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4. The Stand-ins

Someone's POV
A month passed by so fast. Sam decided to conclude Neung's training. She is also proud of her sister's achievements. During the month, Mon is secretly meeting fertility doctors to make sure that she is healthy are ready for the IVF process. Sam herself is tested too since the egg that they will use is from her. Their doctor also confirmed that Mon is healthy and very capable of carrying their baby to full term. That really made both of them happy. They decided to surprise everyone or rather not to give much expectations to everyone since there's no assurance that they can be successful on their first try, so they keep everything a secret even to their family.
Currently, they were having dinner in celebration of Neung's training conclusion. All of their family and close friends were invited in the Anantrakul palace for the party. Its not a formal one, so everyone were comfortable and enjoying the night. Even Megan is there, the girl is now on Mon's hip while being fed by Sam. Even if the couple is busy talking to their friends, they would still focus their attention to the girl. Mon would nuzzle and tickle the girl while Sam would feed and made funny faces for her to giggle and laugh.
"They were so good with kids." Grandma told Mon's parents.
"They are. Plus since Megan arrived, she went straight to Sam and Mon. They are adorable together." Mae added
"Do you have any idea if they are now planning to undergo with the process?" Phaw asked
"She never mentioned about it. Maybe since she's busy with Neung's training. I dont want to ask them too since i dont want to intrude or pressure both of them." Grandma explained
"Mon said nothing about it too. Maybe lets just wait until they opened it up to us." Phaw just agreed.
Both the women just agreed. And decided to just enjoy the night.
Sam then called everyone's attention. She is carrying Megan now but still looking at her family and friends. Mon is beside her too.
"We just want to say something." Mon said
"Since both my wife and I are very busy these past few months, we decided to take a break and enjoy life. Mon and i will be leaving for a month long vacation. We've been planning this since then but we dont have time to push it through. Now that Khun Neung is around, i cant be that worried about the company."
"Khun Sam! You just trained me for a month! How can i take over the company? It's too soon! Im not confident enough to lead it more on do your work!" Neung asked. You can see fear and worry on her face
"Believe me when i say Im sure that you are capable enough to run it while im away. Besides i will still work but just remotely. I will still be the one to make the decisions and you will just stand in my behalf." she then passed Megan to Mon.
"And how about Diversity? It will crush down without Mon there!" Kirk added
Sam raised an eyebrow and cover Megan's ears.
"Then start being responsible with Diversity, Loser. You are one of the partners for d*mn sake." Sam cursed him making everyone laugh when Kirk just pouted. She then uncover Megan's ear and kissed the kid.
"Dont worry Khun Kirk, we have an excellent team there. They will help you too. Plus just like Khun Sam, i'll be working remotely also, i just want someone to stand in for me in meetings and deals. We just want to rest for a while as well as visit my father's side of the family also. We've been postponing our visit for so long. Besides 1 month is not that long. We'll be back before you know it." Mon explained. Neung and Kirk just looked at the couple. They are not yet that convinced that they can manage but they knew the couple decided and sure they had plans already.
" You two can do whatever you two wanted. Just make sure to not bring my child with you!" Jim added. That made everyone laugh. Sam then whispered something to the little girl.
"Meg go wif Ta-tam an Mo-mon!" Megan announced.
Sam and Mon just laughed when Jim's face dropped.
The next day, when Mon arrived to work, Kirk is already there casually seated in the sofa, not even attempting to sit on Mon's office chair.
"Good morning Khun Kirk." She greeted
"Good morning too Mon. You should really start calling me Kirk now. Its been years, plus we are now partners here."
"Old habits die hard, Khun Kirk." she said
"Whatever. Just get used to it. So what's the plan today?"
"I will announced to everyone my leave today, we need to pack up for our flight."
"And when are you two leaving?"
"A day after tomorrow."
"That fast?"
"we've planned this ahead K-Kirk. Plus i know you can manage it here as Khun Sam said you are a responsible person, you can take good care of Diversity."
Kirk just sighed. Mon tapped his shoulders and smiled. She then called Yha to gather everyone for an announcement. Kirk followed Mon in the conference area. Once everyone settled Mon smiled and started. She told them about her leave that shocked everyone.
