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Chapter 7 - Are We Partners?!

"Hi Shara! What are you doing?"
I looked up and saw Hades standing in front of me. Caseth and Ziro wasn't with him and I don't know why. They are always together and rarely apart. I don't even know what's with him.
"Ah, maam just told me to bought something. Why?" I asked while fixing the plastic I was going to take to maam.
"Nothing. I just really came here to see if you're okay," he replied smiling so I looked at him.
My brows furrowed while looking at him."Huh? Why wouldn't I be okay? I'm not even sick, Hades."
Honestly, we're not really close. We barely talk to each other even if he's a talkative guy. Only now did he approach me like this and he even asked if I was okay. Seriously ?! Did he eat something or what?
He was about to talk when Ziro suddenly arrived. He smiled at me and whispered something to Hades. I don't know what are they talking about because I couldn't hear their conversation. I'm not an eavesdropper either so I just ignored them. I'm done here too so I just passed them without them noticing either. They are busy talking with something that the two of them just know.
I had only taken a few steps when I saw Caseth approaching in my direction. My eyes widened and stepped backwards before running away from the other direction. Gosh! Why does he even need to show up to me?! After that embarrassing moment last day, I've been avoiding him as much as I can. I still can't move until now. Gosh!
"Maam, here's what you've asked me." I gave her a plastic one as well as change.
"Thank you Ms. Lindzbergh."
After she handed over the payment I thanked hir first before leaving. This has been my work since the first year. Every recess time and lunch break, I'm going to roam around the school to serve the teachers. Not minding what they will order me and then they will pay me afterwards. All the teachers here already know me, even the principal.
"Doesn't it hurt anymore?"
"Argh, shit!" I exclaimed when someone suddenly spoke next to me. I almost dropped my phone while I was replying to Maui's message.
"Why are you shocked?! I look like a ghost in your eyes," he scolded me so because I was annoyed I hit him.
"Why are you here again?! I almost dropped my phone, did you know that?!"
I opened my phone again and sent a message to Maui that I was going to the session hall. She told me that I'm going to be the representative for our section in the upcoming English quiz bee. I just went out to get water from the dispenser because I ran out of water in my tumbler. Our teacher said that there will be an assembly on the hall so I must go there. She said I was exempted from 2 subjects.
"Why are you always stupid, huh?! Can you check what you're doing before you tex?. Tsk."
I was stunned when he suddenly closed the dispenser and then I found out that the water in my tumbler was overflowing. When I looked at him, he's already walking away. I just ignored him and just drank water to get to the session hall. I was running under the heat of the sun because the hall was 16 meters away from my building. Plus, I only have 15 minutes left before the assembly will start.
"Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?" I asked the girl while pointing to the chair next to her.
He's with guys and there's no girls on their side. The ugly thing is if I'm the only girl with them. Besides, I don't feel like mingling with them.
Before I could even speak, someone pulled me that made me sat on the chair. My eyes widened and looked to my side so I was even more surprised.
Why is he always with me?! Even though we always meet, I’m still shocked whenever I saw him with me. Like, we just met a few minutes ago. Then even here in the session hall we will be together?! Is the world getting smaller for the two of us?
"Why did you grabbed my hand?" I asked him annoyingly.
He raised an eyebrow at me."So, you preferred to sit there with those morons? Do you know how many of them are?!"
Why is he pissed right now?!
"Did I say something like that?! Why do you still seem angry even though I didn't do anything bad to you?!" I scolded him because he was really annoying.
Well, always.
"You're the one offered the seat, you're still cursing. You can sit with them if you want. It's up to you." He crossed his arms over his chest, probably irritated.
I did the same way too while mocking him."I didn't say anything like that, tsk. He even grabbed my hand without telling me. What if I fall to the ground and students will see it. Psh!"
I heard him murmured something but I just ignored him. He also didn't speak so I wasn't bored until the three teachers came to the front of the stage. Sometimes, I can't help but to take a glance on him. He didn't notice me because he's too busy typing something on his phone. I even saw the name 'Ashley' so I knew she was a woman right away.
Tsk. He was angry earlier because he said I wasn't focused on getting water so he overflowed and then he texted even though the teacher was speaking in front. Though, I know he wouldn't be scolded because he's the owner of this school.
"From the 4th year Section D, Cassandra Ashlen."
"Present please, ma'am."
"From the 4th year Section C, Lander Oxford."
"Here, ma'am."
"From the 4th year Section B, Shantal Farah Lindbergh."
I immediately stood up and smiled. "Present, maam."
"It's going to be the last. From 4th year Section A, Cahleen Seth Monteserio."
I turned my gaze on him beside me and seems like he didn't hear the name calling. How can he hear if he is busy typing on his phone?! He didn't even listen or give a single opinion about the contest that will be held the next day. Can't he really postpone what he's doing?!
