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Chapter 6: Little Boy (Part II)

Today, Marcus and Rose had already planned to see their beloved daughter, Dianne. But were caught amid a periodical conference meeting. The emperor and the empress who sat at the top seat wore a severe expression on their faces.
'Let's get this over with, I miss my little Dianne!'
The topic at hand was about the natural disasters that's slowly destroying the ecosystem of the whole land of Hydros.
"More than 10 extinct animals were found dead at the Physis's Forest, Your Majesties." said Marquess Bernard whose part of the expedition team of Hydros.
Eyes of some aristocrats that were present in the conference hall widened, some started murmuring.
The hall became silenced when Marquess Bernard coughed twice.
"While the tide gauge measurements shows that the rate of sea level rise is accelerating, it has more than doubled from 2.05 inches to 4.1 inches."
A countess yelped in shock.
"If this continues,the whole land of Hydros..."
The Marquess nodded in response to the terrified countess.
"The drought had swallowed almost all of the northern provinces in Physis. Land inspectors reported that the soil there was dead and the temperature was scorching." said the Duchess Arabella, whose also a part of the expedition team.
The empress gasped.
"Oh my goodness! What is happening to this holy land? If my memory serves me right, the northern provinces of Physis was a land filled with trees and vegetation..." said Rose who once lived in the Lylak Province, that's located in the northern provinces of Physis.
Marcus looked at Rose's shocked face, he gently held his queens hands. As he try to reassure his wife that everything will be all right.
When the empress had calmed down, the duchess continued reciting her reports.
"And is now spreading through the forest's of Physis, priests from the holy capital predicted that a few years from now it will swallow the whole land of Physis and soon after it'll reach the Zephyrus Empire."
There was a moment of silence, and people just exchange glances, before the meeting hall became noisy like a market.
"Your highness! If it goes like this...this land will soon meet its destruction!"
"What should we do!?"
The Emperor stayed silent. His mind was clouded with thoughts. Suddenly, an image of his daughter appeared from his inner thoughts. He clenched both of his fists closed.
As the tense conference continued, a royal maid quietly walked in and shyly sauntered to the Emperor and Empress, and whispered a grave matter to their ears.
The empress suddenly stood from her chair while the emperor slammed the conference table with a crashing thump. Both of them hurriedly stepped foot out of the conference hall.
Losing the presence of their king and queen, the aristocrats looked at one another in a momentary sense of confusion.
The conference hall became noisy suddenly.
"If it's about the princess..."
"The princess born not too long ago?"
A while had passed that they had forgotten the grave discussion regarding the disasters the land of Hydros is facing. The aristocrats began sharing stories and information about their precious little princess, Dianne.
"I heard that her hair has the same color like her mother, the empress herself."
"And that she inherited her blue eyes from the emperor."
They all came to the conclusion that the princess was cute, utterly cute. As she was too young to be placed in the public light, many rumors about her circulated in a mass.
But the topic quickly moved onto a different route.
"Have you heard the news about the blinding light not too long ago?"
"Why, of course... It was the princess's first stroll outside but such accident happened."
"Our poor princess..."
"What could be the problem this time?"
The aristocrats began worrying about Dianne's health. Tension and uneasiness rose throughout the conference hall.
'Princess, please grow up healthy and well!'
Was the aristocrats wishes, but unfortunately, their wishes did not reach Dianne, who at this time , playing with a white cats tail without a single idea of what was happening to the world outside her room.
If I were to describe my room, there's one perfect word that would fit the description.
"Knights! Get that white creature away from the princess!"
"Can't you see that we're trying!?"
"That creature is a divine beast!"
"Stupid!Be carefull!"
Demetre, which was the devine beast that the knights and nanny Miranda stated, sat next to me, at the small space of my crib. Wiggling it's soft furry white tail at my face.
He hisses loudly when somebody comes close to my crib, emitting a bright golden aura at the same time.
Afraid that the devine beast's suspiciously aura might cause harm to my precious infant body, nobody dared to come any closer.
"Princess..." nanny Miranda cried in distress.
Not long after. The door swung open with a loud bang that it broke. Father and mother hurried inside.
'De ja vu.'
Father looked pissed. He was about to draw his sword but mother stopped him from doing so.
She turned to nanny Miranda.
"Tell me what exactly happened here, Miranda." mother said in a very cold and serious tone.
"We were busy cleaning and organizing the princess's things when all of a sudden, that white creature appeared out of nowhere and sat beside the princess. We tried approaching the creature but it only hissed and it even scratched one of her highness's maid's hands!" nanny Miranda said in a pitch like voice.
The scratching of hands was not part of the plan, that's why I'm feeling a sense of guilt right now.
"Kiddy!" I happily said while playing Demetre's furry tail, he purred.
My once noisy room became quiet as a ghost town.
'Damn it,If Hestia were to see this,she will surely laugh her ass out.'
"Wamp!Kiddy kiddy ith maym!" Want! Kitty kitty is mine!
"Kitty?" everyone exclaimed at once, surprised.
Marcus slowly walked straight to where my crib is. To my surprise, Demetre isn't hissing no more.
The emperor is like a walking zombie with his eye's locked onto me. Father stopped when he's already in front of me.
"You want the kitty?" he softly asked.
I grinned widely at him and nodded while hugging Demetre's tail.
"Me wamp kiddy..." I want the kitty.
The Emperor looked at me expressionlessly. Then he shooked his head.
"You can't, that thing is dangerous----"
"Hwate!" Hate!
"What do you hate----"
"Baba! Hwate!" Father,hate!
The Emperor opened his two eyes wide. I felt as if he had been shocked. Same as everyone whose watching our exchange of words.
"Baba?You mean father right? But the hate part,I ... I'm sure I heard wrong. There's no way Dianne hates me."
"Me hwate baba!" I hate father!
His face was like he had lost his country.
"Hwate!Hwate!" Hate! Hate!
"No! Please don't hate your father!" Marcus cried helplessly. The scene was tearful,it was hard to keeps your eyes open.Marcus's face, who had been hated by his daughter, looked miserable.
Mother hurriedly went beside her husband with a gloomy look on her face.
"Dianne..." Rose whispered.
"Mama! Me wamp kiddy!" Mother, I want a kitty!
"Oh my goodness!You called me mama!" mother proudly said with a beaming smile on her face.
"Mmm! Mmm! Mama, me wamp kiddy!" Yes! Yes! Mother, I want the kitty!
"But Dianne---"
"Mmmp! Hwate! Mama,hwate." Mmmp! Hate! Mother, hate!
Tears began to form onto my mothers beautiful golden eyes. Which made me and the people in my room shook.
"Me wownt hwate mama baba, if mama baba giwve me kiddy..." I won't hate mother and father, if mother and father give me the kitty.
Both of my parents froze,they then turned to each other, eyes locked. Marcus and Rose was having a heart to heart conversation through their eyes.
I smiled victoriously as soon as I heard their reply. While Demetre wiggled his tail in delight.
"Okay you have our permission, you can have the kitty. Please dont hate us, Dianne..."

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    nice! keep updating po hihi 🥰


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    Highly recommend! It’s a one of a kind story. I love it.


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    Rona Mae Faraon Amistoso

    Highly recommended story, Good job author keep it up👍👏


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