"Don't worry, Kirk wil stand in charge while im not here. I will still make decisions and will work remotely. I will still attend meetings thru zoom and still be there if you need to ask something. I want you all to work hard even if I'm not here ok? Or else Khun Sam will take the office back from me." she told them everyone looked terrified with the idea
"You don't need to scare us Maam Boss, we will still work hard and make you proud." Yha said even raised her fist as if cheering herself
"But honestly speaking, it scares me really." Noi added
"Im terrified with the idea too. I mean were very much used to you leading us Maam Boss. Khun Sam is a great boss too but she scares the hell out of us. Im a man myself but im actually afraid of her." Chin added
"No one can speak up or oppose her opinions. Only you can do that. We dont have the courage to do so Maam Boss. Your wife is scary." even Aunty Mee spoke
Mon just smiled. She knew how scary her wife is but they are right also, even Grandma has the same thoughts. She told her that she's the only person Sam would not fight or argue with. And also the only person to oppose or contradict her decisions without being afraid or even punished.
"That's why we should still continue to show her that we can run Diversity in great heights. That she wont be needed to step up and lead us to do so."
"Yes Maam Boss!" everyone answered vigorously
"Great! So i'll leave Kirk in your mercy. Help him adjust faster here ok?"
"Copy Maam Boss!"
Kirk and Mon just went back to her office. Mon explained and briefed him with things about her work. She them let him familiarize himself with the files and paperwork in her office. Yah and Noi then continued the introduction and orientation while she's busy signing some documents when Sam called. She absent-mindedly put the phone on speaker mode while working, not knowing Kirk, Yha and Noi are still in the other side of her office.
"Tee rak?"
"Yes my love?" Mon said not taking her eyes from her paper work.
"Did you tell everyone about our leave?"
"Yes. They were worried but i assured them well i guess. Its good that Khun Kirk is here to lead them too. They somehow managed to relax. I told them to do their best or else you'll come back and get the management and operations of Diversity from me. If only you were here, you would see how terrified they are with the idea of you being their boss again." Mon teased and then laughed
" You dont need to scare them! You'll be the death of your employees Tee rak. Heart attack."
Mon laughed more and later Sam joined her.
"How about Kirk? Are you done with explaining everything to the idiot?"
"Love?! Stop ok? He's doing his best so far. He seems interested too. He's doing well actually."
"I told you, you can trust him with Diversity. He might look like stupid but he's a responsible and reliable idiot. Diversity is in good hands with him."
"Please, calling him names My Love. That's not good. He's our friend."
"Kirk knew that he's stupid and idiot Tee rak. He's used to it. Its normal to us."
"But still, he needs respect too Khun Sam!." Mon seriously said even the other 3 froze from their place when Mon suddenly called her wife's name instead of their endearment.
"Ok, ok, im sorry. I promise to not call him names again." Sam just said
"Maybe next time again."
Sam just chuckled.
"Let's change the topic. Before i forgot, Its lunch time in a while, lets eat out. Khun Neung invited us for lunch. Invite Kirk too."
"Sure. Where?"
"The usual. Tell Kirk to drive well coz i'll kill him if something happened to you."
"Yes yes i'll tell him. Let me finish this papers then we'll be there."
"Ok. See you later Tee Rak!"
"See you later my Love."
"I love you!"
"I love you too!"
She ended the call then finished signing the paper. She then sat back and sighed. She stood up and got surprise to see the three looking at her.
"You heard everything?" Mon said blushing
"Everything Mon. Your wife really likes to call me names isn't she?" Kirk just chuckled
"Sorry about her. She can really keep grudges well."
"Don't worry, she's right, im used to her calling me that. But its just funny how Sam would just let it go easily when she's arguing with you. If its one of her friends, im sure it will never end in a good one."
"Sorry again Khun Kirk but you heard her right? She invited us to lunch with Khun Neung."
"Yes. I heard her threat too. She really loves you so much Mon. No one can argue with that."
"I love her more Khun Kirk. We can say we are very much in love with each other." she just smiled.
The four of them met in the restaurant. Sam immediately took her wife away from Kirk and hugged her in front of everyone. Mon and Khun Neung just laughed at her antics.