"Again. From the 4th year Section A, Cahleen Seth Monteserio," Mrs. Rivera but he still hadn't heard.
Damn him! We'll be late here if he doesn't answer yet. Argh. I get his phone that made him looked at me with his mouth open. I glared at him and motioned him to face in front and so he did. His eyes widened to look at the teachers who could not paint the face as well as the murmuring students. Psh. Stupid ass!
"W-What is it?" he asked and arranged to sit down.
"Why aren't you listening, Mr. Monteserio?! I've been calling you over and over again," the teacher in front said sternly.
Who wouldn't be annoyed if he was still talking but not listening to you. Tsk.
"I'm doing something important, didn't you notice?!" his philosophical answer that I struggled with.
Important?! Duh. He was just texting. Who knows if he's flirting, right?
After the assembly, we were asked to go to the library for some research. And you know what?! It's by pair and Caseth was my partner. I don't even know if he can do anything good because he always focuses his attention on his phone. We're partners in the English quiz bee but I'm the only one scratching for the two of us. He didn't even help me for once! Ugh! I hate him for being my partner.
"Damn! Useless! How I wish it's just an individual activity so that I won't be stressed," I whispered while reading the encyclopedia.
I couldn't even count the times that I rolled my eyes because of annoyance. Hmp!
I saw how his eyebrow arched and put down his phone. I only saw it in my peripheral view, why ?! Besides, I don't care if he heard it or not. Who cares if he was hit by what I said.
"What am I going to do?" he suddenly asked but I still continued reading. He'll take care of that.
I stopped reading when he suddenly dropped the book I was reading and missed me. I looked at him with a confused reaction. He's so attention seeker really. I read and then he disturbed me.
"Look, I'm not joking around so give me back the book. If you don't want to study for the next day, just quit on it. 'Don't touch me," I hissed and reached for the book on his hand.
My eyes widened when I tripped so I didn't accidentally hug him. I was still shocked on what I did and haven't recovered yet. I just came back to trance when he sneezed so we fixed ourselves right away. I couldn't look at him directly because of ashamed. I immediately took the book in his hand and went to a table to sit there.
"So, what am I going to do? Staring at you all the time?" he asked as he sat down in front of me.
I hit him with the book so he complained. The other students looked at us."What should be done in the library, huh?! You can say the rosary if you want. You didn't listen to the assembly earlier."
"I'm texting some ---"
"Shut up, will you?! I'm reading what you're making noise," I answered with a sigh and resumed what I was doing.
Good thing he isn't disturbing me anymore. He's reading the books that I get from the shelves and I find him serious while doing that. That's better too. Or else we'll fail the contest and it will be embarrassing. As much as possible, I don't want them to get disappointed. I also know that this dumbass is smart because he is also first in their section. Well, the teachers actually took first honor to enter the contest. Though, the contest that will be held the next day is for our school only. Then the team that wins every grade will be considered in the division on Saturday. Gosh! This would be really exciting and at the same time nervous.
"Ah! I picked the wrong book. I think it was supposed to be that one," I whispered to myself while shopping for a book on the shelves.
My face lightened when I saw the book that I was searching for. I was about to get it but sadly, I couldn't reach for it. I'm not very short. It's just that the shelves is so big and the book that I want to get was on the 7th line. What the!
An idea popped out on my head and get the chair near it. I'm in the other corner that has no students so maybe it's my chance to get it. The librarian is just at the counter so he probably doesn't see what I'm going to do. I slowly put the chair down and I sat on it.
I was very happy when I got the book but I saw a cockroach come out so I was confused. I accidentally slipped on the chair and it creates sound. I closed my eyes and waited to fall in the floor but it didn't happen. Did I float or what?
"Silly. Open your eyes now, you didn't fell."
When I heard that voice I immediately opened my eyes.
My eyes widened when I saw his face so close to mine. Like, there's just a few inches and we're gonna kiss.
"H-How did you catch me? Y-Youre not here earlier."
He gulped and suddenly looked away. "I was here. You didn't see me, don't you? Stupid. Tsk."
I just rolled my eyes and was about to stand up but my ankle hurts that's why I lost my balance. Fortunately, he was still holding me so I didn't fall.
"What the --- Students?! What are you doing?!"
We froze and slowly turned around with priceless reactions. The librarian was there and so with the other students. The ugliness of our position today is disgusting. Shocks!
"Don't wanna let go of my hand?"
I looked at him and at the hand of the two of us so I immediately let it go. Embarrassing. Wow! Why do I always get lost?!

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    جينا بيانيفي

    i love reading novels..


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    Nurul Aqilah

    this story very nice


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