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บทที่ 2 Michaella

"I'd like to speak with your guardian when you come to class tomorrow! I will not accept you in my class unless you bring your guardian with you," an enraged teacher said to a fourteen-year-old girl who doesn't seem to care while sitting quietly in front of the teacher's desk, texting.
"Did you hear what I said?" She almost screamed at the girl in rage.
"I heard you, Ms. Sanchez," the girl smiled as she looked at the teacher in front of her.
"I've been talking like this for a while, but you're not responding, even though you heard me."
"You said you wanted to talk to my guardian tomorrow, correct?" A girl replied, smiling, and continued, "Why should I make it tomorrow if it can happen today?"
Ms. Sanchez was about to speak when the door was suddenly knocked open, and a handsome young man entered.
"Good afternoon," a young man said politely as he entered.
"Good afternoon. Come here and take a seat," she said, offering the young man a seat in front of her desk. "How can I assist you?" The teacher said it, her lips almost tearing up with a big smile. While watching her teacher, the girl laughed. Because she is acting like a high school student behaving inappropriately in front of her crush.
"My younger sister texted me and said you wanted to talk to her guardian," a young man replied, smiling.
"Is this dem — I mean, this girl is your sister?" the teacher asked, incredulously, pointing to the girl, who couldn't help but smile on her lips.
"Yes, ma'am, our uncle is currently not in the country, so I decided to come and talk to you instead. "What exactly did my sister do?"
"One of her classmates is currently in the clinic, being treated for an eyebrow crack caused by her kicking him," the teacher explained. The young man looked at his sister, and you could see in his eyes that he was inquiring about what he had heard.
"Why wouldn't I kick him? I caught him peeking at me below when I opened the cubicle door," she said rudely.
"We can't blame my sister for what she did, Ms. Sanchez," a young man said, his smile still on his face.
"Let's say she had a reason for doing it, but it's still wrong to hurt a classmate. She can just report it to us," the teacher said angrily to the young man.
"Because of what she did, Mark's parents want her expelled, but our principal argues that instead of expulsion, she will face suspension for about 5 days to a month." The teacher looked at the girl while explaining it.
"You can't do that," the girl said as she rose from her seat. "He's the one who's at fault here; why am I the one facing suspension?" she asked, almost crying.
"That's the decision from above; follow it if you don't want to be permanently expelled," her teacher replied. The girl looked at her older brother, pleading for help in her eyes.
"Can you tell me who the parents are of the child with whom my sister fought? I'll be the one to approach them."
"Are you certain?" The teacher inquired, hesitantly. "Yes, ma'am, I'll be the one to approach them." When the young man said that, the office door opened, and a sophisticated woman walked in. The woman appears to be in her early forties.
"I'm glad you're already here, Mrs. Johnson; the guardian of the student with whom your son fought is here."
"Are you the guardian of that rude girl?" she asked arrogantly after taking a seat across from the teacher's desk, opposite the siblings.
"Yes, it's me," replied the young man.
"I believe Ms. Sanchez has already stated what punishment we want your sister to face for what she did to my son," she said, looking directly at the girl, who also met her gaze. When she looked at the woman in front of her, the girl showed no signs of fear.
"Yes, it was mentioned to me, but it seems excessive if you expelled my sister solely because of what she did."
"Just? You're saying what your sister did to my son was trivial? "Did you know that your sister caused my son's eyebrow to crack?"
"It's good that's all I did to him," the girl said quietly. 
The young man gave her sister a serious look, which caused her to come to a halt. He then turned to face the woman.
"We can say that my sister did something wrong." But what your son did was also incorrect. Going into the women's restroom is already illegal, and he even peeked at my sister, who caught him in the act and kicked him. I'll agree to my sister's suspension. "Even though it is unjust, your son must also face the consequences," the young man said gently.
"Perhaps you don't know who you're talking to," said the woman arrogantly.
"Don't worry, madam, I know you because your husband's partner in one of your businesses is my uncle," the young man replied, smiling.
"Your uncle? "Who's your uncle?" She frowned as she inquired.
"His name is Miguel Davidson, madam," 
When he mentioned his uncle's name, the woman's face turned pale. She looked at the girl, who was smiling broadly.
"Mrs. Johnson, are you all right?" The teacher asked the woman when she came to a halt. When the door was knocked before it opened, a man about the lady's age entered, accompanied by a young man with a bandage on his head. He was surprised to see who his wife was speaking with.
"Sir Louie," he said as he approached the young man and shook his hand. "What are you doing in this school?" he asked. "
"Because of my sister, Mr. Johnson, your wife and I have already discussed the punishment she wants my sister to face for what she did to your son," the young man replied, shifting his gaze between the mother and son.
"It's okay, Sir Louie; my son should apologize to your sister instead," he said as he approached his son and guided him closer to the siblings.
"Dad, why would I apologize to that scumbag?" His son grumbled.
"Be quiet and apologize right now."
"But, dad..."
"Just do as your father says, Mark!" The lady told her son. Even though it is against his will, their son can only follow.
"I'm sorry, Micay. It won't happen again."
"Of course, make sure you don't do it again because if you do, you'll suffer even more," the girl replied arrogantly.
"Mr. and Mrs. Johnson," the teacher said to draw their attention.
"Will Michaella continue to be suspended?"
"We don't need Ms. Sanchez, but I'd like to apologize for the inconvenience caused by my son," the man replied.
"If that's the case, Mr. Davidson, you may bring your sister home."
"It's okay, we'll go ahead because they're also expecting me to attend the meeting this afternoon," the young man said goodbye and motioned for her sister to follow him.
"Do you have nothing better to do than give us a headache?" The siblings are in their car, driving home.
"I just defended myself; what's wrong there?" His sister replied:
"Didn't I tell you that if you're going to do something, make sure you don't get caught? Because of you, I have to leave everything behind just to come to get you."
"Uncle Miguel is not available, so you're the one I texted."
"I think Uncle spoiled you too much," the older brother can only sigh.
I apologize, Louie. "I'll make your favorite dish for dinner later," Micay promised tenderly.
"You're good at that." The young man just smiled because every time Micay did something, a little bit of affection made them swoon and stop being mad. Their uncle loved her. Aside from work, their world revolved around her. Louie promised himself when their father died that he would do everything for his sister. No one could ever hurt her, and if he needs to kill to ensure Micay's safety, he will do it for her sake.

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    Delo santosNikko

    nice novella for me read the book


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