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Chapter 1

Sapient University's annual fundraiser event is coming up. S.U is one of the most prestigious schools here, with top notch learning facilities and outstanding professionals. It's a rough challenge to enter this school and I worked so hard to achieve my goal. That is why I'm always proud of it.
I am Savelle Roxia Elviera, a grade twelve student here in Sapient University and the current campus president. With no intention of boasting, I always tell people about all of my accomplishments. A consistent honor student, an inspiration to the younger Sapients and an aspiring novelist— Are the treasures I continuously maintain.
Anyways, I woke up earlier than usual today so I decided to get ready and go to school early so I'll spare some time to go around the campus. After all, me and Vrylle are beyond enthused for the upcoming S.U FUNdraiser... An event that our school hosts every year to gain money for donation purposes. As the campus president, I planed to add more activities for the event and with the help of my officers and my friends, the plans were made possible.
Vrylle and I arrived at the same time so we walked around the campus to check if all the other graders are preparing their booths and stations for the program, said to happen two weeks from now. When we walked pass the guidance office, Vry and I overheard the sound of teachers talking about a so called heartthrob performing in the event. How come I wasn't informed about it?
"Ooh, heartthrob hmm." Vry wiggled her eyebrows in a teasing manner, I shook my head after I slapped her arm jokingly. "Why didn't you tell me there's going to be a heartthrob? Is he really cute? He's from what school?"
"Vry! I don't know!"
She laughed and made a peace sign before running away towards the covered court to meet up with a friend. I was about to head to my first class when my English teacher, Missis Vaun, approached me the minute she came out from the guidance office and had a glimpse of me standing outside.
"Good morning Savelle." I smiled at her, she suddenly handed me this piece of paper that looked like a little pamphlet. "Sorry for not telling you sooner, but the teachers decided to invite a musician to perform in the fundraiser."
"Nothing to apologize about Missis Vaun, I think it's a great idea!" She smiled and patted my shoulder before going upstairs. I also went up because my class was about to start.
As I sat down my eyes automatically scanned the entire classroom, looking for Korics. We're in the same class and he sits in front of me but right now there's no sight of him anywhere. He's probably late, he's always late.
"Looking for Kor?" Nettheia sat beside me, she hissed and took her binder out from her bag and carefully went through her notes. "For sure he skipped the first subject."
"Theia, did you hear about this musician heartthrob? He's going to perform in the event, I don't know him though..."
"Wow, musician heartthrob huh." She smirked while holding a pen in her right hand. I rolled my eyes at her. Then I felt a hand touch my shoulder, I turned to see who it is and Korics is standing there. The lecturer sighed before telling him to take a seat. I guess she already got used to him being late. "Ay, hi Kor!"
"Musician heartthrob? You mean.. me?"
"Assuming." Theia and I said in sync.
Once the class concluded, Theia, Kor and I went to the library since our other lecturer has a meeting. Vry and Venylie were already there, waiting for us. As we sat down, I showed them the pamphlet I got from missis Vaun earlier today and they were all amazed. We planned so many activities and various performances from Sapients and even guest performers from other schools.
This event is open to everyone, all of the S.U students, students from other schools, and other civilians that are interested in joining the program. Anyone that is willing to help raise money for this year's chosen project, and it'll be donating money to support the children of the orphanage. I also heard that there will be a party at the exact time when midnight hits! I am beyond thrilled.
"Hey guys!" Ameelya Triz Vison, another one of my closest friends came running towards us in the library. The librarian silenced us because the noise Amee made caused a scene. "Oh, sorry!"
We all giggled, she looks so awkwardly embarrassed about what happened. I showed her the pamphlet and she gave more ideas. Theia and Vry were still teasing her for getting shushed and they both earned deadly stares from Amee, Venylie's reading a book and Korics stayed silent beside me.
"Are you okay?" I asked, a bit worried. Maybe something's bothering him.
"Yes, I am. I didn't come here to read though, I just wanted a place to chill." He casually said while looking at me, I stared back and stayed silent.
"You guys look cute together." Amee suggestively said, the others also agreed with her. Kor and I looked at each other before shrugging off their little opinion. "I bet you like each other."
"Whatever. Let's go eat lunch? I'm hungry and it's already lunch time." Korics stood up and when nobody else wanted to go he started pulling me to follow him and all the other students in the library started looking at us. "Guys come on, stand up."
