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Chapter 5 - Acquaintance Party

"Perfect! You look so gorgeous, Shara. I'm really good at makeup."
I look at my reflection in the mirror after she finished putting something on my face. My eyes widened when I saw my own face. What kind of prayer did she do and I look like this?!
"Gosh! Is this me?! My goodness Maureen, what did you do to me?" I touched my whole face but she beat me because she thought my makeup might be removed.
Like duh. The thickness was over. I even told her to apply a light makeup but she didn't listen to me. What a prick!
"You don't want that?! Guys will approach you and will ask you to be their partner? You're so beautiful," she said and fixed my curly hair.
I don't know what's with her and she even changed the style of my hair. According to her, it suits me well since I'm wearing a makeup and a gown. It's up to me because I'm beautiful and can fit any hair style.
"I don't like attentions, Mau. And then it's embarrassing so if I have their attention. The section A will probably kill me because I got everyone's attention," I rolled my eyes, still looking at my outfit today.
I'm not really sure about this. Ugh.
I sat on the side first to watch him fix himself. She's wearing a beige V-neck gown that reveals her resentment. She also has boobs, just small. Her blond hair is tied on a bun that made her more elegant. She really knows how to dress up herself like a real model. Especially maybe if she's done putting on makeup. She can really bounce all the girls at Bannister Academy.
I looked at the clock in the wall of her room and it's already past 8:00 in the morning. Students were probably in the school right now. There's a lot of food there, I hope we can wrap a plastic one for Mama and Papa. Kidding!
"Gosh! Come on, we might get caught. Wait ... use my white sling bag to match what you're wearing. It's easy!" She pulled my hand away so I almost tripped.
"Ouch! If you can pull it out like I might. And just to tell you, I don't need that one. I have a bag oh, look." I even showed him my Jansport bag I bought at the divisoria. I barely use it because it's just for special occasions.
She rolled her eyes at me, looking so irritated."Seriously ?! We're not going to school, Shara. We're going to attend a very special event so might as well use this. You're unbelievable!"
"Just wait, Mau. Can you help me walk to your car? I couldn't walk properly because of my long gown and these heels that I don't know how to use." I struggled to walk with her expensive sling bag while holding one hand on the hem of my gown so I could walk properly.
"Shocks! You should learn from those, bess. Just walk normal and chill, trust me. You can do it, aja!"
"How could I? It's only now that I've been able to wear something like this. I might fall to the ground in the hallway and students will laugh at me. It's embarrassing." I was still stomping weakly because I might fall.
Could someone please tell me why did I agree on this situation?!
I was just playing with my fingers while taking a glance outside. Mau was driving the car while I'm sitting beside her, nervous. Can you blame me if I feel this way now?! Ever since the first year, I haven't tried wearing this kind if outfit, never in my whole life. When there are events like this, I don't participate much. Like, I just attend for my grades but I never did join their activities. I wore simple things, jeans, a white t-shirt, and shoes. I have no interest in those arts so I haven't bothered yet.
Maureen, on the other hand, has been my bestfriend since elementary school. We all stink of each other we know, including life’s problems. She convinced me thrice to wear something adorable so that people would like me. But me, being myself, doesn't matter what people say. Only now have I been tested like this because he allows me. Her reason is that it's already our last year as a highschool student so we better enjoy it. I enjoy it even if I don't wear this.
"We're here, Shara my bestfriend. Prepare yourself, we're going to the auditorium first to sign in," she said and left immediately so I was released as well.
There were a few students here in the parking lot, maybe they'll just arrive. We caught their attention and whispered something to each other. My self-esteem plummeted to the thought that I might look ugly.
"Just don't let me go, bess. You're really beautiful and still have confidence. I don't think if I could stand being like this in front of many students," I answered softly to him with a frown.
"What are you talking about?! There's no going back, I'm wasting my efforts on you. Let's go, I'll take care of you." She pulled me slowly so I did nothing and just followed.
I focused on the way, didn't bother to take a look at them. Why is it necessary to sign in in the auditorium, it can only be done at the gate. Annoying!
My body shrank even more when I saw so many students outside the auditorium. If they were here, maybe the auditorium was already full. God! I couldn't stand here any longer. I still don't like the way I look now, wah!
When we walked inside, they were staring at us as what I've expected. I'm not a feeler either, so maybe they're really looking at Mau. Right. She's so beautiful and sexy so they might stare at her. What about me, even though I don't have confidence in myself.
"Ikaw na bess. Just write your name and section then your thumb mark." She tapped me on the shoulder and stepped aside first because there were still others following me.
"You're so gorgeous today, Shara. Never expected that you'll wear a gown today."
