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Chapter 3

Chapter 3
The sound of that damn alarm starts to ring and interrupted her sleep. She stretched out her hand to turn it off and turned back to sleep covering her head with her duvet...
Isabel came inside the room and opened the curtains to allow the morning brightness to penetrate inside the room
"Get up from the bed," Isabel said
"Hmmm.. please just give me two minutes" Malia Said smugged back to the bed, as she tries to close her eyes, Isabel had to drag the duvet from her
"Get up or else you will be late for school," Isabel told her mimicking an elderly voice while Malia sat up
" Now you are sounding like you're my mother," Malia said laughing remembering what happened yesterday
Malia waited for her parents as promised for dinner.. when Isabel was already tired of waiting she ate hers with miss moris and went to sleep while she kept waiting
But as usual, they couldn't make it again this time around also.. she sat staring at her sister the way she acted as if she doesn't even think about them at all
"Well, I could be one of you want" Isabel grinned
" Nope, thanks for the offer" Malia chuckled
"Looking at the way you are staring at me, am sure" Isabel paused and look straight to her eye and said," I'm sure you don't know that the time says 7:15 am" she smiled
" Noooo" Malia stares at the time and jump out of her bed to the bathroom without waiting for the maids to run her bath and shouted from inside, "get my dress for me"
" At your service, milady," Isabel said smiling
Malia ran like a madwoman out of her room to the dining room rushing...
"It seems you have Mrs. Hailey class this morning, " Isabel said laughing while munching on the chips with her
" I hate you" Malia glares at Isabel rushing her food trying not to choke
"The feeling is mutual"Isabel laughing real hard
Malia ran out of the house without waiting for her sister. Isabel shouted that she should wait for her, joining her in the car and Gerald drove off and Isabel laughed...
Malia came down without waiting for Gerald to park very well as she came down, Isabel shouted after her, "good luck" Malia threw her the fuck you sign and Isabel chuckled
Immediately, she rushed inside the class thinking maybe Mrs. Hailey isn't in the class since she couldn't find her at the front of the class
"Miss Stewart," Mrs. Hailey hard toned voice made Malia freeze where she is standing close to her chair...
"Hmm..go..ooo. Morn.. ing... Ma" she greeted stuttering
"Morning, why are you late this morning, "Mrs. Hailey asked with a raised brow
" Uhh. I had early morning sickness," Malia blinked her eyes
"Huh. Malia why are you blinking your eyes" Tega said smirking and Malia roll her eyes at him. Everyone laughed... Tega darwin, the class captain of diamond Elite and the most popular captain among the final year student and others for his teasing lifestyle
"Maybe dust entered her eye" Dylan William, Tega's best friend replied laughing
"Any other word from anyone is detention," Mrs. Hailey said
"Just pulling her legs," Tega said smiling and Mrs. Hailey glares at him while he threw his hands up in surrender
"Hmmm. Ma'am" Malia calling her attention," it won't happen again, I promise," she said pleading
"I'm letting you off because you don't come to school late before, don't repeat it" Mrs. Hailey warned
" Thank you ma"Malia smiled and sat..ivy made mouthed to her why she came late
" I'll explain later" she replied and focused on what she is teaching
"Wow, it's unfair" Grace talked when she said the reason why she came late as they were walking to occupy their favorite sit in the cafeteria to eat and they starts to talk
"Yeah, it's too much" Mabel nodded
"I don't care" Malia shrugged, "I gat my life to live but I'll love to have their love and attention with my sister," she said with a sad face
" Cheer up, bae" Alexis said
"Girls, do you remember what is happening today," ivy said interrupting what they were talking about
"That's"Grace asked
"Don't tell me you have forgotten about Kayden birthday party that is gonna take place today" ivy said rolling her eyes
" Well, why won't you remember since you love to party, "Mabel said
" That's true, though"ivy paused and asked, "I'm sure all of you're coming to the party," she asked with a prying eye staring at each of them
" Well, I'm in, "Mabel said
"Same here" Grace added
" Yup," Alexis said
" Hmmm. Malia, what about you"ivy asked and turned to her waiting for her answer
"If everyone is going, who am I not to" Malia replied grinning
" That's the spirit, bae"Mabel hugged her
" Good, but what about the clothes," Grace said feeling down," because I can't wear those clothes again I need to look stunning today and my parents have blocked my credit card because of my fucking damn elder brother," she said snarling
" Yeah, me too, because if luck is on my side today, I might be able to get Kelly's attention," Mabel said dreamily. Kelly Martin is the head boy of the school and she has had a big crush on him since grade 1
Kelly doesn't mingle with people, you could call him a nerd because every day of his life is just to read.. Kelly and Malia are family friends they talk but not much he doesn't talk too much...
" maybe but will he? because you have been chasing this guy since grade 1 but he seems not to notice you," Alexis said rolling her eyes
" Whatever" Mabel hissed
"Hmmm.. don't worry girls, as usual, I'll take you out for the party dress after school"Malia smiled
"Awwwwn "Mabel said
" Thanks, baby," ivy said
As they were eating, Malia's card name fell off from her pocket... She bent down to pick it up and put it back in the right place...
"You still have this necklace with you" ivy scoffed said sighting the necklace on her neck...
"Yes, I couldn't just remove it away since that day" Malia sighed
" Hmmm. it looks weird on you, you know" Alexis said
"Yeah, it reminds us about it again" Grace added
" Look am sorry but this is the only way to talk to her and him that am sorry, it's like a connection between us, "Malia said dejectedly
" Ohhh. Ok"ivy shrugged
"Hope no problem with the way you girls are staring at me" Malia stared at them
" No," they said in unison and continued eating their food.
The girls entered Dell's boutique to buy the dresses as they have said. The receptionist recognized them immediately they entered, well who wouldn't know them
They patronize this place more than any other place in Boston. The boutique sells dresses, shoes, and everything one needs for an occasion
They picked various clothes to try among varieties on the rack. After they've chosen the dress they wanted, they entered the room used for changing clothes.
They went one after the other and came outside so the others could access the clothes. Mabel went first, then Alexis followed, then ivy went and Malia is the last to enter.., they later choose the one they want individually...
Ivy choose a white sleeveless gown showing her cleavage
Mabel choose a black dinner gown which fits the color of her hair
Alexis choose a simple pink gown with an off-shoulder bringing out the shape of her butt
While Malia choose a purple armless with a little opening at the tip of the dress
Meanwhile, David accompany his sister, Davina to pick a shoe for her uniform
Though, he didn't come willingly but had to come with much persuasion from their parents because Davina had a lot of shoes that he didn't know the reason why she couldn't choose from those...
He had sat down among the available cushion chair in the room
He saw a magazine on the couch and starts to read it without full concentration
"David, I think I have gotten what I want," Davina said smiling coming to meet David
" You think"David scoffed
" Yup, see is it not fine," Davina said showing David the new Snickers she picked
" I don't know"David scoffed"can we go now"
"No, I haven't paid yet" Davina replied
" So what are you still doing here," David told her
"You're too harsh," she said walking away...
Malia and the girls went to the cashier to pay the bills for the dresses.. while she was buttoning up her shirt she noticed that her necklace is gone too...."Oh my God, my necklace" Malia said and run off to the room where she removed it so she can put on her dress
As she was running, she mistakenly bumped into David who was tapping his legs on the floor Waiting for Davina
"Ohh. I'm so sorry" David said staring at Malia who wasn't sparing him any glance.
"Yeah, I'm sorry, I've to go," Malia said without waiting for his response freed herself from his grip, and ran off...d

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    This is highly recommended!


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    highly recommended 💜💜


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    Amelia Azmi



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