

Aure – The Goddess of the Sky [Fallen Goddesses Series #1]

Aure – The Goddess of the Sky [Fallen Goddesses Series #1]


The Start

There, at the heavenly skies of the Kingdom Of Aquilon –– known as the kingdom of purification and home to countless of air mythical creatures, was a floating castle standing tall with beauty and elegance.Inside, at the tallest tower of the castle, was a woman. A celestial being, lazily eyeing down the busy streets of her kingdom.
Strands of the woman's vibrant long golden hair slowly fell from her shoulders, as she leans down into the balcony's tower.
The woman closed her eyes, and took a deep breathe.
"Time does flies fast, just like the wind..." the woman mumbled to herself, and then smiled.
"Huh!At last!After so many days of torture, I get to experience a break..." she sarcasticly said to herself, then clicked her tongue.
"I hate paper works so much. If only I could destroy all of them with my Divine Powers. Why do I even have to suffer all of this! I'm a goddess for heavens sake!I'm an immortal! The Ruler of the Skies!How dare those stupid ..." she suddenly stopped talking when she felt a strong presence behind her.
"I greet Her Majesty –– Aure Aquilon, the Goddess of the Sky and Wind." said the man as he kneel down to the woman who was just a meter away from him.
The Ruler of the Kingdom of Aquilon.
Goddess of The Skies and The southern,eastern,western and northern Winds, Aure Aquilon.
One out of the innumerable offsprings of the Almighty God of all gods and goddesses, King Constantine.
She is the first daughter of Queen Hera –– the goddess of women, love ,marriage and childbirth and is also the legitimate wife of King Constantine.
With a skin as white as the heavenly clouds, blue eyes that replicates the skies, silky long golden hair brighter that the rays of the sun, slender delicate body so precious as the diamonds of heaven and finally red lips redder than the red roses. The Goddess is one of the five beauties, owning a title of –– The third Beauty of Heavens.
The woman suddenly groaned as if she was experiencing some extreme pain.
"What is it that you need?" she said lazily with a hint of annoyance. The woman then glanced at the butler who interrupted her sweet little break time.
"I've been told that, Her Majesty Aure is needed in the Aquilon's Counsil Meeting..."
'What the –– those heartless, cunning bastards!Seriously? Can't I experience even an hour of break?'
She sighed, and then straightened her posture.
"Tell them that I will be there in a minute..." the woman wasn't able to complete what she's saying, because of the screams she was hearing below, from her people.
'What in the heavens is going on?'
Her eyes widened of what she saw in front of her.
The sea that's surrounding her entire kingdom... was slowly disappearing from existence.
She was cut off from her thoughts seconds later. The ground started rumbling in anger! The screams of her people became louder than before. Screams of horror can be heard from here and there.
The woman was shocked to felt such a shocking sensation coming from her body. She clasped her chest and not for long, the weird feeling slowly disperse.
She panted heavily and her heart calmed down a bit. Her face became pale just now...
'What was that weird feeling?'
It was like something pierced the woman's heart.
The rumbling stopped
An idea suddenly crossed her mind.Her eyes widen
"It can't be..."
The Goddess closed her eyes.
'I summon thee,Demetre. Come forth! Spread your wings and serve your master!'
Suddenly, neighs of a horse were heard in the Skies of Aquilon.
A beautiful white winged horse creature appeared in front of her, it landed at the balcony's tower gracefully and then lowered its head.
Aure patted the head of the winged creature.
Demetre, a male White Pegasus, was a gift from her mother, Her Majesty –– Queen Hera, when Aure became an official Goddess of the Immortal Realm. It was the time when the title of being the Goddess of the Skies was bestowed to her by her father, His Majesty –– King Constantine.
"Raphael, tell the counsil that I will be paying a visit to His Majesty ,King Constantine –– my father's Realm."
The butler named Raphael, respectfully bowed his head, "As you wish, Your Majesty Aure, have a safe trip..."
Demetre lowered his body for his master.The Goddess then sat at its back.
Rising back on its fours.His wings widened open, revealing its shiny and magnificent white wings. It flapped its wings. With a cheerful neigh, the pegasus flung himself forward and flapped its wing, flying into the heavenly sky of Aquilon.
The woman watched how the Kingdom she rules grew smaller as she went further up.
The icy wind prickling her smooth skin,her golden blonde hair flew vibrantly.
She stared down at sea below. The woman couldn't help but to mentally curse.
"Here we are..." the goddess patted Demetre.
Beneath the woman was an island surrounded by black clouds, where the Portal that connects the Mortal Realm and the Immortal Realm is located.
