playing you. She’s a completely different person or maybe this is the real her. I think she’s been waiting for the day you returned so you could see her transformation, her importance in the community.’
My face felt like an ice cube. ‘I don’t understand Rebel, what are you saying?’
‘Addie, Amber’s always been jealous of you. She was the awkward best friend no one paid attention to. You were the one from a respectable family, beautiful and engaged to one of Chester Springs' eligible bachelor. She wanted your status. I’m not saying it’s wrong to change your style, but Amber changed because she wanted to be better than you. She wants you to be what she was in your life, no one. She has the man you were going to marry, the status you would have had as a Hadley and she’s even a member of the Society, rumor has it.’
I flopped back in my seat. It couldn’t be. But it was right there in front of me. Amber had changed so much, even the way she walked was different. Amber was the sister I never had.
‘It’s true Addie. If you don’t believe me time will tell. She even went around saying how much you didn’t deserve Matthias and that you were nothing but a thief and a couple months later she was dating him.’ Rebel shrugged.
‘I can’t… can’t believe Amber would do this to me. I didn’t think she was no one. She was my best friend and my family treated her like one of their own.’
‘I’m sorry, some people just… they don’t know what truly matters. I just wanted you to know the truth.’ Rebel frowned.
I wiped a tear from my cheek. ‘I didn’t know coming back would be this hard.’
‘Hey chin up.’ Rebel lifted my chin and I met her blue eyes. ‘Don’t wallow in your own sadness, get up wash your face and build your life. You’re not going to let Amber win or Andrin or anyone who still holds a grudge.’
‘It’s not so easy Rebel.’ I sniffled.
‘It’s not so difficult too. Life’s for the living and you need to build yours. Come girl! You’re so much more than what you are. People have been putting you done too much it’s time to stand up. I’m not going to let you stay down.’
A part of me wanted ask what the catch was. Instead I let Rebel hold my hand. She was right. I thought I deserved to be at the bottom, battling to keep my Daddy’s legacy alive. I didn’t do anything to stop Andrin from taking everything. I won’t let him take my life, I won’t let Amber steal my peace or Matthias my ability to love again.
Rebel had to head back to the bakery. I went up to see Comrade. He was finishing his breakfast when I walked in.
‘Hey kid.’ He beamed.
‘Hey Comrade, feeling better?’
‘Much, just can’t wait to get this sling off my arm.’
I giggled and sat by his bed. ‘I’m going to Andrin's after taking you home. I’m going to quit, Comrade.’ I gripped his hand.
He looked up at me with wide eyes then he smiled softly. ‘I wouldn’t blame you sweetie. I didn’t like you working there anyway, knowing Andrin. Your Dad loved that place, but he’d never be mad if you wanted to do your own thing.’
‘I let him down Comrade. I didn’t stop Andrin from taking everything from Mama.’ I wiped tears off my face.
‘No you didn’t. I couldn’t stop Andrin either. There’s something we need to discuss Addie.’
I pulled out a tissue from my purse and dabbed my cheeks. ‘Is it about what we spoke about yesterday?’
He nodded. ‘No, you must think I’m crazy, but everything is told you is true. Being an heirloom keeper is part of our legacy, when I get out of here I’m going to show you what I gathered over the years about us.’
I looked into Comrade eyes. There wasn’t a hit of mischief in there, not a seed of doubt in his voice. I looked at my hand in his. He trusted me.
‘You trust me Comrade?’
‘With all I have sweetheart. Money and power corrupt people and you have a good heart, you make mistakes, but who hasn’t?’
‘Oh, Comrade. How do you know I won’t screw up! Land in millions of debt and sell an heirloom.’
Comrade chuckled. ‘You’ll know why you won’t when I get out of here.’
Thanks Comrade, that does a lot to put my mind at ease. The doctor discharged Comrade at ten. He didn’t want to rest when we got home. No, he wanted to check on his garden. Though, we agreed he’d watch TV and take his meds later.