"Kor shut it. Let go of me." He did let go, causing me to stumble and land on the floor. He helped me up whilst trying to contain his laughter. The librarian wasn't happy for how we acted, when I felt better I apologized immediately. We all went out and walked to the cafeteria, they were still laughing about what happened. "Stop, I'm getting annoyed."
The cafeteria was packed! We had troubles looking for a table, good thing there is one in the back corner that isn't occupied so we all hurried. Venylie offered to pay for the food and Vry offered to buy drinks. Theia and Amee ordered the food for us, so Korics and I started sharing ideas about the fundraiser. Vry and Venylie were looking at us in a weird manner.
"Savelle, you should dance in the event." Kor implied, pertaining to the performances in the event. I shoved him a little. "Why?"
"I would never!"
"Rox, Kor? Are you guys dating?" Vrylle asked while a huge grin is placed on her face. We both shook our heads and Vry looked a bit disappointed. "Oh what a shame..."
The conversation stopped when Theia and Amee approached us holding the trays of food. We started eating while talking about random stuff, I heard Amee's going to host a mini arcade booth in the fundraiser program with the help of Venylie. Theia, being one of the officers, is assigned to be the emcee. While Vry, Kor and I are in charge to handle the important details. Especially decorating.
While eating lunch with my friends I also took the time to check the entire pamphlet again, just to be sure that I didn't miss anything. The others were busy talking about a guy Amee met on an app that let's you converse with strangers, she said he was from another school near ours.
"Gosh. Invite him! This fundraiser event!" Vry said, Amee brushed it off and we started to get more inquisitive about this guy she's recently talking to. "Oh wait, maybe he's going to the fundraiser! Let's look for him Amee. Is he cute?"
"You've been asking that a lot today, Vry." I said.
We were about to leave when a junior high Sapient came near our table, I asked him what he needed and he stuttered a bit before saying he's got something to tell me.
"Presi Elviera! Sorry to interrupt but Missis Vaun ordered me to take you to the lounge." I looked over to my friends and they said they're going somewhere else since the lecturers are all busy fixing appointments for the big event. They waved goodbye before walking away. "She says it's urgent."
"So, what grade are you? I'm sorry I don't see you often around the campus." I initiated a conversation to ease the discomforted silence. He looked at me hesitantly, if not, well I think he's shy. "What's your name?"
"I'm.. Gav Flores." He said in a low tone, he is in front of me while I kept following him from behind, on our way to the lounge where missis Vaun's waiting. "Uh, grade nine student. Under Miss Ram del Carmen."
Flores? Familiar...
Gav left me in the lounge so I was alone waiting for Missis Vaun. A few minutes passed by and she's finally here, I looked at her as she's coming my way but then I noticed a tall guy behind her, also coming this way. He looked familiar, I probably saw him once or twice. I was caught off guard when I heard Missis Vaun call my name.
"Hello Savelle, let me introduce you to Gaeb Flores here. He's the musician I told you about." I didn't say anything, instead, I looked thoroughly at the guy and then I realized his surname is also Flores. How is he related to Gav? "Gaeb, this is Savelle. She's the campus president."
"It's a pleasure meeting you, Savelle." He smiled, I smiled back. He lend out his hand for me to shake. "I'm Gaeb, Gaeb Flores."
"Savelle Roxia Elviera." I offered my hand as well, and I earned, not just a handshake but also another flashing smile. "Are you related to Gav Flores?"
"He's my younger brother."
Gaeb and I discussed about his performance in the fundraiser and the other happenings around the program. Yet the thought of his surname being so familiar still hasn't left my mind, I could've sworn I heard that somewhere. He accompanied me until I reached the gate to wait for a cab and after that we went our separate ways. I got startled when Korics appeared out of nowhere. 
"Hey! What the hell." I frantically said out of shock. He just stared at me with his emotionless eyes.
"Who was that?" He asks, I believe Kor's pertaining to Gaeb. He might have saw us together.
"Gaeb? The musician Theia and I were talking about. Remember?" He started to think about it. When the cab pulled up I was about to go in when Korics suddenly held my wrist and I was forced to move a little closer to him. I had to look up, he's much taller than me. "Must you be so easily irritated?"
"Shut up. Get home safely Savelle." He said, I just stared at Korics before going in. I looked at him one last time and as the cab started to drive away, I could still hear him say some things. Shout, rather.
"Tsh Gaeb. I'm much more of a heartthrob than he is!"

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  • avatar

    we all wishes for happy ending in our lives, but not everyone is that lucky 😔 love the book ❤️


  • avatar
    Jouet Amina



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    Crizhel Ardon

    Very good


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