"No ones taking your wife away from you Sam. Can we just have lunch and relax in a bit?" Neung said
"Lets sit down everyone."
Mon sat beside Sam, very close, while Kirk took the seat beside Neung on the other side of the table.
Sam faced her wife and fixed her hair.
"I ordered your favorite. Just check out the dessert. Havent ordered yet."
Mon nodded. "Thank you. Lets just order later." Mon said and smiled lovingly
Kirk then decided to end our lovey-dovey moments. Khun Neung looked like her brow is about to reach the ceiling of the restaurant too.
"Ooy! You're married already, stop flirting! Were here too you know." Kirk said
"Just flirt with each other then. We wont mind." Sam answered back. Im surprised by what my wife said!
"Eh?" Kirk asked confused with what Sam said
Khun Neung who's drinking choked and coughed at Sam's word.
"Sam! What the-!" Neung said
"He's envious of us. He wants to flirt too. I don't want to flirt with him and i wont let him flirt with my wife too. You are there, and also available. So you're the only option!" Sam looked at her sister and just raised her shoulders in defence.
"Im not envious of you!" Kirk denied. "Are you ok Khun Neung?" Kirk then gave his napkin to help Neung who's busy wiping her skirt.
"Yes. Im fine. Thanks." The older one replied but still glaring daggers to her sister.
I'm a bit worried but also stopping myself from giggling at the two person in front of me. I can see they are both embarrassed and blushing so hard. I looked at my wife who's busy worshipping me, as usual, and pointed at the two, signaling her wife to look at their faces.
Sam who loves to tease her friends nowadays smiled and then seriously looked at the two and asked.
"Why are you two so red? Are you blushing?"
I cant keep it anymore so i covered my mouth with my hand stop myself from laughing. They really are blushing.
The two looked at each other then looked away. Good thing our food arrived, both of them sighed and thank the deities for saving them from another embarrassment.
After lunch, we said goodbyes and gave hugs and kisses to each other before leaving for work.
While driving back to office. I looked at Kirk and decided to tease him a bit.
"Sorry for my wife. She kinda like to tease her friends nowadays." i apologized but with a teasing smile
"Its ok but i never really imagined Sam being like that. She never teased me or anyone in front of me. She's always the prim and proper honorable lady. Maybe i never really knew who the true Sam is."
"She has those sides too. Like a normal person. But i think its still not too late to know her more. She's still your friend, she still consider you as one. More like a family actually."
"You're right. Thanks Mon." Kirk said
"And maybe if things go well, you can officially be part of the family too. How about that? Im sure Grandma will welcome you with open arms."
"Not you too Mon!" Kirk said and I just laughed at his reaction. I like teasing him from now on. My wife is a bad influence!
While in Sam's POV
"Why did you do it Sam?" Neung asked me as soon as we started driving back to the office
"What? Im just driving!"
"Not now but during lunch! Why did you say embarrassing things like that?"
"I just blurted it out! And Kirk is irritating me." It's the truth though. I hate seeing Mon with Kirk or any male around. Call me possessive or jealous but that's the truth.
"And you fought back by teasing him to me?"
"Im not!? It just happened that you are with us. That there's no one i can tease him with but you. I will tease him with Kade, Nam or Yuki if they are the ones we are dining with ."
"Dont do it again, are we clear? Never ever do it again. You understand?" she said like a teacher reprimanding her student
"ok! Ok! I'll stop." Sam said
There's silence between us as i continue driving and her, continue sulking. But when we are parking the car, i decided to tease her more.
"But i think grandma will be happy with the idea."
"What idea?"
"You two. Together."
"I mean grandma adores him. She likes him to be a part of the family. And that's the only way for him to be. She will gladly accept him for you. Isn't it great?"
"Sam! I told you to stop!" she's getting mad and red now. I can see her stomping her feet already. Ow i love seeing my sister like this.
"Kirk and Neung! Sounds good!" Sam teased her sister.
"But SamMon is still the best! SamMon Supremacy!!!" I said and walked away laughing, leaving my sister alone. "I just love this day!" i whispered

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    no matter what happened this story dont give up just do everything for you only love and tell the end you will be success it


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    Freenbecky love 💋💖


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    queria em português


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