I was about to leave after I put a thumb mark when the man in front of me suddenly spoke. My eyes widened when I saw Racer in front of me. He's wearing a white polo and a gray blazer on top of it. I didn't notice him earlier because I never raised my head to take a glance at the students around me. It's embarrassing!
"H-Huh? T-Thank you," I gave him a light smike before walking towards Mau and grabbed her hand, walking away.
"Wait, I'm still looking for something. We need to be in our section so that President Jelo could sign our attendance. There's a name calling in our section bess."
Instead of answering her, I just kept quiet because I saw some students looking at my outfit. I feel like the students here hate me. Seems like I don't belong to them. But maybe it's better than continuing to wear jeans and a shirt. Maybe I haven't entered the gate yet, they'll laugh at me.
"Hey, Maureen's here already. Look, who's with her?"
If it weren't for the fact that there weren't so many people here, I might have kicked Fiona earlier. Is she acting that she doesn't know me?!
"Shit! She's beautiful, she's like a model," Roses added.
I just rolled my eyes at them."Shut up! Shocking effect?! As if I do really look good because of their stares."
Their eyes widened and they hurried over to me. They kept on asking me if it's really me. They said they were surprised because I'm so beautiful now so it's bad if everyone stares at me. I let out a sigh after knowing that my posture wasn't bad after all. I don't doubt Mau's ability in what she did to me. What I'm thinking earlier is that it might not suits me better.
They stopped torturing me when the Trio just arrived in the entrance of the auditorium. As usual, students were screaming because the heartthrobs arrived. Caseth just had a serious reaction and then Ziro just smiled while Hades waved at the students they passed. They are really wearing the same thing because they are a group.
Seems like they were in the highest position because everytime they stepped on the carpet, everyone would step aside. Also, those newcomers just stepped aside to let them sign in to the logbook first. The principal, teachers, and those from section A who will host the stage arrived just in time.
After the opening of the event, the teachers gave a little announcement of what the do’s and don’ts are. When it was announced that they would eat, everyone immediately stood up and went to the middle of the ground because the party was there. Our whole section occupied the whole long table since every section was assigned to share a single table.
I was about to eat my food when I felt someone who's staring at me. I lowered my spoon and looked up. There, I saw Caseth in the other table next to us, looking intently at me. My brows furrowed and looked at my back, just in case someone was behind me. There are still women staring at him so maybe they are the ones he is looking at. I just shrugged my shoulders and eat my food because I'm really while listening to the announcements earlier.
"Hey, you've changed the rules again, haven't you?" Lorie suddenly asked and handed me desserts.
"Yeah. I just really hope Ziro pulls me out because it's really the best dream ever when that happens," Mau whispered as she arrived, bringing some muffins on her plate. Deadly hungry, hmp.
"What about you Shara? Who do you think in section A will get your name? The guys there are still handsome." Roses sat on the other side of me and dropped a plate of pork steak.
Jesus! Will she finish all that ?!
I shook my head and continued eating."I don't know, it's up to them. Besides, I won't bother to dance with him whoever he is. I just really attended for grades, I have no plans to dance. I don't even know how."
"It should work! It's a waste of your makeup, girl. I will feel so glad if one of the Trio asked me to dance," Kyla said softly while still walking towards her chair.
"Stop drea---"
"So now, we're going to start the dancing contest. There's a prize to be won by the King and Queen of the Night so what are you waiting for? Boys, pick your partner in the box," the host suddenly spoke so everyone shouted.
I didn't even finished my words. While me? I almost die in nervous. Who is the guy that will come to me?! My God!
"Alright! Girls, scatter in the middle of the ground and wait for someone to ask you for a dance," the host added so I did nothing but hang out.
I was separated on my friends and I don't know where they are. I saw some of them were already dancing with their chosen partner. I get out of place because I'm the only one standing here in the middle. Haist. I just hope that no one picked my name or else I'm doomed. I don't really know how to dance!
"Seems like you're going to be my partner tonight."
I froze after hearing his voice.
W-What is it? I slowly turned around, nervously. I don't even know why I'm nervous.
"W-What did you just say? Maybe I just misheard, right?" I asked him, feeling so uneasy.
He smirked and let me see the paper he was holding."You don't misheard it, ugly. Think about it, I pulled out your name."
I looked at Caseth, still processing those words coming from him. I even handed him the paper to take a closer look at the name but I was disappointed. No matter how I reread it, nothing changed. It's me, his partner.
"Holy mother of hell!" I just whispered.
"By the way, you look so stunning tonight. Can we have a dance?" He held his hand in front of me and I don't know what to say.
This is just a dream right?

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    جينا بيانيفي

    i love reading novels..


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    Nurul Aqilah

    this story very nice


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