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I Am In Pain

Chapter four – I am in pain
  After showering, I wore my yellow pajamas and took my phone to browse through it so I could maybe take my mind off the matter but it wasn’t working so I got up and left my phone behind and laid on the bed. I laid on it and thought my way out of the problem, I had to get out of the house the next day but I didn’t know how.
  There were just too many guards in the house that sometimes I felt prisoned in my own house. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door and I knew who it was, my father should be coming to bring the drink I took every night before I slept.
He opened the door and entered the room without my permission but I wasn’t surprised about it. I turned away from him after sighting him. He drew closer to me and said,
  “Honey, it’s time to sleep so take your medicine. Where is the satin nightwear I bought for you, why are you wearing this yellow pajamas because you like it?”
  “Yes I like the color but that is not the reason I am wearing it but it’s because I feel comfortable in it. ” I spilled.
  “Okay, but you know it isn’t easy to remove the pajamas, ah you know what mean right? I mean it will be difficult for you to remove it right? It’s meant to be a question. ” he ranted.
  He looked so anxious that he was palpitating in the air conditioned room.
  “Dad I know what you are saying there’s no need for you to be acting so anxious. But I would wish to ask you a question. ” I cross examined him.
  His facial changed as if he was afraid of something. So I asked worriedly,
  “Dad are you alright? Are you okay?”
  He nodded and said,
  “I’m okay, what did you want to ask?”
  “If you are okay then that’s good. I only wanted to know why you were the only one that served me my medicine. Because when you are not around, no one brings me any medicine. ” I queried.
  “oh that? I think you might have forgotten but I told you before that I didn’t trust anyone in this house with your health. ” he revealed.
  “That’s all?” I asked.
  “Yes, what were you thinking about that?” he demanded.
  “I guess I wasn’t wrong when I thought what you have just told me. ” I confessed.
  “Okay, do you have something else to tell ask me?” he pressed.
  “No it’s just that I was curious about something else. ” I inquired.
  “What’s it then?” he asked.
  “I have noticed that the side on my bed has dipped in like someone sleeps beside me every night and goes away every time I woke up. Daddy how long do you sleep beside me every night before leaving for your room?” I demanded.
  “I… ah.. you know I’m quite heavy so when I lay beside you for a while it happens like that. But I leave the moment you sleep but sometimes I sleep beside you for a while. Have I answered you?” he ranted.
  “Yes Dad. ” I gave in.
  “Okay now take your medicine and go to bed it’s late. ” he said.
  I took the drink from his hand and gulped it down. I had wanted to ask him about the heat that was on bed but I knew he had lied to me already so I didn’t have to ask him something about the same issue again. Then dozed off before I knew it, the next day was do or die.
  I was slipping in to sleep when I suddenly heard him mutter,
  “I’m sorry princess but you will have to go tomorrow. ”
  I jolted awake and looked at him, he seemed frightened at my sudden reaction and backed away a little. I looked at him and hugged him then pleaded,
  “Daddy, please allow me to rest tomorrow, I promise I will go the next day. ”
  He shook his head and frowned then said,
  “It’s a no, you will go tomorrow and you will leave your current phone behind. You must not contact anyone when you are away. ”
  I searched at his face to see if there was any way I could convince him but I couldn’t see any. Then it clicked that maybe, he knew about my phone call and my intentions that could be the reason for his reaction. I knew I had to agree with him so I could divulge a plan of escape later.
  “Okay, if you insist. I will listen to you. ”
  He looked at my face in confusion, it seems he wasn’t expecting me to give in just like that. I felt too sleepy to continue our conversation so I tacked myself in bed and turned away from him to sleep. And within a few seconds I was already dreaming about my escape plan.
  I laid in bed awake the next day, but I couldn’t bring myself to get up considering knowing what was laying ahead of me. Every night after waking up, I would feel a slight headache but energized in the other parts of my body. But I wasn’t feeling well in my stomach then, there’s this ache in there that felt uncomfortable.
  I was about getting up to take some medication but then an idea came in, and I suddenly held my stomach and squeezed. It was my only way out to delay the incoming journey, so I cried,
  “Ah!!! Mmmh!! Help! Help!!! ” I really thought it was going to be a while before someone heard me cry for help but a few seconds later and my father entered the room hurriedly with a worry written on his face. I was surprised at how fast he could get to my room even though his room was downstairs. I didn’t want to spoil my plan so I just let it go.
  ‘Was he waiting by the door for me to put my plan in place?’ I thought.
  “Daddy I am in pain, please help me I am terribly suffering he’ll..p..he’ll..p. ” I continued with he act. He kept my head in his left hand and the right on my hand on my stomach.

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    Lanie Dacules

    nice 👍


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    Matos de souzaHelo



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    thank you


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