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Chapter Two

‘What on earth are you doing Adele?!’ Andrin barked.
I was beginning to think Andrin didn’t yell at me because I did anything wrong, but simply because he wanted to. I stepped away from the hood of the brown truck.
‘I’m working; did you forget you hired me already?’ I whipped the black oil from my hands.
Andrin grumbled. He was three years older than me with the same chestnut hair as my Mom. I inherited my Dad’s midnight black hair. He towered over me. He was less than happy to see me when I showed up the day after arriving. I only wanted to tell him I’d be taking care of Grandpa. He didn’t like that I was in the same toen as him or that I was taking care of our Grandfather.
I hadn’t been home in years. It didn’t even feel the same. Lexa changed everything! Dad’s shop was even worse, business wasn’t bombing the way it used to. No offense but Andrin wasn’t the mechanic Dad was.
He didn’t want me there, he didn’t want to talk about Mama, didn’t want me to see Maybelle. Lexa wasn’t home when I showed up. I insisted on seeing the shop, it hurt to see it wasted. Daddy was a clean man, despite the messy nature of the job he never kept a nasty work space. Even his old uniforms like the brown one I wore were always clean. Daddy and I worked on cars together since I was ten. I graduated from handing him tools to fixing my own cars by the time I was fifteen.
I needed a job and I wanted to be close to my Daddy’s memory. Hopefully restore it to its former glory. No surprise Andrin flipped. He called me himself a few days later when his mechanic quit, apparently no one can work with Andrin. He hired me as a part time mechanic on partial pay. I heard him mutter something about not letting ‘my Mama’ get her hands on his money.
‘Didn’t Lexa tell you to pick up the groceries? It’s getting late and she has to get started on dinner.’
I rolled my eyes. He also hired me as an unpaid personal assistant and nanny. Maybelle didn’t even know she had an Aunt! Last time I saw her she was terrible two.
‘I wanted to finish the car. Mrs. Kat will be here to get it any moment.’
‘Whatever just do what my wife told you to do. Don’t take your time either.’ He stormed into the house.
‘Gosh, I wonder what he’s like when I’m not in town.’
Might as well get groceries for Grandpa and I. I walked to town. With my peanut salary I wouldn’t buying a car anytime soon.
I stopped by famous Gas Station Grocery market. It was owned by Old Pete Rosen. I shook my head thinking about him. His wives were ultimately the death of him. His forth wife poisoned him. My Dad’s old friend Walter run the place for on the behalf of Pete's sons.
I cringed half way to the front door. I sucked in a breathe and walked through the glass doors. Disappointment can be more painful than hatred. Walter gave me a look soaked in disappointment after my scandal with Matthias’ family then walked away. Hurt like a bees stings to the heart.
I tried to carry all my groceries in discretion and haste. But I couldn’t evade Walter who stood at the counter. I sighed and tried to scan my items without opening my mouth.
‘Adele Winchester. Hmm, I didn’t think I’d see you around here again.’
I lifted my head and failed to offered up a smile. ‘Hi, Walter.’
‘How’s your Mama?’
Walter nodded, swiping my items.
‘You out here helping Comrade?’ Walter couldn’t exactly meet my eyes.
He was one of Daddy’s best friends. He was always around the house. He didn’t do much when Andrin turned on us.
‘Yeah, well I couldn’t leave him alone.’
Walter nodded, he started packing the items. He paused and finally looked me in the face.
‘I— I should have done more when Andrin lost him damned mind. I should have been there for you when you were locked up. Your Mama weren’t there your Daddy would have been there. I guess I was just so disappointed—’
I placed my palm on his wrinkled fist. ‘Walter, it’s okay. It was a crazy time. I’ve forgiven Mama made sure of it.’ My smile reached my eyes.
‘That’s great. Camille was always a great woman. I’ll be here now don’t worry. Word of advice be careful of Angry Betty.’
Walter was right about Angry Betty, she was a tyrant. She thought everyone who came to her door or walked on her lawn was after her. She hadn’t blasted at me yet. I had spotted her watching me from living room window.
The next day I made breakfast for Comrade and left him watering his plants in the back yard. He couldn’t just sit around and do nothing. Worried me at times. I didn’t have to be at the garage until after lunch, so I decided to check out the new coffee and bakery.
It was called Rebel Ways. It was a modern and intimate place. Black counter tops, rose gold tables and vanished wood floors. I recognized the girl at the counter from high school. Rebel Sandy.
She owned the place or at least it appeared so. She and I weren’t exactly friends. Though, we did socialize.
‘Addie? Is that you?’ She shook like a chiwawa.
She had red hair that brushed her jawline. Popping blue eyes and quick speech and high pitch tone.
‘Yeah, Rebel. I’m helping Grandpa out.’ I was a bit taken aback. She’d probably had one too many coffees. She’d always been a jittery person but this was a tad over.
‘Oh right. My Grandma told me he was forced to retire. So sad. Would you like to try our newest special?’
