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Chapter 6

Aicah's POV
We couldn't sleep all night, we also reported to the police that Aubrey was missing.
Almost all of us are worried, where did she go.
"My God! Where is my daughter!" mommy was crying.
I came over to hug her, daddy was with the police looking for Aubrey.
"What if she's already lost? What if she's already kidnapped !?" terrified mommy said.
I touched both her cheeks and looked at her.
"That won't happen mommy, they'll find her daddy, okay?" I calmed her down.
"MOMMY!!!" shout of a familiar voice.
We immediately turned around and we weren't mistaken, it was Aubrey.
He ran to us and mommy and I hugged her, we also hugged her back.
We were so happy because she was back and nothing bad happened to her
"My God! Thank you!" Mommy said while continuously crying
We called daddy to say that Aubrey was here.
When daddy got home, she told us what happened to her.
she seemed to get lost in the forest because she was following the butterfly she saw.
Until she landed in a house and there she stayed first.
she also said that she thought of spending the night there.
After that, mom and dad instructed us not to go out or leave the house.
We nodded, then they let Aubrey rest in the room.
I went out first to talk to Jia on the phone.
"Aubrey is home" I said happily.
(REALLY? That's good! Your brother is stubborn)
"Yes indeed! If only I could give a sermon" I replied.
(Ah just be careful! Don't run away like your sister! HAHAHA)
"Hey! I'm not going to run away! Crazy!" I said while laughing.
(Alright i have to finish my nails BYE! HAHAHA)
"Bye bye" I said as I hung up the phone.
After we talked, I was about to enter but I felt like someone was watching me, so I turned around to see if anyone was there but I didn't see anything.
I just ignored that and entered the house.
"Aicah hija, are you going to go upstairs? Please give it to your sister," Mommy said with a smile and then handed me a tray containing cookies.
I smiled and accepted it.
When I entered the room I almost dropped the tray I was holding when I saw aubrey's arm.
It was full of scratches and he also had a lot of scars, we didn't notice it before because she was wearing a long sleeve.
When she saw me her eyes widened then ran to the door and locked it.
I put the tray on the side table and pulled her to sit on the bed.
"What happened to you ?! Who did that to you ??" I asked tearfully.
"I'm okay Aicah, you don't have to worry" she replied.
"No !! tell me who did that to you ??!" I feel a mixture of anger and concern.
"No way!" annoyed by this answer then go to the cabinet.
I got up and followed her.
"What happened !? I'll report you to mommy if you don't tell the truth!" I threatened her.
she looked at me seriously.
"Would you believe me if I told you the truth?" its high eyebrow question.
I nodded in response, she started talking.
But I'm confused, maybe she'll watch horror movies so he can imagine that he's the hero but she doesn't seem to be telling the truth either.
I don't know if I believe there are monster, it's just a scare for children.
"Oh look! I'm going to tell you, you don't want to believe" she said annoyed and then scolded me.
I was about to speak but suddenly blew out loud.
she’s not just ordinary air as if something was hinting at it.
So I approached the window so that I could close it when I caught sight of a man.
It was standing in the distance, close to the tree and looking straight at me.
Scary! does he look like this? I immediately closed the window even though he still didn't take his eyes off me.
I quickly went back to bed out of fear.
"Hey? Are you okay?" wrinkled when Aubrey asked.
I shook my head before answering.
"There's a man there not far away". He got up immediately and opened the window again to look at the man I was talking about.
I was shocked when she suddenly waved.
"AAAAHHH !! THIS IS REALLY CRAZY!" I was so annoyed that I threw a pillow at her
"ouch!" she moaned in pain then turned to me.
"Why are you waving that? Do you know that?" annoyed I asked.
"No, but it was still yesterday so look at it, maybe he has a crush on me." she answered thrilling.
Aba! the thickness really of this woman's face.
I stood up to close the window again.
Aubrey is really crazy! later that bad person might even ruin us for what she's doing.
The next few days were fine but I noticed that every morning aubrey would leave the house and then return in the afternoon.
I tried to ask her where she went every morning, she said she was just picking fruits in the forest.
Eh, when she came home, she didn't bring even one fruit.
I'm really curious where this woman is going! Maybe later she'll have a boyfriend here, she's just hiding from us and then she'll get pregnant and then they'll avoid visiting!
Hayss !! not allowed! I will not let that happen.
I decided to follow aubrey wherever she went, I needed to know if she was hiding anything from us.
I slowly followed her and every time she stopped to turn around I quickly hid in the huge trees.
What is she doing here in the forest? we've been walking here before but I haven't seen any fruits.
I continued to follow her until she stopped at a large house.
she entered without even knocking so I quickly approached the door and put my right ear to it so that I could listen to whoever he was talking to inside.
I was so shocked when the door suddenly opened that I sank into the chest of the person who opened it.
When I lifted my face I saw the serious face of this man.
"Who are you? What are you doing here" its serious question to me.
I ignored him and looked around the house and there I saw Aubrey looking at me in shock.
"What are you doing here Aicah !!" she asked incredulously.
"You ?? What are you doing here?" I asked back.
she hurried over to me and grabbed my arm.
"We're leaving" it said confusedly.
"Just a moment." the man stopped in front of me.
"Your blood smells weird" it said emphatically. "
You're right, she's not an ordinary person" said by another
"What do you mean Simoun? Jacobo?" aubrey asked confused while still holding my arm tightly.
Wait! what's in my blood then how could they say that my blood smells weird? What are they ???
Hayyy these weird people.
There was a woman who approached us and invited us inside, I didn't want her to be so beautiful, I couldn't refuse.
He also looked kind unlike the two men

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  • avatar

    its a good novel...its had many of moral values....and its so good to read and time pass


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  • avatar
    Jomel Estrada

    thank you for this


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