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Chapter 6

Chapter 6
"Sam!" Mom called out as I pack my new clothes upstairs in my room.
I rushed downstairs. Uncle Nick had been calling us this early morning about the visit.
"Have you packed your undies?" Mama asked while still packing hers in a small bag.
"Dude! Of course! I'm not you!" Now she's reminding me since she had been forgetting hers whenever we have a waterpark. I dragged myself to the car and waited for her.
"Let's go," Mom threw her bags in the backseat.
We drove to the other side of the province and finally reached our destination. Uncle Nick was already waiting for us at the entrance.
"Hey," he called. We all share our hugs as we always do and proceeded inside the park.
I made my way to lost myself from both of them while they talk. I walked past some people enjoying their moment.
There was the highest waterslide, my favorite. I went on top to grab my chance and give myself a big ride and splash.
"Hey, Gareth!" I greeted a tall gentleman who was watching me climb to my feet. Gareth holds off his whistle and warned a man who was holding a baby.
"No babies on the pool!" he shouted. "Hey! You came." Gareth turned his attention to me.
"Yeah, how you doing?"
We slide our hands and tapped each other's back.
"Sam?" A voice from behind called me.
I was shocked to see Khai sliding his hands to his hair. What the heck is this man doing here?
"Hey, Gareth!" Khai also called to Gareth. Did they know each other? Wait. While I was in the middle watching both of them have that brother's hug.
"You know this man?" I asked Gareth.
Gareth nodded. "Yeah, this is Khai. He had been visiting here for three months now," Gareth answered.
No way! Why have I not noticed him or even seen him since?
"Hey, Sam!" Khai called me again.
I smirked. "Yeah hai." I turned my back to both of them and walked away while I take the waterslide.
Someone held my shoulder. "Sam!"
It was Khai who followed me. I turned to him. "Sorry but I don't talk to strangers," I cruelly turned aback.
I can hear him laugh. "Yeah. How did I become a stranger when we are classmates anyway," he continued to push himself.
"Nah! You should understand that I am a new student and I barely know people like you," I said. "And yeah. Baby!" I said ignoring him and taking the slide.
The water was cool as it splash on my skin. The animation inside the slide was pretty cool. It was like swirling in my body. Or was I just hypnotized by those circles? I can still see Khai on this pool I landed.
"What the heck get out of my eyes. Idiot!" I even shouted.
"I'm not an idiot Sam!" The vision answered.
What the heck. Khai is really in front of me. Why does he follow me anyway? I wiggled my head and focused. It's real. Khai is here.
"Okay, what do you want from me?" I asked Khai.
"Nothing, I just want to talk to you," he said.
"Well, I don't wanna talk to you."
He slides his palm again through his head. Oh! Why does he keep doing that? I can't deny it. He is so damn hot.
"Can I take off my shirt?" Khai asked.
Why would he be asking me that like do I care? Take it off if you want. There is nothing to hide there anyway.
"It's your business to take it off or not dude!" I popped my hands and shrugged my shoulders. I don't care about him.
Khai took his shirt while I walk past him. For a reason, I just turned my head. Are that six packs abs? Woohoo!
"Oh, it's hot in here!" I whispered and fastly walk out of that pool.
"Where are you going?" Khai asked still following me until I entered the resthouse.
"It's none of your business." I rolled my eyes.
I can see mama and uncle Nick still talking to each other while they drink tequila.
I neared towards them. It was a technique so I could get rid of Khai. "Hey uncle Nick," I called to them.
"Hey Nick," a second voice came in.
What the hell! How could Khai know everyone? Now I am starting to get pissed off as they pat each other back.
"Well, well. Who is this young man Sam? And how could you be together?" Mama intruded.
"Mama! I don't know him." I refused to entertain her.
"Hello, Mrs. Jacobs." Khai even shook hands with mom.
"This is Khai." Uncle Nick introduced Khai to mom.
"What a good young man," mama complimented Khai. Ew! I cannot do anything. Mama is single anyway.
I grabbed my towel. "I'll get going uncle. I have something to attend this afternoon," I said to uncle Nick.
"Already?" It was Khai and Uncle Nick who said in a synchronized way. Mama laughed.
"Looks like none of them agreed to you," Mama said.
"Where are you going?" Uncle Nick asked.
"Uh-oh- er" I haven't talked yet when Khai opened his mouth.
"Yeah, let me go with you," Khai offered.
I rolled my eyes. "No!"
"Yeah you should go with him," Uncle Nick agreed to Khai.
"Yeah you don't have a ride anyway," mom added.
"I'll ride a taxi," I smiled.
"I can take you, I have a car outside," Khai pushed.
What? "No, it's my business and I don't need someone to accompany me," I argued. Why do they keep pushing it?
"Nah! Just take it, Sam," mama said.
"Yeah, Khai is a good guy, he won't do anything to you. He will protect you instead," Uncle Nick said. I see him gave Khai a wink. What's with them?
"I can protect myself."
"A girl can be in a lot of danger nowadays. What if someone is obsessed with you." Mama seemed to be pushing me too.
"Well, you can take me instead. You got no important business here anyway and you can come back after," I told mama.
"Eh," she wiggled her head. "My hand hurt all of a sudden. I can't drive," she suddenly said. What?
I gave mom an angry pissed-off face.
"Seems like I have to take good care of you now," Khai said.
"No!" I still refused.
"Sam!" Uncle Nick gave me a worried face and we all know I can't refuse this man.
I hate you all.
So I had to follow Khai outside to his car. He wore his shirt again. We walked to the parking lot.
Now we are approaching a rugged and rusty car. Don't tell me, I am going to sit in this rugged shit. I can't believe that this rich guy would drive this kind of shit just how a shit he is. Shit!
"That's your car you're proud of?" I said having the look of disgust.
Khai neared me and turned my head right. "You are looking in the opposite direction baby," Khai seductively said.
My eyes widened as I seriously stare at an Audi car. Now that's what I'm talking shit. I mean rich.
"Let's go!" I said excitingly. Khai looked at me differently. Whether is he confused about how I said that or why I said it but I don't care. I was just happy that he drive this kind of car. I knew he was driving one at school but not this. "What?" I gave him a chin attitude when he does not get that look away from me.
"Now you're getting it," Khai said lifting one eyebrow and giving out a smirk. Khai lets me walk first before him. What a gentleman, I think I am close to loving this man.
He even opened the door for me. Dude, I am not a princess but I can be for a day. And hey, Khai could be this good I did not know.
"So where are you going?" Khai asked landing his hands on the wheels.
"Costa, just dropped me by the fieldhouse."
Khai looked at me. "Okay," he grinned. "Is it Norton?" he asked having a lowkey facial expression. His happiness just faded.
"Yeah." I curled my forehead.
"Can we go somewhere else?" Khai said.
I wiggled my head as I looked at him in his eyes. "No? I"m his best friend and I should be present at his game."
"Woah!" He stopped me. "You're best friends already." Khai still talked disappointed.
"Uhmm yeah. Any problem?"
He ignored me and started the car. His hands were grifting the wheels very tightly. What is he made of? Like dude? What's wrong with you.
Khai took his phone by his left finger and called someone. "Hey! Can you postpone a basketball match for me?" he said in a call.
I was just there with him glaring for a second thought that I don't know why he just said that in a call.
He does not look at me and just kept driving while I was stunned and staring at him with my eyes wide open as if I have seen a ghost.

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  • avatar
    Angel Saavedra Gretchen



  • avatar
    Ariane Joy Bahalla

    very interesting


  • avatar
    Sousa VieiraKaue



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