‘Uh… how much caffeine do you put in it?’
‘Huh? Oh no. I’ve been here for two days straight. Hectic running your own business. I could use a nap.’ She whirled and grabbed a mug from behind her.
I eyed the towers of cupcakes, croissants, muffins and various flour and cream products. Rebel fumbled with plastic cups and packets of sugar. She really did need a nap. There were less than ten people in the shop. Mostly students doing assignments on their laptops.
I tapped my fingers on the counter while Rebel battled to make my coffee. I half wanted to tell her to forget the coffee, I’d take a creamed doughnut. The bell on top of the door chimed and a tall blonde woman walked in.
‘Here you go.’ Rebel slid the black cup toward me. ‘Oh dear.’ Rebel muttered when the blonde woman appeared next to me.
There was something familiar about her. She wore black block heels, carried a nude handbag. She wore brown pants and a white tucked in blouse.
‘Amber Rayne?’ I lifted my brow.
The woman turned and smiled at me. Her smile grew bigger when her gaze fully fixed on me.
‘Addie! You didn’t tell me you were coming back!’ Her hand went to her lips. She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed.
‘You didn’t tell me you were blonde now!’
I released her and she flipped her straight honey blonde hair behind her shoulder.
‘I thought I’d try something different, you like it?’
I nodded. ‘You look great Amber.’
Amber and I became best friends while freshmen in high school. We were like two crossed fingers. Aside from Grandpa, Amber was the only person I had contact with in Chester Springs, still I didn’t tell her I was moving back. She was supposed to be my maid of honor three years ago.
She was heart broken when I left, but she went on to finish her degree in Business management in Chester Springs and we kept in contact through it all. I couldn’t make her graduation, something that still hurt. She looked great, she wasn’t that skinny brunet who was committed to wearing bright blue lace dresses anymore.
‘I can’t believe you did this to me! How long you been here for?’
‘Uh— about four days.’
Amber’s green eyes nearly popped out of her head. She fanned her face.
‘Wow Addie, four days? Were you going to call?’
‘I was… I just… coming back was a lot and I was worried about Grandpa.’
Amber nodded. ‘I heard about Comrade. Is Andrin helping you out?’
I rolled my eyes. ‘Please. He barely wants me around unless it’s to take advantage of me.’
I turned to Rebel who packed my creamed doughnuts in a cute rose gold box. Amber chuckled as the tiny bell sounded again.
‘Oh boy.’ Rebel muttered and turned away.
Amber put her hand on my shoulder, my eyes shot to the door. The box nearly slipped out of my hand.
Matthias walked up to the counter. Dressed in grey sweat pants, white sneakers and a white t-shirt. My heart ran a marathon when his turquoise eyes took me in. His black curly hair had been let to wander, just the way I loved it. I couldn’t unglue my eyes from his face. His removed his hand from his pocket, I blinked, he reached for Amber’s cheek and planted a kiss on her rosy face.
‘Hey babe.’ Amber giggled.
‘Babe?’ I whispered. This time the box slipped from my hand.
Rebel rushed round the counter to pick up my mess. A lump formed in my throat.
‘I was just about to call you. I forgot to tell you I wouldn’t be heading to the gym. Your mother and I are heading to the Society Club.’
‘How unfortunate for you.’ Matthias chuckled, his eyes rooted on me.
‘I’ll get you another order Addie.’ Rebel said.
I snapped back to reality, the grip on my now cooling coffee returned so did the fire in my soul!
‘No, no Rebel, forget about it.’
‘Adele.’ Matthias said.
My chest heaved, I shot daggers at Amber. She had her manicured hand around Matthias’ bicep.
‘I didn’t think you’d come back.’ Matthias added.
‘I’m sorry Matthias, I didn’t know I had to consult with you before returning to the town I was born in!’
‘Oh Addie…’ Amber started. I raised my hand. The few heads in the shop turned out way.
‘What the hell Amber? Matthias really?!’
‘What Addie? What’s wrong with us?’ She pressed her body closer to Matthias and shrugged.
I gasped and blinked.
‘You left Addie and I don’t need to remind you that you were the one that hurt Matthias.’
‘You know I didn’t. We’re best friends, you didn’t even tell me, you never brought it up!’
‘I know Addie, but you’ll get used to us. We’re getting married.’
I held myself from gasping, I kept my eyes from Matthias. I turned to the counter and rummage in my bag for change.
‘It’s okay Addie, this one’s on the house.’ Rebel's brows furrowed as she handed me a new box of doughnuts.
I kept my head down as I walked out of the shop. I couldn’t stop the sniffles, nor the tear drops that rolled down my cheeks. My cold coffee split on my shirt when I clutched it against my chest and cried down the streets. Causing heads and eyes to roll at me, yet again.

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  • avatar
    Princess Partulan

    As soon as she left the hotel Su Quin recieved a phone call from zhou luo Qian Qian the hospital has notified me of the An Ans medical expenses


  • avatar
    Muhammad Haikal

    great story and have many positive attribute


  • avatar

    Very interesting love story. I want to read it again.


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