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Chapter 4

Chapter 4
"Yeah, I'm sorry I have to go," Malia said without his response....she freed herself from his grip and ran off...
David couldn't even reply because he was just staring at her since......she is so beautiful....No, shaking his head, she is looking extremely gorgeous......Even on the uniform.....he said to himself.....
Malia came inside the room and searched for it but couldn't find it...She looked for it but it can't found.....she is already tearing up because of the necklace....she didn't even notice she bumped into someone earlier on...The necklace was all on her mind...
She remembered that she removed her cloth, put it on the rack in the room, then she put on the dress and called ivy to zip up for her and she left...
When she was leaving Ivy said she was going to the restroom and the necklace was still there....so how come she couldn't find it there.....
After she couldn't find it, she left the room through another exit... At the same time, ivy came out of the restroom cursing her mensural period...
"Malia, what's wrong," ivy asked frowning
"I can't find my necklace" Malia answered crying and left without waiting for Ivy's reply and ran off to the car.....
"Where's Malia" ivy asked running to meet the others
" She has gone to the car"Mabel replied
"The bills," ivy asked
"She has paid," Grace said
" Okay, let go meet up with her, "ivy said leading the way as they trail after she carries the bags the dresses are including Malia's own...
Without knowing, during that period Malia left the room to show off the cloth, A young lady entered the room looking at everywhere nervously so nobody would know what she was about to do.....
Unfortunately, An unknown lady saw her when entering the room, though she was reluctant to go she was eager to see what she wants to do...
The unknown lady saw the young lady taking the necklace and keeping it in her dress but the unknown lady saw this and filmed everything because it can be useful at any time...
As the lady was rushing into the hallway, the necklace fell without the person knowing...The unknown lady took it from the floor and decided to keep it and find out why the lady has to steal it.. because she doesn't look like a poor person...mere looking at her she is from a wealthy family...
Davina came back and meet David speaking to himself and she taps him
"David" she called him
"Huh, what" David jolted out without sparing Davina a glance
"You are talking to yourself" Davina frowned
" I'm I, well I don't know"David shrugged
"Why are you staring at that door, it's majorly for ladies," Davina asked pointing at the door
David smiled," well, I saw a beau.....
" Mmmmm, I know it's something like that, keep it to yourself" Davina snapped," I don't need to know," she said hissing
"You asked a question and I want to give you an answer"David answered still staring at the door
"Let's go home," Davina told him
"But I want to......
" Do you want to die? "Davina said glaring at him
"At least have some respect"David frowns
"kiss my ass if I do" Davina hissed and pointed at her butt
" Whatever," he said and states at the door,"if we are meant to be,we will be meant to be" David said with a final glimpse of the door and followed Davina
"Crazy boy" Davina muttered going towards their car......
Monday morning
"Theo, forget the fact that Messi is playing for Argentina, France has been doing well in the tournament," David said frowning
" Rubbish, so you are saying Argentina is not doing well, they are better than France" Theo argued with him
David, Davina, and Theo are coming downstairs already dressed in their school uniform to the dining table for a break before heading to school...
Meanwhile, David and Theo are arguing about a football match in the ongoing Russia 2018 World Cup tournament that took place yesterday between Nigeria and Argentina and France and their opponent and Davina are fuming in anger as they are talking about it.....
" Theo, I think you are watching the back of the TV, what has Argentina done that is impressive"David said shaking his head
" Hmmm can't remember but they're really good, "Theo said
" When arguing Theo huh, make sure you have a good point to always back up your argument," David said tapping Theo's head
" With what I have seen, they will emerge as the winner of Russia 2018 World Cup," Theo said confidently
" Hmm, really what have you seen, You are a bad commentator, tch, "David said and scoffed
" I have seen a lot"Theo shrugged
"Well, you are talking like this because Nigeria didn't beat Argentina, if not, it would have been the Africa Giant, Nigeria"
" Yeah, I would have loved to see Leon Balogun play again," Theo said nodding his head
" Can both of you stop this football talk, sucks" Davina shouted and banged the table," like seriously if this is the way you can argue about some Bible verses it would have been better"
" I can recite some Bible verses," Theo said shrugging dishing out another beef stew
"Really, what if I ask you one now, huh"Davina smirked
"We are eating"Theo answered and focused on his food......she faced David and want to ask him too.....
" David, what if I........
" Just like what Theo said, we are eating, table manners"David interrupted her instead
" Wooow, another way of avoiding my questions"Davina said laughing
"Aiiiiishhhh whatever" David and Theo said together and laughed...
Their mum came out of the kitchen setting down their dad's food on the table...
Despite them been rich,their mum prefer to cook their food but get assisted by maids...No one will know that the workers are not their relative's because of the way they treated them like their family.....
"Be snappy with your food so you won't be late for the first time in school"their mum, Yvonne Anderson said
" Sure mum," they said in unison
"So what is happening here," their dad asked coming downstairs to the dining table...
"They were both arguing about football and it's disgusting" Davina replied immediately he sat down
" ohhhh, Davina, that's why they are boys"
"But dad, there are also girls football," she said
" Yeah, you are right", he said nodding his head eating his food
" so they should stop it or rather they should focus on their studies"
" Says who, "David asked staring at Davina
" Says me, gat problem with that"
"Mum, can I have more"Theo asked
" Sure," their mum said dishing out more for Theo
" Hmm, so Theo and David, when is Argentina and France going to play, "their dad asked facing them
" Not again, this is getting serious, but dad we just talked about it just now"Davina frowns her face and continued," I'm done with my food, I will be in the car waiting for you guys" she stood up and walked out
" Ok, that was not expected," David said smiling.....
After some minutes, they came outside and joined Davina in the car...
They got inside the car, their mum waved at them as the car drove out of the compound...
The drive was a fifteen minutes smooth drive and soon, they got to an opened large gate with beautifully carved woods which I'm sure is made of gold"WELCOME TO EAST HIGH SCHOOL"
Theo inhaled as the tour gate opened and they drove in... Davina's breathing ceased for seconds as she is marveled by the paradise her eyes were beholding, this is heaven called high school...
"I know the reason why they rate this school as the best"Theo muttered and a wow escaped David's mouth...
Every building was painted white and part of it is so beautiful...The school premises is the largest premises they have ever set their eyes on...
The parking lot is filled with fleets of cars, then the fields here are up to three...
They stepped out of the car in awe as they stared at the school building than in pictures...The school is as large as a whole street...
They headed towards the school building and walked in after being scrutinized by a camera...
They brought out their map which had been delivered alongside their school wears and entered a hallway that led towards lined-up elevator...They used the second elevator and soon they were in the fourth story...
They walked through the hallway of so many doors at both sides and started tracing the principal's office, not to cry at the beautiful sight of the more beautiful interior,they are getting carried away with beautiful and expensive things they are seeing like it is their first time.....
They got to a large office which they wrote principal's office in quotes at the door and their dad knocked the door...A voice told them to come inside...
They entered and met a man with his glasses on and together with a red suit was sitting on his swivel chair and he is writing something on a book, he looked up and smiled...
"Wilbur Anderson, good to see you again" The principal, Mr. Baldwin said standing up and hugging...

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    This is highly recommended!


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    highly recommended 💜💜


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    Amelia Azmi



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