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Chapter 7

Chapter 7
The next day
Malia and Isabel woke up and dressed up for school, as usual their parents were nowhere to be found...
It's was quite surprising that Malia never thought neither showed it on her face..
They left for school especially because Malia didn't want to face Mrs Hailey trouble..
Immediately, she entered the class, David waved at her and she smiled back while she walked to her sit...
David was actually chatting with his friends in California with his phone, ignoring ivy who was trying to get his attention...
Immediately, he saw Malia coming in, he smiled and took his time to check her out since he was not able to do that since yesterday that he saw her fully....
David used that medium to stare at her very well with full attention
Beautiful, busty young lady:check✔️
Malia to him was a perfect archtype of beauty,she was made too perfect by the creator that David didn't bother to rack his brain for words to describe her beauty....
The most impressive of her finely cut features was perhaps her breathtaking physique,no less could be said of her well arranged dentine set which immaculate nature with the snow was no compare an also together with her small mouth and puffy lips that were two shades redder than her cheek shining brighter with the help of a lip gloss..
Or is it her smiles,which were the kind that would make any man a prisoner of mortality and conscience and her captivating blue eyes....
David thought looking at her eyes,the kind that God gives to every beautiful lady,which held no make up looking so natural and packed her hair in a neat beautiful bun with curly tendrils framing her eyes,her long natural long lashes flipped also together as she blinked them innocently as she stared at David....
She is looking dazzling beautiful especially in her well ironed uniform,that exposed the swell of her breasts shape through her shirt...A tin necklace with a diamond laid on her neck which worth millions of dollars.....
David gaze trailed down to Malia's shaped thigh which show gracefully in the skirt, and back to her hips ,as she swayed them lightly,seductively unknowingly,in her clinging flare skirt,her long legs striding gracefully across the floor...
David eyes her appreciatively as she strolled passed him to her seat....
A gasp escaped David's lips and he sighed,
"Malia is dangerously beautiful"
"Oh my goodness,this is a temptation from the devil's incarnate, aiiiiissssh"David said to himself as he did the holy Mary cross sign
As he was done thinking,Tega spoke to malia
"Hey, Malia,you are looking radiant this morning, what's the secret'he said
"Thank you,Tega, it's nothing just happy"she said blushing
"Really,but you kinda look different today"Dylan said shrugging
"Yeah and thank you"Tega added while Malia just nodded
"Thank you?why are you saying thank you"Harry Lewis asked turning the conversation to a general talk
"Hmm, because she helped me out yesterday"Tega answered
"And what could that be"Kelvin Thomas, another classmates asked
"It's something nobody should know"Tega said reluctantly
"Now you're sounding like a girl"Abel Edmund replied laughing
"Says a fool who looks like an Irish cat"Xander Smith said laughing with everybody
"Language"Christy Rex replied
"And who gave this freak the audacity to talk"Tega scoffed..Tega as always been on Christy's neck since she as joined them from the third grade....
"Whatever drama boy, i have every right to talk"Christy rolled her eyes
"How many times have i told you to stop rolling your eyes"Tega scowled banging his hands on the table
"What's your problem"Christy stands up feeling frustrated
"Your eyes are just gonna pop out, believe me"he said
"Says who"she hissed
"Anyway, just stop it am in a good mood today"he said and paused,"but seriously, you look like a snake when doing that"
"No,she doesn't look like one Tega"Richardson Philip said adjusting his glasses,as everyone laughed
"Wait,You just talked back huh, foggy four eyes"Tega said amused
"Yes"he nodded
"What that supposed to mean"
"I'm just stating the clear fact "
"I'm just stating the clear fact"Tega repeated mockingly
"This is surprising and challenging"Abel said clapping his hands
"Thanks Richardson"Christy Smiled at him
"Ohh cut the pretence"Tega said cutting her off
"I hate you, Tega"Christy said
"That's too much"Harry said
"Thank you,thank you,the pleasure is mine"Tega said bowing playful to everyone as they laughed...
After Harry talked,Miss Amber came inside the class without Tega knowing as he continued to talk making everyone of them sits right and kept quiet expect Tega of course....
"Who have the watched the new movie that Kelvin Hart released yesterday", NIGHT SCHOOL", it's was so interesting,i thought......"he paused a little,"why are guys not saying anything"Tega turned and checked what happened and saw her staring intensely at him...