The portal was guarded by a gate keeper, named Hione.
Demetre let out a grunt and dived down, flapping his wings widely as he slowly landed on the rocky ground cliff of the Island. He lowered its body, she then slide down from its back and gracefully landed on the rocky surface.
Suddenly a tall black figure appeared from the shadows. Revealing a tall handsome looking blonde haired man, wearing his black cloak.
"Gate keeper Hione."
The gate keeper bowed his head."Greetings to Her Majesty, Aure."
"I want to pay a visit to my fathers Realm."
The man silently nodded. He then waved his hand.The once, dark scary looking forest suddenly turned into a beautiful garden.Fairies and others sparkly creatures are flying everywhere. In front of her, about a meter away from where she's standing,was a Portal.
"What is it?" she was shocked. Hione called her by her name!
"Don't do something stupid...sister." the gate keeper disappeared after that.
'Was that an insult or what?'
The woman clicked her tongue in annoyance. Her eyes were closed and was shaking her head as she walk forward. A blindingly blazing light suddenly consumed her body as she walk through the portal.
Her eyes snapped open and starred back at the eyes who's eyeing her intensively.
"Aure Aquilon, my lovely daughter, the Rulers of the Skies. Welcome home."
She took a step forward and bowed her head while her right hand's rested by her chest.
"I, The Goddess of the Sky and Wind, Greet the Star and Power of the Immortal Realm ... His Majesty, King Constantine and Her Majesty, Queen Hera."
The Goddess raised her head. Pairs of expressionless golden eyes greeted her. Chills suddenly rolled down to her spines.
"I don't want frail offsprings in this Realm." said the king who was sitting casually on his almighty throne.
Murmur of the other higher up gods and goddesses filled the room.
Her eyes widen in shock.
"Wha – what do you mean, father?" she stuttered.
"I banished 2 weak siblings of yours, threw them down to that stupid world called Earth. Is that what you expect me to say?"
She was speechless...her fist clenched in anger. Veins are starting to pop from her forehead.
The king has a grin while his face remained monotous.
"I've wiped out almost all of their memories as an immortal, they still has their devine power with them though –––"
"Is it them?"
The man smiled innocently."Oh ho. As expected from my smartest offspring.I haven't even mentioned a single name. Yet you –––"
"Father! This is pure nonesense! Stop this all at once!"
The atmosphere of the room abruptly changed. She glanced at the surprised woman who was been silently sitting like a Queen on her throne since her arrival. The Queen's eyes were filled with worry.
That was the last words the woman heard from her mother, before a blinding light consumed her.
"I wasn't planning to exile you, my lovely daughter. But I guess you want to be with those lowly sisters of yours that bad..." said the King ,as a mischievous grin slowly creep into the man's face.
A deep, low voice muttered as she felt her body in float midair.Unfamiliar hand envelop her body and brought her to his chest.
"Dianne...Dianne.What a lovely name.Just like her lovely mother..."
The man laughed,his finger running over the corner of her lips.It was a foreign language, but strangely,it felt familiar to her...
'What is happening, really?'
The Goddess fluttered her eyes open, trying to comprehend her current situation.
Aure's thoughts kept breaking apart and scattering away. She could not hold out her thoughts long enough to ponder over what had occured. She knew someone was holding her in their arms and cradling her back and forth. She could not do anything but shift her head.She had no energy to do anything else.
"A few days has passed and our Dianne's grown quite a lot."
"Yes, bless the heavens... It makes me glad that our sweetheart has grown up healthy and without problems."
A voice of a man and a woman was heard.
Perhaps...she was born again.
‘Wait a minute... born again!?’
For some odd reason, a tear slipped out from the corner of her eyes.It was not out of happiness but from the thought that she had a loving family in this lifetime.She recalled her powerful and cruel father looking at her once with great happiness and her mother abandoning her after her debut as a goddess.Since then, her relationship with her so called parents had become distant.
She felt tired knowing she would have to live through a repeated cycle of misery.
'I just want a happy and peaceful life'

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    nice! keep updating po hihi 🥰


  • avatar

    Highly recommend! It’s a one of a kind story. I love it.


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    Rona Mae Faraon Amistoso

    Highly recommended story, Good job author keep it up👍👏


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