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บทที่ 3 Louie

"You are on a different level," said Micay's best friend Hannah the next day as they entered the classroom. They don't have a teacher in their first class, so they can talk whenever they want.
"What is it?" she asked her friend, laughing.
"You're very fortunate." "How does it feel to have a handsome and nice brother?" Her friend inquired, clearly delighted and excited.
"I envy you."
"I told you not to fight your brothers; they're also handsome and nice," she laughed.
"Handsome? Maybe. Nice? Not sure." "All they did was tease me."
"We should study for our quiz later," she suggested.
Mark's group stopped the two friends on their way to the library.
"What's the matter?" She inquired arrogantly.
"You think we're done, don't you?" He replied as he approached the girl.
Hannah tightened her grip on Micay's arm due to her nervousness. while she maintained her cool. "Isn't it enough that your eyebrow cracked?" she chuckled.
He abruptly grabbed her arm. When the teacher happened to be passing by nearby, he noticed the interaction.
"What are you doing, Mark Johnson?"
"The teacher inquired, prompting him to release her arm.
"It's nothing, ma'am," he replied to the teacher, threatening Micay as he walked away with his friends. "They're scary," Hannah said when the guys were gone.
"Why are you afraid of them?" Mark can't do anything but talk, so why would you be afraid of them?" She simply replied. "Let's go; maybe our teacher from the second subject arrived before us; we'll be scolded this time."
"Dad! ""Did you know that my friends are laughing at me because of what happened?"
When Mark got home that afternoon, he went straight to his father's office and caught up with his father, who was working in front of his laptop.
"It's your fault." "Among all the people you'll collide or fight with, why a Davidson?" he inquired, taking a brief glance at his son sitting in front of his desk.
"So? So what if she is a Davidson? "You can find another partner in our business, right?"
"Do you know what you're talking about?" Davidson is one of the most prominent clans not only here in the country but also in other parts of the world as well. And our family owes them so much. "So if I were you, instead of fighting that girl, why don't you befriend her?"
"Are you serious, Dad?" Will I befriend her? "If you only knew how evil that girl is."
"I won't force you to befriend her, but if you don't want us to have major problems, don't fight her."
He looked at his child carefully after saying that, and the young man simply nodded before leaving his father's room.
When that happened, neither the father nor the son realized that someone had heard and was watching them. As she left the room, that person flashed a beautiful smile before turning off his computer's monitor and singing a happy and gentle song.
"How come any of you don't know?" The young man demanded angrily as he rose from his swivel chair.
"We're sorry, boss, everything happened so fast, we didn't expect that to happen," said one of his trembling men.
"Do you know how much money I'll lose if you don't get that land?" "Do I have to do everything here?"
"Boss, we don't think so; neighboring farms have agreed to sell their land."
"That's correct, boss, but only that young man refused, so Hernan threatened him with a gun just to scare him away."
"Idiot!" exclaimed the young man angrily. "I don't recall allowing you to use force." "What if an accident occurs?"
"We're just trying to scare him, boss, but we didn't expect him to fight back," Hernan said, holding his bandaged right arm.
"You intended to scare him, but what did you get?" Micay, who had just entered Louie's office, replied.
"What are you doing here, Michaella?" The young man inquired, his face and tone tinged with annoyance.
"I want to invite you to have lunch with me because our class is done early and we also don't have class after lunch," the girl replied, walking straight to his swivel chair and settling in.
"You must first call me," the young man replied.
"I just wanted to surprise you, but your voice could be heard even outside." "I assumed something happened because of these people." "Uncle Miguel ordered them to do something so simple, but they failed. "They did not get the land, and look what happened to them in the end."
Micay looked at them all from her seat. She couldn't stop laughing after that because of their expressions. Some resemble pandas, while others have broken arms.
"Ma'am Micay!" some of the men exclaimed, puzzled by the girl's reaction.
"I'm sorry, but look at your faces." "All of you are big men, and you have a black eye like that," the girl couldn't stop laughing.
"Stop it, Micay," Louie told his sister, turning to face the men and saying, "It's better if you all just go home first."
"But, boss..." Hernan was about to respond when the girl interrupted,
"It's preferable that my brother and I go."
"What are you saying?" Louie asked his sister."
"Let's go to that farm you're talking about," the girl suggested, smiling.
"You don't know how far it is, Mikay?" "And who said I would bring you along if I decided to go?"
Louie should seriously ask his sister.
"I know, brother, but our semester break begins next week."
"I have a lot of work to do and will be left out if I go on vacation with you."
"Do you want to get the land or not?" she inquired solemnly.
"Fine," the young man said, admitting defeat, "you win this time!"
"Yeah, we'll go to Turkey!" the girl exclaimed, before turning the chair around like a child.
The young man frowned suddenly.
"How did you learn that the land we're discussing is in Turkey?"
While staring at his sister's face, the young man asked a serious question. The girl pauses for a moment before smiling.
"With your voice so loud, who can't hear what you're saying?" the girl replied.
Louie turned to face his men.
"That man is violent, so you'll be hurt if you tag along," one of the men named Samuel says abruptly.
"I'll just come along and observe, but I won't interfere."
The girl responded by opening the drawers on her brother's table one by one, as if looking for something.
"You're coming, but you're not getting out of the car?" the girl asked, looking up at her brother.
"Are you allowing me to accompany you?" The girl simply inquired while smiling to express her joy. The man simply smiled and nodded.
"Yey! You are the best brother," she said as she embraced her older brother.
"All right, go ahead; stop making fun of me." "Let's go, and I'm already hungry," Louie offered to his sister.
The girl walked out of the office, holding her brother's hand, but before the young man could leave, he turned to the men behind him.
"What are you waiting for?" "Take care of those things you need to take care of," he said before finally exiting the room.

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    Delo santosNikko

    nice novella for me read the book


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