"It's seems nobody watched the movie"Miss Amber said with a raised brows
"Ermm.... good morning ma'am"Tega said stammering
"Save your greetings for another day, what are you doing in the front of Christy desk again this morning"she asked
"I came to collect our economics assignment"he said walking to the front of the class
"Tega what's your problem, you're not our teacher,she never asked"Mabel said angrily.... Everyone was checking their books
"I never forgot about it"Miss Amber said to Mabel
"Order everyone"Tega said to the back roll that were mumbling
"This is not a court room"Harry frowns
"I'm gonna kill you"Abel shouted snarling
"And bury you six feet under the ground"Dylan added
"Abel its seems you need detention"Miss Amber said
"Ma'am,can i submit mine tomorrow"Grace smiles
"Then,10 marks is removing from your assessment"
"I haven't done my own"Fay Dortmund mumbles facing Abel and whispered to him
"Can you give me your book to copy"
"Sure,i would gladly give you my empty books maybe you can fill it with us"Abel Smiled
"Your books"Tega asked them for their books..... After Tega as collected everyone books,he dropped it in the front of Miss Amber an proceeds to his seat.....
"Today's the topic is trigonometry"she said while writing on the board
"Not again,i hate this topic"Tega frowns
"Serves you right"Dylan smirked
"Any problem, Tega"
"No ma"he said shaking his head and she continued teaching.......
After multiple of class, it's time for lunch.. Everyone of them is already in the cafeteria because they are already hungry.....
"Richardson just foot my bills, how amazing"Tega shouted and every final year students laughed knowing what he meant.....
Malia, David and the others all ordered their food and when to occupy their favourite table i.e the girls favourite table....
As they sat down and starts to eat, David saw Kelly walking down towards their side with his own meal looking for an empty table to sit on and have his meal...
"It's Kelly"David called out to the others diverting their attention to Kelly who is standing as they stopped the argument about the ongoing fashion show in LA
"Hey Kelly, come over"David gestured to him while Mabel tries to create a space for him
"What are you doing"Davina asked Mabel frowning
"What does it looks like,I'm creating a spot for him to sit"Mabel said smiling
Kelly had no other option than to sit with them since he couldn't find a spare table....
Kelly walked down to sit with them,he walked passed Mabel who was already smiling like she has won a lottery
"I have created space for you, Kelly"Mabel Smiled
Kelly acted like he didn't hear what Mabel said and sat down between David and Ivy causing Mabel and Ivy to frown
"tsh,tsh,tsh,tch"Davina said laughing out loud
"An obvious rejected hilarious act"Alexis added laughing
"Geez, what figure of speech is that"Malia said laughing
"Who cares"Alexis shrugged
"That wasn't expected"Ivy said
"So heartbreaking"Grace added
"Girls,it's ok"David said,"don't you have friends"he added changing the topic to ease the tensed situation which Kelly caused
"I do have but not many"Kelly said shrugging as he munch on his burger,"Malia is part of my friends"he added
"Ohh, really"Davina said
"Hmmm yes"Malia hummed
"But you are an introvert"David asked
"Yes I'm"Kelly nodded
"Why"Mabel asked
"didn't it affects you"David said
"Or you just love it"Davina added
"Won't people say you are proud"Ivy asked
"They do"Malia said
"Who cares, anyway reducing friends and living a private life,as nothing to do with pride,is a solution to avoid rubbish"Kelly said
"Ohhh,hmmm, that's deep"Grace nodded
"So are we friends"David asked
"Yes sure,if not i won't have answered you when you called me over"Kelly answered
"What about me"Mabel asked as everyone kept quiet so as to listen to what Kelly wants to say
"I only make friends with knowledge people not a desperate bitch"Kelly said staring at Mabel
"Huh"Mabel freighted a frown
"You heard me"Kelly replied
"That's harsh, it's bad,she just want to be your friend"David said
"I never said i needed her as a friend"Kelly answered
"Hmmmm,ohhh"Davina said
Immediately,the bell rang for lunch is over,all students stood up and evacuated the cafeteria
"We will see each other later, thanks for inviting.. me over"Kelly said and walked away
"Ok,that wasn't expected either "David said as he stared at Mabel who is still sulking over Kelly's rejection
The girls stood up and joined everyone as they walk out of the cafeteria.

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    This is highly recommended!


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    highly recommended 💜💜


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    Amelia Azmi



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