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Chapter 5

Chapter 5
"Wilbur Anderson, good to see you again" The principal,Mr Baldwin said standing up and hugged each other....
"Baldwin, it's been long and you look nice" Wilbur said
" Thanks and please have your sit"he gestured for them to sit
" Nice to see you again"Wilbur said smiled sitting down
" After that day you gave me your number at the reunion party,I misplaced it,it was George who gave it to me back when we met at the airport"Baldwin said
" yeah,he told me"
" When he told me that you were coming to Boston,I was happy so we could make up for the lost time"Baldwin said smiling
" Yes, that's true"he nodded,"anyway these are my children,this is David, Davina and Theo their junior brother"he said points at them
" Good morning sir"they greeted
" How are you doing" he asked
" We are doing fine,thank you sir"they answered
" These are your children"Wilbur said,"take care of them"
"Sure"Baldwin said," be rest assured"
"Ok thanks"
"So kid,later in the day,two people will give you guys a tour,while a junior will take Theo, alright"he told them
" Ok sir"
" Your class is having history by Mrs Rosa and she will introduce you guys to your classmates"he said pointing at David and Davina putting a call through Mrs Rosa
"Hello Mrs Rosa on the line"
"Hello Mrs Rosa,it's Mr Baldwin I need you in my office right now"
" Alright sir"she answered and he dropped the phone
" Be of good conduct especially you Theo"Mr Anderson faced his children
"But dad why me specifically" Theo asked frowning
" That's because I know the kind of kids I have"
"Ok dad"Theo mumbled
Mrs Rosa knocked at the door and Mr Baldwin told her to come in
"You called for me,sir" she asked after greeting Mr Anderson
" Yes I did" he said and points at the children," we have new students,two are in your class while the youngest is in the junior class"
" Since you are having their class this morning, that's is why I decided that you will be the one to show them their class
"Ohh ok sir" she said,"welcome to EAST HIGH SCHOOL"
" thank you ma" they said
"Let's go to your to classes"
"Thanks dad,we love you"Theo said
" yes, for bringing us despite your tight schedule"David added
" I love you"Davina said
" Huh" Theo glares at her
" Speak for yourself" Davina shrugged
"It's my pleasure" their dad said
" bye dad" they waved and followed Mrs Rosa
" I will take my leave now" Wilbur said standing up and shakes hand with Baldwin..
" Alright bye" Wilbur Anderson left and Mr Baldwin continued with what he is doing
Malia and the girls are already in school and are sitted not talking to each other because Malia ivy are both quiet and haven't said anything since their arrival....
They understood Malia's predicament but about ivy's own,no one can guess at all the reason why she has been like that since Friday....
Even at the party,she acts like everything was ok but her face tells it all...
"Hey guys, your silence is killing" Alexis asked
" Yeah, what happened ivy, talk to us huh" Mabel frowned
" Don't bother about me,I'm fine" ivy forced a smile
" Yes,me too"Malia said and returned her head back to the table
"Suddenly,a student came inside the class and screamed
"We are having two new students in our class,they are coming with Mrs Rosa,gosh both of them are hot"
" From what I heard,they are both twins"
Immediately,Mrs Rosa entered the classroom with David and Davina
They could hear them mumbling words to themselves,David thought there were bad but their little whispering began to drift into their ears,then Davina smiled relaxed
"My God,who is she"
"He is a Greek god"
"Is she really a new student"
" So cute"
" He is so handsome"
" wow, another person to join the beautiful race"
" He will also drag with Kelly"
" I wonder who is beautiful between Malia and her"
On hearing this as they stare at them and wondered if it's them they were referring to or another person..... Normally,they are so cute that can't be ignored most especially that they are identical twins....
Everyone were just staring at them when Mrs Rosa told them to introduce themselves including ivy,who was staring dreamily at David.... though, expect Malia who is not paying attention to them....
David looked at the class and saw Malia not paying attention to them....he continues to stare at her, though she was not looking up.....
