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Brutal gunshots

Chapter six
  Eddie’s POV
  He took a button from his shirt and drew near to me by pulling the chair he was sitting on closer to me. He took something from the back of the button, he motioned me to sit down because I was standing now in defense mood but I was in fear because I didn’t know if he was armed. I could fight him otherwise but I tried to be reasonable and asked,
  “Man, what’s wrong? Why are you acting this way? I’ve never wronged you in any way. We might not be real friends but we’ve known each other for almost two years right? You wouldn’t harm me right?” I pleaded.
  “I wouldn’t if you didn’t know so much, Emily must not know about her past otherwise she might be killed. I am supposed to guide her from any danger and at this moment you are the danger towards her life so you won’t make it to see her tomorrow. ” he threatened.
  ‘No he couldn’t have gotten me wrong, I don’t want to hurt her, no way” I thought. So I defended myself.
  “No please I am definitely no danger to her life, please believe me. I only plan to help her that’s not the only reason I want to get close to her. In fact I love her, I’ve always love…”
  I was saying but he signaled me with his hand to not say more and I shut up.
  He held his ear and nodded, then he looked at me sadly and pulled out a gun, I jumped onto my bed and backed away from me. He searched the room and saw a bat I had kept at a corner and walked to it. I attempted to escape but he stretched his leg and closed the door with a loud bang. He started destroying my room with the bat and with every swing he smirked and watched my reaction.
  My heart was now lying in my mouth, if I could fly I would have dine that at the moment. I saw him take my laptop and my phone and opened my drawer to take the money I had kept there.
  Then I knew he wanted it to seem like a robbery, I didn’t know why no one came to my aid despite the noise he was making but then realized that my room was actually sound prove.
  He finished with what he was doing and looked at my sweating face and steered, then he pointed the gun at me and signaled me to draw closer.
  Then he shot the gun, one and I screamed “no…ooo” two and three
  I went blank from there but I could still hear him say,
  “I am sorry but Kelvin Smith wants you dead. Your disappearance solves it all, you knew too much for your own good. ” he murmured.
  Just then I couldn’t hear or see anything then I wondered,
  ‘Am I dead?’
  Emily’s POV – Brutal gunshots
  “Please take me to the hospital!!!” I shouted louder seemly with all my strength and then I pretended faint.
  I had actually stopped my breathing and I knew it was his breaking point. I felt myself in his arms and he rushed me out of the house, I had made myself as life less as I could. I heard him shouting and asking as he ran,
  “What’s wrong with her? Why is she not breathing?”
  I took in short breaths as I was rushed to the hospital, they kept oxygen on me and I regretted fake fainting. So much that I could meet him, am I overdoing it’ I thought as I was taken as away.
  30 minutes time
  I laid in the hospital bed sleeping, I dreamt about me leaving for abroad without any return ticket. In the dream, my father had told the traveling agents never to allow me back to the country.
 Eddie stood not too faraway from me with tears in his eyes and bidding me farewell. I jolted up awake and checked my surrounding to find myself alone in the room. I saw that neither my father nor his guards were around, so I got up to escape.
  ‘I have to know the truth and about my past and if it means deceiving you for just a little moment I would. I just have to be real quick, so he doesn’t know I’m gone and if he does, I just have to lie which I hate very much. ’ I thought as I got out of the room.
  A few minutes later and I had reached the second floor after taking the stairs, it was a three storey building with the down floor making it four buildings. I didn’t take the elevator because I thought that what if I met them in the elevator?
  I got to room 26 and heard someone call out to someone but I recognize that voice, I had just heard it the day before. I would have doubted it but what he said proved otherwise,
  “Eddie, you will need to wake up, have you forgotten you promised to meet Emily? You better get your ass up. Before you don’t get to see her again. ”
  I drew closer and thankfully the door wasn’t completely closed so I peek in to see that it was actually Eddie lying on the hospital bed with his friend Matt beside him. I was about to go in when I heard Eddie’s voice saying,
  “I might not meet Emily for sometime because I need to get strong before I can confront that fake father of hers to save her from his hands. I could have died, even though I don’t know why I still survived such brutal gunshots. ”
  I backed away slightly because I felt like I had being stricken by lighting, my father tried to murder someone I had just met and knows about my past.
  I stood there for awhile and thought about it, he couldn’t possibly be lying because he didn’t know about my presence.
  Which only meant that he was speaking the truth, but I wondered how he knew Eddie and what he was hiding so much that Eddie knew for him to take his life. These secrets, I knew my father would never tell me himself, so it only led inside the door I was standing beside.

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    Lanie Dacules

    nice 👍


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    Matos de souzaHelo



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    thank you


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