I made my way to Andrin’s house with fierce determination. He’d likely be thrilled I was quitting anyway. I was sure to give him a piece of my mind. I couldn’t wait to walk through the door of the house and let my heart bleed.
When I walked in Maybelle was laying on her tummy watching colorful squares and circles sing and dance.
‘Hey sweetie!’ I said. She kicked her feet together and waved at me, not turning her eyes away from the TV for a second.
‘I won’t take up much of cartoon time, just here to see Daddy.’
‘Mama says you’ll take me to the park later.’ Maybelle rolled onto her back and said.
I smiled, she had my Mother’s hair. ‘Of course I will.’
She giggled and went back to her cartoons. I went into the garage and found Lexa eyeing a silver sports car. She threw her hand on her chest when she saw me.
‘Geez, don’t you knock?!’
‘What are you doing in here? You never come here.’ I folded my arms.
Lexa rolled her eyes and moved away from the car. I noticed her hands trembled slightly.
‘If you must know you’re brother blew up on me again! That bastard.’ She spat.
I frowned. ‘What'd you do?’
Lexa snarled. ‘It wasn’t me. It was you!’
I gasped. ‘Now what’d I do?’
‘It was your dumb idea for me to call your Mom about The Society. They still haven’t made a decision on the contract winner. I figured your Mom knew someone who could help me out. Andrin heard me and blew up! Accused me of treason! Imagine that? I swear he’s an enemy of progress.’
I rubbed my shoulders. Well I didn’t think Lexa would call Mom. ‘I’m sure he’ll cool off.’
Lexa shook her head. ‘This is the last straw Addie! You know what he wants now? He doesn’t want me to work with The Society. Said he hopes I don’t get picked, can you believe that?’
I scratched my head. Lexa was still in her pajamas, her hair was a tied up mess, probably hadn’t even had a coffee to wake her up.
‘Where is he?’ I asked.
She shrugged and threw her hands in the air. ‘See if I give a damn. He won’t find me here.’
‘What? Where you going?’
‘Never mind! Take Maybelle somewhere, I don’t care where just take her.’ Lexa yelled.
‘Wait Lexa, you’re not really leaving are you? I’m sure you guys can work things out.’
‘Ugh! You don’t know what I have to deal with. I have to take care of his child! Wash his clothes, make him dinner and look beautiful all at the same time! The least Andrin could do I be successful! But this stupid garage is only going south and he won’t even let me make money, no! I’m done with him I’m going to get me a nice life. I’d like to see his face then.’
‘Lexa! Think about Maybelle you’re the only Mother she’s ever known. You can’t just leave!’ My heart rate ran up.
‘I’m not her real Mother, you know that. I’m only looking out for me.’
Blood rushed to my head. ‘You’re so selfish!’
‘And you’re a lying thief that no one around here cares about! You should be grateful I allowed you to enter my house.’
‘This was my house! The house my Father built for my Mother!’ I balled my hands into fists.
‘Yeah, yeah you taking the kid or not?’
‘You’re not walking out on that girl! Have a heart!’ Tears burned on the rim of my eyes.
‘Ugh Addie, why’d you even come here. You good for nothing!’
‘I came to tell Andrin I quit! I’ll be by later.’
Lexa laughed and clapped her hands. ‘I’d love to see the bastard's face when he realizes he’s an utter failure!’
I bit my tongue and marched into the house. I cast a glance at sweet Maybelle that sent knives to my heart. Poor child, she couldn’t live with Andrin and his burning temper. Her world would be shattered. I couldn’t leave her alone, but I feared my brother would let me near after I condemned his business.

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  • avatar
    Princess Partulan

    As soon as she left the hotel Su Quin recieved a phone call from zhou luo Qian Qian the hospital has notified me of the An Ans medical expenses


  • avatar
    Muhammad Haikal

    great story and have many positive attribute


  • avatar

    Very interesting love story. I want to read it again.


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