But her half face is really pretty with her black long hair and amazing figure and am sure she will have an extraordinary face if she look up and mere looking at her,she looks like the girl he bumped into in the mall....
They introduced themselves and they were very welcoming.......
"Why don't David sits close to ivy, while Davina should sit close to Kelly behind Malia"Mrs Rosa said
" After the introduction,they walked towards to their respective sits,David sat down and faced ivy who is already smiling at him forgetting about the issue that is making her sad since morning....
"Hii" ivy greeted
"Welcome to East high school" ivy told her
"Thanks"David replied and checked out the class and saw Malia still putting her head on the table
He shrugged and faced Mrs Rosa.....
"Let's start today lesson" Mrs Rosa declared.....
After they were done with half of the class for today,it's time for lunch.....
"Hey,it's time for lunch" ivy said
"Be my guest,let go together to start our friendship"
" Sure, it's my pleasure,mi lady,lead the way"David said laughing
" Yes your si're"she said laughing
Davina and the girls joined and introduce themselves to each other
"Hii" Davina smiled
"Hiii,I'm Mabel"
"I'm Grace"
" I'm Dav......
"David and Davina, you introduced yourself earlier on"Mabel interrupted David
" Yes, that's true, nice meeting you"Davina said
"Hmmmm, where is Malia"Grace asked
" I'm here"Malia said joining them with Kelly
"Hey" Kelly said to them
"Hiii Kelly" Mabel said beaming
"Hmmmmm" Kelly mumbled
Malia and Kelly are the one Chosen by Mr Baldwin to show them around the school before they head to the cafeteria to eat..
Kelly went to Malia and they proceeded to meet Davina and David outside who were following ivy and the others.....
"You" David said shocked
"Huh" Malia was surprised at his outburst
" Don't you remember my face"David asked puzzled
" Hmmm, no"I don't" she said frowning
"I'm sure you will not",he said chuckling a little and whispered, "do you remember the guy you bumped into at the mall"
"The mall" she asked
" Yeah, on Friday"
" Ohh, yeah I did"she smiled for the first time since morning as she recollect about the incident on Friday
"Yup, it's seems you do" he replied laughing
"I'm really sorry, I was looking for something important to me that is why"
" No problem, I understand"
" That's means I owe you one"
" Really, I will hold until that"
" Thanks,"she said smiling
" You know what is meant to be will be meant to be"he said smiling
" Huh, what's that"
" It's just a saying, that if we meant to be meet each other again, we will surely meet which I told my sister after you left"he shrugged
" Wooow, and you really held unto that"she said amused
"Sure, why won't I," he smirked and moved closer to her," I never forget beautiful faces"
"Really"she said blushing
" Yeah, don't worry, we are together this year" he winked
"I'm flattered" she said laughing
"Don't tell me you are flirting with her" Davina asked
" I'm I"David smiled
" Nahh, I think you are appreciating the beauty of God"Kelly added smiling... Malia and Kelly laughed
" You are in the spirit, dude" David laughed
"So what are you here for"ivy asked Kelly frowning
" Yeah, it worth it for asking," he paused, "well, Malia and I are gonna show them around"
" Really"Davina asked smiling at Kelly
" Yeah"
" So if you will excuse us" Kelly asked them with a raised brow
"Sure" ivy faced David, "I will reserve sits for you guys"
"Yes do, thanks" David said staring at Malia smiling without giving ivy any glance....
"Shall we" Kelly asked and they started going for the tour
Ivy watched as David is talking with Malia and both of them laughing together is giving her goose bumps
"Just look at the way he ignored me and focused on Malia, I hope it's not what I'm thinking, noo, it can't be , it's to early to conclude, but I will be watching both of them, from now, they look like long lost lovers"she said to herself...
"let's go, girls"they left for the cafeteria.....

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    This is highly recommended!


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    highly recommended 💜💜


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    Amelia Azmi



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