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Chapter 2- Dinner

The next day was Saturday, so there are no classes as expected. I usually got bored when it comes to this day. Yes, there are no classes, we are safe from all the activities, but the feeling of being stucked at home is killing me. It's super boring inside the house. I felt nothing but emptiness on me.
Usually, those are my complaints every weekends. But something very special was about to happen today that caused my boredom to vanished in an instant mode. At one snap of a finger, the boring feeling turned out to something exciting and worth looking forward to.
After hearing it from mom and dad that they invited my childhood friend Shan for a quick dinner here in our house made my heart jumped in joy. Dad was actually looking for my friend since he already missed the last time they both talked to each other. Mom, on the other hand, supported my dad's request. Imagine my excitement when they mentioned that to me. I was overwhelmed!
“You rarely bond with Shan, so I thought of inviting him for dinner.” That is dad's other reason as to why he asked my friend to come.
“Thanks, dad. I would also like him to have dinner with us. Thanks for the very good idea,” I thanked him.
“Sweetie, your friend will be here any moment from now,” mom said as she looked on her phone screen. Shan must have texted her. How sweet! My parents really like my friend for me, I can sense it. Question is, do Shan feel the same? Never mind.
“Noted, mom.” I nodded with a wide smile. I can't hide my excitement, counting every second while waiting for him to arrive.
I asked mom to add sugar to her pork adobo since it is Shan's favorite. He's into sweets. That's what I observed so far after sharing the same table with him in countless occasions. I also ordered one box of thin crust pizza and some of mom's favorite brand of chocolate.
While waiting for him to arrive, I watched random videos in TikTok to entertain myself. I also took some selfies of me in different pose and background. Mom is actually fond in decorating and styling our house, that's why it's not hard to think on where to take my pose. One picture of me revealed a half body shot as I stood beside the big plant.
Today is not boring like the usual Saturday. In the morning, I was busy watering our flower garden and also the green plants inside our house. I didn't expect to enjoy it, since it was a bit exhausting. In the afternoon, I was informed that Shan's gonna eat dinner with us. Imagine my happiness when I heard that!
Now, we are only waiting for my friend to arrive, and we can perfectly start our simple yet memorable dinner.
“Meet me at the gate.”
A text message from Shan popped on my screen, making me smile at the moment I received it.
I immediately ran toward the gate as I opened it widely when I saw the arrival of his car. I was surprise to see him in a plain white shirt, black pants, and leather shoes. Just look how formal and adorable he is! He perfectly suits my taste, but I would like to know more about his inside looks like his attitude if given the time. Who knows, we are destined for each other, right?
“Good evening, Shan!” I greeted as he gave me a peck on my cheeks. Oh my god! I love that… I super love that! But I wasn't able to reciprocate that, for I was shy to do the same.
“Sorry for making you guys wait this long. Can we now go inside?” He held my hands as I smiled at him. No, Shan. No need for an apology. You are actually worth the wait, and I won't mind you being late at all. I will patiently wait.
We paced inside the house with our hands intertwined. It was a different feeling. Him holding my hand is great. I can't ask for more, after he also gave me a peck on my cheek. God, can you just give this guy to me? I swear to love him with all my heart. I swear to take care of him. Swear to love him the most.
“Good evening, tito and tita!” Shan approached my parents as he also gave them a peck on their cheeks. My ambitions were too high for me to imagine him as my boyfriend. Well, that must be so amazing! I know my parents will be going to like him for me.
Aside from his undeniable looks that made me to love him at first sight, I also admire him this great because of his respect to my parents. He is a gentleman, a very responsible son, and a sweet friend of mine. My parents even ship me to him. If only it's not that complicated, our ship must have sailed a long time ago.
“A pleasant evening, Shan!” Dad offered him to occupy the seat beside mine. The foods were already served on the table as mom started to pray for more blessings. See? Just look how prepared are we for this anticipated dinner.
We savored the foods in front of us as it was accompanied by so much joy. I'm not just thankful for this grace but also appreciating Shan's presence with us. Seeing him having dinner with my family is super lovely. I see him as a good boyfriend, an ideal guy for everyone. How I wish he's mine…
“Here, try this pork adobo. Ari said this is your favorite.” Dad passed the bowl to Shan. After he tasted the dish and giving his comments, he passed the bowl to me.
“How's school, hijo?” mom asked, starting to open a topic. I can hear the lively sound of the utensils as I was looking forward to hearing more of their conversation.
“Doing great, tita. I'm trying my best to get good grades. Although sometimes I'm too lazy to study,” Shan chuckled. I can't help but to stare at his face. From the way how he eat, to how he speak, to how he softly chuckled… it's just so good to see. I was reminded of a good view that I will never get tired of seeing.
“I was also like you when I'm still in high school. I sometimes felt lazy, that's why I forgot to study,” dad laughed. Mom glared at him in a joking manner as I was intently listening on them.
“Well, Ari can't say the same, since I know she's very good in class.” Shan shifted his gaze from my parents to me. I first reciprocated his smile before responding.
“Just good, not very good,” I corrected him, holding a fork in my left hand. The pork adobo's really delicious. Even me can't stop eating.
“What's more important to hear is that you guys are doing good at school,” mom commented.
“So, Shan, are you already seeing a girl?” dad asked. I gulped upon hearing the question. My great dad… I won't let that to happen.
“That's not yet included on my plans, tito. As for now, I just want to live my life to the fullest,” he replied. I secretly smiled, thanking him for that very nice idea.
“Well, you're right. It's hard to date just any girl out there. You can't say if they're really into you, or they're just playing on your feelings.” Mom shot a meaningful look at me. “Ari would be the perfect girl for you.”
I was stunned and left speechless. Mom, you're making me blush! I can't say anything right now.
"Ari is a very good friend of mine. Honestly speaking, she's making me happy. If she's the one destined for me…” Shan paused as he turned his gaze on me. “…then I won't be going to contradict it.”
“That must be a sweet destiny, then. I can't wait to attend the ceremony,” dad added, making them all chuckled.
“Hey, you guys really wanted to joke me out!” I giggled, my cheeks blushing. I can't stop myself when I'm getting obvious already. God, how to control this feeling?
“That is no joke right now. Who knows, Shan and you are destined to be together in the future, right?” Mom can't still stop shipping me to him.
“Mom, let's talk about school then. It's so embarrassing. Besides, we're having dinner now,” I said, being so shy.
“Well, there's no problem for me. Tita is just expressing a possibility that might turn into reality someday,” Shan replied, his eyes shifting to me and mom. Dad is peacefully eating in the other end of the table.
I can't say anything. My mouth is pretty shut, sealed with these sweet words I'm hearing right now. Is this dinner meant for our ship to sail? I badly hope so! I would appreciate it.

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    Inyong Rowenawin

    so very nice story


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